Người sói teen Club
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added by damon_elena
added by Daca94
posted by Articuno224
Okay, so before I start I'd just like to say that if bạn like hoặc tình yêu Scott & Kira hoặc dislike hoặc hate them for other reasons than the ones I'm going to talk about here, then this bài viết is obviously not referring to you, so please don't be offended. This bài viết is not about bạn not being able to dislike hoặc hate a character, it's about HOW bạn judge them.

I really wanted to get this off my chest, because over the years I have seen some really horrible judgement of especially Scott & Kira as characters. This makes me really sad and really annoyed, because I absolutely tình yêu these characters...
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Người sói teen
added by missliss
added by Stelena-Finchel
Scott & Alison vòi hoa sen scene | Teen chó sói, sói 3x06
added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
added by MashaK
Source: Masha
added by tamore
Source: Teen chó sói, sói Daily
added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
added by Stelenavamp
added by Daca94