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you can take your garbage to the landfill for free in your cars,


no excuse for you to  keep fly tipping,

the businesses need to empty their bins on regular basis, the land surrounding it, is getting too messy


message to council

the council use to empty the green bins every week, there is too much garbage in this area, it was more suitable


you keep giving grey  bins, hardly anyone is using it for recycling, I am recycling for some people , but this is not my responsibility, I am only being kind,


house 810 need to recycle, he said he is asking his children's but they are not doing it,

house 27 is disabled person, the council is not taking the bin up for collection,

house 25  is disabled, some time bin is too heavy, need a man to take it up for collection,  they are putting very large bed cover it is getting stuck not getting emptied when bin men empty it.

house no 16 need to recycle


the BBC

your media is bad influence on the community

I have spoke to this community, I have said to them, in other countries, people clean, their houses, their street, getting rid of unwanted items,

making their house, their garden nice, before Christmas and Muslim Eid.

here they walk in and out of the garbage as if, this is normal, hardly anyone here has the spirit of Christmas or Eid

they constantly gossiping about this or that,


there are few people here,  are ok, it is often the educated ones