Robert Jordan Updates

a photo đã được thêm vào: Robert Jordan Letter hơn một năm qua by resounding
an answer was added to this question: Did anyone suspect that Verin was a darkfriend? hơn một năm qua by Flickerflame
a comment was made to the article: WHERE/WHEN are the MOVIES? hơn một năm qua by Flickerflame
an answer was added to this question: Did anyone suspect that Verin was a darkfriend? hơn một năm qua by wolf-lover-0611
a reply was made to the forum post: End of the Wheel of Time hơn một năm qua by wolf-lover-0611
a question đã được thêm vào: Did anyone suspect that Verin was a darkfriend? hơn một năm qua by Bili