I know that this bài viết is different from the others and sorry about this...From the tiêu đề anyone can understand that I want to make a new game with characters from KINGDOM HEARTS!!!Sora was sleeping after a long time when he defeated Xemnas!He saw a strange dream...he was with Mickey and at the moment Mickey felt down!!!When he got up,he met Donald and then Donald đã đưa ý kiến him that his dream wasn't a dream and his king is dead bởi a shadow!!!! At this game the bad guys were a new organization XIII with the name "Blacks" and their boss Ansem.Sora made a new group with the name "Blanks"."Blanks" must defeat "Blacks" to make the peace again to the worlds and bring back King Mickey!!! I WANT YOUR OPINION.WILL THIS STORY SUCCEED???