Harry Potter vs Chạng vạng 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

Harry Potter vs Chạng vạng 2632 các câu trả lời

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 2632

hơn một năm qua KooliaX64 said…
This is all just stupid. They don't have anything to do with each other. Just a similar actor and popularity levels! Stop comparing them together!
hơn một năm qua DivyaHarry said…
I want to defend Twilight now:

Twilight made us understand how great the Harry Potter books really are. I started reading Harry Potter again after reading about 50 pages of Twilight.

Harry Potter made me understand how great it really is and I haven't put my books down since. Twilight can wait. HP cannot. It is way more interesting. My IQ is up again. Thanks to HP.

There you go. Twilight has its good points. It makes us understand what great books we've been missing out on by reading it.
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hơn một năm qua Pensieve_Seeker said…
lauracullen66, five months or so ago you stated on pg. 1 of the "1000 Reasons Why Harry Potter is Better Than Twilight" thread that you had 1000 reasons why Twilight is better than HP. I would appreciate it if you would post all 1000 reasons you stated you have. Not all 1000 reasons would need to be posted in one response but, perhaps, 20 of them could be posted each day so that you'll have all 1000 reasons up by at least mid to late April. Thank you.

And this message is to all HP fans...It would be appreciated if you did not use this venue to attack Twilight.
hơn một năm qua Snivellus said…
You guys are weird (in a bad way). Harry Potter is better than T******t. Harry Potter promotes that love conquers all,unity,friendships, and loads of others. While that Book-That-Must-Not-Be-Named promotes teenage pregnancy, suicide, having no life after your sparkly boyfriend leaves you. I mean sure Harry left Ginny but for good reason. Sparkly Edward left whiny Bella for selfish reasons. And for those who say Harry Potter has no romance, you have obviously never read the books. There are Ron/Hermione, Moony/Tonks, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Cho, Bill/Fleur, Prongs/Lily, perhaps even Severus/Lily or in a different view Albus/Gellert. And for those who say there are no werewolves or vampires you are sickeningly wrong. You have Remus (who always happens to have chocolate), Greyback (who is a horrifying werewolf) and the mysterious Wagga Wagga Werewolf. And you have Sanguini.

We also have kind,noble, and charismatic Cedric who was died a harsh death. You have pale (which SMeyer says pale is good when in reality pale means bad) boring, constipated Edward. Plus Robert looks like he's having fun in GoF set. Also you have Katie/Robert possibly the cutest short lived couple in Harry Potter movie history.

We also have Wrock. We have the amazing, talented, hot Alex Carpenter. And Whompy. We also over hundreds of band. We have Infinitus, Wrockstock, Prophecy, and other conventions. Not to mention we actually have a steady growing fanbase. Also does that troll of a book have a great musical. NOOO!! We have A Very Potter Musical and it is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Plus Pigfarts and RUMBLEROAR!!!!!!!!!!!

hơn một năm qua Pensieve_Seeker said…
The purpose of this thread is for Twilight fans to posts their reasons why the Twilight series is better than the Harry Potter series, NOT the other way around. If you want to state why you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight, then please do so in the "1000 Reasons Why Harry Potter is Better Than Twilight" thread.
hơn một năm qua IluvJacob99 said…
yes i agree i like both but dont go trashing one that yuo dont like on the thread for twilight ok
hơn một năm qua ToyletGnome said…
I think some Twilight fans need to go off together, sit down, have a chat about it and come up with 10 well thought out, detailed reasons explaining why they think Twilight is better and I'll be happy with that.
I still think it's impossible for anyone to come up with 1000 reasons that aren't repeated, similar or 2 words long.
hơn một năm qua XDRoseLuvsHP said…
I think Harry Potter fans need to stop trashing this board. If a Twilight fan trashes our board, we all get really angry and start telling them off (I do that too). But I don't go trashing this board. You shouldn't either. At least give them a chance to defend themselves.
hơn một năm qua Pensieve_Seeker said…
I don't believe I'm trashing the board, XDRoseLuvsHP. All I want is for lauracullen66 to post the 1000 reasons she claimed to have.
hơn một năm qua Gredx_xFeorgex3 said…
Okay, really?
Lauracullen66 posted this to recieve posts on how Twilight is better than HP, I myself know that will never happen as HP will live on forever, but thats no reason to bash Twilight on their own board.
Even if it is needed to prove the Twitards that HP is better after all.

hơn một năm qua egghui said…
Okay, let me just start off by saying that I've read both Twilight and Harry Potter, but Harry Potter is most definitely better :) I just spent about one hour reading everything on this board, and I gotta say, the arguing and insulting here got pretty intense back there D:

I used to absolutely LOVE Twilight XD. When I first read it I immediately got seriously obsessed and bought the rest of the series. Then when I re-read them again I started to realize just how shallow Bella really was. But I'm here to say that Twilight isn't all bad.

A few months ago, this Twilight craze started taking over my school. Suddenly, everyone was carrying around a copy of Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse. All this people that I'd never seen pick up a book before were now sitting around, completely absorbed in their copies of Twilight etc. and reading their hearts out. I mean, seriously, everyone. I live in an Asian country and it's extremely rare to see anyone reading an English book. A friend of mine, who never used to read AT ALL, borrowed my copies of the Twilight saga and she read them all in one week, and let me assure you, her English is terrible. I mean, honest-to-God terrible. I was amazed she was able to finish one book at all. Then after the Twilight series, she asked if I had any books similar to Twilight. I lent her Vampire Academy, which led to Charlaine Harris, and so on and so on. Now she's this crazy reading machine. Her spoken English still isn't very good but her written English has improved so much.

So, what I'm trying to say is, at least Twilight gets people reading. Sorry if this is completely off-topic :D Just wanted to get my two-cents in there.

Yes, Twilight is pretty much 500++ pages of f*cking irritating whining, but you can't deny it's impact. :)

Still, HP FTW! XD
hơn một năm qua emmaterry said…
big smile
Harry potter is better.
hơn một năm qua emmaterry said…
Do you really think men should munipulate women?Are you a sexist?
hơn một năm qua emmaterry said…
Im not meaning to make twilight fans sad here but twiliht has...
-no plot
-women being controled by abusive men
-a plot seemingly written by a 9 year old
Harry potter has...
-witty jokes
-strong plot
-plot for all ages
-fans begging for more
-the message that you dont have to be supar buetiful for romance

I rest my case.
Enof facts for you?
hơn một năm qua clevercaoimhe said…
short and to the point i applaude you
hơn một năm qua XDRoseLuvsHP said…
Haha, no worries, I wasn't talking about you specifically, Pensive_Seeker. I was talking about all the people who are writing lists and/or essays on why Harry Potter is better on here, or saying that Twilight sucks... on here. Do that on either the debate forum or the Harry Potter forum. I've been trying to get that message across for a while, but it does not seem to be working.
hơn một năm qua badvamps said…
i tired to read hp i read the first page got bored and gave up i have read all the twilight books and im13
hơn một năm qua Artemis32 said…
Wow... Okay, let me get this straight. I was seven when i read the Harry Potter series. I was twelve when i read the twilight series. I thought that it (meaning Twilight) was good, but when I started to reread them, i got bored only like three pages into them. Over this past year, i have been rereading the HP series, and let me say something: I haven't gotten bored yet. Twilight was okay (albeit the character relationships weren't all that hot, and neither was the plot), but overall, Harry Potter is a better book. I'm not trying to persuade anyone into liking HP (trust me, i was a twihard, I know how stubborn we can be), I'm just trying to set the story straight.
And to the posts about Twilight being bad for children under a certain age. It depends on how you were raised. If you grew up with that sort of thing (sex, depression, etc.) Twilight wouldn't be that bad to read. But jut to make the point clear, HP has a wide range. Really any person likes it (if you can understand it...) and if you put the time and effort into reading it.

Oh, and look it up if you want to, but twilight's reading level if fourth grade. So if everyone thinks it's the greatest piece of literature ever written, pick up something more accelerated.
hơn một năm qua chaces71 said…
To my fellow HP fans telling us to get off this board saying we should let them come up with reasons...
The thing is, they CAN'T come up with any decent number of any decent reasons. So we should leave them to do... nothing? How can we debate the two series when we have to always be on separate forums? I think it's okay the HP fans come on here, besides, HP has won this "1000 reasons" war by a longshot.
hơn một năm qua souflizzle317 said…
chaces71, i totally agree :) there's no point for HPers to come up with convincing debates/reasons on why HP is better if twihards are never going to read them and vice versa. besides, like you said, it's a *debate*. you can't debate if you never talk/type to each other.

i didn't read all 12 pages of "reasons" but i have to say that i don't think i have to because the reasons always seem to be the same. "it's more romantic" "it's easier to relate to" "who wouldn't want alice and emmett for sister/brother-in-laws?" or just plain "EDWARD'S HOT!" if there are actual original and creative ones, i'm sorry for presuming but isn't it enough that the HP forum has almost 2000 creative and different reasons (48 pages) and this one has 12 pages (although i don't know how many reasons) ? i'm not saying that you should stop liking twilight, but i think you should admit that HP won this particular war.
hơn một năm qua ToyletGnome said…
We're not telling people to stop coming here, we're just saying don't be rude. I think Harry Potter fans are completely in their rights to come here and debate about the reasons presented by Twilight fans, it's pretty much the point of making reasons, making sure they can withstand arguments. Which brings me to my next point:

Why are there still no good reasons? I really want to see some, maybe from lauracullen 66, as she did create this forum with an obviously pro-Twilight standing. lauracullen66, do you have any reasons?
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
badvamp said: "i tired to read hp i read the first page got bored and gave up i have read all the twilight books and im13"
First off, glad you found a series that you enjoy. Second, I am a die hard HP fan but I, too, was detered from it's totally awesomeness by the first chapter. Yes, I agree the first chapter starts out immensly boring, bu that's because it's from the Dursley's point of view. The Dursley's are MUGGLES (non-magic folk for all you deprived children(just joking)) and are supposed to sound boring.

Now that that's out of the way, I feel that I should help the TS followers with some decent reasons, for I am a boy with two sisters that love the Twilight series and I *painfully* read through the books to see what the hell they were about.

1. The book puts you in an average place: Forks, Washington. It's a rather normal place with normal people. Therefore, people can relate easier because they don't have to get past the "immaginative"(for lack of a better word) setting that is Harry Potter(big fan though).

2. Bella has separated parents. I personally don't, but I know that some people's parents might have this relationship. People who know about the relationship can relate to Bella's family problems easier. This, again, can apply to Harry Potter because of the orphan factor.

3. Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. At my high school, we don't study Charms or Tranfiguration but Math and Science. Bella's freinds can be stated as the stereotypes in high schools. I haven't read the series since the first time, which was around a year and a half ago, so I can't go in depth about this. Harry Potter, though, I'm currently rereading OOTP (at least 5th time).

Ok. I hoope I helped you Twilight fans come up with soem logical reasons. And, as you can see, I believe a good book can be well related to. Harry Potter is just that good that it can do that and more.
Voldemort is Going Down!
hơn một năm qua KatieLea said…
Someone said Bella is easy to relate to? I'm sorry, I've never had a sparkling vampire stalk me. I started reading the Harry Potter books in first grade. I loved them. If it weren't for Harry Potter I would never have found any joy in reading. Some people say it's easier to "be in Bella's shoes." No. Fail. It's impossible. I can't even count how many times I was crying, laughing, and scared so bad I was nearly shaking in Harry Potter. I couldn't feel any emotion i Twilight. None. Zip. It's boring. It's so freaking predictable. There was one thing in the entire series I had any kind of "shock" if that's what you wish to call it. That was Jacob even entering her life again. Whoop-dee-doo. Whatever. Cry me a river. Meyer's writing is so shallow, It took me more than two months to read four books. I've read books thicker than any of the Twilight books in less than two days. Do the math: 4x2=8. 30+31=61. 61-8=53. More than 53 days of a wasted life, where I could've focused on watching grass grow. I get more of an experience sitting on a bench doing NOTHING than reading those books. My point? The only thing Twilight is good for is a coaster. For me and my friends to spill our drinks on. Nothing else. So hate me, twilight fans. But one day you'll come around. Maybe you won't agree that Harry Potter is better. But after you read a REAL piece of literature, you will understand. I you will join me, and countless others who say, "Twilight can kiss my ass."
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
I completely agree with you KatieLea, I just thought the Twitards deserved a little help. I was just trying to show that the complete shallow averageness that is Twilight can be relateable ON CERTAIN LEVELS. You just need to have experienced the same things as BellaMary SueSwan. In HP, you don't even need to have expeienced the same things because Rowling writes so descriptively and emotionally, you almost can't relate to any ofthe characters. For example, Let's look at Cedric Diggory. Cedric was a Hufflepuf that Harry never really like/noticed. They start helping eachother out and that makes the reader begin to like Cedric. Then, Rowling and her devious mind, kills him off. Therefore, after knowing someone for just one book, we can suddenly feel the same remorse as Harry, because his thoughts and emotions are shown so well.
hơn một năm qua DivyaHarry said…
@IndianBurnHex: This is what THIS forum is about. Thanks for being reasonable and giving an answer supporting Twilight that makes sense.
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hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
@DivyaHarry: I just figured that SOMEONE should help out the Twitards as NONE OF THEM can do it themselves apparently... And sensable reasons? It's the least you can expect from a Ravenclaw. You can say whatever you want about any book series but I feel that for as many ways as us Potterheads can bash Twilight, we can come up with a decent reason as to why it's good. DISAPPARATE!!!
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
TO ALL HARRY POTTER FANS: Let's show our Griffindor pride here and create some resins as to why Twilight could possibly be better! Again. I repeat. I am a hard core HP fan. I'm in Ravenclaw house I see no point in this worthless bickering. Griffindors! Swallow your pride! Ravenclaws! Put your heads together! Hufflepuffs! Comfort those Twitards with Cedric charm! Slytherins! Actually, your the bad guys. That's why Dimbledore put you there (avpm refrence, bad as my atempt was there). We need you Slytherins to use your ambitio,; your trickery to make those Twitrds fight!!

Ok. That's my try atr a pep talk. Hope I wasnt as bad as Oliver Wood's Quidditch talks.
hơn một năm qua XDRoseLuvsHP said…
I agree with IndianBurnHex! I'll start you off. I feel like we owe you Twilighters for ruining your forum. I'm very sorry :( I'll give you a reason to try to make it up to you :) (Please don't kill me for this, HP fans; I'm still a die hard HP fan, I just feel really bad about trashing their board). (Also, chaces71, if you look, we have trashed their board from page 1. It's horrible and hypocritical of us. We can debate on the debate forum. That works, right?)

Here is my reason for you, Twilighters :)

Twilight sparked the interest of creative writing in many teenage girls.
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
That's it RoseLuvsHP!

5(since yours was 4)Sparked the want to read in many teenage minds that had never really liked reading before.

Come on HP fans! Let's fill this board with comments as warm as Butterbeer!
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
big smile
Thanks for Fan-ing me RoseLuv! Didn' expect to be Fan-ed for awhile since I've only been on here for a few days.


REASON 6: It's a great fantasy series, like our Harry Potter, that can make you forget the perils of real life, by finding how others deal with more exaggerated problems.
hơn một năm qua XDRoseLuvsHP said…
Haha, no problem, IndianBurnHex (which is, by the way, an awesome username!) :D
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
I KNOW!!! AVPM FOR LIFEEEE!! I was going to do something about Horcruxes but Horcrux_FINDING_Medalion was too long. As well as every variation of that I tried. And, of course, you know what a Horcrux is. If not, "I'm not even going to tell you, RoseLuv, you'll find out soon enough."
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hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
Come on HP FANS!!! Unite to HELP the Twifollowers! We spend enough time saying how bad Twilight is, when we could easily try to be sensible and Ravenclaw about this arguement. I must quote our beloved AVery Potter Musical(and if you dont know what that is, watch it on youtube. You won't regret it.): "Stop and think my friends, what would Harry do for you?" Harry allowed himself to be killed to rid the world of evil. We can do the same. The evil is the animocity that is between Twilight-lovers and HP fans. Our sacrifice entails swallowing our pride and helping the Twifollowers! We can come up with decent reasons. I myself have come up with 5. 5! Twilight shares some simmilar themes and ideas(although shown better in HP). What would Gred and Forge say? "We lose our power when we lose our voice!" Yes. The Twifollowers have no voice right now. We have stolen it. We have the power to bring it back. Thank you, RoseLuv for assisting in this by posting previously.

*wipes forehead* That was hard to writ. Not because it's long but because of the grand arguement. The "Greater Good" if you may.
Again, NO OFFENCE TO EITHER SIDE. I'm a Harry Potter fan but I see no rason in btckering about which is better. We should help them come up with reasons. The nice Hufflepuffs, the bold Grffindores, the inteligent Ravenclaws(my house!), and the ambitious Slytherins(yes, you too). We can make a change. We can eradicaate this animacity. We are HARRY POTTER FANS!!!
hơn một năm qua XDRoseLuvsHP said…
big smile
^ 'Ear, 'ear!
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
big smile
Thank you, RoseLuv, you have been the only one to post since my previous "rant"
hơn một năm qua BatBogeyHex said…
I enjoyed IndianBurnHex's pep talk. I am a twilight fan, but I love and respect Harry Potter as well. I'm sure we can help think of reasons. Okay I forget what number we're on but I have a reason. For those who say Twilight has but one emotion, love, I argue that and say it also has pain. Bella doesn't want to have to choose between Edward and Jacob but she has to, and it kills her everday that she hurt Jacob. Also, it's not healthy to be that depressed when someone leaves you, but he was get whole world. I know that's not healthy either, but he was her first love. Everyone goes a little crazy thier first time.
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
Hey, BatBogey! Glad you liked it.
hơn một năm qua BatBogeyHex said…
I did.
Anyways, I was talking to my sister, who doesn't really have a side in this debate and she helped me come up with another reason. We say that Twilight is better because it has that Romeo and Juliet aspect. Bella and Edward are also star-crossed lovers and nothing can keep them apart. A good love story can always find it's was into the hearts and minds if people. Have any of you read Wuthering Heights? Another good example of star-crossed lovers. (and it was a superb book). Anyway, that book is considered a classic, as is Romeo and Juliet. Now, I'm not saying Twilight should be a classic, it's just that many classics are of the romance type.
So yeah. There's another reason. Go Ravenclaws!
hơn một năm qua Aquilia said…
I second the arguments above.


I would also like to add that it is perhaps a good thing that Stephenie Meyer didn't kill off any important characters. I've seen a lot of grief around the web when our favourite characters died in the Harry Potter series (Requiescant in pace Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, Tonks, all four Marauders and the hundreds of good witches and wizards in Europe...). So Twilight is perhaps better in the aspect that none of the fans favourite characters died...
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hơn một năm qua Athiya said…
But, but ... a true Hufflepuff is a loyal! The Ravenclaw quoted AVPM, though, so I guess I'll give one;

Those vamps' powers from all over the world were kind of cool. I especially like Zafrina's.
hơn một năm qua IluvJacob99 said…
i dont know how many reasons we have so i will start a 2
2.they have vampires and warewolfs
3. they have a romance between bella and edward
and ik that twilight isnt the best but i love the book i read all of them in a month and i think the best series is vampire kisses really. so ok i have more reasons just i need to get to school
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
YES! THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME! I FIND that you deserve a thank you, Potter fans, for helping the Twifans get back their voice. As Harry (AVPM) said, "I love you all, except for you Draco I can't **** stand you." *looks back at quote* I don't know which one of you is Draco in that quote. Again, I am proud of all of you. If Harry Potter lives, so should the morals he teaches.
And, luvjacob, we have over 10 written already. Go back a few pages and se what the HP fans said to support the Twifans. The romance thing has already been touched upon, though, thought you should know.
hơn một năm qua crazychlo said…
I prefer HP
hơn một năm qua Novaranger said…
big smile
Twilight is teaching people bad things but...
To me its addicting.
I hate it XD; When I read the first book, I was cliche'd hooked, not paying attention to how really creepy it is. Until I got to the second book. Probrably because I am a Teen Female, I find the scenes very addicting, and attracting. Bad book, but it hooks people
-an HP fan
hơn một năm qua allisoncarleton said…
you know what crazychlo why don't you take you prefered series nd go read it again onstead of spending all your time dissing twilight by commenting on everything why HP as you call it, is better!

OK twilight doesn't need 100 reasons it just is!
I'm sorry that we don't need to spend a month writting 1000 reasons to reasure our confidence in our own series we know that twilight is awesome and we don't need to write 1000 reasons.
4. Edward Cullen hotter than you since 1901!
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
Allisoncarleton, did you even read the previuos posts?? We debunked any form of "OMG EDWARD IS TE HAWTEST!!!" or anything concerning the looks of the characters in the first few pages. REPEATEDLY. Good for you standing up for your book though.
The reason why this forum is here is so that you Twilight fans can tell us exactlly WHY you think Twilight is better, not just saying it is without any evidence.
hơn một năm qua IndianBurnHex said…
Here are the 10 reasons that some of us HP fans came up with. Credit to me, RoseLuv, BatBogeyHex, Aquilla(sorry if i spelt that wrong), Athiya, and anyone else who contributed:

1. The book puts you in an average place: Forks, Washington. It's a rather normal place with normal people. Therefore, people can relate easier because they don't have to get past the "immaginative"(for lack of a better word) setting that is Harry Potter(big fan though).

2. Bella has separated parents. I personally don't, but I know that some people's parents might have this relationship. People who know about the relationship can relate to Bella's family problems easier. This, again, can apply to Harry Potter because of the orphan factor.

3. Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. At my high school, we don't study Charms or Tranfiguration but Math and Science. Bella's freinds can be stated as the stereotypes in high schools. I haven't read the series since the first time, which was around a year and a half ago, so I can't go in depth about this. Harry Potter, though, I'm currently rereading OOTP (at least 5th time).

4. Twilight sparked the interest of creative writing in many teenage girls

5. Sparked the want to read in many teenage minds that had never really liked reading before.

6. It's a great fantasy series, like our Harry Potter, that can make you forget the perils of real life, by finding how others deal with more exaggerated problems.

7. For those who say Twilight has but one emotion, love, I argue that and say it also has pain. Bella doesn't want to have to choose between Edward and Jacob but she has to, and it kills her everday that she hurt Jacob. Also, it's not healthy to be that depressed when someone leaves you, but he was get whole world. I know that's not healthy either, but he was her first love. Everyone goes a little crazy thier first time.

8. We say that Twilight is better because it has that Romeo and Juliet aspect. Bella and Edward are also star-crossed lovers and nothing can keep them apart. A good love story can always find it's was into the hearts and minds if people. Have any of you read Wuthering Heights? Another good example of star-crossed lovers. (and it was a superb book). Anyway, that book is considered a classic, as is Romeo and Juliet. Now, I'm not saying Twilight should be a classic, it's just that many classics are of the romance type.

9. I would also like to add that it is perhaps a good thing that Stephenie Meyer didn't kill off any important characters. I've seen a lot of grief around the web when our favourite characters died in the Harry Potter series (Requiescant in pace *blotts out names*.). So Twilight is perhaps better in the aspect that none of the fans favourite characters died...

10. Those vamps' powers from all over the world were kind of cool. I especially like Zafrina's.
hơn một năm qua Novaranger said…
Its creative! Of course, there are cliche's but beyond the obvious, many parts are creative

Like Zafrinas
hơn một năm qua mickjagger62442 said…
lol @ this list being 13 pages in and having only 10 "reasons" clearly expressed (:
hơn một năm qua mooimafish17 said…
The harry potter version of this has 2000 reason and still going strong - you guys will have to do better than that!