Donatello Splinter 2k12 Donatello

AgentMagicCoat posted on Apr 07, 2013 at 12:57AM
This can be the place where 2k12 Donnie fans come together to talk about him, and about the 2k12 series itself.

Things like why you like 2k12 Donnie, the relationship he has with his brothers, the Donnie and April pairing, or anything else that comes to mind. :3

I personally haven't seen more than the first two episodes of this newer series. I have some serious catching up to do! I think it'll be easier once I finish re-watching the 2003 series (I'm working on watching them all, and then watching all the episodes of the other versions, cuz it's been a while since I watched them). So while I've heard quite a few things about the new series, I have much to learn.

Imagine my surprise when I log into, search for tmnt fan art, and find all these random drawings of Leatherhead grabbing Donnie's face! I had NO idea where it came from. At least, I didn't until I did a little research. :P

Anyone else have yet to watch the new series? Or if you have, what do you like about it/about how they portray Donatello?

I know the new show has brought quite a few new people into the fandom. If you're one of the new fans, welcome! We're glad you're here! How are you enjoying the fandom thus far?

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