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A Murder of Crows: Murder!

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called A Murder of Crows: Murder! | Watchers on the tường | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Yes, it’s time. No, not for doing Black Friday shopping or drinking from red Starbucks cups or counting down the days ‘til the Super Bowl – it’s time for murder.
That’s a major element of Game of Thrones’s unceasing popularity, after all, and for the dramatic tension inherent in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire before that. Who will live? Who will die? How will the deed be done, and what effect – if any, at this point – will it have on the overarching narrative?
It’s a simple question, aye, but it’s one that, once you start to get down into the weeds, has a lot of intriguing components and dramatic ramifications – and is, as it turns out, endlessly fascinating to speculate on.
So… who will it be? We’ll tell you our picks – and our rationale for them – if you join the fray with your own bloody candidates in the comments below.
I’d like to get your picks for who you would most like to see shuffle off of this mortal coil in season six – and not just because of your undying hatred for the man (or woman), but also because it would make for the best (read: most traumatic) plot twist.
Kill me some Tyrion. Because they’ll never expect it! (I give it an exact 3% chance of happening, and that’s only if they are, by then, deep into
My second choice is Dany, but I think she’s more likely to go early(ish) in the books. They may kill her on the show, but only in the final season. Same with Arya, who, in my view, is a Dead Girl Walking, but, again – that’s gonna happen near the end.
I would love to see Ramsay bite it. I love Iwan Rheon, but it would be fun to watch him die a grisly, Coen brothers-esque death. Would it be a plot twist merely by him being a bad dude in Westeros actually getting offed, maybe at the behest or orchestration of Sansa?* If the reaction to Myranda’s plummet was any indication last season, audiences could be very pleased by the death of a Bolton.**
** Roose will live forever because he is a vampire. Or something.
Hmm… interesting question. The truth is that I don’t
want anyone to die, not even the baddies. I’m pretty content with everyone where they are, as they are. But we all know how long that lasts in Westeros.
Jorah Mormont has to bite it soon, what with his Greyscale. So, I’d like him to go out in style, a la Barristan Selmy. I never found his unrequited love of Dany all that interesting (I know I’m in the minority there), so it wouldn’t exactly tear me up to watch him go.
I’d enjoy watching Petyr Baelish meet a bloody end at Sansa’s hands. I have no expectation of that happening, but I can dream.
With the omission of Lady Stoneheart and her subplot, I’d say Brienne has a decent chance of dying in season six. I can’t say I
want her to die (quite the contrary – she’s one of the few characters I’m legitimately, intensely invested in), but if she gets an incredible send-off, it might be worth it.
Tyrion’s death would be fun if I watched his death scene in a bar surrounded by screaming, shrieking drunk people. Same goes for Arya. Or Dany. However, I highly doubt they’d off those three before the last season.
I look forward to a deliciously gruesome death scene for Ramsay, during which all viewers experience Ramsay’s own sadism for just a few minutes. But, please, not until the final season. I enjoy Iwan Rheon’s performance way too much to lose him before that.
Theon’s been walking, er, limping with a bullseye on his forehead since the end of season two, and I know a lot of viewers want him “put out of his misery.” I’d love it if he and Sansa collaborate to kill Ramsay (cough *but not until the last season* cough), but if Theon has to go in season six, I think the writers could whip up a pretty moving death scene between him and Yara. GOT doesn’t really do sentiment, but… c’mon, D&D. Do it for me.
If Missandei and/or Grey Worm go, though, I’ll raise hell.
Hello, fellow murderers! Who shall we murder today… or next season, you ask?
Well, there are several layers to the question, as Marc himself suggested. Most shocking would be a clear and unequivocal death of the main protagonists – and here I’m thinking of Tyrion and Dany – but, despite everything, some characters
do have plot armour, even in George R.R. Martin’s work. I would be devastated by Brienne’s or Jaime’s demise, for sure, and I agree with Petra – hands off Missandei and Grey Worm.
Secondly, villains we won’t mourn: I think we will say goodbye to Balon this season, and I suspect Ramsay’s days are numbered. Baelish, if Sansa does it, falls into this category, too.
Thirdly, the show will find a way to gut me by killing off a character I am not even thinking about at the moment. Surely. I mean, it’s Game of Thrones – who are we kidding here?
Balon’s been a walking dead man for seasons now, so, despite the fact I find it hilarious he’s still somehow alive in the show!niverse, I think it’s time he went for a walk.
Trystane is a character I would gladly see offed, based purely on the fact he’s not interesting to me, and I’m surprised he made it through season five. I would definitely have taken his death over Myrcella’s. Loras is another candidate for a potential demise. I think the show has done well at fleshing out his character from the books, and his arrest-for-homosexuality storyline was interesting, but ever since the Faith Militant got their hands on him, I’ve felt like his days are probably numbered.
Ramsay would certainly make for a satisfying death, I propose at the hands of Fat Walda, who is the queen Westeros truly deserves.
I do think it’s time for the show to lose at least one of the major human antagonists, since the storylines will need to tighten up in the last couple seasons and focus on the larger battle likely to come. I want to see Roose and/or Ramsay dispatched in glorious fashion in season six. I think we’re likely to lose a lot of supporting characters next season, maybe more than usual.
But for an actual plot twist? A real shocker would be to take out one of the Lannister siblings in season six. Tyrion probably has plot armor until the endgame of the show and
A Song of Ice and Fire, but Jaime or Cersei (or both together) dying earlier would be an amazing turn.
Bronn. He’s much more of a major player in the show than he ever was in the books, and I don’t think he has much – if any – plot relevance later on down the line.
that would make people madder than hell all over again.
I think Myrcella being poisoned will set off a chain reaction which kills Trystane, Ellaria, and Jamie. Trystane will probably be offed by a Lannister, most likely Cersei or Jamie. Ellaria will be executed by Doran.
I could see Cersei sending Jamie to Winterfell after Sansa when he returns with Myrcella’s corpse, where he’ll run into Brienne and somehow perish in her arms (the woman he loves).
I also think it will also be a butcher season for the Lannisters, as Cersei and Tommen will probably be executed by the Faith (a la the CleganeBowl, in which the Mountain will also die).
And I’m hoping for a Ramsay/Petyr death, too (by Sansa), but we shall see.
Oooooooo… that could be the next Murder: who should be the murderer.
I would love to see Mel die, but she probably won’t, and you said not someone you want to die, but someone that would be for great dramatic effect.
I have to vote for Jaime and Cersei as my numero uno. It will be ugly and tragic and perfect because we want to see Cersei die, but not at the cost of Jaime not being able to continue and redeem himself.
My second vote would be for Arya. I love her dearly, but that’s the reason why they might get rid of her. Same could be said for Sansa, too, though.
No matter what, they’re going to have to start thinning the herd, and that will mean not only the killing off a major character or two, but also supporting characters (or, at least, ending their arc somehow, someway). My metaphorical popcorn is
Oooo, add Mel to my list, too! And Davos as the do-er. 😈
I hadn’t considered offing Bronn. I quite like that idea, actually. He was a great companion for Tyrion, but now that they’re not following his book storyline (marrying Lollys and naming her baby Tyrion), I really don’t see what he’s doing for us anymore.
I heard some gossip last year that Jaime was going to get killed off by the end of season five, and I grew to accept that in my heart, so if it happens this year, my fan rage will be righteous, but I’ll get over it – if they give him a great scene to go out on.
That’s a good point. I don’t really mind who they kill so long as they give them a good send-off. I mean, if Brienne, Pod, Missandei, Grey Worm, Yara, and Theon all bite the dust (godspleasenopleasepleasenoI’lldoanythingpleaseno), I’d have a hard time remaining invested, but if they all had fitting, poignant, and/or glorious death scenes… what more could I ask for?
I think Bronn should’ve died last season, when he was poisoned (and omit those Sand Snake scenes).
Dramatically, it would’ve made sense if Bronn had died in Dorne. I think they’ve come to rely on him to lighten the mood and play sounding board, so he gets to live. Who knows how long that will last, though. They could dispatch Bronn at any time, at this point.
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Jaime and Cersei are not dying this season. Season 7 sure, but season 6 is too early
I will rather make a list of characters who I am sure will survive the season: Jon (come on), Daenerys, Arya and Bran. Maybe Sana and Jorah (I think he has to reach Westeros.
I’m hoping one of Danys Dragons die but I guess that won’t happen till they’re in westeros … How fitting would it be if rhaegal or viserion (spellings I know) snuffed it for being neglected all this time and then dany starts paying more attention to whichever 1 is left
Pycelle and Kevan, for a start. If not Varys, someone else will deal with them. Pretty sure Theo.. Reek isn’t gonna see the end of the season as well. Also, I’d like to see Ramsay bite the dust during the season 6 finale
Thanks guys! I love these murder of crows! 😀
Ramsay (I love Iwan but, come on), Roose (if he is not undead), Walder Fing Frey, Balon (dead man walking), Melisandre (outlives her usefulness once Jon is resurrected?), Bronn (love him but he’s way extended beyond his book role), Jorah (would destroy me a bit but they gave him greyscale for a reason), Tommen (gold will be their crowns and gold their shrouds), Loras (executed by FM?), Trystane PLEASE, Kevan Lannister, GM Pycelle (just off him, he smells like a dead cat).
Cersei, Davos, Podrick, Theon, Asha/Yara, Varys, Daario, Margaery, Tormund, Hodor, Meera
Will be completely heartbroken, please D&D&GRRM&Cogman, please don’t:
Jaime, Brienne, Sansa, Arya, and don’t judge, Petyr Baelish.
Tyrion, Dany, Jon once resurrected, Missandei, Grey Worm, Sam and Gilly and little Sam, Bran
My first choice would be Trystane with Ellaria coming in a close second. I like Iwan but I’m tired of Ramsay and his sadism so I vote that he (and his 20 good men) can be killed off at any time.
Overall, I think that the cast will thinned considerably by the end of S6, including one or two “majorish” characters. It is too early for Littlefinger to depart but I eagerly await that moment. Jorah can’t die until he makes it back to Westeros. I sadly think that Brienne and Theon may go this season.
I would love for Dany to bite the bullet. I’m so bored with her indecisions. It’s constantly 2 step forward and 1 step back with her. We don’t need her for the endgame…just her dragons.
Sure, and all the plot and character developement goes down the shitter just like that . Why do i think you are a Stannis fanboy(most Dany haters are) who still can’t get over the fact that he’d dead and has no part in the end game of the series . Just give it up bro,he was just a B+ character,nothing more .
I have this delicious fantasy that Sansa and Petyr are in the Vale and he is trying to have one of those “become the Stark you are meant to be” moments and she says “not this time” and starts to walk away, he grabs her and as he turns her around he gets too close to the Moon Door and OOPS….down he goes. Just delicious. It would be poetic for what he did to Lysa!! And to Sansa. Sure, Sansa will feel bad about it, but I won’t.
(PS I happen to love the Petyr character, but this is his just desserts a’comin’.)
Of course a bunch of people think Jaime and Cersei are going to die together.
I’m going to be contrary and say it’s never going to happen like that, not this season, not ever.
(Not that either are exempt from death at some point in the storyline, but they’re not dying together.)
This season: Trystane, possibly Jorah, Ramsay by the end, Roose and Walda, Rickon. Maybe Pod or Bronn.
I think most of the bigger characters are pretty safe TBQH. Further down the line, like maybe during Season 7 it’ll be Cersei and Tommen for sure (if they don’t die this season), Littlefinger, and the biggest character who has the most potential of dying before the very end is… Arya. Those are my predictions anyway.
Sand Snakes, Ellaria, Ramsay, Balon, Littlefinger, Randyll and Melisandre.
Grey Worm, Missandei, Daario, Lancel, Loras, Walder Frey, Kevan, Olly, Alliser, High Sparrow, Cersei, Black Fish and Dickon.
Davos, Bronn, Tyrion, Jaime, Sam, Sansa, Podrick, Theon, Jorah, Edmure, Brienne and Bran.
I think a good dramatic death would be SPOILERS! (just in case)
Arya killed by Merrett Frey to prevent her from killing Jaime.
I expect a big body count next season: Ramsay, Roose, Walda, Lancel, High Sparrow, Unella, Theon, Trystane, Ellaria, Balon, Loras, Jorah, Pycelle, Kevan, Qyburn, Tommen and the traitors from the Night Watch.
Oooo, gonna have to disagree with you on that one. I DO think that Jaime will kill Cersie, maybe not this coming season…but 7 most likely. And I think he will do it out of pure hatred for something she tells him or the way she treats him. And then kill himself. Maybe not the noble way to go, but even though Jaime has somewhat redeemed himself a bit, he still is the awful shit that pushed Bran from the window and had three children with his sister and much more!!
Cersei and Tommen. Not because I want Cersei to die, I LOVE Lena Headey, but if we’re talking dramatic, main character losses I think she’s done. And Tommen is a goner. I don’t know if Ramsay and/or Roose will die yet, I think they may make it to season 7 at least. I really want to see them get knocked down though.
I really feel like Rickon and Osha aren’t going to make it. :/ I hope I’m wrong.
Possible deaths for me would be Mel, Bronn, Pod will probably die… I think Jorah will stick around for at least one more season before succumbing to the greyscale. Brienne COULD die but I hope not!
Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Tyrion and Dany will make it to the end. Some may die once we’re there, but they will make it.
Also, I HATE Pycelle. Please kill him.
More Starks will bite it……. Bran, but he will be hung up in roots as the new 3 eyed crow…. We will see Rickon this season and he will be hung up on a cross upside down, because there really isn’t any use for him in the plot, never was…… Sansa may take her own life when she discovers she is in a ‘family’ way with a baby Bolton……That will leave an expansion of Arya’s story line into season 7 when she gets some revenge for the family…… and dies trying….. Life is tough in Westeros and not full of fairy tales….. GRRM is a genius…. happy endings is for children……
We know Jon isn’t REALLY a Stark, so he isn’t dead….. really…. sort of….maybe…..
Gotta strongly agree with Walder Friggin’ Frey!! Time for him to be pushin’ up some daisies. And who gets the honors? I am hoping it is Arya that does the deed.
I think Pycelle, Ellaria, Mel, Ramsay and Kevan are offed this season. Probably more.
Maybe: Trystane, some Sandsnakes, some Sparrows, Lancel, Tommen, Walder Frey, Roose Bolton, Sansa, Loras.
Someone I hope won’t die: Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime, Dany + dragons, Davos, Olenna, Margaery, Brienne, Varys, Mace.
Someone I would like to see dead: Arya, Qyburn (if he goes on like in the books), Mountain – a bunch more.
Someone I’d let fate decide: Pretty much everyone else.
Before reading, I was thinking Jamie/Cersei, but Jamie needs to go. Do something heroic and just go. I love him in the books but in the show, he’s been useless since he left Brienne. Frankly, she has been useless without him as well.
I want Dany and Tyrion die horribly and soon. They have become dull characters for me, with really forced storylines. Same as the Boltons (poor Walda and her baby!) and I don’t like Bronn anymore :/ Arya too, but like people said, she’s a walking dead girl now.
Rickon’s death can add shock to the battle, but I’m counting on Brienne, Jaime, or both. Yes, Pod is dead too.
I can’t stand Missandei and Grey Worm anymore. Jorah seems to die from grayscale, but there’s good chances he’s infecting half of Essos before (Daario, maybe. Or Daario discovers this and kill him).
Team Trystane Die Already, please. I don’t now if it’s for the portrayal of the character (I thought Book!Trys was cute like a cinnamon roll, but this one…), how they didn’t develop his character at all, the actor or what. Same with the SS and Ellaria, some has to die in Dorne.
It would be a delicious irony if Jon die again, LOL. It’s impossible to happen but LOL.
And if LF has to die (he’s an ass, but love his scheemings) yes, Sansa all the way. Preferably with the LemonGate.
Sam or Gilly no, please. They are like the only likable characters left.
Sand Snakes & Ellaria (put us out of our misery already, Ramsay (tortured in the worst way possible), Balon, Melisandre, Cersei (Im over the sad old queen) Missandei & Grey Worm (sorry they make me squirm with their performances and/or storyline), Walder Frey (should be obvious why), Olly & Alliser (slow and tortuous as well) Jorah (ugh just put HIM out of his misery) Brienne (sorry folks just am not into her) High Sparrow (could die at same time as Cersei… that would be awesome)
Lancel, Loras, Bron, Kevan, Arya & Rickon, Podrick, Theon,
Jon (of course he’s back) Dany, Tyrion, Jaime, Davos, Sam, Sansa, Littlefinger, Vary’s, Gendrey, Blackfish and Roose.
Okay, in my opinion, this discussion is mostly just naming names, without analyzing who is killed when and why in the series.
There seem to be two classes of deaths. 1) Small characters that really don’t matter – eg Karl Tanner, Pyp, Hizdar and 2) those large characters whose death provides a major shift in narrative and increases the tension – their death shuffles the chess board. E.g. Tywin, Ned, Robb, Stannis, Joeffrey, Jon (even un-dead, that changes the narrative.)
Small characters – I’m not sure, any of them any time.
Large characters – their deaths have to be at a moment in time where it will change the narrative. I think Arya is safe for now, as well as Bran, Sam, Theon, Davos, Brianne, Tyrion. Their deaths wouldn’t change the direction of the story (at this point in their arch anyway). Those that possibly will die according to this logic of “major narrative change” would be Dany, Margery, Tommen, Sansa (maybe depending on how her character develops this season), Kevan, Roose.
This isn’t my theory. My unsullied friend came up with this, and successfully predicted all the deaths of major characters in Season 4 after Season 3.
S6 death predictions: Balon, Kevan, Pycelle, Tommen, Tormund, Roose Bolton, Ghost, one of the Snakes, Ellaria. . .and the entire Tyrell clan (replaced in power by House Tarly).
S7-S8 death predictions: Walder Frey, Cersei, Bronn, Jorah, Daario, Trystane, Littlefinger, the Wall.
Endgame death predictions: one Lannister brother, one Stark sister, Theon, Melisandre, Daenerys, Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion and the Iron Throne. And Ramsay, Olly and Thorne as wights. 😉
Survivors (hopefully): Davos, Rickon, Brienne, Yara, Pod, Summer, Shaggydog, Nymeria, Hodor, Meera, Osha, one Stark sister, one Lannister brother, one Sand Snake, Doran, Areo, Sam, Gilly and young Sam.
Jon Snow and Bran Stark will survive but mysteriously disappear into the far North, never to be seen again and becoming part of the future legends.
I think we will be bidding farewell to the following characters in Season 6:
Ooh I never thought of the Tarlys replacing the Tyrells. Interesting.
I think Marg is going to do a deal with the Faith, but how far that gets her besides out of jail is unclear. I think Loras might be a goner.
I agree with sue that D&D use Bronn for lighter scenes but disagree with the need to kill him off. His book arc is almost certainly finished so this gives the show makers a great way to bring us those funny one liners and songs. I can see Bronn ( and to the same extent Pod) making it to the end in the show as they r minor book characters that the show has expanded and who the fast majority of fans like.
I think the cull of the major characters will happen in S7. S6 will be the cull of more minor chacacters/plot threads that need to go. Sooo:
Everyone in Dorne (sorry, I hate this storyline in the show)
Ramsay, hopefully Sansa is somehow involved in offing him
Actually time may be up for one major character – Cersei. I think Sir Robert Strong will win her trial ealier in the season, then she will die anyway by unexpected means at the end of the season.
I think Jorah will surive so he can spread Greyscale to all and sundry before he goes. Makes no sense to have given him such a contagious disease for him to die before it spreads.
I think Randyll Tarly will sense Olenna and Margaery losing control of the situation and take advantage.
The Tyrells replaced the Baratheons. Now it’s their turn to be replaced.
Another vote for offing Trystane. That character/actor sucked the life out of every scene he was in.
I don’t want any more of the Stark kids to die. Certainly not Arya or Sansa (or Jon, but that’s a grey area anyway, considering that’s happened already). I also don’t want to see Tormund or Edd go, but I understand that they may have to be sacrificed, rather like the battle for the Wall: they need to demonstrate some real consequences if there’s a war. Kevan, Bronn, Lancel and Roose will die. And maybe Varys.
Oh, and Olly and Aliser. R’hllor take them both!
Arya is probably going to survive over all of them. I can’t see her biting it. I really don’t think they’ll kill off either of the Stark girls actually. Who I’d like to see meet their end? RAMSAY, Walder Frey, Pycelle, Trystane, Roose, and Thorne. I will be very upset and probably throw things if Theon, Brienne, or Davos die. lol I’m bracing myself for
Die, Pycelle, die! And take Balon Greyjoy and Walder Frey with you! I think it will happen. And Kevan (whom I rather like) will accompany them.
Other goners: Trystane, Loras, Mace, Tormund (sorry!), Roose and Walda Bolton before the birth of a legitimate Bolton baby. Ramsay, I think, will stick around… he’s too good as an antagonist to disappear. Only next season.
It’s possible for Cersei to die and I’d really miss Lena, but Arya must finish her. Wait, I prefer Jaime to do it! And survive… with Brienne… Well, I’m a silly romantic girl, I’m not paying attention :))
I’m very afraid for Brienne and Pod, but who knows… Maybe they are still alive.
I don’t imagine what Jorah would do with his greyscale, but I don’t think he will die this season.
Why does everyone think Bronn is going to die? Just because someone has no influence over the “end-game” doesn’t mean they won’t make it. He got a bigger part in the show cause he’s a comic relief in a rather dark story. They’d lose more killing him than keeping him. The actor has great chemistry with EVERYONE (he could literally make a wall seem personable). They’d be pretty silly to kill him for the sake of killing him. That would truly be death without reason. Almost every other major death has some political/revenge plot connected to it. Bronn would just die. The end. There’s no reason.
I didn’t understand all the “Bronn will die in season 5” posts and I don’t get why the same people are now assuming he’ll bite it in season 6. That being said, this is game of thrones and I wouldn’t be surprised if he died at some point–I just don’t see why he’s #1 on so many people’s lists of coming deaths.
Missandei And Greyworm need to go if only to spare us from more boredom. I love both actors but their storylines just aren’t interesting enough.
I’d also love to see Sansa die. She’s never going to be strong enough in the game of thrones even if she becomes a little harder after all she’s been through.
I’d hate to see Ramsey go until the very last season because he’s such fun to watch BUT if he’s going to die, he best be flayed alive and laughing while it’s happening. Poetic justice with a Ramsey twist! 😜
If Theon has to die I’d at least like him to make it until A Dream of Spring (or seasons 7/8) before doing so. I do have a horrible feeling he’s not long for this world, though. Which is a really difficult thought for me to deal with, because after him, I’m not sure which other characters in the show come close to that same level of investment I’ve been feeling.
(Oh yeah, I think it’s Bran/Jaime/Davos. It just wasn’t immediately obvious to me that those were my next-favourites, because season 5 did strange things with them.)
Other deaths… could be Cersei, Brienne, or Davos. But that’s my prediction for TWOW. There’s no telling which parts of TWOW happen in season 6 and which happen in season 7… so this is a doubly hard question to answer!
The only death I will accept for Cersei will be if she decides to blow up the Red Keep with her in it.
I believe it’s even been foreshadowed by GRRM
If Lena Heady is gonna leave our tv screens, then she better leave in style.
Yeah, I found the amount of people predicting Bronn’s death last season confusing. He’s comic relief; he doesn’t really need to be anything more than that, and the writers clearly love the character.
As far as this season goes, among the regular cast I’d say the Boltons are toast for sure. There may be some trimming of the regular KL cast, depending on the pace of events there (though we know so little about that, it’s hard to say). It sounds like we can expect at least one notable casualty out of the Northern storyline, so somebody like Tormund or Davos may be on the chopping block.
Characters like Cersei and Littlefinger will be around until at least Season 7.
Theon’s heading off into a plotline where he’s the only series regular involved, so I’d say his odds of surviving the season are excellent.
Theon’s heading off into a plotline where he’s the only series regular involved, so I’d say his odds of surviving the season are excellent.
Good point. If those rumours are true (I’m actually quite hazy on the details, by the way. Don’t want to know too much!), then I’m pretty confident he’ll survive right through to the end of the season. But then of course, there’s the ending.
I feel like he’s going to be a part of something big again, where it all kicks off, and they might “move his death up” to coincide with that big thing. And in doing so, make the finale more intense/progressive, like what they did with old Stanners in season 5. I really hope not, but it could happen.
S6 will be the season of the undead. Whoever dies during the season will come back in one form or another.
goes for S6, I guess… Walda (and Domeric), Roose, Ramsay and many other Bolton supporters
Mel and Ghost (much weeping expected…but will Jon 2.0 move from direwolf to dragon?)
Totally agree. Speaking of unreliable narrators, Cersei Lannister, and she’s the only one who believes in that “born together, die together” crap. She also believes that if Jaime had gotten her note, he would have come to her, (he burned it and left her for dead) and that he would never have gone off with Brienne (uh…which is exactly what he did.)
At least one Stark, Rickon, Arya or Sansa. That’s the shocking E9 death. I prefer it not be Rickon. Forced to pick, Arya.
Two of these three Greyjoys, Balon, Asha/Yara, Euron. Forced to pick, Balon and Asha.
Two Lannisters, Kevan, Cersei or Tommen. Forced to pick, Tommen and Kevan.
One Tyrell, Loras, Mace or Olenna. Forced to pick, Mace.
Three of the following: Jorah, Daario, Pod, Bronn, Tormund, Dickon Tarly, Qyburn, Pycelle. Forced to pick, Daario, Pod and Pycelle.
Easy dead picks, Roose, Walda, Trystane, Ellaria, Tyene, Thorne.
Safe through the season, Margaery, Theon, Bran, High Sparrow, Daeny, Tyrion, Sam, Jaime, Brienne, Ramsay, Doran, Varys, Baelish, Randyll, Jon and Ramsay.
I would love to see Cersei go all Mad King on the keep!! Lena totally needs a fabulous end if she has to leave us and going out with a literal bang would do the trick.
Such venom! Delicious. As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods–they kill us for their sport. The gods here are all GRRM–he seems to take pleasure in killing off characters. My crystal ball is muddied by the fact that we have three seasons left rather than two. The ‘removals’ will have to be paced out. Who to kill, who to kill…hmm.
Balon, Three-eyed raven, Thorne and Olly and any Crows who don’t ‘desert’ to go south with Jon, Kevan, Pycelle, Mace Tyrrell, Walder Frey, Roose and Fat Walda Bolton, Ramsay Snow, Sweetrobyn, everyone at the Tower of Joy other than young Ned and Howland, the Mountain, Qyburn, Tommen, several Dothraki, THE Son of the Harpy.
Jorah Mormont, Melisandre, Yezzan zo Qaggaz, Pod, Bronn, a key White Walker but not Night’s King.
Everyone but Jon and Dany. But truly possibly–Lancel, High Sparrow,
Septa Unella, Margery, Daario, Euron, Theon, Brienne, Sandor Clegane, one or all of the Sand Snakes, Doran, Trystane, Ghost.
All living Starks. Yara, Dany, Tyrion, Varys, Ser Ilyn Payne, Davos, Osha, Nymeria, Jaime, Cersei, Edmure, Blackfish, Hodor, Meera, Sam+Gilly, Randall Tarly, Littlefinger, the three dragons, Grey Worm, Missandei, Meribald, most of the Dothraki and Unsullied and Wildlings, Tormund, Queen of Thorns, Illyrio, lords involved in the GNC, Hotpie, and Gendry still rowing.
Who I’d like to squash like a fly this season:
Anyone Dornish (though the show needs a Dornish leader–maybe bring in Arianne), Daario, the child-burner Melisandre, all the Sparrow-folk, Qyburn, Pycelle, Olly, Roose, Ramsay, WALDER FREY. If the powers-that-be deem it necessary to kill a Stark, I”d be willing to let Sansa go, especially if she takes down Littlefinger with her.
Although I love how many posters have taken who will die and who have focused it on who should and shouldn’t die. Give me back my Shireen dammit!
I don’t think Ramsay dies in season 6 because Theon is not near him. I believe in show and books Theon kills Ramsay. I think the show foreshadowed as early as season 2 when Ramsay wasn’t even a seen face yet, but was off screen blowing the horn to annoy Theon outside Winterfell. The dialogue they wrote for Theon in that scene was “”I will kill that man. I don’t care how many arrows they feather me with, how many spears they run through me. I will kill that horn blowing cunt before I fall.”
I believe it too. It’s added dialogue by D&D and I don’t view it as an accidental addition either. It’s clever foreshadowing.
Kings Landing casualties : Frankenmount goes beserk and dispatches High Sparrow, a Tyrell or two and Pycele. Elsewhere, Ramsay at the hand of Jon Snow, or Sansa but would love Ghost to have a treat. The NW crumbles, desertions, bro on bro murder. Davos should kill Mel but I fear the Red Witch eludes death for now and Davos buys it. Sniff. In Essos, Greyworm, Jorah. All I got. 😀
This is the list of characters that I think will meet The Stranger next season:
Tommen – “Gold will be their shrouds…”
Fat Walda– Ramsay will kill him, along with baby Bolton
Ramsay – Killed in the Snowbowl. Euron is ready to take over his role as the new psycho bad guy.
Septa Unella– The Mountain will snap her neck
High Sparrow– The Mountain will smash his head
Alliser Thorne– The White Walkers will kill him, Castle Black fall this Season (IMHO).
Balon– will feast with the Drowned God very soon.
Walder Frey – This one I’m not so sure, but we know that he is back this season and Arya is in the Riverlands in the last episodes, so…
I agree with you 100% about Daeny. She is nothing without her dragons. Bran will warg into Drogon, problem solved. The other 2 hate her for locking them up and wouldn’t mind that someone offed her too. At this point we can also get rid of Greyworm, Melisande, the sell sword guy and of course, Jorah, who already has one foot in the grave anyway. Maybe then, Tyrian will be able to put the peddle to the meddle and head towards Westeros for a long awaited reunion with his dear siblings.
Endgame death predictions: one Lannister brother, one Stark sister, Theon, Melisandre, Daenerys, Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion and the Iron Throne. And Ramsay, Olly and Thorne as wights.
Your theory about the entire House Tyrell being obliterated and replaced by the Tarlys is intriguing… I had never thought of that, but I could see it.
I propose the death of King Tommen, at the hands of the 7. Followed by Jamie strangling Cercei to death, proving the maegi’s premonition true, regarding the valonquar.
The targaryans were never meant to be the master of more than 1 dragon. The other 2 dragons will break loose this season. Bank on it.
I agree re the Valonquar. And then Jaime and Brienne can live happily ever after. Or not, this being Westeros/GRRM/D&D.
-They wont kill Roose AND Ramsay in season 6. Just one will say good bye.
-They wont kill walder frey until season 7, arya will be in the riverlands in the end of the season and it will be very rushed if happens that fast.
Of course they wont murder this much of characters but i think the ones who can die in season 6 are in this list.
I was gonna write a never ending list but since I agree with most of what you said I´ll just say: DITTO!!! 😉
So the characters that might die it in the next season in my opinion.
Roose or Ramsay…one might survive this season
Walda and her baby…Ramsay is totally going to do something here
Thorne and rest of the Night’s Watch including Olly.
TOJ couple of people and one will be I guess Ser Arthur Dayne
Interesting prediction by Flora Linden about House Tyrell and Tarly. I can see some Tyrell’s dying in season 6.
Davos, Edd, Ghost, Tormund and Wun Wun. I hope at least on of the them will survive. Don’t know about Mel this season. A lot of pros and cons for her death.
As for future. Tough to say, but I’m 100% about Bran surviving this whole damn thing and replacing Brynden Rivers.
Roose, Walda and her baby – Ramsey’s doing. Unfortunately I have the feeling Ramsey might survive the season.
Edd (either Snowbowl or at the Wall if the Wall is coming down this season)
Greyworm, Daario(pleease!) Jorah is probably safe till he reaches Westeros.
The Waif. Walder Frey will be killed by Arya next season.
Among the major characters the only one I can see dying this season is Brienne. Since I believe Jaime will kill Cersei, he might survive this season atleast.
Cersei, Jaime, Davos, Kevan, Pycelle, Lancel, Tommen, High Sparrow, Tormund, Roose, Wun Wun, Olly, Alliser, Edd, Walder Frey, Podrick, Bronn, Daario, Grey Worm
I love how long these lists are. 😊
I agree that this season will be mostly culling off the secondary characters again. So, let’s start:
The North: Davos, Mel, Alliser Thorne, Roose, Fat Walda, assorted lords introduced this season;
King’s Landing: Kevan, Pycelle, Loras, Olenna, Tommen;
Braavos: no one, but we won’t see it again after the season;
Meereen: no one, but Missandei and Grey Worm will inherit the city and remain behind after the season
Dothraki: a lot of Khals, obviously. I hope Dany keeps one or two, though, they look cute.
In short, I think that the Northern storyline and King’s Landing are the two that need the most weeding.
The two I want to die the most are Walder Frey and Ramsay. I think old Walder might get it at the end of the season, hopefully at the hand of a Stark, or by someone from one of the houses that lost family at the Red Wedding. The only thing I don’t want to happen is for Walder to die warm in his bed with a new wife, believing he showed all the other houses how great he was. Sadly, I think Ramsay will be around for at least another season. somebody mentioned Septa Unella. Yep, I think she goes – Cersei will see to that early on, whatever else she does.
As for anyone else that must be chunked off the cliff, I don’t care so much. I am content to watch how it plays out. Can’t see much use for Ellaria or any of the Sandsnakes. Sorry girls. I think Trystane will make it through the season – I can’t believe Doran’s plans have been introduced just to puff out to no use whatever.
Also, Jorah will be a hero for Dany one last time and go out in a blaze of glory, before she finds out about the grayscale. He won’t want her to be grossed out by that. Balon, yes, although, even with the excitement generated by book readers over the Euron stuff, right now nothing about that facet of the story excites me in the least.
Neither Davos nor Tormund had better die, the story needs some solid secondary characters to help out the main ones. Varys will be around to the bitter end, as will Tyrion. They’re not gonna kill Tyrion. He will outlive Cersei, that’s for sure.
ok…giving it a try,anyway: Kevan,Pycelle,Loras,Tommen,Bronn,Pod,Roose,Fat Walda,Bolton Baby,Thorne,Ollie,NW,Edd,Mace Tyrell,Lady Olenna,Septa Unella,The Waif,Balon Greyjoy,Beric,Thoros,Tormund,Wun Wun,Bloodraven,Rickon,Osha,Shaggydog,Ghost,Ellaria,2 SandSnakes,Lancel,Daario,GreyWorm,Walder Frey and the Freys,BlackFish,Yohn Royce,Sweet Robin,The Karstarks,The Umbers,High Sparrow,Trystane,Dickon Tarly,Yara Greyjoy,Various Khals…Have to think about The Mountain,The Hound,Qyburn,Ramsey…If all of these characters are offed it will mean the obliteration of Houses Arryn,Umber,Karstark,Frey,Bolton,Baratheon,Tyrell,Martell…the cameraman is the only one left alive this season 😉
Lol, what an odd topic to stay in one’s head: who one would like to see murdered in a show, either for effect or personal satisfaction. Was just about to go back to sleep, and thought of this: of all the characters in all the seasons of the show, I can only think of three times any were asked about how they foresaw their own deaths. (I’m sure you will correct me if you remember others.)
Tyrion, by Shagga – I think Tyrion’s answer was at 80, in his own bed, with a woman’s mouth around … well, you remember.
Jaime – who told Bronn he wanted to die in the arms of the woman he loved, whom many now believe will be Brienne. That could very possibly happen this season; if so, it will break the last latch on Cersei’s sanity, and King’s Landing is doomed. Bronn – who wanted to have his own house and lands and watch his sons fight over their share.
I think each of them will go in exactly that way, too. Why everyone thinks Bronn will die this season is a mystery to me. From the beginning, he was portrayed as a survivor. He doesn’t always fight with honor, but he makes it through. He’s one of those people who by charm, skill, savvy or plain dumb luck, always make it through.
I don’t understand the several mentions of Arya dying. As she has been mostly disconnected from the main plot for a long time, if she dies before reconnecting and playing a crucial role in the endgame then it makes her entire story pointless. That would be bad storytelling, it seems to me.
I say this not just because I love Arya (although I do), but just because it would make no sense in the context of the storyline.
So from a narrative point of view, the deaths I would vote for are those who have fulfilled their purpose to the broader story (some of which I will be sad to see go):
2. Bronn (even though I’d like to see him in the Dream Team for the battle for the dawn)
4. Melisandre (after her role, if any, in the Jesus moment)
6. Daario (same as Bronn, a dream team candidate, but also could be on thin ice)
7. Cersei (I think Jamie has a role to play, later, but could be wrong on that)
Who is definitely going to die : Balon, Kevan, Pycelle, one of the Clegane brothers if Cleganebowl happens, Daario or Jorah (Pick one), Merrett Frey, Loras, Tommen, Ramsay, Roose, Walda and her baby and a major character I haven’t thought of
Who could die : Brienne or Jaime (Pick one), Cersei, Bronn, Podrick, Qyburn, Tormund, Osha, Melisandre (though she would have to meet with Arya first), Pate/a random boy offscreen, Littlefinger or Sansa (Pick one), Beric offscreen, Thoros offscreen, Walder Frey, Meera, Trystane, Ellaria, the Sand Snakes, Olly, ser Alliser, Edd
Who is totally not going to die : the ‘main’ characters (Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Bran, Arya) and the puppet masters (Varys, Littlefinger, Doran)
My blacklist : Ellaria, the Sand Snakes, Missandei, Grey Worm, Trystane, Pycelle, Ramsay, Loras, Melisandre and Daenerys (I know, totally not going to happen)
the Pleasedon’tkillthem list : Tyrion, Jaime, Bronn, Pod, Sandor, Arya, Osha, Olenna, Littlefinger, Doran, Davos, Varys, Edd and Jorah
Just out of interest,what are your unsullied friends predictions in regards to Jaime?
–Roose and Walda , Rickon and Osha, all killed by Ramsay who will be on a killing frenzy
–Ramsay, I like Iwan but it’s time for Ramsay (and the Boltons as a whole) to go
-If LF dies it will be at the end of the season, by Sansa obviously, but I think he will survive until next season. I can see him team up with Jon and mess with his head like a Ned/LF reboot but not with the same outcome.
-I have a bad feeling either Brienne or Jaime will die this season,
even more if they cross path with Arya
what about « I want to die into the arms of the woman I love » and « who wants to die saving a Lannister » either way I see the surviving one going North to join Sansa/Jon.
-I can see Cersei pulling some kind of murder plot against Marg, if that happens it could lead to Tommen’s suicid. Cersei would lose her last child by her own actions, thus going all mad, burning KL to the ground and dying herself ? (If Cersei die, Jaime survive, we can’t lose both the same season)
–Jorah. It will pain me but we need to lose someone in that storyline before Dany arrive in Westeros, and he’s the only one I can see go. Oh yeah and Missandei and Grey Worm too.
After reading some comments, I think Jorah lives to spread Greyscale to Westeros, gonna be fun.
And I’m in the camp Bronn lives and Theon lives!
I fully agree with you. I hope Jaime will die in Brienne’s arms, but only after they have had a bit of happiness together. Even Robb and Thalisa had that before the Red Wedding.
Jorah will die, either in this season or next, either from greyscale, or from some last heroic act.
Arya (certainly not until the end of her list and, hopefully, reunion with Nymeria)
Gendry (or else we never know if he lives or dies)
Sansa (unless she really does toughen and grow up)
Littlefinger (I’d miss him – but there’s no redemption for him)
I could spend all day thinking of everyone but that’s a start.
I think the following characters will bite the dust in season 6: Roose, Walda, Balon, Jorah, Melisandre, Kevan, Pycelle, Ellaria and Walder Frey
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