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posted by MajorDork74
Time & time again, I've heard political speeches on T.V. bởi the controversial Democrat Presidential candidate Barrack Obama and part of it consisted of the words "It's time for change!"
I've heard a few of his speeches and so have the rest of my family & there has not been one moment where he was clear on his proposed change. And where he did speak up, it was nothing good for America.

So, I have this câu hỏi in my mind: what change do people expect in this world? So far, much of what people have nagged about have been redundant issues that have been so mulled over and ironed out waste that it seems everything has been cut-and-dry nonsense. Stuff that has been dragged through the mud that I can hardly recognize the issue anymore; especially when it is smeared in with other intensly annoying issues.

People everywhere have been claiming to be "war weary" and "sick of the Iraq War issues" and want to see it all end. They each give their opinions and excuses as to why they feel it needs to end.
Homosexual marriage is, little bởi little, making an obvious besmirching of our once clean-issued country. So much for the bright future of Human Rights.

I am not against change, but when I see some changes that are giving this world a nasty black eye, I cannot help but shake my head in shame. I've been called a bigot, a fascist, whatever name bạn can think of, I've been labeled such. But I am at the point of not caring who wants to say what since everything I've believed in that has kept this world clean has been flushed down the Devil's toilet! I am starting to not recognize my U.S.A. anymore.

But I've been seeing small changes around the globe that have được trao me small glimmers of hope. A person, here on FanPop, whose political các lượt xem I rarely agree with, had talked about making changes and I saw a picture of hopeful youth over in Vietnam. That kind of stuff makes me smile and I agree with it. But seeing, here in the states, such issues as homosexual marriage being made legal, talk of the War on Terror needing to be stopped, and a Muslim who is running for president who doesn't acknowledge a single thing about what has helped make our country great........I ask, "God, where have we gone wrong?"

But, I already know the answer. The people who helped make this country great are either dying off hoặc not moving enough to protect the United States! The only reason America is gaining negative response is because the good guys aren't moving fast enough! If the good people of our country don't do something soon, everything we've fought for over the past 230+ years will be flushed down the Devil's toilet and he'll be laughing the whole time!

If we know, in our hearts, the changes are wrong.......why the heck aren't we doing something about it?!?! We need to, once again, realize that we ARE "ONE NATION UNDER GOD!"
Protect our flag, protect our National Anthem, protect our Pledge of Allegiance! If we have not fought in the war overseas hoặc in any other war in our nation's history, we have no right to say we're "war-weary!" We're just too lazy. We've become wimps.

Nobody likes war, I know I don't. But regardless of your opinion on the war in Iraq, it is going and we've been winning it. Finish it, bring our troops home. Regardless of your opinion on it, war is, unfortunately, a necessary evil in this world that we have to deal with. That's just how it is. Drop the hate from your heart. If there is still unfinished business over there, deal with it and keep the War on Terror strong. We'll eventually grab the victory we've been seeing and then we can come home.

No I am not wearing rose-colored glasses, I am just seeing the real news the Liberal Drive-By media's been hiding from the public eye! There is thêm good news out there than the Drive-By media's letting us see. I know it!! I go bởi the rule that my father raised me with: Believe only a thirf of what bạn read, only ½ of what bạn see, and NONE of what bạn hear. I'd go do the digging myself if I have to. I only trust one other nguồn who has the where-with-all to dig for the truth. Some of his opponents say that certain issues we've been fighting for are "unconstitutional." Well I say many of these powers-that-be, themselves, are VERY UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Liberal lawyers and Judges!

So, whatever change Obama's been running his mouth about, I don't see it nor hear it, because he speaks a lot and says NOTHING. I think it is time for the good guys to get their acts together again and move! Obama does NOT have my vote. Personally I see no candidates worth voting for, but I am still going to vote! It's my duty as an American. I am proud to be an American and would not want to live in any other country, preferrably. Sometimes, the best change is no change unless God does the changing! GOD BLESS AMERICA!