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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps bởi me
added by izbia150
Tomoya Okazaki is a kid who thinks he has nothing to live for. He forces himself to school...
added by LadySpaz
added by nade_nagihiko
Source: Me
added by trigniti
added by Nalu-love
Source: tumblr
added by Pink_Star
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps bởi me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps bởi me
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps bởi me
added by Nalu-love
added by Nalu-love
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Screencaps taken bởi me
added by IllusionDolls
added by Nalu-love
Source: tumblr
added by Pink_Star
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Kyoto phim hoạt hình
added by fangirl1o1
So as bạn may hoặc may not know, Visual Art's Key produced an "after story" for Sakagami Tomoyo called Tomoyo After.
This VN was created quite a while back, but recently, an English translation was completed bởi Doki subs. Now the game is not 100% flawless there are minor errors that may hoặc may not be fixed in later patches. bạn can learn thêm about them link.

This is a tutorial for installing the game on a Windows system. Doki has created patches for Mac and Linux users, but I do not own those systems and will not be able to provide help for those system users.

Before I begin, this is an 18+ game....
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