Arthur và Gwen Club
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    Gaius walks as fast he can and heads to the council chamber at the end of the corridor. He walks past the knights, the servants, and almost knocks over the gardener.
        “Sorry,” he tells the gardener apologetically and quickens his steps. The quần áo, áo choàng he wears flows in style along with his stride and when he nears the chamber, he hears voices. His pace slows down and he inhales in a huge gulp of breath before knocking the door.

        “Come in,” the king’s voice is heard from inside.

        Gaius pushes the door and steps inside. The king is with someone else and Gaius guesses he knows the other man in the chamber with the king. But he might have to step fully inside before making certain as his back is to Gaius.

        Uther looks up from his documents and smiles at Gaius. “Ahhh … come in Gaius … come in,”

        “You wanted to see, me sire?” Gaius nods and waits for the King’s response.
        “There’s no need for the customary greetings, Gaius. I am looking for counsel from a friend, not a subject. Come, have a seat,” Uther says, looking at Gaius and offering the ghế, chỗ ngồi beside him.

        “Thank you, Uther.” Gaius says and closes in. The man with his back to Gaius turns around. Gaius’s mouth drops open.

        “Balinor?” Gaius calls out and immediately a smile flashes on his face. “This is a surprise indeed!”

        “Gaius!! Pleasure’s all mine, my friend …” Balinor says and steps closer to embrace Gaius. Both men hug, patting each other on the shoulder, and as Balinor releases Gaius, he looks the older man up and down.

        “Find something amusing?” Gaius laughs, releasing Balinor and steps back to look at himself. “Since when are bạn interested in my appearance?”

        “Since when have bạn started wearing a robe, Gaius?” Balinor asks, crossing his hand across his chest, his eyes never leaving Gaius.

        “Since I’ve been appointed the royal physician a couple of days ago.”

        “Yes, I heard that … congratulations, Gaius. bạn deserve it. And I have to say there’s no one else better than yourself for this job. But the quần áo, áo choàng part really surprises me, that’s all.”

        “I needed an identity, Balinor … can’t be seen in armour hoặc chain mail, can I?” Gaius laughs, followed bởi Balinor. “Anyway, where have bạn been these past few days?”

        “Missed me?”

        “Well, it’s been almost seven years since we departed from Ealdor and since then you’ve hardly paid me any visit. And when Uther appointed me as the court physician, bạn were the only face missing in the court. Of course I’ve missed you,” Gaius puts in.

        “I was busy Gaius, ask Uther. He sent me out on a mission …”

        “Leave me out of this conversation, all right. I have nothing to do with this,” Uther laughs as all three men enjoy bantering one another.

Gaius pulls out a chair and sits down while Balinor leans against the table. Uther sits at the head of the table. They are good friends, best of mates and have known each other since they were children. They grew up together and only Gaius separated himself from them at the age of sixteen when he became an apprentice to a great physician and left Camelot to begin his education under the care of his mentor. He came back to Camelot when he was married with a child. But bởi then, Uther had become king and had a family while Balinor was a knight. Refusing to interrupt in their lives, Gaius moved out to Ealdor and stayed there until his wife Alice died. He brought up his daughter well and married her to a wealthy man in the neighboring kingdom. And after, life has been just about him and his skills; as he used his experience to help those in need of his help.

Uther and Balinor wouldn’t have found him again if Arthur hadn’t been injured in one of Uther’s usual hunting trips in the forgotten forest. Arthur, travelling with his father tried to catch a nai and while riding into the forest, was attacked bởi a pack of wolves. He got thrown on the ground and bitten on the arm bởi a wolf. The knights managed to chase the Người sói back into the forest, but Arthur was badly injured. Balinor spotted some houses and since it was too late to ride back to Camelot, decided to take Arthur over there for medication. And it was those villagers who suggested that Gaius should have a look at the prince for he will be able to save him. And that’s when the old Những người bạn met. Gaius saved Arthur’s life and Uther asked him to tham gia them in Camelot. But Gaius refused, stating he prefers life in the serene surroundings in which he lives right now. Unable to persuade him further, Uther and Balinor left. But they had never được trao up hope that one ngày Gaius would come back to Camelot, and visited him as frequently as they could. And it was only a couple of days cách đây when Uther finally managed to get Gaius to accept the offer. Balinor didn’t know about this until this morning and is extremely happy for his friend.

        “Are bạn happy with your new home, Gaius?” Uther asks.

        “You didn’t have to get me such a huge home, Uther. I am living on my own now. In case bạn haven’t noticed?”

        “You are the court physician, Gaius, and deserve every privilege I have to offer. Do bạn like it?”

        “It’s very thoughtful of you, thanks. I just need another favour from you, Uther. My things back trang chủ …”

        “They are on the way here as we speak, Gaius,” Uther smiles and leans back against his chair.

        “Thanks …”

        “So, who’s your first victim?” Balinor jokes and Gaius punches him lightly. “That … that was a joke Gaius …” Balinor laughs, shielding himself from his friend.

        “It better be hoặc bạn will be the first on the list.” Gaius says with a smile and looks at Uther. “What’s troubling you, Uther?”


        “You are thinking about something, are bạn not? I notice bạn are troubled. It’s there for every one to see. Now, come now … what’s your problem?” Gaius pushes. Uther shakes his head.

        “There’s nothing …

        “Who’s causing bạn sleepless nights?” Gaius asks again.

        “Who else, Arthur, of course!” Balinor các câu trả lời for Uther. The king looks at Balinor and sighs. He hasn’t told Gaius about his worries and isn’t ready to do so, but now that Balinor has opened the lid, he has to carry on regardless he likes it hoặc not.

        “Is it true, Uther?” Gaius exchanges looks from the king to the knight and then back to the king.

        Uther sighs and massages his forehead. “Balinor is right. I’m worried for that boy, Gaius. I am extremely troubled bởi his actions outside the court.”

        “I don’t get you, Uther, what has Arthur done?” Gaius says. He doesn’t know Arthur too well but from what he had seen when Arthur stayed at his trang chủ while being treated, he seemed like a good boy. But then, that was when Arthur was fourteen years old. He probably has changed now and that perhaps worries his father. But this is common among sons and fathers, so Uther is perhaps overreacting.

        “Gaius …” Balinor touches Gaius’s shoulder softly, pulls out a chair and sits down. “I am not sure if you’ve heard anything about him from the people outside, but …” Balinor checks the king before answering and when Uther nods, he turns back to Gaius and says, “Arthur is addicted to … urm, women.”

        “Aren’t we all?” Gaius laughs. “He’s a young man, Uther! What is there to worry about him?” he tells Balinor.

        “This is different Gaius. He … is a …” Balinor struggles with his words. How can he address the future king of Camelot in a way that will tarnish the name of both the king and the kingdom. And despite what Arthur does outside the court, Balinor loves the boy like his own son. And Arthur has respect for Balinor as well. And this makes it even thêm difficult to address the issue.

        “He is known as a womanizer, Gaius,” Uther puts in, his face sad and his eyes weary with his troubles. “He has a weak spot for women.”

        “Ohh … And that’s what worries you.”

        “Shouldn’t it, Gaius?” Uther straightens up. “He is the future king of Camelot, he should be learning the ways of a king, meeting his allies, forging friendship, visiting the surrounding kingdoms, meeting the people and gaining their trust, but the only people he prefers to meet are all the women in Camelot! And yes!! That worries me a lot!!!”

        “He is still a boy, Uther, give him time. Don’t try to burden him with this loads just yet. Give him time,” Gaius tries to reason. But Uther shakes his finger at the physician.

        “I have được trao him my own lifetime, Gaius, and he still hasn’t changed his ways. He in unwilling to accept his duty and responsibility, and I heard he plans to relinquish his title!”

        “WHAT!!” Balinor is stunned. How did Uther know of this? He clearly remembers Merlin telling him about Arthur’s plan to give up his tiêu đề but that conversation was strictly confined between him and his son! And now Uther knows about it too? How? Did Arthur tell his father himself? He isn’t on speakking terms with Uther so he will be asking Merlin’s help to convey his message to his father. And if it isn’t Arthur, him hoặc Merlin how on earth did Uther find out?

        Gaius remains quiet. He doesn’t want to jump into any conclusion yet. Let Uther tell him everything and then he will say what’s on his mind.

        “He surely doesn’t mean that… does he?” Balinor asks, still refusing to digest the statement that the king found out. But to play safe, he pretends to learn the news now and is stunned like the king.

        “He told your son, Merlin, on the ngày of the knighting feast. I heard them both,” Uther says sadly remembering the conversation he eavesdropped. “He was determined not to accept the ngôi vua, ngai vàng and the responsibility that comes along with it.”
        ‘So, Uther eavesdropped!.’ Balinor thinks to himself.

        “Hmmm …” Gaius scratches his cheek. “Has he always been like this Uther? I mean … when did bạn notice the change?”

        “When he reached the age of twenty-two. He started behaving differently and his changes were radical. A couple of months after that, the addiction kicked in and he started causing troubles. ”

        “Why twenty-two?” Gaius asks. “Something happened?”

        “It was on his birthday and we had a huge celebration in the castle. He invited his Những người bạn and the celebration was a happy one. And then something happened and one of his Những người bạn challenged him. I don’t remember what sort of challenge was that but I didn’t like the idea and we both started bickering in the midst of the celebration. I asked his Những người bạn to leave and it didn’t go down well with Arthur. He thinks I humiliated his Những người bạn and being a young and naïve man, he held his grudge over me for weeks after his birthday. Then, as advised bởi Katrina, I decided to make peace with him, but Arthur was a changed boy already. He refuses to listen to me, talk to me hoặc even allow me a moment to explain my actions. We bickered and he started getting beyond his limits and … I slapped him.”

        “Uther?” Balinor is shocked. He knows what happened between the king and the prince but he didn’t realize the damage that broke the relationship between the father and his son was so severe.

        Uther looks at Balinor and nods. “I did that, Balinor, and I still regret it. He was a man and I should have respected him for that, but my temper got the better of me and … that was our first crack. He refused to stay in the lâu đài after that, heading out to his friend’s trang chủ in Nemeth. He stayed there many months. Only after Katrina sent out the knights to fetch him, did he return. But when he did, he was a changed man altogether. He doesn’t talk to me, only to his mother, refuses to act like a prince, avoids his responsibility and worst, he gets a new addiction in his life. I couldn’t do anything, neither could Katrina. And still can’t,” Uther explains.

        Gaius sighs and looks at Balinor. “I think he was challenged bởi your strict rules here, Uther. Remember, he was twenty-two and reaching the ripe age of ascending the throne. He craves respect and in the presence of his friends, he felt ashamed bởi your treatment. He probably thought that bạn still think of him as a small boy and not a man. And he is doing this to get back at you.”

        “Yes … and he doesn’t deny it,” Uther says.

        “Why don’t bạn talk to him now, just the two of you?” Gaius advises.

        Uther laughs. “Me?” he laughs again. “Gaius, he will never be in his chamber hoặc the lâu đài if he knows I am looking for him, let alone talk.” He adds. “There is no way that would work.”

        “Don’t give up too soon, Uther,” Balinor presses. “You won’t know until bạn try.”

        “Balinor is right. Does Arthur humiliate bạn in public?”

        “No, never. We don’t talk, that’s all, but I have never heard a single word from him about me. But I know he keeps his grudge sealed tightly in his chest.”

        “Then isn’t that proof enough that he still respects you? Try this once, Uther, who knows, bạn might get lucky?” Gaius advices. Beside him, Balinor nods in agreement.

        Uther sighs again. “I am not sure about your plan, Gaius.”

        “Fine …. There is another way, then. Marry him off, Uther. Once he is burdened bởi responsibility, he will change his ways. And his wife can do the rest of the work to bring him back to his old self.”

        Uther and Balinor exchange looks. “Will that work?” Balinor asks.

        “It will, but the woman must be very strong.”

        Uther smiles and nods. “I like this idea better than the first, Gaius. bạn are a genius. If he is married, he will have no choice but to accept the throne,” he says and then suddenly his smile fades. “Gaius … he doesn’t want to marry either, he told Merlin that.”

        “And bạn will listen to his các lượt xem on marriage, Uther?”

        “Of course not, but …”

        “Uther, lets play smart on this issue. bạn need him to accept the ngôi vua, ngai vàng and become the king, but Arthur refuses. And bạn can’t force him because he is a man and he has every right to relinquish the throne. He only has to go through all those obstacles, but eventually he will. And bạn tell me he has a weak spot for women. Use that to bait him onto your plan. Marry him off and make his wife to ask him to accept the throne. If she gives him what he needs, he will succumb to her and eventually accept the throne. bạn will have your way and kill two birds with a single stone. Arthur will marry and become the king,” Gaius explains.

        “Sound’s good to me, Uther,” Balinor tells the king.

        “Me as well, but…”

        “You are worried he might find out?” Gaius guesses. Uther nods. “Don’t worry about that. We will find a way to conceal the plan.”

        Uther still thinks about the proposal.

        “Come on, Uther, we won’t get a better idea than this,” Balinor urges.

        “Fine, but I need to speak with Katrina about this,” Uther tells and immediately Balinor’s expression changes. Gaius notices but he decides not to pursue that now. Perhaps later.
“I have to tell her about the plan and seek her Lời khuyên as well,” Uther adds.

        “Sure, Uther, but this will be a Mất tích opportunity should bạn decide against it,” Gaius explains.
        “I will remember that, Gaius. Thanks,” Uther says heartfully. And he sighs in relief knowing that he has good Những người bạn and advisors around him to help him in matters like this. Gaius’s plan is a good one, but first he must consult his wife. He never left Katrina out of his discussions as he values her thoughts and ideas. And she might like to hear this as she has been proposing this a number of times. And now, she will be able to start wife hunting for Arthur. Uther just can’t wait to tell this to her.

        “Balinor! Balinor, wait for me!” Gaius calls as he runs after his friend who seems to be in a rush, heading off somewhere.

        Balinor stops and turns back half way. “Gaius?” he says, surprised that the physician was behind him all the while. Balinor didn’t hear Gaius’s call hoặc realize he was followed for he was Mất tích in his own thoughts. He is still disturbed bởi some of the decisions Uther made in the chamber a bit ago, and despite not arguing about it, he decides to let it hide in his chest. But it’s eating him up from inside. And he wonders what Gaius wants to tell him.

        “You walk really fast,” Gaius says, panting and holding his hips. He blows to himself and takes in fresh breath before looking at the waiting Balinor opposite him. “I need to talk to bạn … do bạn have a minute?”

        “I’m due to meet my knights in a short while but I can spare bạn some time. What is it? Is it something important?”

        “Yes …” Gaius looks around and when he spots the corridor they were standing is not secured, he pulls Balinor away to a dark corner and whispers, “I noticed your face Balinor, back in Uther’s chamber. I know bạn are not satisfied with him confiding with the Queen regarding Arthur’s marriage. If bạn don’t mind my asking, will bạn tell me why bạn seemed upset?”

        Balinor knows Gaius noted his face, so he is not surprised. But he isn’t sure if he should tell Gaius about his own perspective on the Queen. “I am not upset, Gaius.”

        “But bạn certainly seemed dissatisfied with Uther’s suggestion to consult with Katrina,” Gaius says.

        “I am not … but Gaius, I really don’t think we should speak here. Despite being secured, the walls and pillars have ears, too, and I don’t want us to be caught like cá in a net, unable to save ourselves. Why don’t bạn come over to my house this evening and we can talk there safely. And bạn can meet my family, my children.”

        “Sounds very good to me, Balinor. I would like to meet your family, especially your children. I’ll be there this evening. Is that all right?”

        “We can dine together, Gaius, catch up with old times. Hunith will be happy to lay a feast out for you,” Balinor smiles.

        “Consider it done, then,” Gaius các câu trả lời back.

        Uther walks into Katrina’s chamber and finds her examining some clothes with her maids. The maids, one an elderly woman and the other a young girl immediately curtsy. Uther nods in acknowledgement and faces Katrina who is sitting on the bed, looking at him with a warm smile.

        “This is a surprise, Uther. Usually bạn don’t visit me here.”

        And it’s true. Uther hardly visits Katrina in her chamber. If he needs her on anything, he will send out the word through his servant and she will meet him where he has requested. But if he decides to meet her in the chamber, he will ask one of his men to inform her of his arrival so that she’d be ready. But today, he simply walked into her chamber, surprising her and her maids.

        “Leave us,” Uther instructs and the maids nod and leave the chamber, closing the door behind them as they leave. Uther walks slowly towards Katrina who has gotten up from the bed, circled around it and comes bởi to help him sit down.

        “Easy there … now Uther. bạn should have sent for me. There’s no reason dragging those feet of yours here, pressuring those poor things, just when they are about to get better. So, what is the pressing matter this time?” she asks as she sits beside him and clasps his hand in hers, caressing it softly.

        “I had some discussion with Gaius and Balinor about Arthur. I asked if there is any cure for his … sickness. And Gaius advised the only way we can curb Arthur’s addiction is through marriage. He advised to get Arthur married off as soon as possible.”

        Katrina’s face changes but she maintains herself well. “Marriage?”

        “Yes. Gaius feels there is no medication for what Arthur is going through but he can be controlled through marriage, bởi his wife.”

        “So, bạn agree with Gaius?”

        “I do, but I also need your opinion on this. bạn know I have never attempted anything without consulting you, my love. Gaius asked if I would consider this as an option and I felt it was a good idea. But I also need your opinion, as it counts dearly to me as well as Arthur himself,” Uther says, looking intently into Katrina’s eyes.

        “Uther … how could bạn think that I would doubt this thought of yours? Of course I am happy; in fact this is what I have been telling bạn all this while: Arthur needs a companion in his life and only that will put a leash on his behaviour. Yes, Uther, I couldn’t agree thêm with Gaius. I think bạn need to step up a bit and start talking to your allies in the neighboring kingdoms. We can find a proper bride and forge an alliance with the kingdoms through this marriage.”

        Uther smiles. He knows he can always count on his wife for wise counsel. He came here knowing Katrina will be the happiest of all with the news and he isn’t disappointed. She is indeed thrilled and he has just the work for her. He reaches out and clips Katrina’s chin. Smiling, he leans closer and kisses her lips. Upon releasing her, he smiles and kisses her palm. “Katrina?” he calls, looking up at her.

        “Yes Uther?”

        “Will bạn do me the favour of finding the perfect bride for Arthur? I know he will never say no to your choice and knowing how dearly bạn hold him in your heart, I couldn’t think of a better person to ask of this favour. After all, mother knows best, doesn’t she?”

        Katrina clasps her mouth and smiles joyfully. This was great news indeed. She has plans for Arthur’s wedding and her own choice of bride except that Uther doesn’t know the bride happens to be her own niece. But she will play her part carefully and make it seem as if she picked the bride randomly. This is great news. She has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and now that it’s here at her doorstep, she isn’t going to be resting on her laurels anymore. There is work to be done and if Uther leaves her chamber, she can get to work immediately. But first, she must act as if this all been a surprise to her. Tears well in her eyes and as Uther smiles at her, she reaches out and hugs him. “Oh, Uther …” she says and struggles for words.

        Uther pushes her back softly. “What is it dear?”

        Katrina wipes her tears and leans against his chest, sobbing lightly. “Nothing Uther, just … I’m honoured to be able to do this, that’s all.” She sniffs again.

        “Oh, sweetheart …”

        “I’m sorry, I’m sorry … I shouldn’t have.” She wipes the tears and sighs, smiling at her husband. “I was overwhelmed, that’s all. But it’s an honour. And I will not disappoint bạn Uther. I will get on the task immediately.”

        “Thanks, Katrina. I know I can count on you,” Uther says happily.

        “But I will have to visit the Dolma first, if bạn don’t mind.”

        “The soothsayer?” Uther’s smile fades and he releases Katrina’s hand. He knows why she insists on visiting the old witch and he doesn’t like it one bit.

        “I know why you’re upset, Uther, but trust me, it’s for the good of all of us, especially Arthur. bạn do know that I trust her with all my heart, don’t bạn Uther? I do not proceed with any decisions without consulting her first. And so far she hasn’t lied to us.”

        Uther knows that’s true but he just doesn’t have the stomach to trust a soothsayer to decide on their fate and future. He is one who believes in destiny and lives upon it. Knowing a fate before hand and trying to live bởi it hoặc away from it, trying to avoid it just isn’t his way at all. But Katrina swears upon the words of Dolma and now he isn’t sure if he wants to allow his son’s fate to be decided upon the words of an old witch.

        Katrina reaches out and clasps her husband’s hand in hers. “Uther, I understand your silence and your hesitation, but all I ask for is your trust. I trust her and I just want my son to have a good life, that’s all. If there’s an obstacle that stands in the way of his happiness, don’t bạn think you’d be unhappy? He deserves better, and I just want to make sure we give him that. And Dolma is the one who can make sure of that. Please ….”

        “All right Katrina. Just this once. bạn know how I hate to have witches and soothsayers meddle in my son’s life, don’t you?”

        “Of course. Thank you, Uther. bạn will not be disappointed. I assure bạn of that,” Katrina says happily.

        “Good,” Uther finishes.

        “This is a wonderful feast Hunith. Thank bạn so much,” Gaius says, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “I can’t remember when last had anything delicious as this. Everything is perfect, thank you,” he adds.

        “The pleasure’s ours, Gaius. We missed bạn all these years and when Balinor told me about you, that you’ll be coming to be with the king, I was delighted. The children have never met you, yet they know so much about bạn and have yearned all these years, wondering if they’ll get the chance to meet you,” Hunith says and looks over at her daughter and son. Merlin smiles while Morgana nods, agreeing with her mother. Hunith turns back to see Gaius. “We are really happy bạn decided to come back home, Gaius. Though, it’d be nice to have Alice here too, may her soul rest in peace.”

        “Thank bạn for the kind words, Hunith. I always regard this family as my own, so it’s wonderful coming home. And I wish Alice was here too, she’d tình yêu bạn Hunith and the children as well,” Gaius says softly, his voice choking with grief. Hunith looks at her husband sadly.

        “Well, now that bạn are here, I don’t want bạn to be sad, my friend. This is your family and be free to ask for anything,” Balinor taps on Gaius’s shoulder.

        “Thanks, Balinor,” Gaius says and smiles. He changes his attention towards Merlin and Morgana. “So, what are bạn both doing?”

        “I’m completing my studies in politics whilst my brother is training to be a knight like my father,” Morgana answers. “And, oh, I better tell bạn this. This is his third năm trying to get into the academy after two failed attempts!”

        Merlin steps onto Morgana’s foot and the latter growls softly.

        “Morgana!” Hunith calls in disapproval. “That isn’t very nice!”

        “But it’s the truth, Mother, owwww!!!” Morgana shouts again when Merlin punches her on the arm.

        “Morgana … Merlin, behave!” Hunith says, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Gaius. Balinor, say something!!”

        “No, no it’s all right. I am enjoying this, bởi the way. So, you’re training to be a knight, Merlin?”

        “Yes … I just want to be like my father. Though I also like medicine,” Merlin says quickly and eyes his father through the corner of his eyes. Balinor watches him with interest.

        “Hmm … interesting. Are bạn thinking of educating yourself in that field?” Gaius asks.

        Merlin looks at his father and struggles for words. He knows his father didn’t approve of him educating himself in that field and had to shove his interest into a corner of his tim, trái tim and pick up something his father wants him to be. But now that Gaius is around and has proven himself to be an excellent physician, maybe he can get his wish granted. That’s why he’s been waiting for Gaius’s arrival with interest. But first, how will he get through the conversation without hurting his father? “I am not sure about that.”

        “What do bạn mean bởi that, Merlin?”

        “I mean … to have that sort of education, one needs to be mentored bởi a great physician and … Camelot still lacks that. Besides, I have my training, so …”

        “If bạn are được trao the chance, would bạn give yourself the opportunity to learn?” Gaius asks again, and for Merlin, that was âm nhạc to his ears. His tim, trái tim soars with happiness and it won’t take him long to agree but, he is still watched bởi his father. How can he agree without his father’s approval?

        “I wouldn’t mind …” he trails.

        “Balinor, why not send him to Graendie. He is a good physician and I have trained him myself. He will be an excellent mentor for your son,” Gaius suggests.

        Merlin looks at his father with hope.

        “Graendie is in Mereneor and that’s a very far place for Merlin to travel alone. Besides, there’s also his training to be considered upon … I don’t think it will work, Gaius.”

        Merlin’s tim, trái tim sinks.

        “Very well then, Balinor … Considering bạn words it does seem a far place for your boy to venture on his own,” Gaius agrees and turns towards Merlin. The boy smiles sadly at him. Gaius thinks a while and then snaps his head towards his friend again. “Then why don’t bạn send your boy to me? I am here in Camelot and he can tham gia me after training at any time. There’s no rush hoặc time constraint; so he will be able to make it without worrying himself hoặc anyone at all. And bạn didn’t have to worry, either, for he’ll be with me. I can provide him with knowledge and skills I have learned … and I could use an apprentice.”

        Merlin’s hope rises. He prays hard for his father’s approval.

        “Urmmm …. He is still young, Gaius …” Balinor says and Merlin’s tim, trái tim sinks again. Looks like there is no way his father is going to approve the idea. Perhaps he is destined to be a knight and that’s all.

        “There is much to learn, so his young age is actually an advantage. Merlin is just ripe enough. I can take care of him like my own son. I just don’t want my skills to go wasted when I die and I want to pass them to someone who will appreciate it, like Merlin. Come on Balinor, a favour?”

        After a long thought, Balinor nods. Silently, Merlin’s tim, trái tim screams with joy. Balinor looks at his son and slowly, his lips curls into a smile. “Yes.”

        “Thanks, Father ... thank bạn so much.”

        “But bạn are not using this as a reason hoặc an excuse for not attending your knight training and lessons, get it?”

        “Of course, Father, of course.”

        “Now, let’s clear the bàn and get ready for dessert, shall we?” Hunith pushes the chair back and gets up on her feet. “Help me, children,” she asks both Morgana and Merlin to help and they oblige. Morgana picks the plates while Merlin helps his mother with the dishes.

        “Gaius?” Balinor calls the moment his wife and children disappears.

        Gaius looks up at Balinor and arches his brow, his left eye. “Yes?”

        “Remember when I told bạn that I’ll tell bạn why I was disappointed with Uther’s suggestion to meet the queen? I promised that I’ll tell bạn everything?”

        “Yes … I remember that. So?”

        Balinor takes in a huge gulp of air and leans against his chair. “I am not sure if bạn were around when Uther remarried Katrina after his wife’s death?”

        “No, I wasn’t there …”

        “I am not sure if you’ll agree with me but, I don’t trust her hoặc like her.”

        “The queen?”

        “Yes, Uther married her because he wanted Arthur to have a mother. And she loved Arthur the moment she stepped into the lâu đài and that boy is fond of her too. She didn’t have any children of her own because she didn’t want to chẻ, phân chia, split her tình yêu with Arthur. And she treats the knights, the council members and the nobles of the lâu đài well. She doesn’t poke her nose into politics hoặc royal affairs unless Uther seeks her advice.”

        “And yet bạn are wary of her?”

        “There’s something about her that I don’t trust, Gaius. She and I don’t interact much, yet I have seen her and my tim, trái tim doesn’t feel good about her at all. And her brother, too.”

        “She has a brother?”

        “Yes, Agravaine is his name, and he is a knight at the round table. He and I don’t see eye to an eye on matters but I have to give in because of his connection with Katrina.” Balinor pounds his fist softly against his palm. “But Katrina … she holds the strings for both Uther and his son; they believe her with all their heart.”

        “And bạn don’t? How many feel the same way as bạn do?” Gaius asks.

        “Myself, Geoffrey and Tristan. Tristan got into a fight with Agravaine once and spoke bluntly at the Queen and was sent out of Camelot on a mission for months. That was his punishment for Uther didn’t have the tim, trái tim to punish his own brother-in-law. And when Tristan did come back, Uther asked him to make peace with Katrina. And Tristan did, for his sister Ygraine’s sake.”

        “Hmmm …”

        Balinor sighs. “I know what you’re thinking, Gaius. She doesn’t look suspicious at all, does she? I thought so myself but, my tim, trái tim just doesn’t feel right about her Gaius. Say anything bạn want but I have this funny feeling whenever she is around. I just don’t trust her.”

        “I understand, Balinor. I haven’t been properly introduced to her hoặc know her in person but I will watch her closely. bạn may never know what might happen.”

        “Just do me a favour, Gaius … I understand your current position will have bạn working closely with the king and the queen, so just try to keep an eye on her. I don’t trust her hoặc her brother but we don’t have any proof to convince Uther otherwise. So until we do, we have to be wary. Will bạn help me with this?”

        “Sure Balinor … sure,” Gaius promises.

        Merlin’s heartbeat rages like a war against his chest. Hearing the conversation between his father and Gaius shakes him inside out. Is it true? Is he hearing all this from his father? He didn’t know his father’s view on the Queen would be same as his. What a coincidence! Merlin never trusted Katrina but was unable to share his view with Arthur because the latter trusts her with all his heart. And she is his best friend’s mother and the queen! How could Merlin hiển thị his distaste for her in public? And then there is his father as well, a knight and a council member whose reputation is well respected bởi others; not just in Camelot but in other kingdom as well. What if his act seals the fate not only on himself but on his father as well? And that is why Merlin decided to keep quiet about his feelings. But after hearing his father, Merlin is happy and relieved. Looks like he isn’t the only one. But he decides not to ask his father about this. Let him tell his son bởi himself; when the time is presumed right. And until then, Merlin will wait.

        Katrina brings the horse to a halt and looks to her left. Her brother Agravaine comes to an urgent stop beside her. Gripping the reins tightly, he looks ahead towards the hut they have come seeking for and makes a disgusted face. Katrina smiles and shakes her head. Agravaine turns to meet her and snorts.

        “What’s so funny?” he asks, his face still disgruntled.


        “Very well …” he says and turns back to face the hut.

        “Oh, come on, Agravaine. Don’t tell bạn are upset I dragged bạn to this forest again? We have done this many times before. I can’t bring anyone else, bạn do understand that, don’t you?”

        “I will follow bạn anywhere, sister, but how many times do we have seek her advice? She’s done enough, Katrina, let’s be done with her and concentrate on running our lives ourselves.”

        “Agravaine! I can’t believe bạn of all people will tell me this! Dolma has been in our life since mother died and we owe her great debt, don’t bạn forget that. The reason bạn and I are basking in the wealth and fame of Uther Pendragon is her. Without her, the plan would have failed and we’d remain poor like Father. At least hiển thị her some respect for that!” Katrina scolds her brother.

        Agravaine sighs and keeps on looking at the hut. Katrina reaches out and grabs his arms, forcing him to look at her.

        “Do bạn understand, Brother?”

        “I do Katrina, I do, just …” he shakes his head and sighs, struggling for words. He has no problem with Dolma, in fact he is in gratitude to her for all she has done but he thinks she has helped enough. There isn’t any reason why they need to head back to her anymore. But his sister thinks otherwise. “I hate using sorcery for my daughter’s happiness. I don’t approve of your wish to seek her advice, Katrina.”

        “But she can help.”

        “She gives me the creeps, Sister! I … hate the stench of her home, her clothing, the look on her face, those eyes … I am afraid of her.”

        “She’s a soothsayer, Agravaine. I care only of what she foresees, not the way she chooses to live her life.”

        “Katrina … listen!” Agravaine clasps his sister’s hand in his and looks deeply into her eyes. “There’s another reason why I hate the idea of seeking her help. She’s a soothsayer, yes, but also a sorceress. When she extends her help, she receives something for herself and usually she demands a high price. The last time we asked her help, she almost asked for Father’s life but we gave his Brother’s. And now, I am afraid if I ask for my daughter’s happiness, she will ask for another life as replacement. I am just afraid for whom she might ask, and what if she takes without asking? Remember the vòng tròn of life, Katrina, a life for life. And that’s why I don’t approve of your idea.”

        “Oh, Agravaine.” Katrina reaches up and cups her brother’s cheek lovingly. “Of course I remember all that, and don’t worry, Brother, I will be careful. And if she asks for payment, I think she can be persuaded to take something else,” she các câu trả lời with a smile, but when Agravaine remains gloomy, she bites her lips and playfully shakes his face. “Come on, this is for Elena. I just want her advice, that’s all. Don’t start to sound like Uther, now.”

        “Just be careful is all I ask, because bạn are determined no matter what, so just take heed of my advice.” He tells her.

        “Sure … now come, let’s meet with her,” Katrina informs.

        Dolma is a ninety-three năm withered old woman, with long white hair that almost sweeps the floor, rotting teeth, scarred face, scary eyes and a tall limp body. She wears a huge black, ragged quần áo, áo choàng that covers her entire self. If her appearance is terrifying, her trang chủ is far worse than that. Her hut is small but covered with all sorts of herbs, animals, insects, roots and everything a witch would need for her sorcery. And it stinks. She seats in a corner, working on a potion when the door of her hut opens and in walks her two most favourite people in entire Camelot.

        “Dolma?” Katrina calls the moment she enters the hut. Agravaine follows suit from behind.

        “Kat!” Dolma says joyfully and struggles to get up to her feet. Katrina rushes to her aid and helps the old woman up. Agravaine stands watching them silently. Katrina helps Dolma sit down and kneels bởi her side.

        “How are you, child? I was thinking about bạn last night. I had a dream, about you, but do not worry, it’s nothing to worry about. bạn will enjoy thêm fame and wealth in your life,” Dolma tells Katrina. “What brings bạn here?”

        “I came to seek your advice, Dolma.”


        “My son Arthur is getting married to my niece. I want bạn to foresee his future. Will there be any obstacles, problems in his marriage? I want him to be happy. I don’t wish for anything to happen to him,” Katrina asks, glancing briefly at Agravaine.

        “Hmmm …. bạn wish to seek happiness for your son whose marriage to your niece is yet to be certain,” Dolma replies, caressing Katrina’s hand.

        “Uther will agree to the marriage, Dolma. I will make sure of that. But I want to know if there’ll be any obstacles in his marriage?”

        “Let me see … pass me the plate and those things on the rock,” Dolma points towards her bàn with her long thin fingers. Katrina lifts herself up but Dolma stops her and smiles at Agravaine. “Let the father of the bride do the chore … get me the plate.”

        Agravaine looks sarcastically at Dolma and makes a face. “Me?”

        Dolma smiles.

        “Get them, Brother …” Katrina says, nodding her head.

        “Hmmph!!” Agravaine sighs in frustration and walks towards the table, picks up the bàn and the things Dolma left laid around. He then turns around and walks towards Dolma. Coming to a stop just in front of her, he hands her the things she requested.
        Dolma reaches out and takes the things from him, but at the same time she uses her free hand and grabs Agravaine’s and scours his palm with her sharp nail. As he shouts in pain, she taps the flowing blood into the plate and lets him go.

        “You crone!!” Agravaine curses and goes for his sword but Katrina shields Dolma, looking at her brother sharply.


        “Did bạn see what she did?”

        “You are the father of the bride, Agravaine. It’s your blood that flows in your daughter and it’s her happiness your sister seeks, not Arthur’s as she claims. Therefore it’s important we know the result of your daughter’s future rather than Arthur’s.”

        “You could have asked me politely before cutting me open!” Agravaine shouts at her, holding his hand as thêm blood flows out.

        “And would bạn have complied? bạn don’t believe in me, Agravaine, remember that?” Dolma các câu trả lời and Agravaine keeps silent, still clutching his hand.

        “The blood will stop in a while, but first … this is your daughter’s life in concern. It will help to put a little faith like your sister does.” With that Dolma immediately breaks the roots, some feathers, a potion made from toad’s blood and a porcupine’s meat into the plate filled with Agravaine’s blood and starts chanting. The blood and the other things start to mingle and after a while, smoke erupts from the plate. Dolma blows the smoke away and looks into the plate. Her chanting stops and her face wrinkles into worry.

        “What is it Dolma? What do bạn see?” Katrina asks.

        “This is not good, Kat! The wedding must not happen!”

        “Why? What is wrong?” Agravaine’s tim, trái tim races. Holding his hand, he inches closer and takes a look into the plate but what he sees is the same as Katrina, nothing.

        “If Elena marries Arthur, she will die!”

        “What!!” both Katrina and Agravaine say in unison. “What is the meaning of this?”

        “Arthur’s first marriage to anyone will not last a year. The marriage will be dissolved either bởi death hoặc parting. And from what I see, death is imminent. And if Elena marries him, she will die!”

        “No!!! No this can’t be!! I waited a lifetime for this … not now!!” Katrina holds her head as her world is spinning.

        “But … but she loves him. The news will break her,” Agravaine says. “Isn’t there any other way for this. Dolma … do something! You’re a sorceress!!”

        “There is hope …”

        Katrina looks up. “What do bạn mean, Dolma!”

        “Arthur’s first marriage doesn’t last but his một giây will do, forever. Whoever he remarries will be his life partner forever. That is the bind that will keep both husband and wife together, without any obstacles hoặc problem.”

        “Meaning …” Katrina says and struggles for words. She looks at her brother and then at Dolma. “Elena still has a chance with Arthur?”

        “Only if he remarries her. She cannot be his first wife, only his second, if she wants to live with him forever. Do what bạn must to make sure Elena is Arthur’s một giây wife, not the first!”

        “But whom will I make him marry first?”

        “Anyone not important to bạn hoặc your dream … Elena shouldn’t be his first wife. That’s all I can tell for now. Take heed of my Lời khuyên if bạn wish to see your niece alive. Choose your actions wisely, Katrina, for the life of your niece is hanging on the balance of your choice,” Dolma warns.

        Katrina looks at her brother and thinks. How will she do this? Whom will she choose? Who will give their daughter to Arthur? Katrina feels her head spinning. She thought this would be easy but now, the real test begins.


added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
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Source: Archaeologist_d
posted by kbrand5333
Part 10: link

    “Bors!” Elyan shouts, fighting his way through the fray. A guard descends on him, and Elyan manages to drop him with a well-placed punch.
    He had just caught a glimpse of Sir Bors, locked in a struggle with a guard nearly as large as Percival, and he thought he saw a flash of a blade just before Bors fell.
    Elyan reaches him, and turns him on his back only to find his chainmail tattered and a large gash in his abdomen.
    “Oh, no,” Elyan says, and drags him back into an alcove, away...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 15: link

Almost one tháng later.

    “Ah, Merlin, come in, please,” Arthur says when Merlin appears in the doorway. He and Guinevere are preparing for the tiếp theo day’s journey. “Close the door.”
    Merlin closes the door and enters. “My lord?”
    Gwen is seated at the table, and Arthur joins her. “Please sit,” he motions to Merlin.
    What is going on? Merlin wonders. I haven’t messed anything up lately, nobody has been caught eavesdropping at their door again; everything’s been running smoothly…...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 10: link

    Merlin delivers their bữa tối, bữa ăn tối as promised, setting the tray outside their door among the last remaining tokens for Gwen. He has finished the draft of the letter to Queen Annis, and he places it on the tray as well for Arthur to review. Then he knocks and leaves.
    As soon as Merlin is out of sight, Bertrand slinks up, ears on alert. He can hear talking, very distant, inside the chambers. He reaches for the parchment and unrolls it, eyes scanning the words quickly.
    Opportunity has presented itself, gift wrapped.
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