Biệt đội chim cánh cụt vùng Madagascar Club
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Scene 1


"It's coming! Dan! Come quick! He's hatching!"

"Coming Teressa!"

*Teressa & Dan watch as their first egg hatches*

Teressa: *picks up hatchling & cradles it* "Oh, Dan! It's a boy! What should we name it?"

Dan: "Um, how about Skipper? It means leader."

Teressa: "Yes! That's it! Baby Skipper."

Skipper: "Mama!"

Teressa: "Yes, darling! Mama. And Dada." *gestures toward Dan*

5 Years Later...

Skipper: *runs up to Teressa & Dan* "Hi mom! Hi dad!"

Dan: "Hi son! How was school?"

Skipper: "Oh, it was a lot of fun. Is it okay if I go to Jake's to play?"

Dan: "It's alright with me. Teressa?"

Teressa: "Just be trang chủ bởi dinner, Skipper. And remember your manners."

Skipper: "I will! See ya later!"

Teressa/Dan: "OK! tình yêu you!"

Skipper: "Love bạn too!" *runs out of home*

Jake's Place

Skipper: *runs up to Jake who is outside* "Hey, Jake! What's up?"

Jake: "Eh, not much. Mom's making bữa tối, bữa ăn tối so I've really nothing to do. What brings bạn here?"

Skipper: "What a coincidence! I came here to play with you! That is if bạn want to?"

Jake: "You bet! bạn want to continue our snowball fight competition?"

Skipper: "Game on my friend!"

*Jake & Skipper take their positions & begin throwing snowballs at each other*

Skipper: "Gotcha! A point for me!"

Jake: "Laugh it up now, my friend! You're going down!"

Skipper: "That's what bạn think! Victory will be mine!"

Jake: "Keep dreaming!"

Skipper: "A dream that's comin' true!"

*scene fades away with them throwing snowballs at each other*

8 Years After Birth...

Teressa: "Skipper! Come here darling!"

Skipper: *enters room* "What's up, Ma?"

Teressa: "Come here...There's something I want to give you..."

Skipper: *approaches Teressa & takes the ghế, chỗ ngồi tiếp theo to her* "What?"

Teressa: "I want bạn to take this locket. It's been in my family for generations. It's to remind bạn that no matter where bạn are, I'll always be with you." *hands him locket*

Skipper: "Oh, Ma, bạn don't have t--"

Teressa: "Hush, hush, now. Take it. I want bạn to have it. I tình yêu bạn so much son."

Skipper: "I tình yêu bạn too Ma."

*Teressa & Skipper hug*

Dan: *enters room & joins the embrace* "I tình yêu bạn too son."

Skipper: "Love ya, Dad."

12 Years After Birth...

Skipper: "Come on Ma & Pa! Hurry! The migration's gonna leave without us!"

Teressa/Dan: *come out of home* "Coming dear!"

*Skipper/Teressa/Dan begin to walk in direction of migration*

2 Months Into The Same Migration...

Skipper: *hears rustling beneath their feet* "Ma! Pa! What was that?"

Teressa: "What was what dear?"

Skipper: *hears it again* "That!"

Dan: "Wait...I've heard that sound befo--" *looks at Teressa alarmingly* "Oh no..."

Teressa: "What?"

Dan: "Nobody...move...a muscle. That is the sound of a leopard seal swimming under the ice beneath our feet..."

Skipper: "Leopard seal? Didn't bạn say they were dangerous?"

Teressa: "Yes...Now hush son...It could hear us!"

Teressa/Dan/Skipper: *wait silently & motionless*

*leopard niêm phong, con dấu bursts out from under the ice & the trio begins to belly slide out of there*

Teressa: "Run!!!"

Dan: *goes up tiếp theo to Skipper* "Skipper! Whatever happens...Whatever bạn hear...Keep going! Don't look back! Just keep going!"

Skipper: "But Da--"

Dan: "Just do it!" *sees a hole in the snow & pushes him into it...causing Skipper to pass out*

The tiếp theo Morning...

Skipper: *wakes with a headache* " head...

Skipper: *leaps out of hole & begins searching* "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

*no response*

Skipper: *sees a twinkling in the snow & approaches it* "My mom's locket..."

No matter where bạn are, I'll always be with you...

*Skipper remembered those words...He'd never forget them. He began walking. And walking. And walking.*

Skipper: *passes a large iceburg, gets angry & begins to cú đấm & kick it fiercely*

*he stops abruptly & begins crying*

*anger filled his body. And from that point forward, he punched & kicked iceburgs with all of his strength every day, to release the anger bottled up inside him, making him the strongest chim cánh cụt in Antarctica*

Scene 2


Angela: "John! Could bạn come here for a second?"

John: "Yes dear?"

Angela: "Could bạn look after Kowalski for a while? I need to go get his lunch."

John: "Sure, not doing much right now anyway."

*Kowalski was now 4 years old*

John: "What's up, scamp?"

Kowalski: "Hi, Dad. I'm just drawing pictures in the snow. Look! This one is of us & Mom! And this one is of me & Steve!"

John: "Steve & I."

Kowalski: "No, look, bạn can clearly see it's me..."

John: "No, that's not what I mean. The correct grammar is Steve & I. Not me & Steve."

Kowalski: *Kowalski looked back at the picture he drew of himself & his best friend* "Can I go see Steve after lunch?"

John: "Sure, son. If it's alright with your mother."

Kowalski: *smiles*

2 Years Later...

Kowalski: *approaches John on a cold night* "Dad? Can I ask a question?"

John: "Sure, son. What is it?"

Kowalski: "What are all those little white dots in the sky?"

John: "Those are stars. Why?"

Kowalski: "I'm just curious. What about the floating colored lights?"

John: "Now, I don't really know what those are. They're just lights. I don't know what causes them."

Kowalski: "But I want to know more! My curiosity is killing me!"

John: "Now, just calm down. bạn make all A's in school. Isn't that enough smartness in just one penguin?"

Kowalski: "I guess." There's got to be a way for me to get answers...

11 Years After Birth...

Kowalski: "Hey, Ma!"

Angela: "Yes, son?"

Kowalski: "I was walking trang chủ from school today, & I saw these really big creatures not too far off the reserve, what are they?"

Angela: "Why don't bạn describe them for me."

Kowalski: "Well, the were much bigger than us, they were really poofy, an--"

Angela: "--HUMANS! Now, Kowalski, bạn must promise me bạn will never go near them hoặc let them see you!"

Kowalski: "Why?"

Angela: "It was humans who killed my parents! They are not to be trusted."

Kowalski: "But, I thought maybe I could get them to answer my que--"

Angela: "--No buts! Do bạn hear me Kowalski?!"

Kowalski: "Yes, Ma. I hear you."

The tiếp theo Day...

Kowalski: *sneaks off reserve, very quietly passed the humans, to where they have all their papers, steals 3 maps, & sneaks off back to the reserve*

Kowalski: "Yes, this should give me all my answers!" *looks at all the papers* "Hey, these are the stars! But why are some of them colored?"

*Kowalski asks teacher why there are colored stars, she states that they aren't stars, they're planets*

Kowalski: *that night he finds a stash for all the papers he will retrieve & compares the map of the stars to the stars above & sees the resemblance*

3 Months Later...

Kowalski: *about to go off reserve but Steve sees him*

Steve: "Kowalski!? What are bạn doing!?"

Kowalski: *turns around* "Steve! I was just, uh--"

Steve: "--It looks like bạn were about to leave the reserve! What do bạn think your doing! bạn know that's against the rules not to mention dangerous!"

Kowalski: "You don't understand! I have so many các câu hỏi & those humans are answering them! All I do is look at their charts & listen to their conversations! Don't bạn se--"

Steve: "--Your spying on the humans! Do bạn realize the danger your putting yourself in?!"

Kowalski: "Please, Steve! bạn can't tell anyone! I need to know! The solitude of not knowing the wonders of the world is eating me alive!"

Steve: "OK, first, don't use big words around me. bạn know I don't know what the heck you're saying. Second, what if something happens to you? What am I supposed to do then? What about your parents? What are they supposed to do?"

Kowalski: "I've been doing this for 3 months now & I know how to sneak around them!"


Kowalski: "Yes! But I knew bạn would react this way! Please! bạn can't tell anyone!"

Steve: "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I guess I'll just leave bạn now. And Kowalski, if you're seen, don't come crying to me." *stomps off*

Kowalski: "Steve, don't do this to me Steve! Come on, come back!" *sigh* *continues his research*

12 Years After Birth

*Kowalski is sitting at the side of his trang chủ thinking*

Steve: *walks up to him* "Hey."

Kowalski: "Hey. What brings bạn here?"

Steve: "Look, man the last year's been torture without you. We're buds. I came to make bạn a deal. If bạn & I can pretend that never happened, I'll support bạn in did bạn call it?"

Kowalski: "Um, research. bạn really mean it? We can be Những người bạn again?"

Steve: "Yeah. Did bạn make your round today?"

Kowalski: "No. Wanna come with?"

Steve: "Sure. But I ain't gonna go off the reserve. I'll just watch bạn while your learning & give bạn a heads up if I spot any trouble. K?"

Kowalski: "Sure. Thanks."

Steve: "No prob. Let's go."

Off The Reserve...

Kowalski: *listening to the humans talking while hiding under their vehicle*

Human 1: "OK, so the Sun is letting off high levels of solar energy, the solar wind levels are high, so we should see many lights soon."

Kowalski: *whispering * "So the colored lights come from a "solar wind" from the "Sun". Huh." *sneeze* "Oh no..."

Human 2: "Did bạn hear that? It sounded like it came from under the truck..."

Kowalski: "I gotta get outta here..." *darts out from under truck & makes a break for the reserve*

Human 1: "There!" *Human 1 & 2 chase after the penguin*

Kowalski: "STEVE! GO!"

Steve: *belly slides away*

Kowalski: *hits a rock & flips out of control, landing in the snow*

Human 2: "Oh my goodness! We should help it."

Human 1: "Do bạn think it's alone?"

Human 2: "Maybe. Do bạn think we should take it back to New York with us? The Central Park Zoo doesn't have any penguins. We could make a few bucks."

Human 1: "Hey, you're right! C'mon. Let's go. I'm freezin' my butt off here."

Human 2: "Tell me about it." *puts chim cánh cụt in a large mát, máy làm mát full of snow* "Let's get outta here."

Back At Kowalski's Home...

Steve: "Mr. & Mrs. Kowalski's parents! Help!"

*Angela & John come out of the home*

Angela: "What is it? Where's Kowalski?"

Steve: "He was captured bởi humans! He's been learning things from them for over a năm now! I wanted to tell bạn but he made me promise not to! I'm so sorry!"

John: "Oh my God! Hurry, maybe we can catch them!"

*Angela, John, & Steve searched far off the reserve, but Kowalski was nowhere to be found*

Scene 3


2 Days Before Migration...

*a 15 năm old Rico was waddling along when he heard something...*


Rico: "Whoa! What was that?!" *curious, he followed where the sound came from*


Rico: *kept going & stopped suddenly when he saw lights exploding in the sky* "Whoa...Cool..." *he just kept watching when he saw large creatures sending these exploding lights into the sky* "Hey, my mom told me about these beings, they're humans!" *he went back to his trang chủ as fast as he could go*

Rico: "Mom! Dad! You'll never believe what I just saw! These exploding lights were in the sky! And humans were creating them!"

Lithia: "Rico! I told bạn never to go near humans!"

Rico: "But Ma! I didn't go near them!"

Lithia: "Well, don't start thinking about it now. They could very well kill bạn without remorse. bạn don't go anywhere near them. Understood?"

Rico: "Bu--"

Jordan: "--Uderoo?"

Rico: *sigh* "Yeah. Understood"

Migration ngày Is Tomorrow...

Lithia: "Rico! Are bạn ready to start the migration tomorrow?"

Rico: "Yeah, Ma! Ready!" I have to go see the fireworks one last time...

The tiếp theo Morning...

Rico: *wanting to see the lights one last time, he went to watch* "Hey, what's that?" *he could hear a light yelping coming from the back of the truck the humans had, so he sneaked over to the truck & carefully whispered* "Hey!? Is somebody up there?"

Voice: "Yes! Can bạn help me!? Please!"

Rico: "Um, hold on!" *he noticed the hole on the bottom of the lock on the cooler, so he went over & saw something that could easily fit into it* "Here! This might help!"

Voice: "Hurry!"

Rico: *unlocked the mát, máy làm mát & helped the chim cánh cụt out* "Let's go!"

Voice: "Look out!"

Human 2: "HEY! Yo, Bradley! This chim cánh cụt somehow tried to free that chim cánh cụt we caught earlier!" *he đã đưa ý kiến as he grabbed up the penguin* "2 penguins for the Zoo! We are definitely gettin' some green for this!"

Rico: "NO! Let go of me!"

Voice: "It's no use! If they want bạn they'll have you!"

Rico: *coughs up the head of a hammer into Human 2's face*

Human 2: "AAAAH! How did he do that?!" *drops Rico & him & Voice belly slide away*

In The Middle Of Nowhere...

Rico: "Hey, are bạn OK? I'm Rico."

Voice: "Yeah, I'm fine. Kowalski." *extends flipper*

Rico: "What does that mean?"

Kowalski: "Oh, that's how I've seen hu--I mean other creatures greet each other. bạn grab my flipper & we di chuyển our flippers up & down."

Rico/Kowalski: *shake flippers*

Kowalski: "Thanks for saving me back there. I never would've gotten out of that cooler."

Rico: "Hey, no problem...Uh, where are we?"

Kowalski: *looks around* "I don't know. We're way off the reser--Wait? What were bạn doing this far off the reserve?"

Rico: "I heard this loud boom. I had to know what it was."

Kowalski: "Oh, those are fireworks. They're very complicated mixtures of different explosives. bởi the way, how exactly did bạn get that hammer-head down your throat without choking? How did bạn even cough it up?"

Rico: "Oh, it's sort of runs in my family. I don't know how we do it."

Kowalski: "It makes your voice sort of rough."

Rico: "Yeah, I get this gift on my Dad's side. His voice went out bởi the time he was 23. He sort of talks in grunts & squeals now. He says I'll eventually get that way."

Kowalski: "Well, I suppose we'd better start walking. Our rookery should be migrating to the feeding grounds."

Rico: "Which way is that?"

Kowalski: "I don't know. I was hoping you'd know."

Rico: "Nope. I guess we'd better just take our chances then."

Kowalski: "No, we'll leave tonight. I've spent a little over a năm studying the stars & I'll know which way to go once they come out."

Rico: "Um, whatever bạn say...So when did bạn get captured?"

Kowalski: "About an giờ ago. Those humans are just horrible...My mom was right..."

Rico: "Yeah. Mine too. They're probably worried sick about us right now."

Kowalski: "Yeah. We should probably get a few hours of sleep if we're to start walking tonight."

Rico: "Yeah. Night! Or...Afternoon...As it were."

Kowalski: "See bạn tonight..."

Scene 4


*enter Susan to a sick Caleb bearing cá soup, an egg is seen rapped in blankets tiếp theo to Caleb*

Susan: "Here eat this. bạn need to keep your strength up."

Caleb: "Susan, we both know I'm dying. I can feel it. My mother had the same symptoms. She was gone within 3 days."

Susan: "No. bạn can't leave me. We have to raise our baby...It must have a father!"

Caleb: "I know bạn will take good care of our son hoặc daughter. Why don't bạn get your brother to help you?"

Susan: "He's gone all the time. I barely get to see him."

Caleb: "Susan, he can help bạn during migration. That's about the only time you'll need big help. bởi then he will have no choice but to tham gia in on the migration. bạn will do just *breath* fine. I've been sick for 2 1/2 days. My time is coming. bạn must be strong...for our baby."

Susan: *begins crying* "OK...I tình yêu you..."

Caleb: "I tình yêu you, too." *drifts slowly to sleep*

Susan: "Caleb! No! Come back to me! No! bạn can't leave me!" *begins weeping harder*


Susan: *looks up*


Susan: *sees egg hatching* "Oh, Caleb...You just missed it..." *goes over and cradles her newborn boy* "I'll name bạn Private. It was your grandfather's name..."

The tiếp theo Morning...

Susan: *running up to her brother* "Nigel! It happened...He hatched!"

Nigel: "Oh, Susan! How wonderful! Uh, where's Caleb?"

Susan: "...Uh...Nigel...There's something I need bạn to do..."

Nigel: "What is it, sister?"

Susan: "Caleb. He's...gone. It happened last night. While bạn were away...I need bạn to help me along the migration. bạn have to help me raise my son."

Nigel: *takes Private from Susan* "Oh, Susan, I don't know if I can."

Susan: "Please. I have no one else..."

Nigel: "OK, my dear. I will try. So what's the chap's name?"

Susan: "Private. After Caleb's father."

Nigel: "Private. A lovely name."

5 Years Later...

*Susan & Nigel alone in the trang chủ while Private plays outside with his friend*

Susan: "Nigel, this is getting to me. bạn go away for a long time, sometimes even for days. You've got to tell me where bạn go..."

Nigel: "Susan, bạn know where I go. To the far side of the reserve, feeding the children."

Susan: "No bạn don't. I went there yesterday to say hi & bạn weren't there. What's going on Nigel?"

Nigel: *sigh* "I guess you'll find out sooner hoặc later. I'm a secret agent. I go all over the reserve to help those in need."

Susan: "Secret agent? Why have bạn never told me?"

Nigel: "I didn't want to worry bạn hoặc put bạn hoặc Private in any danger. bạn have to promise me bạn won't tell anyone. Especially Private."

Susan: *sigh* "OK. Fine. But be careful out there. bạn know I need you."

Nigel: "Don't worry. I will."

11 Years After Birth...The Migration

*Susan & Nigel waddling along in that year's migration/Private waddling with his friends*

Nigel: *whispers to Susan* "Hey, do bạn hear that?"

Susan: *listens*


Susan/Nigel: *belly slide toward the sound*

*2 penguins are seen trying to escape a leopard seal*

Nigel: "I'm going to help them! Stay here!"

*Nigel goes to save the penguins*

*Susan follows disobediently*

*Nigel attempts to save the penguins but only manages to save the female, however she is badly injured*

Nigel: *goes to the female penguin* "Ma'am! Are bạn OK? I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner..."

Penguin: "It's OK. I know I'm not going to make it so I need bạn to promise me one thing."

Nigel: "I'll try."

Penguin: "If bạn meet a young chim cánh cụt named Skipper, tell him I đã đưa ý kiến I tình yêu him..."

Nigel: "OK. I'll do just that."

Penguin: "Thank you. Thank *breath* you..." *drifts to sleep*

Nigel: "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, miss. Susan, it's OK now bạn can come here..."

Susan: ...

Nigel: *rises to his feet & looks around* "Susan?"

Susan: ...

Nigel: "Oh no. No, no, no. This can't be happening...SUSAN!!!!" *echos her name*

*no response*

Nigel: "I can't believe this." *buries the female chim cánh cụt & walks slowly back to the rookery of migrating penguins*

Back At The Migration...

Lithia: "Hey! You! Have bạn seen my son? I've been looking for him ever since the migration started."

Nigel: "I'm sorry, no."

Lithia: "Oh, man. Hey! Have bạn seen my son?"
*walks to another penguin*

Nigel: *goes to Private* "Listen, Private. There's something I need to tell you."

Private: "What is it Uncle Nigel? Where's momma?"

Nigel: "There was an accident, your mom is...gone. I'm sorry."

Private: "Gone? Where'd she go?"

Nigel: "Um, she' a better place."

Private: "No, bạn don't mean..."

Nigel: *nods head slowly*

Private: *begins crying* "NO! This can't be happening!"

Nigel: *hugs him as he weeps* "I know, my boy. I'm crushed too."

*Private & Nigel begin walking alongside the migration slowly & silently, & gently weeping*

Scene 5


Skipper: *waddling along a long way behind the rest of the migrating penguins (however they can be seen on the horizon)*

Why did this have to happen? It's all my fault. If I hadn't passed out there may have been some hope for them. Why'd they have to go & save my life. It should've been me. Why, oh, why wasn't it me...

*frustrated & angry he sits down in the snow...just thinking...& starts weeping again*

(????): "What's the matter, cupcake?"

Skipper: *looks up at the chim cánh cụt standing over him* "Who are you?"

(????): "My name is Buck Rockgut. What seems to be the problem?"

Skipper: "My parents were just killed bởi a leopard seal...& it's all my fault."

Buck: "Your fault? Why is it your fault? Did bạn ask the niêm phong, con dấu to attack your parents?"

Skipper: "No, but--"

Buck: "No buts! bạn did not cause that attack. Leopard seals are just dangerous carnivores. bạn are not to blame for that."

Skipper: *sigh* "I suppose your right. Why are bạn here?"

Buck: "I just saw ya here. Thought I'd see what the dealeo was. Name?"

Skipper: "Skipper, Mr. Rockgut."

Buck: "That's Buck to bạn soldier. No need for formalities here."

Skipper: "OK...Buck. What am I supposed to do now?"

Buck: "We should get going."

Skipper: "Back to the migration?"

Buck: "Negative. I'm gonna hiển thị bạn something. Something that might keep your mind off your problems."

Skipper: *follows Buck*

Buck: *leads him into a cave*

Skipper: "What are we doing here? Why don't bạn want to migrate?"

Buck: "Listen kẹo corn! Do bạn want to keep your mind off your parents hoặc not?"

Skipper: *nods head slowly*

Buck: "OK then. Listen up. I am what bạn call a secret agent. Do bạn know what that is?"

Skipper: "Well, yeah. I've heard rumors that penguins in our rookery have been chosen to be agents to help protect the flock. Only no one knows who they are. You're one of them?"

Buck: "Yep. And now I'm gonna teach bạn how to be one."

Skipper: "Me? A secret agent? How am I supposed to do that?"

Buck: "I saw how bạn handled a few of them ice burgs when bạn were throwing your little mantrums. Like this morning. bạn tore the crap out of it. There were icicles everywhere after bạn finished. We could use someone like you."

Skipper: "But I'm only 12 years old! That's against the rules!"

Buck: "Who says I'm one to follow the rules?"

Skipper: "...Um...I...There..."

Buck: "Stop 'stuttering & spit it out ya small potato!"

Skipper: "...Um...Fine. What do I have to do?"

2 Years Later...

*Buck & Skipper outside practicing*

Skipper: "HIYAH! HA! HO!" *kicking & punching an iceburg, he jumps, turns, & kicks the iceburg with all his strength, causing many icicles to break off & fly out*

Buck: "Now that's what I'm talkin' about. These past 2 years have been good to you."

Skipper: "Affirmative."

Buck: "Now that your training is complete, do whatever bạn want. But bạn step out a line even an inch...I'll take bạn down. bạn hear me?!"

Skipper: "Affirmative, sir."

Buck: "The flock will be back in T minus 2 months. That is if bạn want to tham gia them again."

Skipper: "...Maybe."

Buck: *salutes & leaves him*

Scene 6


Kowalski: *awakens & sees darkness, then waddling over to Rico* "Rico, wake up!"

Rico: "Wha?" *slowly awakens*

Kowalski: "It's night. But we have a problem. There are too many clouds. I can't see any stars."

Rico: "What are we gonna do?"

Kowalski: "I dunno. I can't wait here for the stars to come out...I'm just too hungry."

Rico: "Yeah. Same here. So what do we do then?"

Kowalski: "I suggest we begin walking. Maybe we can find some food."

*Kowalski & Rico waddle till they find a small opening in the ice*

Kowalski: "Here! Maybe we can find some fish. But stay close to the surface where there's some light."

Rico: "OK! Let's see what we can find!"

*both dive into the small pool & tìm kiếm for fish*

3 phút Later...

Kowalski: *comes out of water with his flippers full of small fish*

Rico: *same as Kowalski*

Kowalski: "All I could find are these small fish. Did bạn have any better luck?"

Rico: "Nope. Small fish. That's it."

Kowalski: "Here, put it in a pile. Then I'll half it."

*the cá is halved*

*Kowalski & Rico finish eating*

Rico: "That wasn't really enough. I'm still hungry."

Kowalski: "I know. I am too. I guess we have no choice but to keep going."

Rico: *sigh*

*Kowalski & Rico begin waddling again*

4 Hours Later...

Rico: "Can't...move...on..."

Kowalski: "We t...try..."

Rico: "My feet are...killing me..."

Kowalski: "Mine too..." *falls face forward*

Rico: *comes tiếp theo to him* "We should rest..."

Kowalski: "We should, but, *pant* we have to try to find the flock..."

Rico: "We can try to do that tomorrow...*pant* when it's daylight...*pant*

Kowalski: *passes out*

Rico: "Kowalski? Kowal...Kow...Ko..." *passes out*

Scene 7


The Feeding Grounds...

Private: *sits isolated from the group, looking at the water, thinking*

I can't believe this happened. I Mất tích my Dad before I even knew him...Now my Mom is gone too. All I have left is Uncle Nigel. And he's gone most of the time. I wonder what happened to her--WAIT! I don't even want to know. Why? Why did bạn have to go. Why couldn't bạn have stayed. I wish bạn were here. Oh, how I wish bạn were here....

Steve: "Hey, Private. bạn feel like playing?"

Private: "Sorry guys. I'm just not in the mood right now. Maybe later."

Jake: "Hey, sorry about your mom, dude. She was cool."

Private: "Thanks." *friends leave*

*Nigel approaches*

Nigel: "Hello, old chap. How are bạn holding up?"

Private: "I'm still pretty shooken up. I just can't believe she's gone."

Nigel: "I know, I know. I am too. We just have to stay strong. That's what she would've wanted..."

Private: "I know. Uncle Nigel, what was my dad like?"

Nigel: "Ah. A good young fellow he was. He took good care of your mother. He was honest, kind. bạn would've liked him."

Private: "What did he like doing?"

Nigel: "He liked talking, walking. But as long as he was with your mother, he was happy."

Private: "What am I supposed to do now?"

Nigel: "...Private...There's something I should've told you...a long time ago. Follow me. We can't talk here."

Private: *follows Nigel*

Nigel: *leads him out of earshot from the flock* "Listen Private, when I'm away, I'm not...exactly...feeding the children like I đã đưa ý kiến I was..."

Private: "You lied? Then what do bạn do?"

Nigel: "Well...I sort of...I kind of...I..."

Private: "What do bạn do!?"

Nigel: "Sssssshhhh! Look, what I'm trying to say is...Private, I'm a secret agent."

Private: "You're a what!?"

Nigel: *places his flipper over his beak* "Will bạn lower your voice!? I'm a secret agent, Private."

Private: *whispering* "Why didn't bạn tell me? bạn know bạn can trust me!"

Nigel: "I know I can boy. It's just that I didn't want to put your life at risk."

Private: "And bạn tell me this now because...?"

Nigel: "I think it's time I teach bạn how to defend yourself."

Private: "Defend myself? From what?"

Nigel: *not wanting to tell him about what happened to his mother, he says* "Just in case, my boy. Just in case..."

Private: "Just in case of what? Does this have something to do with what happened to my mother?"

Nigel: "No, dear boy. bạn just...never know when something might happen. Are bạn in?"

Private: "...When do we start?"

2 Years Later...

Private: Uncle Nigel's has left the flock. He's taken his position as a secret agent worldwide. He đã đưa ý kiến something about wanting to catch some kind of squirrel. He's taught me so much the past 2 years. Defense, strategy. I now know everything he knows & it's my job to protect the flock. So what if I'm 13. I'm gonna have to do what a penguin's got to do...

Scene 8


Skipper: *practicing his regular morning self defense techniques*

(????): "I see you've learned a lot in the past 2 years..."

Skipper: *stops abruptly & looks around while in battle position* "Who was that?! Where are you?!"

(????): "Do not look so frightened. I mean bạn no harm..."

Skipper: *looks frantically around but sees no one* "Where are you?! hiển thị yourself! I'm not afraid of you!"

(????): "Ah, Skipper. bạn have so much anger. Just because your parents were taken from bạn it doesn't mean bạn should take it out on everyone else..."

Skipper: "WHERE ARE YOU!?"

(????): *taps Skipper's shoulder from behind him*

Skipper: *swings his fist around with all his strength*

(????): *blocks his fist*

Skipper: *looks up into his face...brings his leg around & kicks*

*Skipper & ???? begin fighting*

(????): *pins Skipper down*

Skipper: "Who are you?"

(????): "I am General Shin Gin. I have been watching bạn for the past 2 years. I see you've been through a lot..."

Skipper: "Yeah, I really--Wait...You've been spying on me?!"

General: "No, more...observing. There is no need to fear me. I only come to help."

Skipper: "Help? Help me what?"

General: "You need guidance. bạn have been going down a dark path ever since your parents death. And an even darker path since bạn started taking Rockgut's advice. And he didn't even see it. He didn't see what he was turning bạn into..."

Skipper: "What do bạn mean? Oh, & bởi the way...can bạn get off me now?"

General: *lifts off of Skipper* "You have darkness in your heart. No one is to blame for the death of your parents. Not you. Not them. Not even the seal. It's in the seal's nature to kill. bạn may not like that Mother Nature has made them like that...but there is nothing bạn can do about it."

Skipper: "OK...Um...What exactly are bạn trying to tell me?"

General: "I am not leaving till the darkness in your tim, trái tim does."

Skipper: "Really? How long is that gonna take?" *he says with an annoyed tone to his voice*

General: "Let's start with your strategy. bạn fight with too much anger. Too much hate. If bạn want to fight for a good purpose, we must first deal with getting rid of that."

Skipper: *sigh* "I guess there's nothing I'm gonna say to make bạn leave then?"

General: "Negative."

Skipper: *sighs again* "Fine. How am I supposed to rid of the anger & hate then?"

General: "One word. Meditation."

One tháng Later...

General: "You have progressed much from last month. I say that bạn are free to go do what bạn are destined to do."

Skipper: "How do I know what I'm destined to do?"

General: "I sense bạn will find out soon. Just remember that on the road your tim, trái tim leads you...always take your brain with you. Our hearts can lead us the wrong way sometimes. Your conscience must go with bạn to tell bạn so."

Skipper: "OK. Thanks General."

General: "Farewell, Skipper. Remember everything bạn have been taught."

Skipper: "Roger that."

General: *leaves*

Scene 9


*Kowalski & Rico woke up in the middle of the tiếp theo day*

Kowalski: *stomach rumbles* "Ugh. I'm soooo hungry..."

Rico: "Me too. C'mon. We should get moving."

*Kowalski & Rico begin waddling*

2 Hours Later...

Kowalski: *begins slowing down* "Hey...Rico..."

Rico: "Sup?"

Kowalski: "I know this place..."

Rico: *looks around* "Hey, me too."

Kowalski: "Is this...No...It couldn't be..."

Rico: "What?"

Kowalski: "I think this is our home...I think we made it back to where we live while it's not feeding season..."

Rico: "Hey, ya know...You're right..."

Kowalski: "That means...Rico! Are bạn thinking what I'm thinking!?"

Rico: "Totally..."

Kowalski: "Let's go!"

*Kowalski & Rico go to the pond where they knew would be tons of fish*

Rico: "Here!" *points to pond*

Kowalski/Rico: *dive in and fill their tummies for the first time for 3 days*

*jump back out*

Kowalski: "Finally. A decent meal."

Rico: "You know it. So what do we do now? We know we're headed in the right direction...Should we keep moving toward the feeding grounds?"

Kowalski: "We should but, I know that path. We won't see thực phẩm until we get to the grounds. Plus it's a 2 week trip. There's no way we can hold enough cá to last that long. Unless bạn have a sack in that wonder tummy of yours?"

Rico: "Sorry. I don't have much. Nothing much I need to carry."

Kowalski: "Then what do we do? The flock doesn't come back for 2 years, when there hatchlings are grown enough to survive the journey."

Rico: "So...We wait 2 years?"

Kowalski: "I'm afraid we've no choice. I'm sorry Rico."

Rico: "Not your fault. This is gonna be a long 2 years..."

2 Years Later...

Kowalski: "Hey! Rico! Wake up! I think I heard something!"

Rico: "What's goin' on?"

Kowalski: "I heard some rustling in the snow!"

Rico: *stands up & looks around*

*a chim cánh cụt is seen belly-sliding toward them*

Kowalski: "What do we do!? Who is that?"

Rico: "I dunno..."

*penguin comes up to them*

Penguin: "Who are bạn 2 & what are bạn doing on these grounds during feeding season?"

Kowalski: "That's a long story. Who are you?"

Penguin: "I asked bạn first..."

Kowalski: "I'm Kowalski."

Rico: "Rico!"

Penguin: "I'm the Skipper. State your business."

Kowalski: "Um...I beg your pardon?"

Skipper: "I mean, what are bạn doing here."

Kowalski: "Like I said...It's a long story."

Skipper: "I ain't goin' nowhere."

*Kowalski & Rico tell Skipper how they got there*

Skipper: "So bạn 2 have been waiting here this entire time?"

Rico: "Yup."

Kowalski: "OK, your turn. Why are bạn here all bởi yourself?"

Skipper: "Um, my parents...they were in an accident. I wandered from the group...Never looked back."

Kowalski: "Oh. I'm sorry I asked. That must have been painful for you."

Skipper: "Um...Moving on. With all do respect...Why exactly do bạn talk like that?"

Kowalski: "It sort of runs in his family...Show him Rico..."

Rico: *hacks up shoe*

Skipper: O.O "Um...Interesting. Hey, I'm waiting for the flock, too. I'm not sure if I want to rejoin, but I'm thinking about it. I'll wait with you."

Kowalski: "Do bạn know how long it will be now?"

Skipper: "T minus 1 month. They start migrating in 2 weeks."

Rico: "Whattdowedoow?" (Translation: "What do we do now?")

Kowalski: "I guess all there is to do is wait."

Skipper: "I'm not just gonna sit around."

Kowalski: "What do bạn suggest we do?"

Skipper: "Um...I could teach ya'll some self defense. bạn in?"

Kowalski: "Uh, sure. I guess. One câu hỏi though, where exactly did bạn learn self defense...Only the secret agents know that. You're too young to be a secret agent."

Skipper: "Let's just leave it at I'll have my secret life & bạn have yours. Deal?"

Kowalski: "Um...I guess. Rico...You in?"

Rico: "Um...OK!"

T Minus 3 Days Till Flock Return...

Kowalski: "...What if they didn't miss me. What if they don't tình yêu me anymore?"

Skipper: "Oh, c'mon. bạn know that ain't true. They're your parents."

Kowalski: "But I wronged them so. What if they never forgive me? I just don't know if I can take that kind of rejection."

Skipper: "It'll all work out...Trust me."

Rico: "Mypaentsontmismeithe." (Translation: "My parents won't miss me either.")

Skipper: "Will bạn 2 stop talking like that!? I'm sure they miss bạn both."

Kowalski/Rico: *shrug*

Skipper: "If anyone should be nervous it's me. I don't have anybody else. I'm sure no one even remembers me. bạn 2 have somebody."

Kowalski: "You're right. But...Couldn't we just...When they get here, can't we just hide, & just see how they're doing without us?"

Rico: "Hey! Gooiea!" (Translation: "Hey! Good idea!)

Skipper: "Fine. I know where we can go."

Scene 10


Private: *walking along with the migration, in the back, where he'd be unnoticed, where no one would pay attention to him* I've had slow a slow week. There hasn't been much trouble since the migration started. I guess that just makes my job easier. I--OW! What was that?" *feels a prick on the back of his neck...then reaches back & pulls a small dart from the back of his neck*

Private: "What th--whoa..." *his vision becomes blurred, the world tips back & forth & begins spinning...feeling dizzy, sleepy...he falls forward... unconscious*

1 giờ Later...

Private: "Oooooh...Where am I?" *looks around to find himself in some underground lair*

(????): "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

Private: "Wh-who was that? Where are you?! hiển thị yourself!"

(????): "There is no need for fear, Private. I've been watching you...very closely..."

Private: "Who are bạn & why have bạn tied me to this chair?! How do bạn know my name?! I demand answers!"

(????): "Oh, Private. It is bạn who will be taking orders from me."

Private: "What are bạn talking about?"

(????): "I know about your mother Private. I know what happened to her..."

Private: "I...I don't want to know...I don't even want to know how bạn know..."

(????): "She was attacked bởi a leopard seal, Private. A large, carnivorous. leo--"

Private: "SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING bạn HAVE TO SAY!!!" *wiggles & tries to free himself from the chair*

(????): "If only your Uncle could have saved her...But he was too busy saving someone else..."

Private: "Wha--What do bạn mean...Someone else..."

(????): "He was saving someone else's mother...A young fellow named Skipper...It was his mother he was saving..."

Private: "Why are bạn telling me this? And why won't bạn hiển thị yourself?"

(????): "I only want to help bạn Private...Don't bạn want to get vengeance for your mother? If Skipper's mother wasn't there, Nigel would've saved Susan...Not Teressa..."

Private: "I...You...Um..."

(????): "C'mon...Join me Private! If bạn do what I say, bạn can have vengeance on your mother, & I can have satisfaction of knowing that the world has been set straight again..."

Private: "What do bạn have against this Skipper fellow? What has he ever done to you?"

(????): "Oh, it's not what he's done to me, Private. It's what I'm going to make him do for me...He has somewhat of a...talent...that I could use..."

Private: "Then why don't bạn get him yourself?"

(????): "Private? Don't bạn want to avenge your mother's death? That's all I want to do for you..."

Private: *thinks a minute* "...What do I have to do."

(????): *releases Private* "Just follow me."

Private: *stands & turns around* "Who are you? What's your name?"

(????): "I am known as...Dr. Blowhole."

Scene 11


The Flock's Return

*hiding in an old abandoned home, the trio of penguins watch the penguins coming into the living grounds*

*all whispering*

Kowalski: "Hey! There's my parents! And...They're..."

Skipper: *looks* "Oh. I'm sorry, amigo."

*they see Kowalski's parents holding another hatchling*

Rico: "Hey! Therine!" (Translation: "Hey! There's mine!") *starts to go to them, but stops when Lithia & Jordan start laughing*

Kowalski: "I'm sorry, Rico. I know how bạn feel."

Skipper: "Hey! Don't look so upset! There's gotta be another explanation for this...I'm sure they still mis--"

Kowalski: "--No, Skipper. Let's just go. I can't chịu, gấu to watch."

Rico: "Meoo." (Translation: "Me too.")

*Kowalski & Rico begin to sadly walk away, & Skipper follows*

Kowalski's Parents At This Moment...

Angela: *holding baby penguin* "Oh, John. I wish Kowalski was here."

John: "I do too. C'mon. We should give the baby back to it's momma..."

Angela: *sigh* "I suppose your right..." *she remembered when she đã đưa ý kiến she wanted her baby back when they got back to the living grounds...*

Rico's Parents At This Moment

Lithia: "...OK! Bye!" *she had just finished talking to her friends, & now was alone with Jordan* "Jordan, do bạn think Rico will ever return?"

Jordan: *looks at her with tears in his eyes*

Lithia: "Oh, Jordan! Noo! No, no no..." *breaks down crying*

To Be Continued...
(^_^) HAPPY Halloween POM FANS! link
Shrek forever
rumpel's party palace remix extended nguins of madagascar
(nari's pom mv's)
added by SJ_waddles
Ok, I know it has h-e-double-hockey-stick, but still, I like this alot XD
Biệt đội chim cánh cụt vùng Madagascar
added by B0XFISH
Source: me
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Me,Nut to You,Gut Instinct
added by B0XFISH
Source: me
added by Zila_penguin
Source: Me I did this it took along time but Oh well XP
added by hobopenguin
added by Sandrei
added by fun123fun
Source: me
added by carsfan
Source: 9gag, Internet
added by Private1sCut3
Source: Me
added by stlouisfan
Source: The mũ bảo hiểm
added by 1kowalskilover
Source: deviantart
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Hello Dollface
added by carsfan
Source: Internet
added by Kaiume
Source: ME :3
added by PenguinStyle
Source: ME AND ME!
added by JediPenguin16
Source: I drew the mouth...found pic on a site