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 *hits House* oh im sorry i didn't know bạn don't have a pair!!
*hits House* oh im sorry i didn't know you don't have a pair!!
First of all i want to get one thing out of the way. That. Was. The. Best. Episode. This. Season. The ending of Joy was fantastic, but this shows something that its not just raw, deep, passionate lust - its, not to sound too Australian here -showing tình yêu ( *cues the awws* ) seriously, not tình yêu tình yêu like i could spend the rest of my life with bạn tình yêu but tình yêu as in well... love! When we heard the Australian promo “House deals with love” hoặc something like that, we were like idiots its not anything bạn could describe tình yêu in anyway yet. How wrong we were. Also i might make this a weekly thing. lol.

“The Talk”

IT was sooo awkward ( that’s a good thing, trust me) it means it meant something for them. If it had been “ just a kiss” then it wouldn’t be awkward. It would have been “just a kiss” literally. House was embarrassed, he let to much show, as Cuddy says “you let your human side hiển thị for a moment” and that pretty much sums in up, he drew back the walls and she saw ( as he did in Lucky Thirteen.. House is loosing the self control this season) but then he acted on it - for various reasons, and there are several people betteer than me to explain it - and kissed her. In some ways that scene reminded me of “ the morning after”, in which people think “ what the hell was i thinking” - and that’s the problem, bạn weren’t thinking - bạn were your emotions, ad thats the problem here.. i say problem. Thats the condition here. I don’t see a problem with it :P. As Cuddy đã đưa ý kiến house din;t take advantage - and thats because he really isn’t that guy. He’s a misanthropic bastard, a jerk with drug problems, sophistic and ego centered, not good at hiển thị his emotions and well... House. But whatever he is, he isn’t “that guy” and never has been. Cuddy was grateful - he looked after her. He was “someone to lean on” - which isn’t like him at all, and since its not like him he was embarrassed. I also loved how he just ignored Cameron in the middle of her sentence to talk to her.

“ I Kinda Hit That Last Night So Now She’s All On My Jock”

As House said, its interesting that Wilson believed him and his team thought it was a joke. Wilson always just shrugs các bình luận like that as just House, but when its true, he admittedly recognizes it. It shows he knows House really well - whether it was the tone of voice that tipped him of hoặc the way he was acting, but wilson knew.. which basically just shows when he’s “analyzing” House, he’s probably right. Which bodes well for us, one thinks.

“It Was Just A Kiss” (I'm addressing these in the order they are in the episode.. mostly)

House is running away. He admitted it.

“ What are bạn gonna do?”
“ Ignore her for the rest of my life”

He runs away when things get to close to his tim, trái tim - he did with Stacy as well - its in his nature to run away from emotional difficulties. This is yet another point that proves that there is emotion there. It’s another way he proves that it wasn’t just a Kiss - House and Cuddy do that a lot in this episode.

Also Wilson was totally ready to believe they kissed. HE was totally ready to believe they had sex - and since wilson knows House best, that means the writers are telling us its totally possible - which is one in the ways the writers use Wilson during this episode as the voice of whats possible and impossible on the hiển thị at the moment - remember that later.

*** “ I Got a Chart Mapped Out Of All The Bases” i just wanna point out because of the imminent breast fumbling in Let Them Eat Cake, he will have gone through two of them - and im sure we ( hoặc at least I) will be ticking them off one bởi one until there is none left.

Then wilson brings n another element of this “ she’s your boss”. Because of that fact, both House and Cuddy think twice ( mostly Cuddy) about what it will mean in their employee/employer relationship. This is a problem - everyone has always known its a problem - people have written 20 chapter ffs about how big of a problem this is. I would know. Im the one that reads them. I really wanna see how this develops on the hiển thị if something ever does happen.

House the reinstates that “ Its Just a Kiss” and the thêm bạn deny something the thêm the likely mui xe is that what the other person suggests is true, and the thêm the likely mui xe is that your denying it because your embarrassed about it hoặc don’t want to admit it. House then rationalizes it with a physical thing - her boobs - and says that why he kissed her. Now thats just lying, no matter what bạn ship. Another point on that topic is Wilsons ( he is my hero in this episode) point that “you didn’t tell me which means it meant something to you” which is exactly right ( looooveeeee bạn Wilson) which again House deflects ( typical House - which is another reason i tình yêu this ep).

” I Don’t Think about House That Way And Never Have” ( liar liar pants on fire)

Everyone has there yêu thích set of three words. “Cuddy is delusional ” is an example of that.. also “ check this big speech ‘cause its very big” wait no that not three....

“ How are bạn doing?”
“ better “
“ Great.. is everything else good?”
“ Er.. everything involving me kissing House is is good... oh bạn dragged it out of me your a genius!”
looks at her*
“ its no big deal... i was feeling vulnerable, he’s a friend, and i leaned on him,”
“ Its funny, i’ve leaned on Những người bạn in the past - i’ve never leaned so far my tongue fell into there mouths,” ‘
“ I don’t think of House that way and i never have,”
“ Why not?”
“*rolls eyes* bạn know exactly how it would go - start off exciting, we’d get caught up in the novelty and the hostility and the forbiddeness, then we’d realize the flirty hostility is just hostility and the disability to open up is no longer exciting its just frustrating,” *breathes*, “and then its the inevitable blow up and the recriminations and we don't talk for two months,”
“ Yeh.... well that certainly proves you’ve never thought about House that way,”
“ i get your point - i will be thêm careful with my tongue in the future”
“ Thats not my point. Maybe novelty and hostility and forbiddeness don’t have to end bad,”
“ Gotta Go,”

In this part i tình yêu many things. I like how she knows what their relationship is (“ flirty hostility” “forbiddeness”) yet she fools herself into thinking she doesn’t like him. Its like me saying “ huddy has so much sexual tension I'm about to explode of it... yet i don’t like it” (in fact thats basically what she did say..) as far as I'm concerned this is what they meant:

How are you?
scared and worried - but thats got me over the baby, thanks.
How are bạn seeing as bạn kissed House?
me and house are in denial .. its big deal, we are really awkward. HEs thêm than a friend - i wanted to Kiss him.
Yes bạn did.
I always think about House that way and have ever since we slept together in college.
bạn should totally get together with that sexy beast.
I think about him all the time - every time we have one of those sexual tension filled flirty hostility fests.. i feel he’s kinda forbidden though... it will get annoying that he never opens up, and it will end badly, so I'm scared because i don’t want to get hurt and mucked up anymore - and i don’t want to hurt him - and i feel I'm already into deep I'm running away from it because of that
bạn think about House a lot.
I won’t let my emotions free again no matter how much i want to.
It may not end badly.
I have to leave - thêm of that running away from the inevitable and truth i was talking about earlier.

“Why Aren’t bạn Arguing With Her?”

Yeh thats interesting.... he didn’t really think she was right, did he? He explained it earlier as “ its easier just to do what i want behind her back” but in some way he didn’t want to talk to her, and it was incredibly awkward and he didn’t want to hiển thị his team that, and he’s scared of the kick he gets from the “flirty hostility” and right now he wants nothing that will contradict the “ its just a kiss”, and he feels that any banter with her proves to himself it wasn’t - because there has always been those “forbidden” feelings there when he does it. Also if bạn notice he watches her intently while she talks, before turning back to his hands. He’s thinking about her, and doing one of those blank stares people do when they’re thinking - they often stare at someone it there line of sight and just zone out - in some way he was doing that, but since its hiển thị and not real life bạn can’t tell what he’s thinking about unless he looks at it - and in his case those stares look like he’s staring right into the receiving characters soul - and she was ignoring him. Like she is ignoring her problems about him. So there he sits trying to figure out exactly what it wants and exactly what the Kiss meant - and she’s standing their knowing it but ignoring it.
Also when Cameron asks him why he isn’t arguing a feel like i knew exactly why and so did Cuddy - and Cameron picked up that it wasn’t the answer he gave.

“House.. bạn okay?”

Aww.... the way in which she đã đưa ý kiến it it was so caring and aww... ( your bot going to find very coherent các bình luận with this one I'm afraid). He was running away from the room - he didn’t want to be alone with her, because being alone with her is forcing him to confront his feelings - and avoiding them is the aim of the game ( which looks like it changes in the Emancipation promo.. although i will discuss that later). But when he is alone with her, she asks him quite a personal câu hỏi ( it isn’t normally, but bởi the way she đã đưa ý kiến it it wasn’t “how are bạn good fellow?” it was “.. are bạn okay?”) and he replied “ yes,, we don’t need to talk” hoặc in lemans terms “no, but i don’t want to confront my feelings so if we could not talk it would be better,” yeh then says that wasn’t what she was talking about - despite the way in which she đã đưa ý kiến are bạn okay - and points to his hand. The muỗi bite. The physical carnation of his problems with Cuddy.. ( which i will talk about later :P) and he deflects - slightly embarrassed that he thought she was talking about the Kiss ( because on a metaphorical level, she was...) and she looks after him, worried. And she sighs. And nghề viết văn this im suddenly shocked bởi how mucked up a situation they’ve made this - they’ve made it hard for themselves unnecessarily because it follows there character for them to do exactly what they’re doing, but its really unnecessary. Even i know that if bạn Kiss a guy bạn know that well bạn normally end up going out with him - bạn don’t need to complicate it.. ( although admittedly complicating its fun).

“What’s going on between bạn and Cuddy?”

This was brought on bởi another batch of “house if bạn don’t argue now your going to become Cuddy’s bitch” Cameron was wondering what was up, because its affecting their work. Part of this is annoyance and part of this is genuine interest. He deflects, and she says seriously why aren't bạn arguing with her?” and he các câu trả lời the truth.. if bạn cut of some of his answer in a conveniently sized quote like “ because ignoring her is easier”. That says it all.

“I think if bạn dated her...”

This scene proves several things: Wilson thinks like i do, “House doesn’t want to talk about it, and House and Cuddy are alarmingly similar in there thought processes - hoặc they’re both taking the obvious route in the excuse field:

“ Its like the red badge of... idiocy”
“ If the confederacy had mosquitos we’d all have southern accents and i’d be paying Foreman a lot less,”
“ She kicked bạn off the case - this is what happens when bạn don’t address it - she acts weird, things get different”
“ bạn do realize “different” implies difference? Shes tossed me a million times before,”
“ No she always chastises bạn and bạn akways come running to me to complain. bạn diễn xuất different too. Your scared. bạn are scared to get involved.
How is that scared? Its rational. Emotionally mature people that work together should not ngày - guaranteed break up, guaranteed ugliness.
“Any relationship that does not end in a break up ends in death - everything falls apart in the end - thats your world view. The corollary, which bạn keep forgetting, is that bạn have to grab any chance for happiness.”
“ Why does this matter so much to you? Cuddy and I are fine..”
“ I think if bạn ngày her”
“Please, get a girlfriend hoặc a life hoặc something.. for me”

Wilson points out he’s scared - and House các câu trả lời in exactly the same argument Cuddy does, except he’s willing to admit less - he is unwilling to admit the flirting in the first place - which probably shows he’s good enough at working himself out that if he does he will cave. But he says the same tired old argument - employer/employee relationships dont work and it will crash and burn. Which either shows Cuddy and house think the same - hoặc they’re both falling back on the worst argument in existence to deflect the truth - who is currently being represented bởi Wilson. The quote “ Please, get a girlfriend hoặc a life hoặc something - for me” should NOT be coming out of Houses lips. If anything it should be Wilson thats saying them.

“ Maybe it would be better if we just.... had sex...”

I tình yêu this scene - bạn guys got os scared, it was hilarious,a nd i was trying to rationalize Wilson doing it for House.. i should have made bets about that....

“ I’m not here to play matchmaker”

Wilson is always there to play matchmaker in this episode, and im throughly behind him. He knows what best for them because he sees the outside view ( our view ) and i think its very sweet he’s willing to do anything to make them (House) happy. He’s willing to pretend with Cuddy, he’s willing to try and convince the too most stubborn messed up people ever that if they try and have something it won’t ruin everything else. They run away, and he chases, they deny him, and he perseveres. Of course House new that Wilson didn’t like Cuddy, he was trying to change the subject, like Cuddy knew Wilson was doing it for House and House was trying to change the subject. And yet with all the stubbornness and pessimism ( which is a long standing thing for House, and probably quite a gần đây thing for Cuddy - the adoption falling through not doing wonders for her optimism). Of course they think it won’t work. But they also try and avoid their feelings because if they confront them they won’t give a shit that it won’t work and try for it. I tình yêu how Cuddy played Wilson - but knew he had the best intentions at tim, trái tim - so kissed him on the cheek for his sweetness. She knows he wants her and House happy - and she knows he’s right, but it will end badly so she’s using every excuse she can to make it seem irrational.

“One part fo your life is the Titanic bạn make a life bè, cái bè, chiếc bè out of whatever’s left”

““When one part of your life is the Titanic,” he says to Taub, deflecting, “you make a life bè, cái bè, chiếc bè of the rest of your life.” Work takes on thêm significance, etc. And isn’t that fundamentally House? His life is a wreck, and rather than try to repair it, he takes refuge in the one part of his life that isn’t a wreck. Cuddy offers House the promise of something else, but in order to access that promise, House has to risk much. Is it too much?” Barbara Bennett

Because House got emotionally mucked up bởi Stacy, the only part of his life that isn’t “a wreck” is his job - but since Cuddy is his boss, if he tries to repair the other parts with her, he’s taking not only a risk of him getting hurt again - but he’s taking the risk of taking away the good part, and thats the last thing he wants to do. HEs hiển thị ( as he does later with the patient) that he knows exactly what his situation is, and later how to cure it - but its too much of a risk, its too scary.

The muỗi Dream

“But last episode's Kiss has left House bitten, physically and metaphorically; and he can't let go of it, no matter how hard he tries to hide it under wraps (or increasingly large bandages). thêm affected bởi The Kiss than he wants to admit, even to himself, House tries unsuccessfully to chalk it up to an awkward moment in time. But he is wrong, and despite himself, House begins to find himself slowly drawn away from isolation into once again living.

Better to scratch the itch than to let it simmer, boil, and ultimately blow up in his face. But of course this is House we’re talking about. And it’s not going to happen that easily. However, the fact that House doesn’t dispute Wilson’s assertions (combined with the noticeable lack of argument from House in his dealings with Cuddy — even when she boots him and the team from the case) tells us that Wilson is quite correct. And that muỗi bite keeps bleeding no matter how big a bandage House tries to apply to it. No matter how hard he tries. Metaphor, anyone?” Barbara Bennett

That basically sums it up, right? If he doesn’t do anything with his situation with Cuddy, it will blow up in his face. HE has to deal with it. eventually, and as the episode goes on he realizes this ( because he’s a very clever man - almost as clever as Barbara Bennett).

" Its All About Cuddy"

If bạn didn’t understand the dream before, because it went a bit to fast for your analytical brain hoặc the implications were to huge for bạn to comprehend, then Wilson is the man for you. Because its all about Cuddy. That is not only a quote from this episode but also from Mirror Mirror, when the patient impersonating Wilson analyzes House. HE’s being Wilson. Wilson has always thought House thought all about Cuddy - hoặc at least since Mirror Mirror. Maybe in this episode he came up with a reason to back that up and confront House about it, hoặc maybe its just so burningly obvious at the moment that he would kill himself if he had to keep it in. hoặc maybe he saw this as a chance for them. All i know is its pretty cool. The dream is all about Cuddy, about his problem with her. But maybe he’s saying ( from Mirror Mirror) that House focuses his life around his work, and since he spends most as his time at work around Cuddy, Cuddy. He has neglected the romantic bit of his life. Tied together everything else. But in doing this he didn’t block the romantic art completely, he just blocked off the idea that it maybe romantic, because as long as he has his job, he has Cuddy ( as long as Cuddy is his boss, the Huddy will never end) and until now he’s managed to bọc up any feelings he has for her in the “job” category. But now he can’t. He has been forced to put her, at least partially, in the romantic category, and thats the part that hurts. So he thinks to block off the hurt one thêm - the idea of hurt in his mind - he has to ignore any possibility of a relationship with her. This means he can’t put the flirting and the banter in the work category any thêm and he has to face it for what it really is, which means he can’t have it. But that doesn't work either -he either has to accept Cuddy as part of the romantic category and the work category, di chuyển on and go back to it in the future, hoặc do something about their relationship which means he has to choice but to do it, so that he can carry in living his life as he has.

“ It Just Told Me bạn Were Pathetic”

This is the scene where House tells the patient - he’s pathetic - House does this a lot in this episode: he says words that he should listen to himself. The see through everything attention to detail, coupled with the pessimistic view and the fact he’s a genius make his words very wise. Often unpleasant, but very wise. People don’t listen to their own advise - they tell there people what’s going wrong in their lives when the other people are in exactly the same situation as them - in fact thats how bạn know what to do , because bạn are in that situation - and then bạn don’t do it in your own life. Thats not normally a problem for bạn and me - we are not geniuses so are solution is probably wrong, and we lsiten to our Những người bạn advise. But House is genius, his solution is right, and although he probably listens to Wilson he ignores it.

“ Do not pay attention to the speck in your neighbors eye when their is a đám mây in your own” - Jesus Christ

bạn heard the supposed prophet. He has a point, Jesus knows what he’s talking ‘bout. HE basically đã đưa ý kiến “ Don’t tell your mate what to do when bạn are doing the exact same thing wrong yourself” I’m an atheist in case bạn haven’t guessed, but whoever wrote that down is clever.

House exact quote to the patient is as follows:

“ ... you’re also a coward – if bạn wanna change your life – do something. Don’t believe your own rationalizations. Don’t lock yourself up and pretend you’re happy.”

These words should be coming out of Wilson’s mouth (in fact they have) because House is being hugely hypocritical (lol om). He is telling someone what he believes, then ding the opposite. IT shows he knows exactly what’s wrong with him. HE knows what he should do – but he’s to scared of risking what he has to do it. HEs been hurt before and instead of righting it, he flees from it,

“ I feel pain when I go outside – so its rational not to go outside.”

Thats exactly what he’s doing. He gets hurt when he’s in a relationship - so, being a very rational person, figured that meant it was easier not to have one. But now he’s “in too deep” he’s got himself in a position where if he doesn’t act, if he doesn’t go for broke, he will hate himself everyday after that (more than he does atm) and thing's ill go wrong - and a relationship he has had for 20 years will suddenly become awkward, and one of the dependents in his life will disappear, which is exactly what he was scared of in Joy.


As House sat in his living room he looked at his hands. How the muỗi was about to bite on the other side. How if he didn’t act now, he would slowly be destroyed bit bởi bit bởi knowing he had the chance to make himself to some extent happy for some period of time, and he ignored it because he can’t hiển thị is emotions. HE made his decision. HE didn’t want it to eat away at him, he wanted to make it better, he wanted well.... not to put to fine a point on it, Cuddy. So he sprang up. Literally. HE forgot his cane and bike mũ bảo hiểm and well.. his emotional defense, that he carries around with him everywhere he goes ( like his cane) and ran (yes ran) hoặc to Cuddys place. As he does this bạn see Taub solving the problems with his wife. bạn see Chase moving his clothes into Cameron's place. bạn see the patient - taking that one big step that will change his life forever, out, out in to the world, into where he hurts most, for the women he loves(d).

And then bạn see House. HE tries to do the same - change his life forever, go to where he hurts most. But he can’t. ITs truly tim, trái tim breaking when he stares though window. Longingly. At forbidden fruit. And then he turns away. He can’t face it. He thinks he will risk to much he thinks he will ruin the remaining relationship he has with Cuddy ( i say “remaining” because at the moment they are in a position where if they don’t change the nature of it only slightly it might take a while to heal).And the only song that has ever been played in the hiển thị that isn’t just pretty âm nhạc hoặc isn’t just deep and meaningful and doesn’t just make bạn dance for Joy and doesn’t make bạn cry begins to play. The song that means what it says.

“ I am in tình yêu with a girl,
finest girl in the world,
i didn’t know i could feel this way.

Think about her all the time,
always on my mind.
I didn’t know about love.

All i want to do,
is try her,
all i live to do,
is try

Im in tình yêu with a girl
the finest girl in the world
i didn’t know this could happen to me”
 Its All About Cuddy
Its All About Cuddy
 House looking like a defeated warrior... who couldn't bring himself to fight for a better life, because its risked to much.
House looking like a defeated warrior... who couldn't bring himself to fight for a better life, because its risked to much.
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj
added by Bones_Obsessor
Source: huddyfan09 @ lj
added by Sweety972
Source: Sweety972
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by Scuddy2010
posted by rosehustle1
"Cuddy? What are doing here?" House asked as he opened his door.
"I needed to see you...tell bạn things."
She entered the small apartment and closed the door behind her.
"What things?" He asked as he leaned against the couch.
She walked closer to him and placed her hands on hàng đầu, đầu trang of his shoulders.
"I care if you're happy because you're my best friend, my constant, are the man of my life." She đã đưa ý kiến as she looked up into his eyes.
"You mean it?" House asked as he ran a hand through her hair.
"I tình yêu you." She đã đưa ý kiến as she reached up and kissed him deeply. He responded bởi pulling her closer to him....
continue reading...
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by Perunka1970
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ