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Melina & Gary Which tv hiển thị do bạn think Melina looks better in?

49 fans picked:
Đội điều tra hiện trường - NY
(added by 020394)
 ondreia posted hơn một năm qua
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StellaFreak picked Providence:
i've only seen Providence and she looked really well in it :D (Okay and in CSI:NY of course!)
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last edited hơn một năm qua
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csimaja picked Providence:
As Hester 've seen only Providence ;) But I loved her there!!!
posted hơn một năm qua.
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lasherricka picked NYPD Blue:
i think she look good in both
but on this pick i perfer over the other
i just like it when her hair is down wild and free
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020394 picked Đội điều tra hiện trường - NY:
i haven't seen her in nypd blue, i've seen some clips of providence and i think that she looks absolutely lovely in csi:ny
posted hơn một năm qua.
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lasherricka picked NYPD Blue:
i think all of them
very cool
she looks beautiful in all of them
posted hơn một năm qua.
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SVU_Smacked picked Đội điều tra hiện trường - NY:
she looks beautiful at all, but I like her style in CSI: NY
posted hơn một năm qua.
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House34 picked Providence:
and CSI:NY of course.. :)
I didn't see her in NYPD Blue..I don't remember..
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HouseAddict87 picked Đội điều tra hiện trường - NY:
She looked beautiful in Guiding Light too.
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hadia picked Đội điều tra hiện trường - NY:
i didn't know the others
posted hơn một năm qua.