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Ever since I began playing D&D 8 years cách đây it has been one of my yêu thích hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: combine two of my yêu thích interests and turn the Disney Princesses into D&D characters.

Over the last năm I've been slowly creating D&D characters based off of the DPs, and I spent so much time on them that I really wanted to share them here. I'll be posting a series of articles, one for each DP, in which I explain why I chose the classes, subclasses, etc. for each princess, and share the backstory I wrote for each. I'll also be crossposting these các bài viết to the Disney Princess club. All the characters will be level 3 to ensure that they all have a chosen subclass. Sourcebooks used to build these characters include the Player's Handbook, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Anything written in italics is an author's note explaining my reasoning behind certain character choices.


Human Warlock - The Archfey / Background - Urchin

Cinderella's class was a complete no-brainer. A powerful "fairy godmother" shows up out of nowhere and bestows upon bạn magical gifts? That 100% sounds like a warlock patron to me. được trao that Cinderella's godmother is literally a fairy, putting her in the Archfey subclass was an easy choice as well. I went with the urchin background because although she technically didn't live on the streets she was still treated as essentially a scullery maid, plus the urchin background gives her a pet chuột which felt kind of perfect.

Character Stats

Level 3

STR 0 (11) DEX +1 (13) CON +2 (15) INT -1 (9) WIS +2 (14) CHA +3 (16)

I used the standard array to generate stats. I tried to assign them in a way that would allow for a strong D&D character while still remaining mostly true to the attributes of the character in the film.

HP 24
AC 12 (leather)
Initiative +1
Speed 30 ft.

Saving throws: Wis +4, Cha +5

Skills: Arcana +1, Deception +5, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3 (For her class skills I chose Arcana and Deception. I think Cindy would be very curious about her newfound magic powers and would try to learn all she could from her Fairy Godmother about them, so Arcana made sense to me. Her Deception is good enough that her own stepfamily didn't even recognize her when she was at the ball. Maybe she was helped bởi the magic but still. Sleight of Hand and Stealth were granted bởi her background.

Languages: Common, Sylvan (The only language I felt made sense was that maybe her Fairy Godmother taught her some Sylvan.)

Tools: Disguise Kit, Thieves Tools

Features and Traits

Eldritch Invocation: Beast Speech - bạn can cast Speak With động vật at will, without expending a spell slot. (She's so good with động vật I had to pick this one.)

Eldritch Invocation: Mask of Many Faces - bạn can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. (Gave her this one because she was kind of "disguised" as a princess at the ball.)

Pact of the Talisman: When the wearer of your Talisman fails an ability check, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used 2 times, and all expended uses are restored when bạn finish a long rest. (Cindy's Talisman is her glass slipper!)


Modifier: +3
Spell attack: +5
Save DC: 13

Cantrips (at will): Eldritch Blast, Friends
2nd level (2 slots): Armor of Agathys, Enthrall, Expeditious Retreat, Suggestion

Lol I gave her Expeditious Retreat haha get it?


Crossbow, Light: +3 to hit, 1d8+1 piercing damage

Dagger: +3 to hit, 1d4+1 piercing damage

Spear: +2 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage

Fey Presence: Once per short rest, as an action, bạn can cause each creature in a 10-ft. cube from bạn to make a WIS saving throw (DC 13) hoặc become Phép thuật hoặc frightened bởi bạn (your choice) until the end of your tiếp theo turn.


Backstories have been created with a combination of the stories from the films and rolling randomly on the ngẫu nhiên tables in the "This Is Your Life" section of Xanathar's Guide to Everything, which is why some of these backstories have some wild things that really come out of left field lol.

I was born to Edelina and Charles Tremaine in their stately lâu đài, chateau on a late winter's night. I have no memories of my mother beyond the tales my father told me, however, for she was struck bởi lightning and killed when I was less than two years old. My father was kind and wonderful, but after a few years decided that I needed a mother figure. He chose for his tiếp theo wife a widow named Marguerite, who had twin daughters just my age: Công chúa Anastasia and Drizella.

Sadly, little thêm than a năm later he was struck ill and died. Upon his death, my step-mother's true jealous nature was revealed. She squandered the family fortune and relegated me to the role of servant in my own home.

Despite these tragedies, I strove to remain ever gentle and kind, and I was well liked bởi the động vật in our trang chủ and my Những người bạn and acquaintances in town.

One day, it was announced that the prince would hold a ball to choose a bride, and every young maiden should be in attendance. Despite my best efforts, my step-mother would not hear of me going, even going so far as to destroy my mother's gown, one of the only heirlooms I had from her. Devastated, I prayed to any being who would listen. To my surprise and delight, an Archfey who referred to herself as my Fairy Godmother answered my prayers. She revealed that she had guided and helped various members of my family for generations, and now it was my turn.

She gave me a beautiful dress and glass slippers in which to attend the ball, but commanded me to return to her at midnight to niêm phong, con dấu our pact. I agreed and left for the ball, where I danced with a handsome gentleman. I never learned his name hoặc identity, but I still think of him often. So swept up in the party was I that I nearly broke my promise to her. In my haste to leave at the stroke of midnight I left one of my glass slippers behind.

I met with my Fairy Godmother in the forests surrounding the castle, where she performed an ancient rite to bind me to her. She bestowed upon me powers beyond my wildest dreams, with the stipulation that to keep these gifts I must always be courageous and kind, and I should not indulge in the baser vices such as alcohol hoặc other intoxicants. True to her playful and capricious nature, she marked me as hers bởi placing a small silvery beauty mark upon my cheek. Each time I wake up, it moves to a different spot on my face. She also took my remaining glass slipper and shrunk it to the size of a charm. I wear it around my neck as a talisman.

With these newfound powers, I felt that I no longer had to endure my step-mother's abuse simply to keep a roof over my head. I returned to the lâu đài, chateau that night to retrieve a few things - an empty silver snuffbox bearing an inscription on the surface that says “dreams” that had once belonged to my mother, my father's vàng wedding band, and my pet mouse, Gus, who'd kept me company on many a lonely night - then I left those accursed halls forever.

I spent some time living on the streets, and had to resort to a few things I was not proud of in order to survive, but soon enough I found work as a maidservant in a local inn. I judiciously saved my money, and as soon as I had enough coin I left to see what adventures the world had to offer.

Didn't feel the need to change this one from the original story too much. Hope bạn enjoyed~