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added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
Yes I know the dark knight rises is released this Friday and everyone who's anyone will be going now I don't want people hating on me for this so if bạn don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Anyway the reason I believe bruce wayne is going to die is because look Christopher Nolan is a smart filmmaker and as one he wants to do something that nobody else has ever done he wants to stun people at the ending of the dark knight rises so that no one ever forgets his trilogy which yes does sound a bit selfish but it's not look this is his last film he wants to go out on a high note and...
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added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by rakshasa
Source: Greenway Productions - 20th Century-Fox ti vi - ABC
added by MoniBolis
Source: cubeecraft
added by Saber9010
It's common for things to be được ưa chuộng for a while and eventually go out of style. However, Người dơi has remained a văn hóa pop biểu tượng for decades. There has been several Người dơi shows. Despite all the advanced storytelling and technology that has come in gần đây decades, my yêu thích version of Người dơi is the original one from 1966. It was the most entertaining hiển thị of the 1960's, in addition to being one of the greatest superhero shows of all time. A lot of Người dơi những người hâm mộ scoff at this show, because they think it's an outdated joke of the past. However, I believe there's thêm to this hiển thị than just silliness....
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added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by death-angel
added by death-angel
Source: rxzarx
added by death-angel
Source: ERRRRR09269284
added by death-angel