Total Drama Island Club
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Jordan: Come back here Tyler!
Tyler: Chris I quit!
Chris: bạn do?
Duncan: No bạn dont! We need to win!
Tyler: no Lindsay is leaveing and so will I!
Trent: bạn don't know what your doing?
Ezekiel: Yeah eh.
Tyler: No! If Lindsay leaves I leave.
Jordan: No!
Tyler: Yes! *grabes a Parasuit* Bye Team USA!
Lindsay: You'll do this for me?
Tyler: yes!
Chris: Ok bạn 2 jump!
*tyler and Lindsay Jump off at the same time*

*Theam song for Aftermath*

Geoff: Hi I'm Geoff!
Katie AND sADIE: and we are Sadie and Katie! eeeeee!
Geoff: Yep they are anoring i mean Sadie and Katie! This is The Total Drama awsomness Aftermath!
Sadie: Yep! Isn't this Fun Katie?
Katie: Like tottly!
Geoff: Well lets see our frist elmanation!

*clip starts*
Chris: the finale person with no vote is Avan!!!
Avan: yes!
Chris: Ok the rest of youhad at least 1 vote thease people had only 1 vote Jake, Jax, bridgette!
Cody: Wait that means I'm gone!
Jake: so true!
Jax: *wispers in Cody's ear* I didn't vote for you.
Cody: Thanks!
Chris: see ya man!
Sierra: Wait cody! bạn shouldn't g.........
Cody: See ya! *jumps off*
*clip ends*

Geoff: Now let's meet Cody!!!!!!!!
*everyone cheres*
Lulu: yay!!! Cody!
Cody: xin chào Lulu! *blows a Kiss at her*
Lulu: Thanks Cody!!!!
Sadie: hi Cody!
Katie: Cody!!
Geoff: Ok can i change my Co-hosts?
Billy: Fine bạn get Lulu! Lulu go over there!
Lulu: ok!
Sadie: Man! I like being Co-host
Katie: Me too!
Geoff: Sp Cody were bạn mad when bạn left the show?
Cody: I got to get away form Sierra! *looks at Lulu and smiles* and be with The only person I love.
Geoff: well let's hiển thị a new secment called, "You've been cheeting on your Girl Friend!
Cody: What?

*clip starts*
Rochelle: Ummm..... Cody scene Lulu isn't here do bạn wanna go out with me?
Cody: *sighs* I don't know. Maby!

*Cody and Rochelle make out in frist class befor hollywood* *stops makeing out*
Cody: xin chào get out of here!

*Clip ends*

Cody:aaaaaaaaa......... I can explane!
Lulu: bạn know what? were Done!
Cody: Lulu!!!!!
Lulu: No! Bye!
Geoff: So who's my co-Host now?
Billy: aaaaaaa..... *looks around* Sam!
Geoff and Sam: What????
Sam: No!
Geoff: Yeah I'm with her!
Billy: Fine! Gabriella!
Gabriella: Fine!
Geoff: Fine.
Billy: good! Now di chuyển on!
Gabriella: So Cody bạn should be on the hiển thị still right?
Cody: If Chris told the troth to my team mates yeah!
Geoff: well let's hiển thị the truth!

*clip starts*

Cody: Ok let me just write my name on it!
Sierra: can i give it to chris??
Cody: No!
Sierra: Give it to me!
Cody: No!
Sierra: Give it *tares it* Oops!

*clip ends*

Cody: Yeah I know!
Gabriella: Ok tiếp theo let's hiển thị the other elmation.

*clip starts*

Chris: the finale one gose to....................................
Ezekiel: *looks scared*
Owen: *looks scared*
Chris: ................................................... Ezekiel!
Ezekiel: Yes! *looks at rock* Yes a invencablity pass!
Zoey: man!
Chris: ok sence we didn't sing today we will now snce Team win won the don't have to sing!
Duncan: man!
Chris: it has to be about Owen leaveing! Start!
Zoey: "Owen we are going to miss you!
Jordan: Owen your the guys that rocks!
Tyler: Owen we will miss you!"
Zoey: I just đã đưa ý kiến that!
Tyler: Sorry!
All: " we will miss bạn Owen!
Annie: I'm telling bạn goodbey!
All: we will miss bạn Owen!
Penny: Bye bye!
All: We will miss bạn Owen!
Natalie: I'm saying goodbye!
*slows down*
Boys but alejandro and Jordan: *keeps doing til stop*ooooooooo
Alejandro: You'll have to jump off the plane!
Jordan: your fear of flying is here!
Rochelle: I'm saying bởi goodbyes! *hugs owen*
Alejandro: We are going to miss your fat!
Abby: and your funnyness and all that!
Zoey: I will see bạn in Later!
Owen: Bye bye guys! *jumps off plane*
*gets fast and oooooooo stops*
All: Bye bye Owen!
Duncan: Have a an toàn, két an toàn landing!
All: Bye bye Owen!
*get slow *
All: bye bye.......... Oooooooooo.........wen!"
*clip ends*

Geoff: Let's meet the loveable fat boy... OWEN!
Owen: xin chào everyone!
Izzy: Big O!
Owen: Izzy!
Izzy: *jumps on Owen's lap*
Gabriella: So Owen was it hard egtting off the show?
Owen: Yeah alittle! At least i'm with Izzy!
Izzy: *giggles* Thanks Big O!
Owen: No probelem Iz!
Geoff: Who do bạn want to win?
Owen: Hummmmmmmm.......... Maby Penny Cause I like Pennys.
Izzy: One time I ate a penny!
Owen: was it good?
Izzy: Tasted like Bar-BQ!
Owen: That sounds good!
Izzy: It was!
Gabriella: Let's see our tiếp theo elmantion!

*clip starts*
chris: I only have 1 thêm cookie and it gise to........................................ Jamie!
Jamie: Yay!!!!!!!!!
Chris: see ya Sierra!
Sierra: well bye guys!*jumps off plane*
Ray: she took it well!

Gabriella: Let's meet Sierra!
Sierra: Cody!!!!!!!!!!!!!* runs up and Hugs him Tight*
Cody: aaaaaaaaaaa.......... Help!
Geoff: Sierra over here!
Sierra: Hi Geoff hi Gabriella!
Gabriella and Geoff: Hi1
Geoff: was it hard getting off?
Sierra: No because i was with Cody!
Gabriella: Not at all? even loseing $1,000,000,000.
Sierra: Yep.
Geoff: wow! So who do bạn want to win?
Sierra: hummmmmmmmm.......... Ray! She's nice.
Gabriella: Cool! Let's see our tiếp theo elmation!

*clip starts*
Chris: there are only 2 of bạn left lindsay and jake this person had 2......... it gose to...................... Lindsay!
Lindsay: yay!!!!!!!!
Jake: what???
Lindsay: The dimond is shinny!
Chris: Bye Jake!
Jake: Can i just say good bye to Penny?
Chris: ok! *inercom* WE need penny to come to the elimation room!
Penny: hellow?
Jake: I'm leaveing!
penny: what? why?
Jake: I don't know.
Penny: I'll miss you.
jake: Me too! *about to Kiss Penny when chef throughs him off the plane* I'll miss bạn penny!!!
Penny: Me too!!!!!!!!!
*clip ends*

Gabriella: Now let's meet Jake!
Jake: xin chào every one.
Geoff: was it hard getting elamted?
Jake: Yeah! I miss Penny! Hi penny *blows a Kiss at her*
Gabriella: who do bạn want to win?
Jake: Penny no dout!
Geoff: cool! Let's mmet our tiếp theo elmation!

*Clip starts*
chris: Alejandro, Zoey! One of bạn guys had 4 votes! one had 6! The finale one gose to............................ Alejandro!
Zoey: what?
Alejandro: Such a prity lady shouldn't be votted! off! bạn should stay! but this is what happend!
Duncan: Zoey no!
Chris: see ya Zoey!
Zoey: Man! *sigh* well bye!
Chris: wait not yet! It's time for a song!
Team USA: whaT????
Chris: It's about Zoey leaveing! Start!
Duncan: "I'll miss you!
Jordan: Your a nice girl!
Abby: bạn should stay!
Penny: but bạn have to go away!
Zoey: I'll miss bạn guys!
Duncan: I don't wanna say bye!
Zoey: i'll miss bạn most!
Tyler: we all just wanna say...............
*a bit fatter but still slow*
All: bye bye bye!
Annie: Bye bye Zoy!
Duncan: Zoey!
All: Bye bye bye!
Ezekiel: will miss bạn eh?
All: Bye bye bye!
Rochelle: Don't leave Zoey!
Zoey: I'll miss bạn all!
*jax walks in*
Jax: Don't leave Zoey!"
zoey: Huh?
Jax: " I don't want bạn to go! Please please no! Cause Bye bye bye!
duncan: we'll miss bạn zoey!
All: Bye bye bye!
Alejandro: Your going to have to jump!
All: Bye bye bye!
Zoey: Bye bye bye!
All: will miss you!"
Zoey: Bye guys!* jumps and starts to cry*
Duncan: Zoey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoey: Duncan?
Duncan: I tình yêu you!!!!!!!!
Zoey: bạn do well i tình yêu bạn too!!!
Duncan: Bye
Zpey: Bye!!!!!!!!
*clip ends*

Gabriella: Now let's meet Zoey!!!!!
Zoey: xin chào everyone!
Geoff: was it hard getting elmated?
Zoey: That sexy Jerk changed the votes!
Gabriella: Let's hiển thị that clip!

*clip rolls*
Alejandro: zOEY MADE us lose and i know everyone won't vote her off! So i'm changing the votes!
*clip stops*

Zoey: I hate that!
Geoff: who do bạn want to win?
Zoey: It was Duncan........... I don't know maby............ ummmmmmm ............... Jordan, Ray, hoặc Natalie.
Gabriella: Cool. Now let's hiển thị our tiếp theo Funny Elamtion.

*clip starts*
Chris: The person who is staying is...............................
Alejandro: *looks not scared at all*
natalie: *looks very scared*
Chris: ............ Alejandro!
Team USA but alejandro,Penny, and courtney: what??
Abby: this can't be right!
Chris: I know i was just joken Natlie bạn get this!
Alejandro and Courntey: what????
Chris: bye bye!
Duncan: oh chris can we sing a song abotu alejandro leaveing????
Team USA But Duncan: What??????
Natalie: bạn want to sing????
Duncan: xin chào it's not that bad!
Chris: Ok everyone but courntey and alejandro!
Courtney: why?
Chris: cause i đã đưa ý kiến so! Start!
Duncan: "You have to do to jumpin!
Natalie: our life will flash but that's nouthin!
All: bạn have to do the Jumpin!
Rochelle: Bye bye!
All: alejandro!
Annie: hope we will never see bạn again! *barfs*
All: Bye bye!
Jordan: Alejrandro!
All: Yes bye bye bye!
Trent: were not going to miss you!
Duncan: We hope bạn have a hard landing!
Abby: Come on cái tát, đánh đập, smack in to the ground!
Ezkeil: I hope bạn die eh?
All: we just want to say goodbye!
Jordan: OH yes goodbye!
Natalie: Just jump!
All: Good good bye!
Duncan: Alejandor!
All: Bye bye........
Tyler: alejandro!
Alejandro: *jumps*
jordan: Annie hand me your jar fast!
Annie: ok why?
Jordan: Just do it!
Annie: ok! *hands jordan the jar*
Jordan: *takes lid off* xin chào alejandor?
Alejandro: what???!!!!!!???????
Jordan: Here's something for you! *poors jar down*
Alejandro: *hits in right in the face* ewwwww!
All: *lagh*
Penny: So who got off?
Rochelle: Alejandor!
Penny: yes!
*clip ends*

*aljandro walks in*
*Lulu, Zoey, Cody, billy, Geoff, Sarah,Izzy, Jake, and Owen beet him up*
Gabriella: well let's see our tiếp theo elamtion!
Alejnador: I didn't answer qustins!
Zoey: Too bad Loser!

*clip starts*
Jordan: Come back here Tyler!
Tyler: Chris I quit!
Chris: bạn do?
Duncan: No bạn dont! We need to win!
Tyler: no Lindsay is leaveing and so will I!
Trent: bạn don't know what your doing?
Ezekiel: Yeah eh.
Tyler: No! If Lindsay leaves I leave.
Jordan: No!
Tyler: Yes! *grabes a Parasuit* Bye Team USA!
Lindsay: You'll do this for me?
Tyler: yes!
Chris: Ok bạn 2 jump!
*tyler and Lindsay Jump off at the same time*
*clip ends*

Gabriella: Let's meet Noah and Lindsay!
Tyler: It's Tyler!
Geoff: It is?
Tyler: Goush!
Harold: That's my line!
Geoff: was it hard getting off?
Tyler and Lindsay: *looks at each outher* No!
Gabriella: Who do bạn want to win?
Tyler and Lindsay: *looks at each other* I don't know!
Geoff: tiếp theo clip!

*clip starts*
Chris: There is a tie!
Courtney: what? So who's off.
Chris: bạn both are! If there is a tie all in the tie lose!
Courntey: What?
Abby: Yes!
Chris: see ya!
Penny: Bye Abby!
Abby: Bye! *jumps off* I'm comeing Tyler!!!
Courntey: I'm not jumping.
Chris: bạn don't have to.
Courtney: I don't?
Chris:could push you!
Courntey: what?
Chris: *pushes Courntey*
Counrtey: I will come back!!
*clip ends*

Geoff: Let's meet Abby and Coruntey!
Abby: Tyler!
Lindsay: Get away!
*abby amd Lindsay fight and Eva carys them away*
*Courtney starts to leave*
Geoff: where are bạn going?
Corurtney: I got no Bars in here! bye!
Gabriella: aaaaaaaaaaa........... tiếp theo is our last elmation!

*clip starts*
Chris: Ok if bạn stay bạn will get a invencability pass. the peple that will stay but not in frist class is........................ Jordan and Jax!
Jax: We stay together!
Jordan: Yeah!
Chris: Duncan Jar3d see ya!
Annie: No Jar3d!!!!!!!!
Jar3d: I wan to frist jump!
Chris: Ok!
Jar3d: *Jumps* Bye!!!!!!!!! I'm comeing Courtney.
Annie: Man!
Chris: Duncan your up.
Duncan: Fine! *jumps* Here i come Zoey!!!!!
Chris: Ok Annie to frist class jordan and Jax non-Frist class.
Jordan and Jax: Ok.
*clip ends*

Gabriella: here's Jar3d frist!
Jar3d: Hey!
Geoff: was it hard getting elmated?
Jar3d: aaaaa............ Yeah! I did nouthin wronge!
Gabriella: who do bạn want to win?
Jar3d: No one now i'm going to find Coruntey!
Geoff: Let's meet Duncan!
Zoey: *makes out with Duncan*
Duncan: can i tell them somthing hunny?
Zoey: ok.
Duncan: Jordan! He's Letting Team Win win! He's likes Bridgette and amkeing him win.! Vote him off Team USA!
Geoff: well bye everyone!
Gabriella: Bye!
In Highschool we all have our groups. Well I this is my opinon on TDI in school.

Group One- Ezekiel, Harold, Cody, Cody, Noah, and Owen

Group 2- Eva, Gwen, LeShawna, Heather

Group 3- Trent, Duncan, Justin

Group 4- Izzy, Bridgette, Courtney

Group 5- Geoff, Tyler, DJ

Group 6- Beth, Katie, Sadie, Lindsay,

Group One because there all kind of offbeat guys and they could not really get dates.

Group two- Because they are th girls who are not afraid to ge dirty and they are all tough!

Group 3- The not athletic good looking được ưa chuộng guys.

Group 4- The average smart, kind a cool girls who are over acheivers.

Group 5- The cool athlete who always are working out.

Group 6- The preppy wannabe shopping dumb girls who are always talking..
posted by taytrain97
This is Rosalba, Gwen's cousin. This is her POV. The last one was Gwen's, if bạn were paying attention. Rosalba means white rose in Italian.


I was at my friend’s door, preparing to say goodbye.
“How am I supposed to tell her? She’s my best friend, and she’ll be completely heartbroken that I’m leaving,” I thought. “Okay, let me try this again…” She cleared her throat and began to speak. “Emmy, bạn know you’re my best friend, right? So you’re the first person I come to when I hear about a family crisis, like when my grandpa died? I came to you…” I groaned and slapped...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
April 14 2010.
I know that I havn't been nghề viết văn latley. Thats because they took this book and hid it. luckey for me that they didn't read it, they of corse don't know about my plan to run away to new york. Owen loves me, and i tình yêu that big guy too. he is probably the only person that I have ever met that dosn't think i'm crazy.

April 17 2010.
I saw Julie today, she đã đưa ý kiến she would miss me. I offered to take her with me, her living out in the streets in all, but she couldn't. she đã đưa ý kiến that she needed to stay where her possy was. I hardly ever got to see her anyways. she lived in the USA in illinois, and I lived in canada.

April 19 2010.
I'm happy that I only have 11 thêm days in my hell hole of a house. I can live in new york. That word in my mind echos new york
Now when i think of that word, I think of freedom.
added by xxXsk8trXxx
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by lydiascats
Now, before bạn go all whiny, read the entire article, from hàng đầu, đầu trang to bottom, no skimming, no skipping. Just read. This CAN include really được ưa chuộng fanon couples too.
5. Gwuncan (GwenXDuncan)
I don't hate the couple, and would have enjoyed it if it was as good as some of the fanfiction of them. BUT IT'S NOT!!! It was completely rushed, didn't even see them grow. It was almost as if some fairy godmother had waved a magic wand and was like, "Fall in love!!!". The way that Duncan basically forgets about her in "Picnic at Hanging Rock" was completely UNFORGIVABLE. Would bạn actually risk your relationship...
continue reading...
added by DandC4evacute
added by KatieK102
Source: Bing
added by AlarconHills
Zoey is like Heather since they both took down the main antagonist. Scott's downfall is similar to Alejandro as they were both put in a robot suit because of the Heather-alike. Watch the video and see the reason.
this song so fits her.
added by lydiascats
added by codythemaster
added by Bridgette101
My yêu thích charater Bridgette!
added by DandC4evacute
Source: CjJazzySilver
added by DemigodsRock
Source: Yours Truly.
added by DandC4evacute
added by DandC4evacute
Source: totaldramaviky
added by Lolly4me2
Source: drago-flame on dA
added by TaintedArtist
Source: Totaldramarochi on deviantart