H2o: Rikki Cleo Emma and món ăn bơm xen, món ăn bơm xen, charlotte Club
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posted by lorenluvs
xin chào guys i am back wit new articals and stuff so i wasnt writting articals because of the the mean các bình luận and others stuff but no thêm wating cause im back wit sneaky món ăn bơm xen, charlotte so món ăn bơm xen, charlotte is a mermaid in seasone 2 of the really old hiển thị h20 and charlott wasnt like the other mermaid cause her grandmother was a mermaid and charlott turn in to one.....wait guys just letting u know im starting from the point when she was a mermaid back to the story ....the girls rikki,cleo,emma would warn charlott about the full moon but she didnt listen soon charlott started being mean to the girls and stuff then she liked cleo's ex/boyfriend luwis ..........................................TO BE CONTINUED