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Aftermath 1!!!!! Wow, I'm making great time with these before I go back to shool! ^u^ Anyway, sine this is an aftermath, your OC's won't been seen much. :( Don't worry though, I promise I'll add their un-aired confessional! ^u^ Anyway, heres the first aftermath!

Warning: Fluffy-ness rambit! >w<

*The theme song play's, and the camera fades in with Bridgett and Geoff sitting on the aftermath couch*

Geoff: Hello party people! This is your buddy Geoff coming to bạn live from the aftermath studio! And beside me is my lovely co-host, Bridgett. :)

Bridgett: *blushes* Thanks Geoff.

Geoff: No problem babe! *they gaze into eachothers eyes*

Beth: *clears throat* Uh, don't bạn two have an aftermath to be hosting right now? *Bridgett and Geoff get blushed face*

Bridgett: That's right... Anyway, a new season of Total Drama is here!

Geoff: Thats right, Bridg! A new season means new contestants, new realationships, and new epic leveles of drama! So, hold onto your seat, because we have an awesome hiển thị tonight! We're gonna be talking to Tyler, Eva, Courtney, Trent, and Lindsey to get the dish on how they really feel about their elimination. We also have unaired confessionals from some of the newbies, and a couple of added suprises! *chuckles a bit darkley*

Bridgett: *rolls her eyes slightly* And, as always, we have our faithfull đậu phụng, đậu phộng gallery with us! *camera goes to the đậu phụng, đậu phộng gallery* This season, we have Harold, Sadie, Lashawna, and Beth as the loyal đậu phụng, đậu phộng gallery! So, guys, even though bạn didn't get to compete this season, are bạn liking it so far?

Lashawna: It'd be better if we were competing this time.

Beth: I agree with Lashawna, but....I still like the new season. :)

Sadie: I'm *sob* really happy *sob* Katie's in it, *sob* but....I miss her! *starts crying really hard, and Harold puts a hand on her shoulder*

Harold: There, there Sadie. I'm sure your gonna do just find without Sadie.

Sadie: *sob* bạn really think so?

Harold: Of course!

Sadie: *snivel* Thanks Harold. Your a good friend. :') *hugs Harold, and he absent-mindedly hugs back before they separate*

Lashawna: >:( *glares at Sadie*

Geoff: Wow, looks like we have ourselves a little drama of our own in the aftermath! *laughs* Anyway, so far on the new season, we've seen people race across a highway, answer các câu hỏi about their partners, put on a musical performence, competed in a mini camp olympics, created wicked super hero alter-ego's, and competed in a modeling show!

Bridgett: Yep, and the biggest suprise is that Heather actually got to come back this season!

Geoff! I know right! I actually heard she bribed the prouducer's into letting her back into the show!

Lashawna: *scoff's* Figures. That spoiled white-girl always has to get her way.

Geoff: I hear you, Lawshawna, and I think a certian new dude does too! Role the unaired confessional!

-the screen drops down, and it turns on-


Alex: Ok so Heather's back...WHY?! No one likes her, and she thinks shes all that because she won season three. Well Owen season one and bạn dont hear him bragging about it. Same with Duncan who won season two. Heather is just a hated person....PERIOD!!! And if she maniplutes any one on my team to tham gia an *air quotes* alliance, not only will that person be eliminated, but heather will get hers!!!!

**end of confessionals**

-screen goes back up-

Lashawna: bạn tell it, string bean!

Geoff: Well, it looks like Lawshawna has a new member of her: we hate Heather club!

Bridgett: Awesome club bởi the way! Anyway, it's time to interveiw some eliminated contestants! So, first up in the hot seat, please give a warm welcome to TDI's own fitness nut, and jockey....Tyler and Eva! *Tyler and Eva walk out, and the whole place erupts in applouse*

Eva: *gets a curious look* Aren't bạn two busy sucking face bởi this time of the day?

Bridgett: Well, Nocofangirl218 payed us a lot of cash not to make-out for the duration of the aftermath. We have after the hiển thị to kiss, though! :)

Eva: Oh....alright then.

Geoff: So, Tyler, Eva, what's it like being the first two voted off?

Eva: I don't know, what's it like not being on the season in the first place?

Tyler: OUCH! Would bạn like some ice to put on that burn, Geoff? Anyway, I'm pretty cool with being eliminated. Money isn't everything.

Geoff: Pretty strong words coming from a guy who just Mất tích his GF.

Bridgett: Seriously, how can bạn stay so calm Tyler? If Geoff was falling for another girl, I'd totally be a reck! So...why aren't you?

Geoff: Yeah Tyler, why aren't you? *smirks evily*

Tyler: *gulps*'s just that.............uh, bạn know............people grow apart, and.....theres no point in getting upset over it.

Geoff: Yeah, not buying it dude. Anyway, let's play their unaired cab-of-shame ride!

-the screen once again comes down, and the screen comes on-

*in the cab*

Tyler: *sigh* I can't believe Lindsey didn't even say good-bye to me....

Eva: *rolls eyes* Oh please! That little tramp couldn't even remember your name! *the audience gasp* How could bạn expect her to come say goodbye?!

Tyler: Lindsey is not a tramp! She loves me, and I tình yêu her! *the audience aw's*

Eva: Yeah, only because your a freaking jockey!

Tyler: Your one to talk, bạn fitness-gorila!

Eva: Wanna be sport major!

Tyler: Do bạn wanna Kiss me as much as I wanna Kiss you?!

Eva: Why the hell do bạn need to ask?! *their lips crash together* *the audience gasps again*

Tyler: *pulls away* bạn wanna go out sometime?

Eva: *smiles* Sure. *they Kiss again, but thêm genteler this time*

-the screen goes up-

*everyone is in silence from shock - except Goeff who is laughing so hard tears form in his eyes*

Geoff: *through laughter* Man, that gets me every time!

Beth: But.....but how could bạn Tyler?! Lindsey trusted bạn completly! could bạn betray her like that?! *audience yells in agreement*

Tyler: *gets a guilty look, and looks away* *audience starts yelling at him*

Geoff: *stops laughing* Alright dudes, let's settle down! *audience gets quiet, but still glare at Tyler and Eva*

Bridgett:, onto the tiếp theo question! How did bạn guys feel about being eliminated before the sports challenges? I figured your team would've kept bạn in long enough for at least one.

Tyler: Yeah, that kinda confused me too. I mean, I so could've rocked that wrestling match! I have strong finger's, bạn know?

Geoff: Speaking of the sports challenge, we have a little....un-seen moment between Noah and Cody! *chuckles darkly* Roll clip!

-screen comes down, and it turns on-

*on the bridge where Duncan wrestled with Gwen*

Noah: God...that match today was so fixed.

Cody: Tell me about it! offense, but I don't think there would be any diffrence even if bạn weren't paired with Duncan.

Noah: *raises eye brow* Whats that supposed to mean?

Cody: Well....not trying to be rude, but...I honestly don't think there's anyone here bạn can beat. *Noah towers over Cody*

Noah: *smirks playfully* Wanna bet I can take you?

Cody: *smirks playfully back* Bring it on! *they do the same thing Duncan and Gwen did in the earlier aftermath*

-screen goes back up-

Geoff: Huh...haven't I seen that moment somewhere before? *winks at camera* *the audience is in a totall frenzy of cheering and hissing*

Tyler: Wow....I honestly never saw them doing something like that.

Goeff: Oh, bạn mean like bạn and Eva kissing? HA! I SO just burned bạn back Tyler! We're even bởi the way, dude. *the audience then goes back to yelling at Tyler and Eva*

Bridgett: two have had enough of the hot-seat for one aftermath! Please head to the bleacher, and tham gia the rest of the đậu phụng, đậu phộng gallery!

Eva: *as she passes Bridgett* Thanks. *Bridgett nods*

Geoff: Alright, now that their interveiw over, lets di chuyển on! Taking the hot ghế, chỗ ngồi are the newly formed couple....Trent and Courtney! *Trent and Courtney come walking in, holding hands* *the audience apploudes* So, Trent and two are a couple now, huh? I bet the world never saw that coming.

Trent: *smiles, and looks at Courtney* Yeah. I was kinda fate. We both had a really bad break up with the person we thought we loved,'s nice to have someone who understands that. *the audience aw's*

Bridgett: AW! That was so sweet Trent!

Geoff: sweet it'll give bạn a cavity. Anyway, since we all know bạn guys made-out in the cab of shame, lets go straight to the tiếp theo question! So, Courtney, were bạn scared that Alejandro was gonna use bạn again this season?

Courtney: Of course not! I mean, he was on a different team, and besides, I've learned my lesson about that evil snake!

Geoff: Speaking of which, I think we have a couple of newbies who are really into Alejandro! Roll the confessional's!

-the screen comes down, and turns on-

Mirra: Alright, is it just me, hoặc are all the girls drooling over Alejandro? First Sierra than Rikki and now even Heather! It's just like he control all the girls in the game. *blushes* Not me, no never! *blushes even more* Grrr...away with the camera! *kicks camera away*

Rikki: *sighs* ... I know Alejandro's not trustworthy... I know I don't have even half a chance in Hell with a guy like that... So why can't I stop thinking about him?! *groans* ... Worse still, whenever I see his face now, the image of his damn gorgeous half naked body keeps coming back to me. Why me?! *sighs and crosses her arms*

-the screen goes back up-

Geoff: Yeah, their in denial of nothing. *rolls his eye's*

Bridgett: So, Courtney, the whole world wants to know, are bạn still mad at Duncan and Gwen for kissing last season?

Courtney: *smiles* Of course not. I'm still a little hurt that they didn't tell me themselves, but.....I got over it. I truthfully don't know why I got so mad. I guess because, for awhile, Duncan was my whole world, and...seeing Gwen take it away so easily just threw me into a rage. But....I'm completly over it, and I'm truly happy for Duncan and Gwen. Besides, Trent is my world know, and I know he'll always be there for me. *the audience aw's)

Beth: Courtney....that like the nices thing I've heard bạn say.

Lashawna: Seriously, I always thought bạn were a stuck up little diva, but...your actually pretty cool.

Geoff: it just me hoặc is this fluffy-ness getting really annying? Anyway, since bạn two are a bore, go take your mushy-ness to the bleachers, and lets bring out our tiếp theo loser!

Bridgett: Oh, don't tell me your going back into your, captain hollywood phase again!

Geoff: Of course not babe! I'm just jelouse that we can't make-out. I mean, all this couple stuff is reminding me of why I tình yêu you..... *the audience aw's*

Brigdett: Aw! Thats so sweet Geoff! *kisses his cheek*

Geoff: *smiles, and turns his attention to the camera* Okay, tiếp theo in the seat-o-hot, is the blond with the most....blond-ness, please give it up for, Lindsey! *Tyler cringes* *Linsdsey comes out, and is greeted with massive cheering*

Lindsey: xin chào Jon, (Geoff) xin chào Blare! (Bridgett)

Geoff: xin chào Lindsey, still a wiz at names I see. *quickly smirks at Tyler* So, Lindsey, were bạn sad your boyfriend got booted off the hiển thị so early?

Lindsey: But I thought Owen was still in it...or was I thinking of Nathen? (Noah) *the audience gasps*

Bridgett: Lindsey............isn't Tyler your boyfriend?

Lindsey: *gets confused look* Who's Tyler?

Bridgett: >.O .........................Taylor? (Tyler)

Lindsey: OH, him! Well....he was my boyfriend once, but......I think Owen understands me more, bạn know? Plus, I haven't seen Taylor (Tyler) in, like, forever!

Geoff: -.- Uh....he was on the season with you.

Lindsey: He was? *scratches head* How come didn't see him?

Geoff: Becaue, bạn two were on differ..... bạn know what? Foget it! Let's just di chuyển onto the tiếp theo question! So, Lindsey, what if I told you.........uh, Taylor (Tyler) cheated on bạn with Ava? (Eva)

Lindey: *gasp* He did! Well, I'd say...........good for him! :)

All: WHAT?!

Lindsey: What? I think they look cute together. Besides, I've moved on, and I think Taylor (Tyler) should as well.

Geoff: Wow....that almost sounded smart, Lindsey. bạn got brain after-all!

Lindsey: Thanks....uh, Gram! (Geoff)

Geoff: Aaaannnnnddd, it's lost. -.-

Tyler: Your really not mad at me Lindsey?

Lindsey: can I be mad at bạn if I don't know you?

Tyler: ...........

Geoff: Anyway, thats our show! So, we're gonna leave bạn with a couple of questions! What? Aftermaths can have các câu hỏi too! Anyway: what's up with Harold and Sadie? Did bạn cheer hoặc hiss when Tyler and Eva kissed? Did Lindey truly have a brain for half a second? Fond out these thing on the next....Total Drama Aftermath!


So, the first aftermath! :D How was it?

Wow...this episode was REALLY short compared to the other ones. ^^' Anyway, sorry for no song! D: I just couldn't think of one, to be honest. Anyway, since I forgot, please re-tell who bạn want voted off of Team thịt ba rọi, thịt xông khói Hawks!

Thank for reading,
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added by NoahxCourtney77
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Source: meeeeeee!!!!!!!!
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Source: lordakiyama
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Totaldramarochi
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