phim chiếu rạp If Bạn Had To Choose...

Mindfreak666 posted on Aug 03, 2007 at 04:11PM
Just pretend you are not allowed to watch movies anymore for whatever reason. But you were allowed to see just one more before you had to give them up. What movie would you choose and why?

I know this is like impossible to answer.I am just interested in seeing what movies everyone would pick.

phim chiếu rạp 35 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua kathiria82 said…
Little Miss Sunshine, because it was the first one that popped into my head. Every time I see or hear the word movie, Little Miss Sunshine is the first one that I think of. I love that movie!
hơn một năm qua DrDevience said…
A Knight's Tale. why? Because it has been my fave flick for years now.
hơn một năm qua emilee24 said…
Wayne's World! Just because it is the best movie ever!
hơn một năm qua harold said…
Star Wars? Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Airplane? Army of Darkness? Citizen Kane? Casablanca? Blood Simple? My mind boggled with an endless list of fantastic films, but then I realized that I have all of my top favorite films essentially memorized. So if I was in that situation, I think I'd watch something that had come highly recommended but which I hadn't seen yet. Most of the other ones I could replay in my head anyway.
last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua dazl said…
Aladdin. What better way to end than with classic Robin Williams?
hơn một năm qua inmate62890 said…
i would have to say, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi or Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl because tehre sweet.
hơn một năm qua sakoon said…
For me Troy of course
hơn một năm qua duckgoddess said…
Any of the LotR movies (preferably Fellowship of the Ring or Return of the King) or Little Miss Sunshine and so many others I can't think of right now
hơn một năm qua snoopdbg2007 said…
Tony Takitani - seriously one of the best movie's in the world and one of the most though-provoking films ever, you haven't lived till you've seen it. however you must see it by yourself to really appreciate it!!
hơn một năm qua Saphira333 said…
Star Wars or Eragon or Transformers
hơn một năm qua ineedcoffee said…
for me it has to be a canadian film called "men with brooms" delightfully funny yet thoughtful actually its just plan hilarious
hơn một năm qua Jameson said…
The Game Plan Cuz i just love that movie it's mine new favorite movie
hơn một năm qua ThinkPink20 said…
Princess Bride. That movie is simply amazing.
hơn một năm qua Emm_xD said…
Labyrinth <3 !
hơn một năm qua zuntiz said…
The count of Monte Cristo
hơn một năm qua atari said…
Galaxy Quest.
hơn một năm qua SpanksU said…
The Big Lebowski, it's just brilliant
hơn một năm qua J-C said…
The lord of the rings, any of them. They are all incredible, plus it would last a long time.
hơn một năm qua House34 said…
Forrest Gump. Because it's my fav movie and I'll never get tired of watching it. It's an amazing story and it has Gary and Tom :P
hơn một năm qua hannaini said…
Maybe Crazy/Beautiful or Some like it hot or Breakfast at Tiffany's or Finding Neverland? That's hard to decide!
hơn một năm qua gogokef said…
Titanic for one more time!!
hơn một năm qua sissy92dk said…
If I wasn't allowed to watch movies anymore I'd choose an inspiring movie about freedom like V for Vendetta...but I'd be very tempted to watch for the last time Titanic coz it has meant so much for everyone who grew up in 90s and rapresents cinema.
hơn một năm qua ShadowFlame said…
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Three movies in one, plus it's my all time favorite. I'd rather see my house explode than to never be able to watch LotR again! (p.s. if I'm only allowed of of the three movies, i'd choose the second one)
hơn một năm qua becca85 said…
Pride and Prejudice (1995 mini)
hơn một năm qua gosselinfan626 said…
titanic. its my favorite movie
hơn một năm qua LisaForde said…
big smile
NEVER HAHA!!!!!!!!!

Kidding..... Enchanted, cause its the cutest chick flick I have seen in years.Plus it has NO swearing,Sex or Violence(Not gross Violence).
 NEVER HAHA!!!!!!!!! Kidding..... Enchanted, cause its the cutest chick flick I have seen in năm
hơn một năm qua fanfly said…

I agree with harold that I probably have all my favourite movies memorized but I wouldn't want to risk my last movie on something new. It might suck or be just meh.
hơn một năm qua sugarcane15 said…
sweedney todd
hơn một năm qua MadamOcta13 said…
I completely agree, sugarcane15. I love that movie! It's such a deep movie about revenge. Plus, the music is AMAZING!!!
hơn một năm qua shomill said…
Ice Age, cuz it's my favorite movie ever!!!
hơn một năm qua melandjim4eva said…
This is so hard. But I would have to say Father Of The Bride. It is my all time favourite film.
hơn một năm qua moviebuff4 said…
Either Raiders of the Lost Ark or Star Wars
hơn một năm qua mars15 said…
Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2
hơn một năm qua warcraftjunckie said…
Spirit, that's just been my favorite movie since I can remember, and it's the movie that made me fall INLOVE with horses.
hơn một năm qua warcraftjunckie said…
big smile
Actually either Spirit or Raiders of the Lost Ark. I can't decide between the best movie EVER MADE(Raiders), and the movie that made me fall INLOVE with horses.