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Liam Neeson Câu Hỏi

What is Liam Neeson người hâm mộ mail address?

I'd tình yêu to send a letter to him, and I do not know his address?! bởi the way, has anyone sent letter to him? does he reply?
 ivyneeson posted hơn một năm qua
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Liam Neeson Các Câu Trả Lời

rainbows7 said:
How can i send liam a message hoặc does he have an email?
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Hes a great actor and a very nice man:)
rainbows7 posted hơn một năm qua
When are bạn coming to Paris?
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Wolfwalker11 said:
I tried to send him a người hâm mộ Letter out in September. My letter might of been way too long. (Sorry) I also sent him a Theatre Shooting we Will Rise Wristband. (Yes,I did survive the Aurora Colorado theatre shooting.) I even sent him a short story that I wrote in high school I only sent that to him, because I know he likes to read on his free time. I always dreamed he would play the character Blue if they ever made an animated movie out of it. And it won 3rd place in a nghề viết văn contest. I even sent him a hand drawn picture. A DVD case for him to sign. Along with an envelope and stamps to help him send it back.

I’m not sure if already got sent out and it got Mất tích in the mail hoặc if the mail system is taking for ever to get to me. But whether I get it back hoặc not I’m still in your người hâm mộ corner. hoặc he doesn’t like me and I over did it.
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