Tiva ^,<,v

Blue85 posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 04:04AM
I've done this over at the NCIS spot and it got a pretty good response, so I figured I would do it here as well.
All you need to know is that:

^- Answers the question.
<- Tells what you're doing.
v- Question.

Example: Do you like the idea of Tiva?

^ Of course.
< Watching TV.
v Favorite Tiva moment?

Even though we're on the Tiva spot, the questions asked don't have to be about Tony and Ziva. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Tiva 5950 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 4051-4100 of 5950

hơn một năm qua ziva_rocks said…
^ Anything by Justin Bieber, cannot stand the little sissy!
< Watching Loose Women
v Do you thing all the cartel stuff being resolved in the one eppy is a bit unrealistic or are you just glad that its all gonna be over?
hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
big smile
^ I'm thinking it'll seem like the cartel stuff is over, but then like two eppys later they'll completely finish it. Doing it all in one ep would be a bit unrealistic.
< Dinner.
v A country you'd like to live in?
hơn một năm qua DiNozzoDavid said…
^ France, love the Language and the location!
< Watching Letters to Juliet
v What is the most exotic thing you've ever done? (eg. sky diving etc..)
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hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Absolutely nothing. I am a complete fraidy cat & not adventerous at all.
< Working.
v Reask: What is the most exotic/adventerous thing you've ever done? (eg. sky diving, etc)
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ I think the most adventerous thing I've ever done was dive off the top of a yacht that was about 20-25 feet from off the water.
< Eating a nice big bowl of chili while listening to music.
v What do you think Ziva's reaction would be if Tony ever found out that he had a child?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm not sure that she'd be totally surprised, because we all know how Tony used to act. I think she might be afraid that it could get in the way of their almost relationship perhaps, but she wouldn't look at it negatively I don't believe.
< Work.
v What do you think Ziva's reaction would be if she found out she had another sibling?
hơn một năm qua yay4wicked said…
^ Resentment and sympathy. She'd probably wonder why she didn't know about them, and then worry about what Eli David had planned for them.
< Relaxing
v What is your favorite kind of soup?
hơn một năm qua friendsfan101 said…
^ Chicken noodle. =)

< ...

v If Tony found out he had a son, what do you think he would do?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ He'd probably freak out at first but once he got over the shock, I think he'd do the responsible thing and would act like a father.
< Eating.
v We know that Abby has a younger brother. If they decided to bring him on the show, who would you like to see play the role?
hơn một năm qua ziva_rocks said…
^ Michael Cera for the comedy factor or Channing Tatum for the hotty factor! They are both in their twenties and are great actors!
< Housework, tho not much is being done lol!
v Have you every found bruises on your arms/legs and not had a clue how they got there?
hơn một năm qua DiNozzoDavid said…
big smile
^ Always! I cannot never recall how I got them.
< Writing essay =.=''
v What do you want for your next birthday?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I've had my eye on this NCIS laptop bag for over a year now and I keep saying I'm going to get it... I mean it's only $35 so it's not like it's expensive I guess I just keep hoping my fiance will surprise me with it. lol. If she doesn't get it for me for my bday in November I'll order for myself as a Christmas present. =]
< Work, too quiet, half my department is out sick today.
v If you have to travel long distances do you prefer plane, train, car, boat, etc?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ Car or train.
< Lunch.
v Have you ever fallen asleep while watching a show or movie and then ended up having a dream about said show or movie?
hơn một năm qua Ms_Montana said…
big smile
^ Yes, last week I watched Bones and then I fell asleep, then I dreamt about Booth and Bones getting married. xD
< Writing
v Do you think they should make Brian Dietzen a regular character? (I think he totally deserves it!!)
hơn một năm qua friendsfan101 said…
^ I think they should-he's been on longer than Rocky & Cote! He deserves it.

< ...

v Most unique thing you've ever seen?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ I'm not sure, I'd have to think about it for awhile.
< Making wallpapers and stuff.
v If the cast were to have a dance competition, who do you think would have the best chance of winning?
hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
^ Hmmmm. I think Cote, she can act, sing, and the chances are she's a dancing phenomenon.
< ...
v Out of the cast, who do you think is the best singer?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Cote even though I prefer Pauley's style of music.
v Favourite slash/femslash ship?
hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
^^ Congrats Dannii!
^ I don't really have one.
v If you do the 'which NCIS character are you most like' quizzes, which result do you get?
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hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
**Thanks Katharine! :D

^ Abby, and I agree. :D
< Still squeeing.
v Favourite actress.
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hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
big smile
^ CdP or Dakota Fanning.
< Dinner soon.
v Who do you think is the most attractive actor on NCIS?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Michael Weatherly. :)
< Music.
v Have you ever thought about the age gap between Tony and Ziva (not that it matters, I was just wondering if you'd ever thought about it)?
hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
^ I have thought about it, it seems a bit weird that Ziva's around ten years younger than Tony because when you're actually watching the show, they seem really close in age.
< Bored.
v How would you react if you found out you could choose the plot for an NCIS episode?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
< Music.
v One thing you can't leave the house without?
hơn một năm qua Ms_Montana said…
big smile
**Congrats Dannii!

^ Mobile phone, because I love it. Or my meds, but I don't like it.
< Birthday party soon
v Re-ask: One thing you can't leave the house without?
hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
big smile
^ Hmmm. Mobile phone as well.
< Bed soon.
v Do you/did you have to wear a really ugly school uniform?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
** Thanks Michi! I'm so happy! :D

^ My iPod. :)
^ It wasn't really ugly, but it wasn't flattering either. :P
< Gonna get ready for my friend's 18th soon. :D
v Do you think it's weird when we have the same things happening on the same day?
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hơn một năm qua tivalover333 said…
big smile
^ It IS weird.
< Same as before.
v A good fanfic you read recently?
hơn một năm qua DiNozzoDavid said…
big smile
^ Definitely, 'Flavor of the Wind' by LittleSammy. It's set in an AU, amazing story. Check it out if you haven't already link !Be Warned it's long, but it's very captivating!
< Reading Flavor of the Wind =)
v Whats your favorite subject at school?
hơn một năm qua goodgirlmikey said…
< Ehhhhh.
v Have you seen Despicable Me?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No. Is it good?
< Ghost Whisperer. My neice won her 1st soccer game! =]
v Do you ever take naps during the day?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ Sometimes, if I'm really tired or not feeling well.
< About to grab a bite to eat.
v Did you notice at the end of Borderland that Gibbs didn't tell Abby that he'd love her no matter what happened? And why do you thik that is?
hơn một năm qua goodgirlmikey said…
* Despicable Me = Adorable. :D
^ Maybe because he doubted himself for a moment. He did not doubt his love for Abby, it's just that they were in the middle of a situation where everyone's in danger, and he wasn't entirely sure if he could keep her safe. If something were to happen, he didn't want to let everyone down...? Am I making sense?
< Ehhh.
v Is there any cartoon that remind you of Tony and Ziva?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Can't really say b/c I'm not really into cartoons.
< NCIS Marathon.
v Favorite fight scene with Tony & Ziva?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ I like all their fight scenes but I'll say their bar fight in Faith with the red throats as Ziva calls them. lol
< Reading fanfiction.
v Do you think that maybe Ziva really doesn't snore as bad as Tony says she does and that in Under Covers she was just doing it to get on Tony's nerves?
hơn một năm qua yay4wicked said…
^ You know, perhaps. I never really thought about it. But most of the other times we saw her sleeping, she wasn't making any noise. Hm . . .
< Watching Recoil
v Do you think the best tiva episode will be in the first third of the season, the second third, or the last one?
hơn một năm qua goodgirlmikey said…
^ The part that includes the November sweeps eps I guess?
v Are you sorta anxious about Shane B.'s comment about Tiva? [Grenade.]
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm trying not to be overanalytical about it, so we'll just see where it goes but I do think about it yes. lol
< Work. Feeling icky =[
v In the premiere would you be more surprised if McGee shot Paloma or if she just got away? *Hypothetically of course*
hơn một năm qua goodgirlmikey said…
^ They already said that the Reynosa situation will be resolved in one episode. Maybe they'd play a little cat-and-mouse with the drug cartel for a while; that's not surprising. But if ,hypothetically speaking, McGee shot Paloma, it would be a definite WIN. I'd be like "Hail the Probie" for the rest of my life. LOL.
< Sleep?
v How do you think Tony and Ziva would deal with each other in the premiere episode?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think they'll just get on with their job, because Gibbs is in trouble and... IT'S GIBBS.
< As Time Goes By.
v Another Palmer episode?
hơn một năm qua ziva_rocks said…
^ Hell yeah, i want more Tony/Palmer moments too. Like the thing they have going on!
< Making dinner
v Would you like to see one of the team framed for a crime or in deep trouble this season, if so who??
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Palmer, just for the sheer awkwardness and shock of it. xD
< Music... and coursework.
v Who is your favourite cast member?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ All of them. =] You can't really make me choose because I'll tell you exactly how that conversation will go... "My favorite cast member? Oh, that's easy, it's Mark Harmon. And Michael Weatherly. Oh and Cote De Pablo. Wait, wait Sean Murray too... and I can't forget about..." and it would go on from there. lol
< Work....
v Favorite Tony/Palmer moment?
hơn một năm qua Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ In Bounce with the whole 'secret meeting'. So cute, Palmer is Tony's Ducky. :D
< Emmerdale.
v Favourite Ducky/Palmer moment?
hơn một năm qua yay4wicked said…
^ Palmer's first solo autopsy.
< Studying
v Favorite Ducky/Ziva moment?
hơn một năm qua smileandnod said…
^ In the bar...was it Angel of Death?

< In Pikeville, Ky. What a craptastic town. but hoping to get back on here more this week...life's been in the way

V Favorite Palmer/Ducky moment?
hơn một năm qua NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Either in About Face when Ducky hears the gunshot & calls out for Jimmy, which is nice to hear him called by his first name or in Broken Bird when they are arguing over the street & then when he's holding Ducky after he's been stabbed.
v Favorite Ducky/Gibbs moment?
hơn một năm qua friendsfan101 said…
**LOL I'm a bit late, but congrats on the fanatic medal, Dannii!

^ Hard to say. I guess the one in "Rookie" where he evaluated Gibbs.

< ...

v Favorite Abby/Ducky moment?
hơn một năm qua Blue85 said…
^ I can't really choose one, I like all of their moments.
< Icons and wallpapers.
v Do you think there will be any heart breaking moments between Tony and Ziva this season?
hơn một năm qua goodgirlmikey said…
^ Maybe? It won't be Shane Brennan who'd be running the show if there isn't.
< Old Tiva fanfiction.
V A heartbreaking Tiva moment you could imagine happening this season?