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I have decided to make a last-minute change to the end of Chapter 27. I modified the last few sentences of the chapter (where I put the asterisk), as I changed the story. This chapter, especially the beginning, will not make sense unless bạn read the final few sentences of the trước đó chapter. So here's the link to the trước đó chapter. Only the last three lines have changed.


Chapter 28—Cruella And The Captured Puppies

    Standing outside the fence again, the five parents and Danielle stood, waiting for the chó con to finish talking.
    “Tramp,” Lady told him gently. “I’m… I’m so proud of you. You’ve learned… and I can’t believe bạn admitted all of that. I know that bạn told me everything… and that bạn really will never lie again.”
    “Thanks Pidge,” Tramp told Lady sadly. “But we didn’t get the kids back. I was right before. I shouldn’t have đã đưa ý kiến anything. This way was worse.”
"Not saying anything wouldn't have helped either. bạn just delivered it wrong," Pongo told Tramp.
"What should I have done then?" Tramp asked
    “Well,” Pongo told Tramp awkwardly. “You… told them everything, but…”
    “Wasn’t that what I was supposed to do?” Tramp gasped confusedly.
    “Yes,” Lady added to Tramp. “But… bạn should have been a little thêm careful on how bạn delivered them. Make the blow a bit softer. I could tell bạn horrified the children.”
Peg muttered, "I don’t understand… if I could forgive Tramp, how come Angel can’t! I… I just need to talk to my girl again!”
    “Hey, maybe they won’t forgive you,” Danielle suggested to Tramp. “They’re really serious about rebelling.”
    “But I did all that stuff in about a month!” Tramp protested. “And it’s been two whole years since!”
    “Well, all we can do is wait,” Perdita answered sadly. The parents and Danielle sat outside, waiting.
Meanwhile, Scamp, Angel, and Patch sat alone. They got out from under the couch, and looked at each other.
    “Doesn’t he make bạn sick?” Angel asked Scamp and Patch. "I’d hate to deal with him again!"
    “Yeah, I know,” Scamp fumed. “How did I get stuck with bad parents?”
    “Come on Scamp, your mom’s not that bad,” Angel told him. “She’s a bit boring and worries too much, but she at least cares for us. But he doesn’t care for anyone. I bet bạn he just ran out for fun.”
    She then turned to Patch, and sighed, “Your parents aren’t that bad, Patch. Why don’t bạn go trang chủ to them? They’ll miss bạn a lot. bạn actually have two parents that care for you.”
    “I don't want to walk out on bạn guys,” Patch told them. “You're right though... my parents aren’t that bad.”
    “And my mom is the best parent that bạn could ever have,” Angel declared proudly. “I don’t understand though… how come Mama wants us to go trang chủ with that Tramp, even after he broke her heart! Can’t she see that he doesn’t care about anyone at all?”
     Scamp suggested, "Maybe your mom betrayed us.”
    Angel frowned at Scamp, “She would never. bạn don’t know mom. Mom really cares for me. She really does. Everything she suggests to me she thinks is for my best. I just wonder why she forgives him.”
    But then, Patch turned to Scamp and Angel. "Do bạn think it's possible that Tramp did learn?”
    “Why?” Scamp asked. “Did bạn listen to his story? He was so horrible in it!”
    “That’s the point,” Patch sighed. “I don’t know… but it doesn’t seem like he could be lying about that, could it? Maybe he actually told us the truth. After all, how could it be worse? He might have confessed because he was really sorry.”
    “Hmm… it’s worth a thought,” Angel muttered. “If he really changed, that would explain why Mom changed her mind. Still though, what he did was terrible. He's an awful, selfish, lying jerk! But…” and then she sighed. “But I don’t want to disappoint mom. She wants me to go with them for some reason. I sort of feel like I should go to their trang chủ for her sake…”
    But they were soon interrupted. A loud honking noise was getting louder and louder as they approached.
    The parents and Danielle re-entered the yard. “Kids, we have to hide!” Pongo shouted as each parent and Danielle hid behind a couch, chair, hoặc table. Scamp, Angel, and Patch, also hid themselves.
“Oh no!” Perdita gasped. “What’s this?”    
    The honking got louder and louder, until…
    Crash! The fence fell down, and a small red car was crashing through the yard.
    “Blasted fools! Why did they have to put up that blasted fence!” Cruella yelled angrily.
     Then, she crashed through the fence again, making another hole in the wall.
    “Thank heavens,” Perdita sighed.
    But then, Pongo turned to ask Peg. “What happened to you?”
    “Oh, I’m sorry I was late,” Peg whispered. “I just… there was something I had to do,” Peg whispered sadly.
    Angel walked up to Peg, and told her, “Oh, mama… that’s all right…what…”
    “Never mind, sweetie,” Peg whispered to Angel sadly, slightly teary-eyed.
    “Well,” Pongo told Peg nervously. “Didn’t Lucky, Penny, and Puffball pick bạn up?”
    Peg frowned, before saying, “No, Pongo. I found my way here myself.”
    Pongo frowned. “What is it, Pongo?” Perdita asked.
    “It’s just… I thought I saw them in the back of Cruella’s car,” he explained morbidly.
    Everyone else gasped. “I just knew she’d do this!” Patch exclaimed in horror. “She… she can’t get my brother and sister!”
    “And poor Puffball!” Danielle gasped. “I… I can’t let her take him.”
    “We have to stop them!” Pongo declared.
“Hey,” Scamp shouted. He had a sudden idea. “Let us go into the car and rescue them!"
“Are bạn coming with us?” Perdita asked hopefully.
Scamp shook his head. “We don’t want to go home,” Scamp explained. “But we need to save them. We'll settle things later after we save them. So how about it?”
“But, it’s too…” Lady began, but then she remembered her promise. She would not overprotect her kids anymore. “Of course bạn can.”
The parents nodded. Then Scamp smiled. He looked at Patch and Angel, who smiled approvingly. Then Scamp declared, “I know where she’d be!”
    “You do?” Lady asked.
    “Cruella told us many times she had a weapon to get at the post office,” Scamp suggested.
    “So that means that… we must go there,” Lady answered. “But how will we save the children without Cruella noticing?”
    “I have an idea,” Angel smiled. “Let me explain.”
    Meanwhile in the back of the car, Penny, Puffball, and Lucky sat sadly in cages. They were being brought to the post office bởi Cruella, who awaited her weapon. Cruella was in high spirits. “Well, well, well. So they think that they can outwit Cruella. But that’s impossible. Cruella always wins in the end. Three down today, and three thêm to go,” she cackled.
    “What should we do?” Penny asked, rattling the bars of her cage.
    “Try to break out?” Lucky suggested weakly.
    “Let's try it. Come on guys,” Puffball shouted. He succeeded… in pushing the cage to the ground. But…
    “Ow, that hurt,” Puffball smiled, embarrassed as his cage fell on the ground.
    Then, Cruella’s car stopped. The chó con looked to the left, and saw a sign that read, "Post Office” The three chó con gulped. Cruella smiled, and then got out of the car.
“Let’s say our goodbyes,” Lucky muttered.
    “It was nice seeing you,” Puffball told the others sadly.
    “Do bạn think we could be rescued?” Lucky asked.
    Puffball shook his head. “Those kids think we’re traitors. And the parents will be trying to chase the rebels back in line. They wouldn’t notice us yet.”
    “I just wish that… I could see Patch again,” Penny whispered sadly. “We were best friends… before I went with Mom and Dad. Oh, I miss…Patch!” Penny squealed.
    There, standing outside of the car doors, were Patch, Angel, and Danielle.
    Penny exclaimed, “Look! We’re not doomed after all!”
    “I’m so sorry for calling bạn a spoiled brat,” Puffball told Patch excitedly.
    “Thanks,” Patch told Puffball suspiciously. But the three chó con jumped into the back anyway.
    “Here,” Angel told them. “I’ll take care of the locks and get bạn out of here. Danielle and Patch can explain.”
    Angel began to bite open the locks.
    “You came just in time,” Penny whispered.
    “We’re going to take bạn to our moms and dads,” Danielle explained.
“But I thought bạn guys were rebels,” Puffball asked.
    “We are,” Angel answered, biting. “Well, she’s not anymore,” Angel indicated toward Danielle. “But we’re working together to save bạn guys.”
    “Good girl, Dani,” Puffball told Danielle happily, and they kissed through the cage. Danielle smiled.
    “There,” she told Penny. “You’re free.”
    Penny smiled in gratitude. Then, Angel worked on Lucky’s and Puffball’s cages.
    “Have bạn seen Scamp yet?” Patch asked Danielle.
    Danielle shook her head. “He’ll come.”
    They then looked to the post office. The five parents were stationed on the front steps, looking at the post office intently.
    “Here he comes!” Danielle yelled excitedly.
    There, down the hill, ran Scamp. He had three things in his mouth…
    “Hey, it’s those things!” Lucky gasped. “How?”
    “It was kid stuff,” Scamp smirked. He jumped into the back of the car just as Angel finished unlocking Puffball’s cage. With him, he dragged three stuffed Dalmatian puppies.
    “Easy work,” Scamp answered simply. “I just sneaked past Horace and Jasper, and got them from her room.”
    Patch then went into each cage, and pushed a stuffed cún yêu, con chó con into them. Then, the seven chó con jumped out from under the car.
    “Hey kids,” Pongo whispered. “You...”
    But then he stopped. The door opened, and Cruella was holding a big box.
    “Ha ha ha! The ultimate weapons! These are my first-class, blasting orbs! One throw, and all those chó con are finished! And I have six!”
    “Run!” Scamp shouted.
    Cruella made a few steps toward her car, but then, she was stopped. Pongo and Perdita were pulling on her legs.
    “Blasted, dirty things!” Cruella exclaimed bitterly, clutching the box of orbs tightly.
    Tramp tried to push her over. Lady and Peg jumped onto her arms, and tried biting them.
    “Careful, dearie,” Peg told Lady. “Or the things will explode!”
    “Let me go to the car!” Cruella shouted, as she was getting dragged away from it.
    Meanwhile, the chó con found refuge behind some bushes. The parents continued to fight Cruella. But then, Tramp looked into the forest. He saw them briefly, and winked.
    “Oh, if you’re going to stop me… bạn can’t!” Cruella smiled as Peg bit onto her gloves.
    Then, she abruptly grabbed onto Peg. Peg gasped in horror as Cruella held onto her.
    “If bạn bite my hands, you'll be subject to the blasting orb!” Cruella gasped, as she opened the package and revealed a black orb. “And I’ll take care of bạn first for destroying the beauty of my hands!”
    With her other hand, she grabbed onto the orb, and lobbed it at Peg. Peg gasped as she threw, but then…
    It all happened in a few seconds. Tramp jumped and abruptly, grabbed Peg out of her hand. The orb hit the ground a few yards away, but a shard of the orb hit Tramp’s back leg. They fell to the ground a bit away from Cruella. Peg stood up, but Tramp was flailing on the ground and struggling to get up.
    “Tramp,” Peg told him worriedly. “You’re okay, aren’t you?”
    “Run into the woods,” Tramp told Peg. “I’ll be all right. I’ll get up. Take care of yourself. I’ll be fine.”
"Oh, but..." Peg began.
"Go!" Tramp shouted. "I'll manage."
    Peg nodded worriedly. Tramp struggled to get off the ground, his leg ached because of the orb. Meanwhile, in the bushes, Angel watched the scene. Her eyes became a little bit teary, as she whispered, “He did this… for her… He… he cares for her… they’re just not in love... but he still cares for her. He's not just out for himself... maybe he has changed after all."
    “I’ll get bạn now!” Cruella shouted, as she held up another orb and aimed it at Tramp.
    But then abruptly, Peg jumped up and bit Cruella hard on the leg, causing her to shriek with agony. This gave Tramp the chance to jump away from the shattering orb and he growled at Cruella. He walked over slowly, revealing a limp. But he still growled as fiercely as he could at her.
    “Well, well, well,” Cruella shouted. “If bạn attack me, you’ll get blasted sooner.”
    But then, Tramp jumped up and pushed the box of orbs out of her hands… and it hit the roof of car.
    “Perfect!” Cruella shouted.
    The orb box broke the roof of Cruella’s car and sunk through the seats. Shards of orbs lay on the seats. Then, three cages flew up into the air.
    “Come on,” Pongo suggested. “Let’s tham gia the puppies.”
    “Ha ha ha!” Cruella cackled, observing the damage as the parents ran away. “I got…”
    But then, she saw a stuffed puppy, lying heavily damaged, surrounded bởi orb shards. She looked into the other cages. They were both filled with damaged, stuffed puppies.
    “Oh, you’re going to pay for this!” Cruella squealed, and she drove off again.
    “I think we’re an toàn, két an toàn again,” Lady whispered as the parents and chó con joined together.
    “Maybe not,” growled a voice from the woods. “You’re a bunch of low-life traitors. You’ll never be an toàn, két an toàn from me.”
Chapter 23- Reconciliation

    The door creaked open, and there, inside, was a bedroom with bướm, bướm đêm eaten beds and creaking nighttables.
    “Oh no!” Perdita gasped sadly. “We’re too late!”
    Lady gasped, “They must have done it before we got here.”
    “I can’t believe it,” Pongo explained, as he looked through the perimeter of the room, to find that no one was there.
    “Maybe… aha!” Tramp exclaimed. “Pidge! They’re hiding under here!”
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Ch. 13—Garbage Cans and Ham Sandwiches

    The car ride with Cruella De Vil was a hard one for the five chó con to deal with.
    Patch instantly told Scamp and Angel, “Cruella is dangerous. She’s a real… …. .”
    “Wow, you’re allowed to say words like that?” Scamp asked, impressed. “My family would never allow that. It’s so cool to be able to say things like that without punishment.”
    “We weren’t, trust me,” Patch explained. “My parents are strict on rules."
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Chapter 5- Runaway of the Lovers

Lady was distraught as she sat with Tramp on her front steps. Once again, the loss of her son hurt her dearly, and so did the loss of his girlfriend. After alerting Jim Dear and Darling hurriedly with barks, the two of them were shocked to see the absence of their rebellious puppies.
“Oh, Jim Dear, Scamp and Angel are gone!” Darling declared with a still serene, but sad voice.
“I cannot believe what’s happening to us,” Jim Dear stated sadly.
“Nor can I,” Lady told Tramp as Jim Dear and Darling went inside. “Why couldn’t bạn come clean of your...
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Chapter 4- She Strikes Again

    She sat in her jail cell, looking quite moody as she stuck her bony face through the iron bars, and only saw other inmates in their cells. She was quite frustrated, surrounded bởi a bunch of thugs, yet she was so much thêm than one of those rotten thugs, for she was a mastermind who could come up with the most devious of plans.
    She growled to herself, “Those cops think they’ve seen the last of me…”
    But none of the cops paid any notice to her words, and when they actually acknowledged that...
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Cruella and the crooks had followed the dogs' tracks to the village. Cruella parked her car right beside the van. "Oh, no!" cried Perdita, looking out of the cửa hàng window. "How will we get to the van?" The cursed answer to Perdita's câu hỏi came from two chó con wrestling in the fireplace. Covered with soot, they looked like two little Labradors. "That's it!" shouted Pongo. "We'll roll in the soot. We'll all look like Labradors!" A parade of black "Labradors" marched to the van, right under the nose of Cruella De Vil. Thier plan might not work if a blob of snow had fallen off the roof onto the last puppy, washing away the soot. "After them!" Cruella shouted to Jasper and Horace as Pongo leaped aboard the van with the last cún yêu, con chó con clenched in his teeth. The van roared down the road toward London. Cruella in her car and the crooks in thier truck went in hot pursuit of the van.
Captain Hook and his pirates appeared. They captured Peter Pan and the Mất tích Boys and chained them up. "Stop it! Please!" Jane shouted. Jane tried to explain to Peter that Captain Hook had tricked her. But Peter would not listen. "You lied to me, and because bạn don't believe in fairies, Tink's light is going out!" he cried. On Hook's pirate ship, the Mất tích Boys stood locked and chained to the mast. Captain Hook was about to make Peter Pan walk the plank! "Say your prayers, Peter Pan!" Captain Hook đã đưa ý kiến with an evil laugh. "Not so fast, bạn old codfish!" đã đưa ý kiến a voice. It was Jane-and Tinker Bell...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Walt Disney PIctures
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Walt Disney Pictures
added by cherl12345
1. Come up with a ridiculously cheesy plot.

2. Make all hoặc most of your characters really, really, really boring and unlikable. If the audience doesn't wanna strangle the characters bởi the end of the movie, then you're doing it wrong.

3. Hire really horrible songwriters to write awful songs with atrocious lyrics.

4. Auto-tune the sh*t out of the songs. If your songs don't sound like they have the entire world's worth of auto-tune on them, then you're doing it wrong.

5. Hire really, really bad singers to sing your awful songs. The maximum amount of good singers bạn can have is two hoặc three at most....
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added by _CatWoman_
Source: aleand13
added by ace2000