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Nightfall Chapter 26: Privacy? WHAT Privacy?! (Nessie's POV)

A/N: There is mature content in this read responsibly lol...

My mother and aunt Rose had stayed over for a few hours and helped with bathing and playing with the em bé before putting them to bed. We video-taped their baths because it was the first time that I was present for it. Of course Jake and Sarah had to try to drown each other so we separated them but other than that bath time was fairly uneventful. My mother and aunt stuck around for a few phút after we put the em bé down.

“Your grandfather suggested that we take the em bé hunting tomorrow all together, what do bạn think?” I bit my lip nervously as I looked to Jake for his input. He nodded.

“It’s up to bạn Ness but I think it’s a good idea.” He smiled at me knowingly, “don’t be nervous about them they have killer instincts after all- they are my kids.” We all groaned and my mother rolled her eyes.

“That’s supposed to be reassuring?” She joked. "Well they are half Renesmee so they will do fine.” My mother winked at me the pride evident in her face. Jake grinned as he pulled me to his side and kissed my forehead, we watched them as they prepared to leave. Aunt Rose hugged me and kissed my cheek, my mother did the same to Jake and my aunt Rose smiled tightly at him before following my mother out of the house. She got along with Jake for the most part but they definitely weren’t that close! As Jake closed the door behind them he pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently.

“So Mrs. Black, how does it feel to be home.” I smiled up at him.

“Amazing.” He kissed my nose and headed for the stairs, “I’m going to take a shower, want to come with me?” He wagged his eyebrows suggestively. I ignored his innuendo as a piercing cry filled the house. It was Belle, she still had her days and nights confused. I smiled at him wistfully.

“Sorry, duty calls.”

“Do bạn want me to go?”

I shook my head, I was excited to spend some alone time with her. "No its ok, go ahead. I will meet bạn upstairs in a bit.” He nodded and headed up to our bathroom, which I had yet to see... and I headed down the hall to my daughter’s room.

Sienna was asleep, blissfully sprawled out with her hand on Sarah’s face. Sarah was wide awake staring at Belle in concern at the same time swatting Sienna’s hand away in annoyance. I leaned over their cũi, giường cũi and picked up my daughter as I looked into Sarah’s anxious face. She watched me lift her wailing sister.

“It’s ok Sarah, go back to sleep. Mommy’s got it from here.” She nodded and with a yawn she rolled over and her shoulders began to rise and fall evenly. I nestled Belle to my chest as I rocked her in the antique rocker my mother had được trao me. It was from her room at grandpa Charlie’s. I whispered the story of my mother and father to Belle, telling her about how her grandfather would sit in this very chair while her grandmother slept at night- watching over her.

Her eyes were still wide open as she whispered, “more stories mama.” So I told her the story of me and her father and how we were destined for each other. Gradually her big brown eyes became heavy and her plump màu hồng, hồng lips fell open into an “o” as she fell asleep. I slipped her back into her crib, kissing each of my daughters before pulling the covers around them.

I stopped in the boy’s room tiếp theo and checked on them. Jacob dominated the cũi, giường cũi -he was so much like his father- he had his arms and legs sprawled every which way pushing Billy and Eli into the corner. I stifled a giggle as I crept down the hallway to our room.

I listened to the relaxing sound of water running in the bathroom as I walked around our bedroom focusing on all of the small details and really taking it all in for the first time. The inky sky shone through the many windows with swirls of dazzling stars. I walked past me and Jake’s dressers and noticed all of the pictures that were carefully selected. Pictures of me as a baby, all the way up to my prom and our wedding.
I smiled to myself picturing my tiniest aunt sitting amidst her boxes and boxes of pictures while aunt Rose lounged on the đi văng arguing with her over her selections. I was so lucky that I had my family. I knew that they would do anything for us and I loved how they had managed to make this house a culmination of what Jake and I loved as well as all of their interests. Everywhere I looked there were reminders of the people I loved the most.

As I continued to stare out the window absently I heard the water in the vòi hoa sen stop and I began to undress so that I could get in there next. I had taken my áo sơ mi off when I felt two arms bọc around me.

“Need some help…” it wasn’t a question; he always knew what I needed before I even did. I turned to look into Jake’s black eyes, my vision trailed down the length of his dripping body. He wore a towel and nothing else, I instantly Mất tích track of what I was doing before he entered the room. He pulled me into his arms so that I was facing him and he swept his hand along my cheek.

“Are the kids asleep?” His breath tickled my cheek as he whispered into my ear.

“Uh-huh,” I was so completely entranced bởi him, that I was diễn xuất just as awkward as I would have before I was changed, “So much for full ma cà rồng being smooth,” I thought to myself sardonically. He nudged me towards the beautiful hardwood bed.

“Good,” he whispered as his lips fell upon mine, gently crushing them. My hands slid to his back, grazing over his muscular arms. His breathing hitched at my touch and he became animalistic, his eyes gleaming obsidian as they took me in hungrily.

“I could never get enough of you,” he growled as he pushed me down onto the giường and trailed his kisses down my neck to my chest. My breathing picked up, not out of need but hey- old habits die hard, right? My hands slid down to his towel and I removed it flinging it across the room. He growled at my touch and raised his body off of mine, roughly ripping my pants off. The torn denim fell into Công chúa tóc mây shreds at his fingertips before he threw them to the floor. He pulled me up to face him so that we were both kneeling on the bed. I drew my face in closer to his and licked his outer lip once before pulling away. He grabbed my chin and pulled it back firmly so that I was only inches away from him.

“Don’t be a tease Renesmee,” he scowled as he spoke. I grinned- Jake rarely called me that and it always stopped me in my tracks to hear the way his tongue caressed each syllable of my name. I trailed my hand down his chiseled stomach and he took a sharp breath in as he moved closer to me. I abruptly pulled my hand away and brought it back up to his chest, pushing him onto his back I leaned over him. His nose wrinkling as my hair tickled it.

“Aw, Jake… I thought bạn liked it,” I spoke in a gravelly voice and I noticed his body tense up. My lips found their way to his neck and I bit down.

He let out a groan as he flipped me onto my back, his eyes flashing a ravenous onyx he growled, “Stop it…” I rolled my eyes.

“Or what, you’ll huff and you’ll puff and you’ll blow our new house down?” I burst into hysterics at my joke and his eyes narrowed in response.

“No…” he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me up with him as he leapt to his knees on the bed. He spun me around leaning my face against the ornate headboard. Before I knew what was happening his tongue trailed along my neck and he nipped at my ear. He would never actually bite me because he didn’t want me to be in any pain no matter how minimal it was. I growled back as desire tore through my body. He entered me roughly and I gasped in surprise, screaming his name. I Mất tích myself in that instant his forcefulness was different and a complete turn on. I gripped the headboard and my nails dragged down leaving angry marks as he thrust himself into me even deeper at a dizzying pace. My instincts took over and a snarl erupted from my throat.

His lips were back at my neck as he growled, “You got it all wrong honey. bạn will huff and puff while I blow the house down.” I shrieked as his hands worked their magic on my body and just as I was about to find release he pulled away.

“Jake no!” I moaned.

I could hear the smirk in his voice as he murmured, “and THAT is how to be a tease.” He stood up and began to saunter towards his dresser. Anger coursed through my body where it lingered with unfulfilled desire. With a snarl I leapt, he turned to face me in that chẻ, phân chia, split một giây and we landed in a pile on the floor leaving it pretty marked up.

“Oh, Alice is going to looove that,” he grinned.

“I. Don’t. Care.” I growled as I grabbed his arm and hopped to my feet dragging him back to the bed. “Now finish what bạn started,” I hissed.

“Well that all depends- does that mean bạn won’t be such a tease anymore?”

“JAKE,” I growled at him so ferociously that he wiped the smile off of his face and cleared his throat.

“Yes ma’am.” I tossed my hair over my shoulders haughtily as I leapt onto the giường to assume my position but I felt his hand on my wrist.

“What now?! I growled. He gently pulled me into his arms, cradling me.

“I want to watch bạn this time," he whispered. My tim, trái tim melted as he lay me down and then covered my body with his. His eyes were still black but his demeanor was different, he was back to being my sweet Jacob. Part of me was sad at that because he had been so intense and it was a major turn on, but before I could object his lips were twisting around mine as he breathed into me and entered my body once more.

“I tình yêu you,” he murmured, and his body became one with mine. I could only groan in response as I was quickly losing myself in the waves of pleasure that were rapidly bringing me to the brink of ecstasy. My hands found their way to his face and I silently told him that I loved him too. His eyes were on mine staring into my soul as I felt his body tense while I finally got to the point where I couldn’t hold out any longer. I clenched around him, my legs wrapped around him tightly and my nails dragged down his back as I screamed into his shoulder. giây later he followed, shaking as he growled my name.

He was still on hàng đầu, đầu trang of me covering my body with kisses while I whimpered, riding out the after waves of my climax when our bedroom door slammed open and a growling lông, lông thú ball landed on Jakes shoulder and bit down. Jake screamed an obscenity but didn’t do anything to stop it. I don’t know how I knew but I could tell each of our kids apart even when they were in their chó sói, sói form, maybe it was because they each had very distinct scents. I knew it was Eli. I wrapped the blanket around me as I quickly pulled my child off of my husband who sat wrapped in half of our blanket rubbing his tender shoulder which was sure to be burning from the venom.

“Son of a Witch!” Jake grumbled.

“Hey, don’t talk like that in front of him!” I cast him a warning glance and he mumbled an apology. I picked my little protector up and held him to me just as 5 other chó con came barreling into the bedroom sending Sarah skidding into the wall. She turned to face the cún yêu, con chó con that had hit her and growled a warning to him- it was Jake of course. They were all barking and growling as they advanced on their father and Eli was practically trying to jump out of my arms, his teeth exposed as he snarled at Jake.

“Ok, that’s ENOUGH,” Jake yelled in the alpha voice that I barely ever heard him use. I couldn’t understand why he was trying that- it wouldn’t work on them he wasn’t their alpha. The chó con were unwavering in their advance. I placed a hand on Jake’s cheek to calm him as I asked him to let me try.

“STOP.” I demanded and they all froze in place and looked at me as though I were insane. “Phase back now,” I demanded quietly. They emitted a few whines but were quickly silenced bởi a sharp bark from Sarah who turned to face her father with a growl. Jake’s face twisted in confusion and then anger before he burst out laughing. Sarah growled as she crouched in front of me and Eli defensively while moving towards her father. Jake picked her up bởi the back of her neck and brought her up to his eye level.

“You have my word Sarah; I would never hurt your mother.” I turned to Jake questioningly and he smirked. “Apparently they thought that I was um… hurting you.” We exchanged looks and both burst into laughter. The kids phased back while we were cracking up and Sarah had her hands on her hips. Seeing a room full of what looked like angry, naked three tháng olds made us laugh even harder. Sarah’s eyes flashed indignantly.

“It’s not funny. What were bạn doing?” Her sweet voice was tinged with anger. The laughter caught in our throats and Jake and I looked at each other. Sure our kids were only a week hoặc so old and seemed to be as coherent as most adults were- but we were not about to have the birds and the bees talk with them.

Jake cleared his throat, “Um, me and mommy were just…wrestling…” Eli looked back and forth between Jake and I skeptically.

“It’s ok sweetie, daddy wasn’t hurting me. We were…playing a game.” Jake snorted with laughter.

Eli blinked his big brown eyes at me as he asked sweetly, “Who won?” Jake was laughing so hard that he almost fell off of the bed, so I smacked him.

I nestled Eli to my cheek as I crooned, “Mommy won sweetie, mommy ALWAYS wins…” Sarah looked like she didn’t buy it.

“But we heard bạn yelling and telling Daddy no,” she argued. Jake was roaring with laughter and he had fallen off of the giường and onto the floor at this point.

I bit my lip and choked back laughter as I reassured her, “It was just a game sweetheart. I am sorry that we woke bạn up. Go ahead and go back to sleep we have a big ngày tomorrow. We will come and get bạn dressed and tuck bạn all in.”

“I can do it myself,” Sarah grumbled clearly aggravated bởi the false alarm that had awoken her. One bởi one they followed her and filed out of the door. Eli was the last to leave and he stopped and turned to face us.

“Can I wrestle too?” He asked innocently. Jake grinned, “Someday Eli… bạn will do it on your own…” I smacked his arm right where the two perfect bite marks were and he hissed in pain. Apparently I had pushed the venom in farther. Good, that would teach him. I smiled lovingly at my tiniest baby.

“I will be in to your room in a một phút Eli.” He smiled back at me and toddled out the door with a yawn.

“I tình yêu bạn mommy.”

“Love bạn too baby.”

“I’m sorry I bit bạn daddy.” Jake grimaced.

“It’s ok son, I would have done the same thing if I were you.” Eli beamed at that and headed out of the door.

After he left I slipped out of giường with lightnening speed and locked the door before heading to my dresser to slip into some pajamas. Jake wrinkled his nose.

"I like when bạn sleep naked." I snorted.

"Yea, that's not so practical right now." He pouted for a một phút and then got dressed himself as we headed down the hall and dressed and tucked everyone in. When we returned to bed, we lay there looking into eachother's eyes.

"I'm scared to take them tomorrow Jake. They don't listen to us very well. I don't think that they are ready."

He stroked my hair gently, "It will be fine, we will have everyone with us, don't worry Ness." I looked into his eyes and felt my fears start to ebb, he always chased my negative thoughts away. His eyes lit up and he trailed his lips along my jawline speaking between kisses.

"So, the door is locked huh?" I nodded. "How about a rematch?" My lips curled up at the sides as we tore our pajamas off of each other and we made tình yêu into the early morning hours. I knew that everything would work out as long as my Jacob was bởi my side.