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sonic&blaze Câu Hỏi

Sonic's girlfriend is Amy, everyone knows that!!!

 Sonic's girlfriend is Amy, everyone knows that!!!
 Nariko posted hơn một năm qua
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sonic&blaze Các Câu Trả Lời

creativegirl31 said:
Oh for pete's sake! God! Can't we like what we like?! If bạn like Sonamy then go tham gia the Sonamy fanclub! There's over a thousand of them! If bạn don't like Sonaze then don't come here!
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blazeroxs posted hơn một năm qua
He doesn't even like Amy
ILoveSonic21 posted hơn một năm qua
yea hate amy
cedbob posted hơn một năm qua
zzzena said:
actually Sega has đã đưa ý kiến that there is no official relationship between sonic and any of the characters so its completely personal preference to which is best. also in case bạn haven't noticed, sonic always runs away from her
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sonaze4eva said:
blaze is
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silvaze9 said:
its not amy hoặc blaze, its twila(she has a total crush on sonic and i)
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 its not amy hoặc blaze, its twila(she has a total crush on sonic and i)
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blazeroxs said:
hahahaha ur funny
sonaze is my opinion
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sonicxblaze999 said:
LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại he is with blaze anf amy can be with shadow ok ok
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 LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại he is with blaze anf amy can be with shadow ok ok
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blazeisbeast said:
why even ask this câu hỏi for sonic and blaze that is the most retarded câu hỏi here gosh its sonaze here
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 why even ask this câu hỏi for sonic and blaze that is the most retarded câu hỏi here gosh its sonaze here
posted hơn một năm qua 
thank bạn thats what i want to know
blazeroxs posted hơn một năm qua
shadowluvr said:
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ILoveSonic21 said:
@nariko: if u haven't noticed sonic is always running AWAY from Amy and in DX he clearly states about Amy and says " she's so weird" u so dumb go back to ur stupid Amy club ya retard!
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cedbob said:
nop with blaze and me

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