Spain Club
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posted by deedragongirl
 Colourful Barcelona.
Colourful Barcelona.
Hi guys, my name is Dee and I come from Malaysia, it's been coming to 6 years since I have been to Barcelona with my family. This whimsical city has always cheer me up with its unusual artwork bởi Gaudi, Joan Miro and Salvador Dali.

Whimsical Barcelona

I had always wanted to go to Spain and Barcelona was the only Spanish city that I had been, I would like to go to thêm cities like Seville, Madrid and Toledo in the near future.
When I first arrived, the only things that pops out in my mind are the brand MNG and the Barcelona football team. But the moment that I arrived there, I looked at their...
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added by zanhar1
added by zanhar1
added by zanhar1
added by zanhar1
added by zanhar1