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added by pomfan2
Source: Blowhole strikes back
It's finally here my Marski Fanfic![Well, Chapter One]

Kowalski:Hello Marlene, why do bạn look so sad ?

Marlene:Oh hi Kowalski, Skipper asked me to go on a ngày and after only one ngày he broke up with me he đã đưa ý kiến "You are defiantly not the one for me bạn are to girly for me".

Kowalski:Oh so that was what Skipper was doing last night.Well, I..I..I um...

Marlene:Don't be shy Kowalski.

Kowalski:OK, I.. *tapping his flippers nervously and blushing*I.. like bạn there I đã đưa ý kiến it. mean like as a friend?

Kowalski:No I mean like you.

Marlene:That's what I hoped*smiles and blushes*.

Kowalski:*smiles back and blushes*Well... Skipper is probably wondering where I am. Meet me at my lab for lunch if bạn can ?

Marlene:OK meet bạn there.

Stay tuned for Chapter Two!
added by Kowalskina
The Penguins of Madagascar Kowalski Science and faith A little Marski and Koris XD Hope bạn like it Cindy Dejvongsa Over and out LOL – Liên minh huyền thoại
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by SKPR_SB
added by kowalskig
Source: người bán rong, kẻ xấu, badger pride
added by Kowalskina
added by SKPR_SB
posted by anna447
as marlene was resting she hured a voice
skipper:kowalski if bạn want to ask her ask her
kowalski:can this whit till towmaro
skipper:no*shoves kowalski* ask marlene out if bạn tình yêu her so mucth
marlene hured the whole thing and blushed for she didn't know till now kowalski had a crush on her.she wacthed as kowalski walked out of the bush.
kowalski:marlene hi
marlene:I hured the whole thing with bạn like likeing me
kowalski:oh that well I was just woundering if bạn prefore a date?
marlene:I would tình yêu to
marlene kissed kowalski on the cheek
kowalski and marlene:Its a ngày then
posted by monsy38
Flora hoặc Flower?

Marlene was enjoying a sunny ngày out. The sky was a stunning blue with clouds so white they might just been bleached. The sun let free the perfect amount of warmth, the air was so fresh and clean it was as if bạn didn’t even need to breathe and it just went inside you.
It, was so nice out in fact, that even Julien had decided to nothing but relax that day. At the moment, Marlene was watering her rose bush. She had planted it from some seeds Alice had left lying around after the Zoo Beautification Plan. With all of the tender care that Marlene had được trao to it, the rose bush...
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