Negima Club
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Two days after returning from their trip to the hot springs, Negi and his students have been under hot pursuit. Sense the awakening of the legendary beast that was sealed thousands of years cách đây the actions regarding the magical terrorists continued to plaque the minds of both Negi and Kasey.

In the Mahora Academy building, Negi, Kasey, and Chamo were all in his office. They have been debating as to what they believed was going on. “But why would they go through such measures just to release a monster that was sealed many years ago?” Negi asked. Kasey did what he could to think, but he too had no clue. “I don’t know what else to tell you,” He sighed as he laid on the floor. “All I know is that they are up to something and it’s no good.” They both recalled the events that occurred between Kasey’s arrival, which included the fact that the large, dark life forms were sent to their world from the Magical World. Then came the event that lead to Mana’s entire collection of arsenals and weaponry being stolen and taken to an unknown island far from Mahora. Both of those events were keyed together to the present, which was the event that occurred two days cách đây when they were all in the hot springs.

“So, if we put all of those events together we should be able to find the answer.” Chamo stated. Negi and Kasey nodded as they stared. While this was a true case, there were only three things that occurred and having them wasn’t enough to put the pieces together. It was frustrating. “I guess we can only wait until another occurrence happens,” Negi says as he gave a little smile. “It might be a while before they return but it will give us some time to figure things out.” Kasey and Chamo nodded. While they continued, someone was ease dropping behind the office door. She wasn’t really revealed but it was obvious who it was- Evangeline. She listened a while thêm and quickly walked away.

Moments later, she and Chachamaru were seen in the academy grounds. Evangeline was laying her head on Chachamaru’s legs while she was stroking the girl’s long, blonde hair gently. Observing the reaction on her face, she knew something was upsetting her. “May I ask what is making bạn angry?” She asked. Evangeline didn’t bother responding but rather growled a little- softly. Of course Chachamaru didn’t need to ask as it became clear what was upsetting her. “Is it Negi?” Just then, both of her eyes completely opened as she quickly sat up and slapped her hard on her right cheek. Sense she was a robot, Chachamaru didn’t receive much pain. After the impact she touched her right cheek as she asked, “Why did bạn slap me?”

Evangeline’s expression was completely different. She turned from mad into angrier at a chẻ, phân chia, split second. “What makes bạn think that’s why I am upset?!” She yelled. Chachamaru didn’t have much to say, but told her he’s sometimes the reason for her anger. Evangeline scoffed as she quickly turned around. Both of her arms were crossed as a deep sigh came out of her. “He will never learn,” She đã đưa ý kiến quietly. “He will never, ever learn. Why can’t he let all of this go? Why must he bother with things he can’t deal with?? Just why?” Chachamaru wanted to talk but couldn’t as her master continue complaining. She kept going on about how upsetting it was that Negi kept pushing himself, wanting to learn thêm about the magical terrorists and their reasons for causing havoc. When her complaints were finished Chachamaru was finally allowed to talk.

“Why don’t bạn just tell him?” She asked. Evangeline looked up with surprise. Chachamaru nodded and said, “Just tell him the truth. I think it is for the best.” Her reaction remained perfectly still for a few giây before it changed. Instead of being furious, she giggled. “Like that’s ever going to happen,” She đã đưa ý kiến as she continued giggling. “I don’t know where bạn get your humor from but it needs to end. You’re not a clown. bạn are my servant and bạn will obey me no matter what twisted opinions bạn have got it?” Chachamaru nodded in response and remained silent for a while. Evangeline was glade of her understanding and told her it was time to head home. Carrying in her arms, they both flew out of the Mahora grounds and made their way home. Whatever secrets Evangeline was hiding, they couldn’t have been good- why else would she care about Negi not wanting to deal with the terrorists? It’s a mystery worth the wait..

The tiếp theo ngày had arrived and Kasey, now disguised as a Weimaraner, was walking through the barren sidewalks of the beautiful and quite country grounds. None of the girls were seen as he was the only one passing through. It wasn’t until a little later when he noticed two girls from a distance. Asuna and Konoka were both sitting at a nearby picnic table, chatting about something. Konoka’s head tilted a little as she saw the large weimaraner staring. Asuna became confused as to what she was looking at and quickly turned her head. “Oh! It’s just Kasey.” She said. “We should invite him to tham gia us.” Konoka đã đưa ý kiến with a bright smile and a slight giggle. Asuna thought for a moment and agreed. They both got up and approached Kasey as they bent over a little, putting both of their hands on their knees as they stared into his dog-like eyes. “May I ask why are ya’ll staring at me like that?” He asked with a little awkwardness.

“We’re sorry,” Konoka đã đưa ý kiến as she rubbed his head gently. “But we can’t help it. You’re just too darn cute!” At first, he didn’t know what to think. But the feeling of her hands rubbing against his head eventually took all his thoughts away. Asuna got tired of the experience and managed to snap both of them back to reality. “Don’t be rude Asuna! I was just hiển thị him a little love…is it too much to give?” Asuna’s eyes were a little closed as it could be seen how confused and annoyed she was. “I wasn’t rude first off. And second, I only had to do that because bạn both looked too awkward. Like a couple.” Kasey’s dog ears were standing straight up after hearing what she said. Konoka however blushed as her hands were pressed together and both of her eyes were closed. “You think we are a couple?? Oh Asuna!” Both Kasey and Asuna showed confusion as sweat drops appeared on the side of their heads.

With him now joining Asuna and Konoka, he felt a little better. But that went away after Asuna asked an important question. “Where’s Negi?” She asked. He looked down for a một giây and eventually looked back at her. “He’s at the library. Doing some research I think.” Asuna became a little angered bởi the way he always wandered off without at lease consulting her, but Konoka insured that sometimes he needed to spend time alone. As they were talking, Kasey turned his head slightly around as the expression on his doggy face showed how he truly felt. “I hope he isn’t taking this business too far,” He đã đưa ý kiến in his mind. “I just wished there was something I could..” Just then, he snapped back into reality after Asuna shouted. “What’s going on in that mind of yours Kasey?” She growled. He assured that he wasn’t thinking of anything. While it was clear he was lying, the girls didn’t seem to see through him and just believed what he said.

As they were walking together, Asuna and Konoka really wanted to learn thêm about Kasey. They asked him various các câu hỏi regarding where he came from and how exactly he got his powers. While asking these các câu hỏi may seem to have bothered him a little, he didn’t mind at all responding. In fact, he went through every detail in his past- how the Animorphic powers were transmitted within his blood and his past life with his mother, father, and two dogs. The story was very tragic in Konoka’s eyes but for Asuna, it became perfectly clear how she felt. She felt angry as well as upset. “How can they do such a thing to someone like you?! I mean, you’re awesome, amazing, and always willing to help out whenever it’s needed! I don’t understand how anyone can be so stupid! It makes no sense!” As Konoka did what she could to calm her, Kasey couldn’t help but feel a hint of sadness. He didn’t expect anyone to be angered bởi what happened- even though he too felt the same way after leaving his hometown. But as he moved on, he eventually overcame his sadness and continued moving on. After everything was normal Kasey never spoke about his past again but concluded the topic bởi saying he enjoyed being who he was. Konoka was both understanding and accepting of his words.

After walking through the Mahora grounds for a while more, everyone decided to take a breather. Asuna was the first to slump her back against a park bench as she sighed heavily. “Walking really kills me..” She moaned. “But it’s good to walk around,” Konoka implied. “At lease we are doing something enjoyable right Kasey?” He nodded in response as he also joined in. “And besides, bạn are doing yourself some good with your body too. It’s always good to go out jogging hoặc doing something.” Asuna quickly looked at him as her face was filled with confusion and a little bit of anger. “Are bạn saying I’m overweight?” Konoka gasped as both of her hands covered her mouth. She quickly turned to Kasey, trying to fix the issue. He knew what to do and quickly told her that it wasn’t what he meant. “I just meant that it’s good to go out and do something. I’m sorry I đã đưa ý kiến that the wrong way.” Understanding him a little, she finally managed to relax. Of course she only did it because not only was it important but she was too tired to get angry. Kasey sighed softly while Konoka giggled a little quietly.

As they were enjoying the peace and tranquility, Kasey decided it was time for him to learn a little bit thêm about Mahora and most of the girls who attend the academy. “So, can bạn guys tell me a little about these other girls who are in this school?” He asked. Asuna, who was fast asleep, didn’t hear him. Konoka on the other hand was delighted to answer. “Well, as bạn probably know already, there are thirty one of us. It might seem a lot to some people but to me it’s quite nice. bạn could say that we are all like a big, happy family. We laugh, we cry, we have fun, and we care about each other very, very much. It’s a wonderful and great feeling- something bạn will get use to.” Kasey listened and couldn’t help but feel surprised. He didn’t know that having thirty one female students, attending the same school would all be classified as family. What also got him surprised was how little Negi could handle them everyday. But he realized that thinking like that wasn’t really important nor nice.

When Konoka finished her speech, his expression was clearly shown with surprise. “Wow!” He exclaimed. “I had no idea they all meant so much to you.” She looked at him as she smiled. “Of course it does. I mean, what’s not to like? They are after all my classmates and the best people I could ever have. Even bạn are an amazing person too.” Feeling a little embarrassed, Kasey lowered his head a tad. “I don’t think so,” He đã đưa ý kiến quietly. “Look at me. I am nothing like bạn guys. If anything I’m just some freak hiển thị that travels a lot. But I don’t want bạn feeling sorry for me Konoka. I enjoy being who I am and I will not let anyone hurt me hoặc say anything to bring me down.” Konoka was surprised for second, but quickly changed her emotions. She huggled him bởi his neck and kept saying how cute and courageous he was. While she continued doing this, Asuna finally woke up and after doing a slight yawn she turned and stared at them for a good while with a blank expression on her face.

After having their little social convention, they continued walking through the vast areas and monuments that made Mahora what it was. They also encountered several other girls in which Konoka introduced their names and little facts about their personalities. They ran into Nodoka, Yue, Haruna, Madoka, Sakurako, Misa, Kū Fei, Satsuki, when they took a trip to her kitchen, and Zazie Rainyday, who was also along with Mana, who Kasey has already met. There were also others he never got to meet yet but there will be moments where he might get to see them in the near future.

They were then seen sitting on another park bench but was in a different location. This time, they had ended up traveling even farther beyond the Mahora grounds. Both Asuna and Kasey were extremely tired as they shared a deep sigh. “Why must we suffer from this trauma?!” Asuna moaned loudly. Kasey looked up at her as he respond, “It’s not really trauma Asuna. It’s good that we are doing this, like I đã đưa ý kiến earlier. We have to keep ourselves active in order to stay healthy.” Konoka was intrigued bởi his wisdom. Asuna however was far from impressed as her head quickly lifted back up. “Biology’s boring as can be!” She moaned again. Both Konoka and Kasey could only sigh with humiliation. Just then, strange noises were heard not far near them. Konoka and Kasey quickly looked up. “What was that? Konoka asked. Kasey’s dog ears were definitely picking vibrations. However, it was something he wasn’t too familiar with.

“Stay here,” He đã đưa ý kiến as he slowly got up and sneaked away. “I’ll go check it out.” Konoka wanted to stop him but it was too late as he was already far away. She hoped he would be okay. Asuna meanwhile continued dozing, with a snot bubble forming on the tip of her nose. Kasey was now in a clump of greenery which formed into a forest. He continued to observe his surroundings carefully while also picking the vibrations from the sounds. As he got closer, he could hear them very clearly as they sounded like robotics hoặc machinery being in motion. “Who could be working on robotic things out here?” He thought in his mind. As he poked his dog-like head through a bụi cây, cây bụi, tổng thống bush he stared with surprise.

Two girls were seen tampering with a giant robot. One of the girls was wearing a white lab coat; while the other wore something like a Chinese maiden outfit. He became confused as to what was going on hoặc why they were tampering with a giant robot. However, a clue suddenly came to him. “That girl wearing the white coat,” He đã đưa ý kiến in his mind. “I know her. She’s the one who had that robot that went out of control and I stopped it.” With the revelation now revealed it became clear that he knew who she was. Suddenly, as he was trying to walk backwards, Kasey stepped on a small twig that made a loud crack sound. This caused both girls to look up quickly and saw the dog. “Is that a dog?” The girl wearing the Chinese outfit asked with surprise. “Technically, it’s a Weimaraner,” The other girl responds. “And it certainly looks like a beautiful specimen.”

They continued staring at the dog. Through all of this, Kasey didn’t know what to do. He wanted to turn and run but didn’t have the strength. All he did was continued staring right back at them while looking a little edgy. Just then, the girl wearing the lab áo, áo khoác was digging on the coat’s right pocket as she remembered something she kept there. The other girl observed with confusion. “What are bạn doing?” She asked. “I remembered I had something in one of my pockets,” The other girl respond as she continued digging through her pocket. “I just can’t seem to find it.” Kasey meanwhile continued standing still as he watched with now a little confusion. Then, after a while, the girl had finally found what she was looking for and quickly got it out from her pocket. It was an organic dog treat that was shaped like a giant bone. Not only was the other girl impressed but so was Kasey. His dog tendencies began getting the best of him as he quickly barked happily while running to them.

As he came to a halt, the girl wearing the lab áo, áo khoác approached him as she leaned a little and observed the dog’s face. She still couldn’t get pass the beauty and magnificence that was the Weimaraner. As she observed his features, the other girl stood back in silence while watching with a little smile. When her observations were done she gently patted the dog’s head while giving him the large organic doggy treat, to at which Kasey started licking and chewing it. “This dog is very magnificent!” The girl in the lab áo, áo khoác exclaimed. The other gasped bởi her reaction and response while also sharing the same expression. “What a marvelous thing bạn đã đưa ý kiến my friend!” She exclaimed. Before long, they both suddenly heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of Kasey’s name being called. Their reactions were confusing. “Who is Kasey??” They both asked at the same time. They then returned their attention to the dog and could tell just bởi observing his actions that it was his name. The girl in the lab áo, áo khoác then recalled an event that happened several days cách đây which was the same thing Kasey had in his mind. “That creature,” She thought in her mind. “It-It can’t be- him?”

Before long, the dog left. It was too late for the girl to solve her train of thought but it was for the best sense she had other matters to take care of. “Let’s get back to our experiment now,” The other girl đã đưa ý kiến as her hand touched the girl’s left shoulder and smiled. “We will get back to this solution later.” With that being said, they both returned to working on their masterpiece. Kasey meanwhile was running through, following the sounds of Asuna’s voice. It wasn’t until a while later that he finally found her and Konoka. “Where in the heck have bạn been?!” Asuna scowled. Kasey stood back a little as he looked scared. Konoka did what she could to calm things down. “You had us worried Kasey,” She đã đưa ý kiến as she leaned over a little and petted him. “Please don’t run away from us again okay?” He nodded in response as his stubby tail wagged a little.

After things were settled, Kasey managed explain the two girls he ran into. Konoka was surprised as she explained that they were Satomi and Chao, two of Mahora’s most intriguing and intelligent students. Kasey became surprised after learning that they shared interest in robotics and science. “Gee, I had no idea that’s what they were into,” He said. “But what I don’t understand is why do they do it?” Konoka was confused bởi what he was asking. He managed to explain the incident that occurred several days after he came to the academy. Asuna was the only one who recalled that moment. “You were so cool!” She exclaimed with happiness. Kasey was flattered but didn’t brag about it much. “And about the robot, I think it was just a failed subject,” Asuna continued. “Satomi does work hard on them and sometimes she succeeds; while there are other times she fails. But even on the times she fails she continues to work hard. That’s what makes her great.” Kasey’s expression was certainly filled with surprise as he never imagined her speaking so caring for the other students. Konoka’s expression on the other hand was a lot different as she was very affectionate and thought of her words as too Kawaii. All Kasey could do was sigh as a sweat drop formed on the side of his head.

Walking a little ways, Asuna’s stomach started growling. Both Konoka and Kasey stared at her with surprise. She told them to quit staring as it wasn’t that fascinating. “I don’t think I even had breakfast this morning…” She moaned. “Asuna! I thought I told bạn that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Konoka said. Asuna was not in the mood for another lecture as all she wanted was food. Luckily, they were near the town grounds and decided to make a pit stop at one of the fast thực phẩm joints. After picking their bàn Asuna and Konoka left while Kasey stayed so that no one would take their spots. He would often look up at the sky and sigh with a little happiness. He was happy to live in Mahora, but at the same time he was feeling uneasy- especially now that the magical terrorists were now in the scene.

Suddenly, he Mất tích his train of thoughts when he heard screaming from a good distance. The screams sounded like very young girls who were in trouble. Kasey quickly rose up as he was keeping himself from falling off the ghế, chỗ ngồi and used his dog ears to listen carefully. After they were heard again, he knew it was time to move. Before leaving however he then realized that Asuna and Konoka never returned and remembered what would happen if he embarked without telling them. He was now in a lot of pressure as he couldn’t decide what the right di chuyển was. Knowing that the two girls could be in grave danger, he sighed as he turned and quickly dashed into the forest.

He continued running through the thicket for sometime, still listening for their screams. They could be heard every twenty giây and he got closer and closer every time he heard them. A while went on and he was finally able to pin point the area where the screaming occurred. He slowly snuck underneath the shrubs so that if there was danger, he couldn’t be seen. Then, he slowly pushed his head through the bushes until it appeared through the other side. He was surprised to see two, very young girls running in circles while tears burst out of their eyes. Kasey became very confused as he couldn’t figure out whether they were really in trouble hoặc if they were playing a game.

What he didn’t realize however was that something was in fact chasing them. It took him a good while to figure out what it was, but he realized it was just a bumble bee. The two girls continued crying and running in circles as the tiny bee chased them. Kasey didn’t know what to do as he never handled bees before. He thought about turning into a chịu, gấu and scaring it away but realized it wasn’t a good idea as it might actually scare the girls more. He then thought about turning into a bee and tried luring it away. However it wasn’t a good idea as he figured it might’ve been working hard on collecting pollen and that its hive must’ve been close by. He was left with guilt and confusion while watching the two girls being chased in circles bởi an angry bee.

However, it didn’t last very long as another girl arrived. She was taller than the two, but managed to get the bee away from them- without getting stung. This left both the girls and Kasey in a state of surprise and shock. “How on Earth did she do that?!” Kasey asked in his mind. While it surprised him, he was happy that the two girls were safe. Just then, they all turned and noticed his dog head through the bushes. The two girls were scared as they ran behind the taller one and pushed against her. “W-W-What is that??” One of them asked with fear. The other girl, who was actually Kaede, looked down at them as she smiled. “That’s just a dog,” She respond. “And I think I know just who it is.” She then walked phía trước, chuyển tiếp a little as the two little girls watched with anticipation. Kasey meanwhile felt the same as he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to turn and run, but knew it was too late. He was scared inside his own fur.

But then, Kaede did something that surprised him. She got down on her knees, patted her legs with her hands gently, and softly said, “Come here boy.” She kept doing this until he finally pushed through the shrubs and came close to her slowly. When he did, she ordered him to sit to at which he did. Then, she smiled as she gently patted him on the head and said, “Good boy.” Kasey had no idea what he was doing. He felt like an idiot for taking orders, but he did it just so he wouldn’t get in trouble. As she continued petting him, Kaede turned and told the two girls to come. They were a little scared at first but Kaede told them that he wasn’t mean. In doing so, they both slowly approached him as they stared. “He really won’t bite us will he?” The other girl asked. Kaede shook her head in response. The two then managed to find their courage and both gently petted the dog on his back. Kasey took quite a liking to it and whimpered as his left back leg was moving in a scratching position. They all shared a good smile and laugh as they continued petting him.

A while past and Kasey was continuing to be pampered bởi the three girls. A familiar voice was soon heard not far from them. “Where’s that stupid mutt!!” It shouted. Everyone looked up at the direction where the sound was coming from. The little girls shook with fear as the huddled against Kaede’s sides. “Don’t worry, it’s just Asuna.” She đã đưa ý kiến as she gently touched their shoulders. They both looked up at her with surprised reactions. “How did bạn know who it was???” They both asked at the same time. Kaede only giggled as she didn’t have anything to respond. Not long after, both Asuna and Konoka were seen. They were carrying bags that had fast thực phẩm inside and were also holing drinks on their other hand. “There bạn are Kasey,” Konoka đã đưa ý kiến with relief. “You left us yet again. That was not very considerate.” Kasey lowered his head as he slowly walked to them. Asuna wasn’t fooled bởi his pity but Konoka for sure was. She squatted and pulled his head against her stomach as she was cuddling him. It really drove Asuna weirdly. Then, she turned to Kaede and the two girls as she walked to them. “Thank bạn guys for keeping him company.” She đã đưa ý kiến with a smile. Kaede and the girls đã đưa ý kiến it was no trouble and quickly left.

As they were walking, Kasey couldn’t help but wonder about the two little girls. “Who were they?” He asked. Konoka answered his câu hỏi and đã đưa ý kiến they were Fuka and Fumika- almost identical. He was surprised bởi this, but then had something else that crossed his mind. “Are they alone?” Konoka didn’t understand at first, but eventually figured out after he explained specifically. “Well, yes they are alone. But Kaede has always been their guardian. I suppose bạn could say she is like a parent in some ways. Regardless, they are both happy and we all can’t help but be happy too.” Kasey felt warmth as she đã đưa ý kiến all of this. He also felt much better as there would be nothing that could come between those two and Kaede. Asuna on the other hand was rather depressed. “My hamburger’s getting cold..” She moaned. Both Konoka and Kasey sighed as they shared a little laugh.

They finally managed to take a break and ate their meal- despite the fact that it was cold. Konoka ate her first just fine, as did Kasey. Poor Asuna however refused to eat as cold thực phẩm was something she just wasn’t into. She pointed her finger at Kasey and put all the blame on him. As she was screaming, two other girls made their way to their table. It was Sayaka and her friend, Makie. “Why are bạn blabbing so much Asuna?” Sayaka asked in a mocking way. She turned her attention to her and told her to quit barging in other’s business. Sayaka however refused to leave and started forming an argument with her. As a fight started, Konoka invited Makie to sit. “What brings bạn two out here?” She asked as she smiled. Makie didn’t have much to respond other than that she and Sayaka were doing a little patrolling. Konoka and Kasey stared at each other with confusion for a một giây and then returned their attention to Makie. “What kind of patrolling is this?” Konoka asked. She didn’t have much to explain as Sayaka didn’t go into full detail but she only knew what she was told. It was a mysterious- if not baffling turn of events.

Meanwhile, Negi and Chamo were at a mysterious place known as “Library Island”. From the outside it looked a lot like a normal, tropical paradise. Going deep inside however, it was a giant library- piled with various books. It is here that they have spent the afternoon trying to find pieces of background information concerning the terrorist forces. Negi was having zero luck with the stack of sách he went through. Chamo was also having less luck as he claimed that none of the sách within the area carried such information. “We should just give up and go back,” He moaned as he fell on his back and started twitching on his right leg. “These sách have NO information whatsoever! For all we know, these strangers aren’t even real.” Negi was surprised bởi what he said. “But they have to be real! I mean, they came from the Magical World and they must know various kinds of magic and spells. We just need to look harder.” Poor Chamo continued twitching as he didn’t want to be part of the research anymore. Negi however made it perfectly clear that he would stay hoặc else. When he puts his mind on something, nothing stands in his way- even a little ermine like Chamo.

For the tiếp theo two hours, they continued observing book after book. None which had the required information. After searching one section of the thư viện they ended up going up on the roof tops where tall branches grew. Up on hàng đầu, đầu trang of the leaves where several other books. Negi asked Chamo to go up and check them out. In doing so, he nearly fell but was lucky to survive. He then started đọc some pages from the sách but couldn’t find one with what they were looking for. He then moved to the tiếp theo branch and looked through the sách there, but once thêm couldn’t find one with the information. There was then one last branch that stood at lease six feet high from where they were. Poor Chamo moaned as he wished he didn’t agree to this and slowly but carefully climbed. Negi meanwhile was nervous for him as he hoped he wouldn’t slip. Luckily, he didn’t as he managed to make it to the top. “See what bạn can find there!” Negi shouted. “Those sách might have what we need!”

Chamo started đọc one of the sách which had ancient looking material on the front and back. As he was reading, his tiny eyes started to get larger as his mouth dropped completely opened. “Hey Negi!” He shouted. “I think we have found it!” From below, Negi reacted with surprise. He told him to bring it down and after safely making it down, he opened and read a page together with Chamo. Like the ermine, Negi’s reaction was filled with surprise. “This cannot possibly be true!” He exclaimed. “The evidence is all there Negi,” Chamo explained as he pointed with his little hands. “Just look there. It’s all in black and white.” “But- it can’t be…why?”

As evidence of the magical terrorists has yet to be resolved, Kasey meanwhile continues to be in the hands of both Konoka and Asuna. This time however they are all in the dorm of Yue, Nodoka, and Haruna. It turns out that they had a big slumber party planned and were invited to hang out. “Do bạn bởi chance drink trái cam, màu da cam juice?” Yue asked. Kasey looked at her with confusion as he respond, “Yes, I do. Is there a reason why you’re asking me?” Instead of saying anything, she handed him a nước ép, nước trái cây box. Kasey gladly accepted her offer but then ran into a tiny problem. “Can- someone put the straw in for me please?” Everyone, except Yue, laughed and awed bởi what he said. He became very confused as to why they thought it was so funny. Haruna offered to help him and stuck the straw into the hole. Kasey thanked her and started sipping on some of the juice. “Let’s play games now,” Haruna exclaimed as she stretched both of her arms wide with happiness. “I’m bored and it’s practically eleven o’clock now!”

Konoka and Nodoka agreed that playing games would be a lot of fun. Asuna however felt it was too much and Yue didn’t seem to care. Kasey remained quite as he just took Haruna, Konoka, and Nodoka’s side. For a while, they played truth hoặc dare and often asked embarrassing questions; while at the same time sharing good laughs. They also played some board games and even played a short but hilarious game of charades. bởi the tine it was 12:30 AM, everyone was practically asleep. Haruna, Asuna, and Yue were fast asleep on the floor. Konoka, Nodoka, and Kasey meanwhile were asleep on the bunk beds.

On the following morning, things seemed average. For Kasey, Asuna, and Konoka however it was the other way around. Because of their huge sleepover, they weren’t their average selves. “Not ever again..” Asuna moaned. Konoka turned her head a little as she said, “I’m hoping bạn mean don’t drink ten cups of nước ép, nước trái cây and then sing karaoke.” Poor Asuna blushed with redness on her cheeks as she wished she didn’t remember. Kasey on the other hand felt differently as he actually felt a little ill. “At lease bạn weren’t forced to eat chips like the girl with glasses did to me.” He moaned. “That was Haruna Kasey,” Konoka said. “And I see. That must’ve been difficult for you.” Kasey nodded in response as his head once thêm slumped towards the ground a little.

While they felt a little worse, Negi and Chamo were feeling a little confident. “I’m glade we found that book,” Chamo đã đưa ý kiến as he turned to Negi. “But how are we going to keep this out of sight from the others?” Negi respond that he already took care of it. While he didn’t fully explained how he managed to hide it, he just đã đưa ý kiến that he had it already done. Chamo felt at ease as he felt that if anyone realized the book was there it could lead to some major collusion. Just when they arrived at the academy, Sayaka suddenly came into full view with tears dripping down her cheek as both of her hands covered them. Both Negi and Chamo stopped in their tracks as they observed. “S-Sayaka? What’s going on?” Negi asked. She continued to sulk until she managed to control herself. After peeping a little through her covered hands, she finally spoke. “Look at my face Negi! Isn’t it awful?? bạn have no idea how much I went through yesterday! Oh the horror!”

She was indeed putting on an act, but it was so fantastic that both Negi and Chamo were very much fooled. “Poor girl,” Chamo said. “I bet I could get her fixed.” Negi told him to shush as what he đã đưa ý kiến was a tad inappropriate. Sayaka meanwhile continued to cry. Negi did what he could to cheer her up. “Let me see your face for a second,” He đã đưa ý kiến as he gently touched her wrist. “I’ll see if I can heal it for you.” Trusting him, she slowly moved her hands to reveal several band aids that were on her cheeks. Both Negi and Chamo were a little confused. “I thought bạn đã đưa ý kiến your face was scarred,” Negi đã đưa ý kiến as he still looked puzzled. “But it seems like bạn got just a few scratches.” Sayaka was shocked that he didn’t played along her drama. However, she gave a fake giggle as she đã đưa ý kiến how dumb she was for not even realizing it. She then felt better as she bid him a farewell before quickly leaving. Negi continued to be puzzled bởi Sayaka and her antics. “She definitely knows how to put on a show.” Chamo sighed as he crossed his arms.

Negi’s hours at the academy went along like normally. No incidents occurred and it seemed peacefully if not average. What still troubled him was the strange book he and Chamo encountered on thư viện Island. He kept it an toàn, két an toàn and secure somewhere within his office room and whenever class was over, he went there to take a peek along with Chamo. “It still makes no sense,” Negi đã đưa ý kiến as he continued observing the cover. “How can it all be here? In this book?” Chamo didn’t have much to respond to but implied that it would be considered a coincidence. No matter how it got there, they were just happy that they found something that gave them “at lease” a few answers. Before long, one of the students quickly opened the door as she breathed rapidly. Both Negi and Chamo quickly turned as they asked what was going on. “It’s- Kaede! Come-see-her at once!”

Both Negi and Chamo, along with Kasey, all met her somewhere within the Mahora grounds. Kaede was standing very still as she didn’t moved a muscle. “What’s going on?” Negi asked in his mind. The answer wasn’t clear until Kaede managed to speak up. “Fuka and Fumika are nowhere to be found,” She đã đưa ý kiến in a serious tone. “And I have a feeling someone captured them.” Negi gasped with shock, but Chamo and Kasey were too quite to gasp. “I- had a feeling they would be behind this,” Negi đã đưa ý kiến with a little anger. “They have gone too far this time! Kaede, we will find and rescue them.” She was glade, but not glade enough as she too wanted to tag along. After all she is the one that “always” looked after them. At the same time Asuna and Konoka also tagged along as they were not only bored but also wanted to tham gia on the thrill and adventure. Within minutes, they were all running through the dark Mahora forests- tracing their steps to locate the twins in trouble.

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