Taylor nhanh, nhanh, swift Club
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added by rakshasa
Source: 📸 Gareth Cattermole/TAS24/Getty hình ảnh for TAS Rights Management
added by Ripaigedw
Source: http://www.taylorswiftweb.net/
Everybody knows bởi now that the riveting "Dear John," on Taylor Swift's new album, Speak Now, is about John Mayer. But did bạn know there's also one other song on the album we can now say with certainty is also about Mayer? .

The một giây Mayer number of which we speak, "The Story of Us," is the song everybody thought was about Joe Jonas. Which is not to be confused with the one that really is about Joe Jonas, "Last Kiss." hoặc the numbers about Taylor Lautner hoặc Owl City's Adam Young..

A lot of these little confusions and mysteries are cleared up bởi the lyric booklet for Speak Now. As usual, Swift...
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added by LeaHeartBroken
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Anichu90v2
added by Anichu90v2
Source: Anichu90v2
added by mr-cullen
added by tayylorswift101
All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen since 18 hours cách đây is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
I just want to know bạn better know bạn better know bạn better now
I just want to know bạn better know bạn better know bạn better now
I just want to know bạn better know bạn better know bạn better now
I just want to know bạn know bạn know you

Cause all I know is we đã đưa ý kiến hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is bạn held the...
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alright so we know taylor nhanh, swift and miley cyrus are best Những người bạn for life well taylor swift's âm nhạc video tình yêu story starring justin gaston the underwear model was seen in it as romeo and taylor was juliett there have been lots of rumours about taylor nhanh, swift dating justin gaston which is not true miley cyrus is dating justin gaston and so she asked him to be in the video because there was noone else taylor nhanh, swift could fing for her tình yêu intrest no jaylor just same old jiley taylor nhanh, swift use to go out with joe jonas but joe jonas dumped her over the phone on a 27 một giây phone call how mean but it's the truth
So if bạn do a quick scroll through this article, bạn will notice that I have được trao every album 5 red lips (because duh!) and bạn may be wondering how I can rank something if they're all 5 stars. Well, I'm here to tell bạn that I can (and will!) do it. Enjoy this bài viết Swifties!

P.S. I am only including her 11 studio albums, not her live albums hoặc other EPs (much smaller albums). I want to make sure this is a fair ranking, and it can't be fair if a 5 song album is compared to a 20+ song album.

folklore (2020)

Okay we are already starting off this danh sách with probably...
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added by mjlover4lifs
Source: dailywithtaylor@tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: Joseph Anthony Baker