Stormclan StormClan - New Camp

KatieK102 posted on Dec 18, 2018 at 09:08PM
After StormClan's territory became too small to support their large Clan, half of the Clan volunteered to leave and establish a new camp, so that both camps could thrive.



Medicine Cats:







Current Season: Leaf-fall
last edited on Nov 07, 2021 at 02:56AM

Stormclan 5465 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 1901-1950 of 5465

hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Of course. *picks him up gently and carries him to the nest* -Frecklenose

Swampkit do you want us to come with you? -Sunflowerkit

*Smirks slightly* What does it bother you when I call her your girlfriend? -Pantherkit

Well that's a given. *twines their tails as they return to camp* -Hushpool
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
No you guys can have fun I just wanna sleep..•mumbles tiredly•

Well yea it’s because it isn’t true!

•pads back in seeing Buckkit and Pantherkit in an argument and sighs• Oh boy here we go.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*lays in the nest and sets him gently at her stomach* Sleep my darling. -Frecklenose

I hope Swampkit is okay. -Sunflowerkit

*licks her head* I'm sure he'll be okay. -Blackkit

Well we'll see about that. *smirks more* You two have gotten pretty close pretty fast. -Pantherkit

*huffs and pants over to them* All right, I don't know what you two are bickering about but knock it off. Pantherkit I can tell by that look you started it. Apologize. -Hushpool

But mama- -Pantherkit

No buts. Tell your brother you're sorry. -Hushpool

*huffs* Sorry Buckkit. I was only teasing. -Pantherkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
•lays besides Frecklenose• What happened?

•curls up tightly shifting uncomfortably in his sleep•

You are just jealous I’m making friends •mutters•

•pads over with her• What were you teasing him over?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Swampkit hit his head while playing. He said he was feeling dizzy. *tails her tail over Swampkit comfortingly* -Frecklenose

Hey I can make friends! *looks up at her dad* I just said Sunflowerkit is his girlfriend because they've been so close lately. -Pantherkit

*rushes over to her parents* Did you see our team won! -Briarkit

*purrs* I did see. You did well. -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
•blinks• Does he have a concussion? •says looking him over•

•snorts amused• that’s what you two are fighting over?

Well I’m just trying to make friends! •says padding to his mother’s side•

•follows her quickly• I lost.

•purrs• You both did very good.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I really hope not. If he doesn't feel better by the morning I'm taking him to Merryberry. -Frecklenose

Yeah but I was just teasing! He got all defensive about it. -Pantherkit

Can't win them all, Driftkit, but you did do a good job. -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*nods worriedly* Sounds like a plan...*says sighing* He has always had issues since he was born...

Well because you kept insisting she was girl friend...*says lowly and sits between his mothers paw*

*purr* Thanks papa i think i could do better though least i didnt get hurt like Swampkit did.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
It's all my fault. That rouge hit me in the stomach and I couldn't stop him. -Frecklenose

I was only joking! -Pantherkit

*frowns* Swampkit got hurt? -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*looks at her surprised* Love you cant blame that for his health issues. *says licking her cheek* Sometimes kits are just born with weak health..

*cuffs Pantherkits head* How would you like it if Buckkit or Badgerkit kept calling a tom you hung out with your boy friend?

*nods* Buckkit tackled him down and he hit his head.*

*raises an eye* Those kits.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
But I just worry that's the reason...-Frecklenose

*huffs* I'd be annoyed.. I'm sorry Buckkit. -Pantherkit

Poor thing. I'll go check on him in a bit. -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*shakes his head* Trust me Freckle you aren't the reason now why dont you get some rest i can watch the other two while you care for the little guy.

*huffs and pads over to her and nuzzles her cheek* Its fine..

*nods* well just becareful when playing okay kits? *says to them*

*nods* We will right Briarkit?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods slightly and lays her head down, watching Swampkit sleep* -Frecklenose

I guess maybe I am a little jealous you're finding it easier to make friends. Pebblekit is always a jerk and never wants to play with me so if his siblings play a game with him I can't join. -Pantherkit

We will papa. -Briarkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*watches her for a moment and leaves padding over to the other kits*

True to be honest Sunflowerkit asked me to play with her and i dont know why.

*starts to groom Pantherkit* Im sure someone will try to ask you to play eventually.

*nods* Briarkit what do you wanna do?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*shrugs* It's fine. I don't need anyone else to play with me. -Pantherkit

I'm kind of tired. *flops over between Crowtail's paws* -Briarkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*laughs* You know Pantherkit i said the samething when i was your age. Its nice to have friends even if you think you dont need them...If i didnt have friends i wouldnt have had your mother as my mate and hate you three.

Oh? *says nuzzle her* Wanna go sleep then?

*yawns* Yea thats true we had a big day...
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Really? *shuffles her paws* Well I don't know who to make friends with...-Pantherkit

*nods with a yawn* I'm sleepy. -Briarkit

Well let's get you kits to bed. -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*nuds and nudges her to the nursery* Really but for now you all need some rest after a long day of playing.

*yawns curling up at his mothers*

*nods padding after his fathers*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Yes papa. *heads for the nursery* -Pantherkit

*picks up Buckkit and carries him to the den* -Hushpool

*hurries after his mother* -Badgerkit

*Follows them into the nest* -Briarkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*watches them go and gets to his paws heading to the warriros den*

*yawns tiredly in her jaw*

*lays down happily passing out*

*sits outside teh nuresry waiting for Blackkit and Sunflowerkit*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*settles into the nest with her kits* -Hushpool

Night pa. *heads into the nursery* -Blackkit

Good night daddy. -Sunflowerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*nods to them and head back to the warriors den*

hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*watches Swampkit into the early morning, keeping an eye on him in case he had any severe reactions* -Frecklenose

*yawns sleepily as the sun starts to poke in through the den* -Sunflowerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*squirms awake blinking tiredly and winces*

*pads into the nursery with a vole*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Darling are you still in pain? *licks his head gently* -Frecklenose
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*looks up at her nodding* It hurts mama.

*lets the vole down besides the nest* How is he?

*yawns at the smell of vole*

*pads out of the warriors den*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Hurting. *nuzzles Swampkit out of concern* I'm taking him to Merryberry. -Frecklenose

Mmm I'm hungry. -Pantherkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*nods and sighs* Probably the best..are you going to go now?

Me and you both...*nudges Hushpool* mama Wake uppppp.

*grumbbles at the noise* Be quiet...!
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods* I want to get him help as quickly as possible. *noses his cheek* Stay with the other kits today? I'll take Sweet with me that way Swampkit and I aren't alone. -Frecklenose

Easy Driftkit. *mumbles lowly, laying his tail over him to block out some of the noise* -Featherwing

*yawns widely* I'm up, I'm up. *stands slowly with a stretch* Come on, little monsters. *heads out of the den to get them food* -Hushpool
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
•nods• Sont worry I’ll make sure they don’t get into to much trouble. How long do you think you will be gone?

•huffs curling up tightly around his tail•

•runs after her• We aren’t monsters mama!
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I hope not long. *gently puts Swampkit on her back* If it ends up being a while I'll send Sweet back to let you know everything is okay. *licks his cheek before leaving the den* -Frecklenose

It's a term of endearment. *brushes his head with her tail* -Hushpool

*pounces and clings to her leg* -Pantherkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Sounds good you be safe though okay?

*rest his head tiredly on his mothers back*

*purrs* Mama did papa really not have friends until you?
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I will I promise. *heads to the warriors den before leaving with Sweetbriar* -Frecklenose

*watches her leave worriedly* -Blackkit

Blackpelt was his only friend until he met me. -Hushpool

Who is Blackpelt? -Pantherkit

*blinks in surprise, remembering that the kits weren't born when he was alive* I'll let you ask your father about Blackpelt once he wakes up. I'm sure he'd like to talk about his old friend. For now, eat. *pulls and squirrel off the pile for them* -Hushpool
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*watches her go and looks down at Blackkit* You okay little guy?

*tilts his had confused and eats starts to pull at the squirrel*

*pads over to them tiredly* Morning.

*huffs not able to sleep again and rolls over*

hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
I'm just worried about Swampkit. -Blackkit

Morning love. The kits were asking about Blackpelt. -Hushpool

Can't sleep? -Featherwing
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
We all are but im sure he will be fine he is a tough one remember when he was sick before?

*blinks surprised* What? why?

We wanna hear about your friend! Mama said he was your first friend.

*looks at Hushpool* I dont know....I mean he was a cat.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Yeah I guess..he's just my best friend. So I want to protect him. -Blackkit

*Nudges him* I'm sure they'd love to hear about what he was like. -Hushpool
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
I know you do but you cant protect him from everything. Now why dont you eat i got a nice vole here.

*nods excitedly sitting down while he eats*

Well...*looks at the kits* Blackpelt was a big tom big and annoying to be honest but he was fun.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods and digs into the prey slowly, not having much of an appetite* -Blackkit

Was he your best friend? -Pantherkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*watches him worried and sighs before starting to groom Sunflowerkit*

*nods* Yea..I didnt really have friends until i was a warrior to begin with and he was the first cat to deal with my attitude even though i dont really have one everyone just said i did. *wrinkles his nose*
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nuzzles against him* I was doing my best to make friends yesterday daddy. -Sunflowerkit

What happened to him? -Badgerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Oh i saw and you won the game aswell!

Well he passed away in his sleep he was actually my brothers well your uncles mate. *says amused* I still dont understand what he saw in him to be honest.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*purrs and nods* It was a hard game but I had fun. -Sunflowerkit

What happened to your brother? -Pantherkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
That’s good I’m glad you had fun. •purrs• You should eat with your brother to help keep his mind of Swampkit•

Well he died trying to fight off a badger.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
*nods and joins in the meal with Blackkit* -Sunflowerkit

He fought a badger?! -Pantherkit

That's awesome! -Badgerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
Well he was killed fighting the badger so I think it was a pretty mouse brain thing to do. •comments• But still everyone says Blackpelt died from a broken heart...they said he couldn’t live on with out Thorntail so that’s why he isn’t around anymore..•says a bit sourly•

•sits up and bats at Featherwings tail•

•purrs and heads out of the den• come outside when you two are done.
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
Oh. Well that sounds sad. -Pantherkit

A broken heart? -Badgerkit

*waves his tail around for him* What are you up to, troublemaker? -Featherwing

Yes daddy. -Sunflowerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
I guess..anyways yea he passed away from a broken heart. •looks at Badgerkit• you looked confused•

•glances from his father to his brother•

•nods sitting outside waiting for them•
hơn một năm qua TeamPeeta649 said…
It's just hard for me to imagine that. Like how could someone care about another cat so much that them dying would cause you to die? I just feel like it's weird to be that attached to someone. -Badgerkit

Are you and mama that attached? -Pantherkit

*Joins him* When do you think mama and Swampkit will be back? -Sunflowerkit
hơn một năm qua tanglebelly said…
*shrugs* Its whatever..cant change what has already happened. *says to him and lays down* And not sure guess we wouldnt know until it happened*

Not sure depends on whats wrong with your brother i guess...