Arthur và Gwen Club
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    Arthur lifts his lids open and stares at the darkness surrounding him. It’s the same each day, darkness blanketing everything from him, leaving him veiled with emptiness. He’s used to it bởi now, but soon all that will change. He’s được trao himself hope and with that hope comes the yearning to get his wish granted soon as possible. He’s getting agitated; ever since he declared his plans, he’s been unable to hold back his enthusiasm. He wants everything to be done quickly, to get it all over with. He knows he is asking too much, there’s much to be done before he can have his wish come true and it requires patience. Patience… now that’s not a word he isn’t acquainted with. He’s been patient all this while, another tháng will not hurt.
    Arthur smiles and thinks back to the promise he made to Guinevere last night at the apartment’s doorstep. It seemed Guinevere wasn’t convinced with his words when he promised to have his blindness corrected. She thought he đã đưa ý kiến it to convince Elyan so that her brother will give his blessings. It surprised him at first, but knowing he had lied to her on many occasions, it doesn’t matter to him that she isn’t convinced. He promised her; his words are true and he had decided to opt for the operation because he wants to see her.
    He wants to be able to touch her, feel her skin, look into her eyes, taste her lips and watch her all ngày and night. He wants to protect her from danger, he wants to hold her close and whisper his tình yêu in her ears. He wants to make tình yêu to her all night and watch her sleep in his arms. He wants to lead her, not be led bởi her. Though she will be his spine, he wants to be her shell; her protection and her shield. And he can’t do that as a blind man. He needs his eyes and he can only get that from the operation. He knows he will be going back on his original words but he has no choice. This isn’t a decision based on his selfishness but based on the tình yêu he has for Guinevere. She will understand, he knows it. The guilt might hurt, but it will die out eventually. That’s something he can live with. He wants Guinevere to be happy and will do anything to see to that. It’s all that matters to him and no matter what the consequences are, if the operation succeeds hoặc fails, all he wants is just glimpse of her. If he is allowed that much, it would suffice. His words moved her and she trusted him. Apologizing for not trusting him, Guinevere promised to be bởi his side and đã đưa ý kiến no matter what the outcome of the operation is, she will be his and his only. And those words are enough for him. He loves her and she loves him; there’s nothing else matters for them.
    Another smile forms on his face as he remembers her excited voice the moment he told about his decision. She didn’t expect it and he can understand why. He had decided on this a long time cách đây but he kept this a secret from her, thinking of surprising her someday but yesterday’s bữa tối, bữa ăn tối was the correct timing to let the cat out of the bag. So he’s happy Elyan got to hear it as well. And now how happy his Những người bạn will be if they learn of his decisions? Arthur knows Gwaine will be easy about it but Merlin, he will doing a dance of joy. And then there’s Leon whom Arthur believes will be happy as well. Arthur didn’t have the time to talk to his friend when he returned but he is planning to do so at breakfast. It will catch both his Những người bạn bởi surprise but they will support him, he knows it. They have been good Những người bạn to him and he doesn’t know how he will repay their kindness.
    Arthur rolls to his left, searches for a cái gối, gối and finds a bolster instead and pulls it close to him. Perhaps after the operation, he will see his Những người bạn are well taken care of. Arthur hugs the bolster and his mind darts back towards Elyan and acknowledges what a fine brother he is to Guinevere. He cares for her and Arthur can understand why Elyan asked him those questions. Any brother in Elyan’s shoes would do the same. It just went to hiển thị how concerned Elyan is about Guinevere. He didn’t want his sister to succumb to anybody but somebody who has the integrity he’s expecting. Arthur isn’t sure if he fulfilled Elyan’s expectations, but he knows he will ensure Elyan will not be disappointed. Arthur’s relieved the matter is now solved so that he can carry on with the rest of his life. His new life with Guinevere. He wants to marry her and have children with her. He wants to have lots of kids, probably a dozen. Arthur chuckles to himself. Wait till Guinevere finds out about his plans.
    “Something amusing there, Arthur?” Merlin asks, walking into Arthur’s room.
    Arthur rolls back on his back, his surprised to find Merlin in his room. But Merlin always checks on him in the morning even if he is on the run. But today isn’t Merlin’s working ngày so that means his friend is making sure Arthur is taken care of. Typical of Merlin. Arthur smiles and tells Merlin, “Just thinking about yesterday.”
    “Gosh, wake up and tell me about it… I want to hear all, nothing should be left out!” Merlin jumps onto the bed, sitting vượt qua, cross legged beside Arthur.
    “Can I have my coffee first?”
    “No… I want to know what happened first… all of it.”
    “All of it?”
    “Everything,” Merlin says with determination.
    “Well… it went well. Better than I expected and… I made peace with Elyan.”
    “You told him the truth?” Merlin is shocked. ‘Arthur can’t be serious,’ he thinks.
    “Everything! I didn’t want to hide anything, Merlin. It didn’t feel right, not especially when I was seeking his trust. Confessing seemed to be the only wise option left so… I did.”
    “And how did he take it?” Merlin asks, leaning closer.
    “Better than I expected,” Arthur says shortly.
    “Good… So how is he, Gwen’s brother?”
    “He is understanding, a loving brother to Guinevere and very caring one as well. He is protective of her… something I found to be very interesting indeed.”
    “Why is that? Most brothers are like that, aren’t they? What is there to be surprised about?”
    “He’s different, Merlin. He goes to great lengths to ensure his sister is taken care of. He’s very meticulous with details and seems to take his responsibility seriously. He asked me lots of questions, cornered me with câu hỏi marks over my own abilities, but I understand why he did it. He was protecting his sister. I am not sure if I could be like him, if I had a sister.”
    “Maybe his father’s death changed him, Arthur. He probably feels thêm responsible over Gwen. Remember she’s the only family he has and he has to shoulder the responsibility as both a brother and a father? And it’s never easy… I might not have siblings, but I have seen many orphaned siblings where the eldest in the family has to act as the patriarch to protect the ones under their care. Elyan’s situation is similar, and who can blame him if he’s sensitive about his sister’s choice of boyfriend?”
    “Yes, I thought so, too… but I like him, Merlin. Despite everything he asked, I still like him. I might not have seen him but I have an idea of what he looks like… he’s great.”
    “And what else happened?”
    “Well, I met Elyan, and Percival.”
    “Who’s that?”
    “Elyan’s good friend, someone Guinevere looks up to. He’s great too.”
    “Oh. Carry on, carry on… don’t stop! This is getting exciting!” Merlin rubs his hands together.
    Arthur laughs and cradles his head with his hand. “Met them both, ate a great dinner…”
    “Yes, yes…”
    “Patience, Merlin, I’m getting there,” Arthur laughs. “I apologized for Guinevere’s father’s death. I told Elyan the truth and almost did something stupid.”
    “I should have known better,” Merlin sighs. “And what was it this time, may I ask?”
    Arthur senses the annoyance in Merlin’s voice. “I felt guilty for their father’s death and how distraught Elyan was so… I almost told Guinevere to forget me if her brother feels I’m not suitable for her.”
    “WHAT!!” Merlin’s eyes widens, threatening to come out.
    “I know, Merlin. I kept reminding myself how lucky I am now that the thing is resolved. I almost screwed up… almost,” Arthur shakes his head and covers his face with his hands. “I don’t know what was going through my head.”
    “You’re stupid, Arthur. That’s all I can conclude!” Merlin picks a cái gối, gối and whacks Arthur with it. “What on earth were bạn thinking?”
    “Elyan was asking me about myself, my past education, my career and so on, and I felt guilty. I felt as if I was ruining Guinevere’s chances of a happy life and with all the guilt plaguing my head, troubled with Elyan’s questions; I felt helpless. I just blurted out and thankfully I retracted what I said.”
    “I’m surprised Gwen didn’t kill you!”
    “She would have if I had continued. But something struck me and I knew I was making mistake. I know if I let her go, I’ll die, and told Elyan about my feeling for Guinevere, made him understand about my tình yêu for her,” Arthur says and licks his lips. “Thankfully I convinced Elyan and he gave us his blessings.”
    “Arthur, why… why do bạn have to screw up when everything was going so well?” Merlin scolds Arthur.
    “I’m sorry, Merlin, I just wasn’t thinking, I suppose.”
    “You’re a twit, Arthur.”
    “I know, and I’m sorry,” Arthur apologises.
    “It’s yesterday’s story, Arthur, there’s no need for apologies. But if bạn repeat this another time Arthur, I swear I’ll kill bạn myself,” Merlin threatens.
    “I’ll remember that.”
    “You better!” Merlin warns and sighs. “So… what else did bạn guys talk about? Apart from his father’s death and your involvement in it… anything normal?” Merlin asks.
    ‘Ouchhh!!!’ Arthur knows it is a tease and really hits the spot. “Nothing much I suppose. I found out about his work, what he does and his girlfriend. And some about Percival…”
    “Just that?”
    “What do bạn mean bởi just that?”
    “You went there to clear your mind about his father, apologized, and that’s fine with me. Then bạn mingled with her brother and his friend, that’s all right with me too. But don’t tell me that is all bạn guys spoke about, Arthur. What about bạn and Gwen? Didn’t bạn talk about yourselves at all? And for me, that is the sole reason of the dinner! bạn were supposed to be meeting her brother and vice versa. Not talk about your past and guilt!”
    “What is there to talk about me and Guinevere? Elyan knows about me and Guinevere and…”
    “That I know Arthur!!” Merlin snaps. “What about your future with her? Didn’t bạn discuss it with Elyan? Didn’t I remind bạn before bạn left?”
    “Oh… that!”
    “Finally…” Merlin remarks in annoyance. “So?”
    “I didn’t exactly get into the marriage issue though I did mention it a bit, during certain parts of the conversation.”
    “During certain… what the!!!” Merlin heaves another cái gối, gối at Arthur. It lands squarely on Arthur’s shoulder.
    “Come on, Merlin, give me a break, will ya’? It’s not as easy as bạn think. I had to insert it into the conversation…”
    “Arghh… save me the explanation Arthur. What did they say?” Merlin is annoyed.
    “Don’t be angry, Merlin,” Arthur sits up and crosses his legs. “I had no choic…”
    “WHAT did Elyan say?” Merlin repeats, gritting his teeth.
    Arthur sighs. There’s no way he can reason with Merlin when the latter is angry. Merlin hardly gets angry but when he does, it’s quite hard for him to calm down. Looks like he may have to deal with this situation for a while. “He’s fine with it, just like Guinevere.”
    “You proposed?”
    “Not exactly… but it came out of nowhere. I talked about it and she echoed… no one realized we are talking about marriage. It just sort of breezed bởi the conversation,” Arthur explains.
    “Are bạn planning to propose to her?”
    “Yes!” Arthur straightens up and his face glows with enthusiasm. “And this is where I need your help, Merlin,” Arthur grabs Merlin’s hand and holds it tightly. “I want to propose to her in a really special way and I want bạn to help me.”
    “All right… how?”
    “Help me bởi choosing a great ring, first… then I need to propose to her followed bởi celebration and then perhaps we need to sit down and get into the wedding details and…”
    “Whoa!!! Hold it there, mate! That is a lot work and do bạn know what bạn are asking, Arthur?”
    “Yes, I do, and I trust bạn completely… there’s no one else who’d do this for me… please, Merlin. I really need your help.”
    “Of course I’ll help you, Arthur, but… proposal is fine with me, but the wedding? So soon? I’m not so sure about the idea. Have bạn thought thoroughly about this?”
    “Yes Merlin, I have.”
    “Look… don’t think I’m discouraging the idea, it’s a great idea, in fact, I’m the happiest of the lot with this news but…” Merlin pauses. Is it wise to tell Arthur about how he feels? He has no qualms with the wedding but what disturbs him greatly is Arthur’s life with Gwen. He likes Gwen a lot and has wanted her to be Arthur’s wife from the ngày he found out she is in tình yêu with him but she also deserves happiness. Arthur can provide her happiness, but Merlin doesn’t want Arthur to be Gwen’s burden all her life; though he realizes Gwen may not think it that way. Arthur needs his eyesight and despite being advised bởi various parties, Arthur is adamant not to have his operation. But how will he give Gwen the happiness she deserves without his eyesight? He can’t afford to be her burden throughout his life; he needs to be sharing their burden. But… will he listen if Merlin tells him now? Merlin is thinking about asking Gwen’s help in advising Arthur, but will Arthur listen to her?
    “Huh? Oh, sorry,” Merlin sighs and bites his lip.
    “What happened?”
    “I was thinking… about you.”
    “The wedding, isn’t it? I know you’re troubled bởi it from the moment I told you. Aren’t bạn happy, Merlin?”
    “I am happy, Arthur, but… look! There’s something I need to tell bạn and just listen. For once just listen. I know bạn will not agree with me but this is for Gwen’s sake.”
    “Fine, what is it?”
    “I want this wedding to take place but before it happens, I need bạn to tell me something first. bạn tình yêu Gwen, don’t you?”
    “With my life.”
    “And will bạn do anything for her, for her happiness?”
    “Then bạn must get your eyesight restored, Arthur. I know this will not go down well but… this is…”
    “I am planning on having the operation, Merlin,” Arthur says with a smile, cutting off Merlin. The latter gapes at him.
    “You have got to be joking, Arthur. Seriously?”
    “Seriously, Merlin. I have được trao it a lot of thought and I want to see her. I want a normal life and you’re right, Merlin. She deserves happiness and I owe her that, after what I took away.”
    “Oh, my… Come here bạn rascal!” Merlin shouts in happiness and reaches to embrace Arthur. “This is the best news I’ve heard today, after the proposal decision. Thank bạn Arthur, thank bạn so much,” Merlin adds, releasing him.
    “No, thank you! I don’t know what would I do without bạn and the lads. Now, will bạn help me hoặc are bạn still uncertain about my decision to marry Guinevere?”
    “We need to get bạn the best ring… something that’ll sweep her off her feet. Hurry… go and get yourself ready. We are heading to get your ring and we’ll meet the boys there. And then we’ll get breakfast and discuss where to hold the proposal, how and then there’s the wedding… so much work and so little time. Hurry, Arthur, don’t waste time!” Merlin instructs and slides off the bed, hurrying towards Arthur’s wardrobe. “I think bạn should wear something light today, the weather’s fine. Oh… maybe later, we can drop bởi at the hospital to set your appointment,” he adds.
    “Merlin!! Now, who’s thêm excited; bạn hoặc me?” Arthur says and laughs.
    “I’m geared up, Arthur. Nothing can stop me now… come on, don’t waste time. The lads will be waiting for us,” Merlin helps Arthur down the bed.
    “Wait… lads?”
    “Leon’s coming trang chủ today and Gwaine went to pick him up.”
    “What? But…”
    “That’s a long story and I’ll tell bạn on the way to the airport… now, off to the vòi hoa sen with bạn while I get myself ready” Merlin finishes and before Arthur can protest, he helps Arthur into the bathroom and rushes off to get himself ready.

A week later …

    Gwen is happily arranging the POS keyboard on the shelves when Lancelot and Gaius walk in. Gwen hardly notices them as she seems to be involved in her work.
    “Morning, Gwen,” Gaius greets her but gets no reply back. He looks at Lancelot beside him and expresses his surprise. Lancelot shakes his head. Gaius turns back at Gwen. “Morning, Gwen.”
    Still no reply as Gwen is really Mất tích in her work. Gaius smiles at himself and elbows Lancelot softly.
    “I don’t think she heard you,” Lancelot tells Gaius.
    “I think not… have bạn noticed her recently? She’s seems to be in a world of her own, smiling and laughing to herself, her face is always glowing with happiness… I think she’s in love, Lancelot.”
    Lancelot smiles. “Have bạn asked her that?”
    “No, of course no! What sort of a man I’d be if I go barging into another person’s private life? If she’s truly in love, I’m the happiest of the lot but if she has another reason for this happiness, I’m happy for that, too.”
    Gwen hears voices from behind her and turns around, only to notice Gaius and Lancelot in conversation. She smiles, wipes her hand and walks towards them.
    “Good morning Gaius, Lancelot. What brings bạn here?”
    “Morning, Gwen,” Lancelot greets with a smile.
    “Morning, child. Finally bạn realized we are here?”
    “Finally? What do bạn mean, Gaius? bạn just walked in, didn’t you?”
    “Didn’t I tell you, Lancelot?” Gaius elbows Lancelot’s arm again and smiles at Gwen. “We have been standing here almost for five minutes. I even greeted bạn twice but bạn didn’t reply.”
    “I didn’t… but, I… ohh!!!” Gwen clasps her mouth and looks at both of them shyly. She didn’t hear them nor the greetings, but Gaius doesn’t lie and if he says he’s been here, then he’s been here. Perhaps if she hadn’t been thinking about Arthur so much, she’d know who’s around her. “I’m sorry Gaius,” she apologises.
    “No, it’s all right child. It really doesn’t matter.”
    “No it does, Gaius… I didn’t know bạn were here, oh how stupid I must have seemed.” Gwen shakes her head in shame. Gaius nears her, wraps his hand over her shoulder and comforts her.
    “I know bạn are happy and that’s enough for me. I need nothing, else so… stop blaming yourself. Lancelot, help me would you?”
    “Gaius is right, Gwen. We know bạn have been in your own thoughts, but it’s fine because those thoughts must have been good ones hoặc else your face would have shown it.”
    “Thanks Lancelot… Gaius.”
    “It’s fine, dear… now, back to business. I need to implement a new program for the new outlet… have bạn got it readied?”
    “We have the layout and the story boards… we will ready the program bởi this week,” Lancelot informs.
    “Good, and please implement the barcode scanning as well.”
    “Sure,” both Lancelot and Gwen tell him together.
    “Good… good. Now, I’ll let bạn both get back to work and if bạn need anything, let me know.” With that Gaius leaves.
    Gwen waits until Gaius has disappeared before she rushes towards Lancelot, grabs his arm and shakes it. “What happened? Tell me!”
    “Tell bạn what Gwen?”
    “What was I doing when bạn both walked in? What did Gaius do? Tell me please!”
    Lancelot laughs.
    “Come on Lancelot… please!”
    “All right… all right. Gaius greeted bạn twice and both times bạn ignored him.”
    “I did… why?”
    “Why? How am I to answer that? bạn were in your own world and seemed not to care about anything, so bạn tell me?”
    “Lancelot,” she leaves his arms and grabs her forehead, whacking it softly. “I was thinking about Arthur and didn’t realize bạn walked in. I swear I didn’t hear Gaius. Oh, that must have made me look stupid, right?”
    “A bit,” Lancelot smiles.
    “Thanks Lancelot, bạn made me feel better.”
    “Now, don’t get this wrong, Gwen. I was just joking. Gaius understands why bạn didn’t greet him back and he didn’t care a bit. But he’s happy with your progress.”
    “What progress?”
    “That bạn are smiling thêm often now and he suspects bạn are in love.”
    “Really?” Her cheeks colour tellingly.
    “Yup, but don’t worry, I didn’t tell him. bạn do that yourself.”
    “Thanks Lancelot… bạn saved me blushes.”
    “Pleasure’s all mine. So tell me, is everything fine between bạn and Arthur? Got your problems solved?”
    “Yes!” Gwen’s eyes sparkles at the mention of Arthur’s name. “We talked and confessed and finally got everything settled. And I brought him home, to meet my brother Elyan. And my brother is smitten bởi Arthur as well… and he gave us his blessings.”
    “I am so happy for you, Gwen.”
    “I know… I am thrilled myself and bạn know what other matter makes me happy and is the sole reason why I’m losing myself in a world of my own?”
    “Arthur spoke about marriage! And Lancelot, do bạn know what that means? He might want to propose to me!” Gwen jumps in joy.
    Lancelot laughs, shaking his head. “Now that is news,” he adds. “I’m happy for bạn Gwen. I really am… bạn deserve all the happiness in the world.”
    “Thanks, Lancelot. You’ve been a really good friend to me, just like Morgana. Now, if only I can share all this news with her,” Gwen tells him sadly.
    “She isn’t back yet?”
    “Nope… Modred is still in the hospital though he’s woken up. He’s still weak after those traumatizing events and it will take some time before he is fully recovered. Morgana is there to give her sister the strength because Morgause is devastated bởi the turn of events.”
    “Do bạn want to pay them a visit?”
    “Are bạn planning to do so?”
    “I am thinking of it, but I don’t know where Morgana is staying. Perhaps if bạn are coming along then we can go together.”
    “Sure… I can direct bạn there. Let me know when and I’ll come with you,” Gwen says with a smile.
    “Sure will and… when are bạn going to bring Arthur over here? Introduce him to all of us?”
    “Yeah, why not?’
    “Come on, everyone will be happy to know bạn have found someone… and it’s time Arthur met us, think about it, yeah?”
    “Sure…” Gwen smiles.
    “Let’s get back to work… I have to escort Gaius to his friend’s trang chủ later this evening and we need to get this prepared bởi then.”
    “Right…” Gwen agrees and gets to work.

    “Are bạn sure this is the right amount? I thought the dress was on discount?” Elena argues at the cashier counter as Camille stands beside her, watching silently.
    “It is ma’am,” the cashier replies.
    “But the signage there clearly states the dresses there are on discount. I took it from the rack underneath the sign!”
    “I know ma’am… the sign isn’t wrong and neither are you, but this dress is the newly arrived piece and just a single one because it’s limited edition. Someone must have put it there bởi mistake. There is no discount for this dress… the code states it here,” the cashier shows Elena the tag hanging at the cổ áo of the dress. But Elena isn’t interested in knowing that. She still wants the discount and is adamant in getting it.
    “Look, I am not interested in knowing what the sign stands for hoặc not! I just want to know why is the dress over there when bạn say it’s not supposed to be discounted?”
    “Perhaps someone must’ve placed it there bởi mistake.”
    “Then that is not my problem! I don’t it see that way… I found it on the rack and it states there’s discount for everything sold in that area so… give me my discount!”
    “I’m sorry ma’am, I can’t do that.”
    “Look, I am getting irritated bởi your character. Get someone to check on this matter hoặc I might need to call the management to look up your service.”
    “Is there a problem?” Gwen asks, as she arrives with her USB keyboard and mouse. The cashier looks at Gwen pleadingly but with relief.
    “This customer found this dress under the discounted area but this is new arrival. I don’t know how it got there but she wants the discount… I can’t get in touch with Gaius hoặc Kay. But thankfully bạn came by… can bạn get someone to talk to her hoặc maybe bạn can negotiate?” the cashier asks.
    “Gaius has left with Gilli to the new outlet and Kay has left for bank but I will talk with her. Leave her to me,” Gwen assures the distraught cashier, pats her shoulder and turns to meet Elena.
    “Are bạn in charge here?”
    “Yes, at the moment… can I help you?” Gwen asks politely, her smile warm.
    “Yes… I believe the girl told bạn about my problem so… I just want a quick solution because I can’t be here all day.”
    “I understand, and first I apologise for your inconvenience. This is truly our mistake and none of yours. And we can help bạn to rectify the situation but we also could use some help from your side.”
    “My help?”
    “Yes, since bạn found the dress under the fifty percent discounted area, I can’t approve that much but ten percent will have to do.”
    “Just a mere of ten percent discount?”
    “Yes… and let me tell bạn why bạn should take this discount and forget about asking more. This is a special edition dress and only five stores in Camelot sell this dress. And since the price is steeper than any other dresses sold in Camelot, it’s not easy to get a discount for it. And we also have an unusual contract for this dress with its maker. They have released only five pieces and if it’s not sold in a month, we have to give it back to them so that they will do what they seem right. So, if bạn are to go to any other store holding this dress, bạn will not get any discount for it no matter how hard bạn try hoặc plead. So, you’re lucky we made a mistake and are willing to consider to give bạn a discount but if bạn choose not to accept it, it doesn’t matter because we are not in any haste to sell it away. The ball’s in your court ma’am,” Gwen informs.
    Elena gapes and looks at Camille. “I think bạn should take it,” Camille says. Elena thinks a while, nods at Camille and turns back at Gwen.
    “Would bạn like to see our agreement letter?” Gwen asks.
    “No, it’s fine. I think your offer seems generous enough. I will take it, thank you,” Elena says, fishing out her wallet from her handbag.
    Gwen smiles and turns to the cashier. “Key in ten percent discount, all right?”
    “Thanks, Guinevere,” the cashier các câu trả lời with gratitude and gets back to her work.
    But the name stuns Elena and she drops her wallet on the ground. Her eyes are fixed on Gwen as Camille bends to pick up the wallet. The cashier looks at Gwen, surprised as well but Elena is petrified. The name seems familiar. She has heard it before but where? Elena digs deeper into her brain to fork out the name and its origin but she can’t. Guinevere… Guinevere… why does it sound familiar?
    “Elena?” Camille shakes Elena’s hand but the latter is still Nữ hoàng băng giá to the ground.
    ‘Guinevere… wait! Isn’t that the name Arthur mentioned to her weeks ago?’ Elena thinks rapidly. Her eye widens. ‘Yes!! That’s the name. That is it… she is the one! The one who took Arthur away from me, left me in tears and shattered. The one who broke my tim, trái tim and destroyed my life!! This is the girl, then… Guinevere!’ Elena thinks loudly. ‘What a small world indeed?’ she thinks again.
    “Are bạn all right, ma’am?” Gwen asks, leaning closer.
    “Yes… I am, now,” Elena tells her and looks around for her wallet. Camille hands it to her and with her trembling fingers, she fishes out a couple of notes and hands it to the cashier. Gwen helps the cashier to pack the dress into a paper bag and hands it over to Camille.
    “Thank bạn and please come again,” Gwen các câu trả lời with a smile and turns her attention back at the cashier.
    “Your name… is Guinevere?” Elena asks once she has regained her strength. She knows that’s the name but she has hear it herself. From Gwen itself.
    Gwen looks back at Elena and smiles. “Yes, do I know you?”
    “I’m afraid not but I think bạn know someone close to me, Arthur?”
    “Arthur?” Gwen says in with half surprise and half bewildered. “You know Arthur?”
    “Yes but I think I should be asking bạn that since I have practically grown up with him,” Elena says, her voice laced with anger and mock. ‘You took him away from me and now bạn shall pay!’ she thinks silently.
    “Grown up… wait, Elena? Is that you? Arthur told me all about you. bạn are the daughter of his father’s friend, right? Oh this is great! I didn’t think our paths would vượt qua, cross and here of all place! Pleased to meet bạn Elena, really the pleasure’s all mine,” Gwen says, her eyes sparkling. Now its Elena’s turn to be amused.
    “Arthur told bạn about me? What did he say?” Now this is new. She didn’t anticipate this. As far as she knows, after what went on between them, Arthur will not have any good impression about her but here she is, listening to the girl, who destroyed her life; that might happen to have only good thoughts on her.
    “Everything good of course. He told me how dear bạn are to him, that bạn are his best friend and have always defended him when he was still a young boy. He holds great memories of your friendship and will never be able to forget you,” Gwen tells Elena.
    “He told bạn that?” Elena các câu hỏi Gwen, unable to believe Arthur would tell that after what has happened between him and Elena, weeks ago.
    “Yes and he’s proud and privileged to be your friend, Elena. I have never seen anyone speak of their friend the way he does. I mean, he always praises Merlin and the rest of the lads but he told me bạn are different. That bạn hold a special place in his heart.”
    “Ohh…” Elena doesn’t know what to say anymore. She has prepared some ferocious verbal attack on Gwen but the latter seems to be heaping praises on her instead. And suddenly her tim, trái tim softens. Listening to Gwen, the statement about Arthur’s view on her and their friendship; it all seeps right to the root of her tim, trái tim and is stroking the strings of her emotion. She feels ashamed, standing in the presence of Gwen. She feels horrible, thinking how she blamed Arthur for her miseries. And now she feels terribly guilty for trying to ruin Gwen’s life with Arthur. She may not know Gwen well but after meeting her and having little conversation, Elena can’t blame Arthur for taking interest in Gwen instead of her. Gwen is likeable and it is visible from the way she approaches her Những người bạn and colleagues. She’s also spirited, friendly and completely at ease with herself. But what’s important is Arthur loves Gwen. And Elena is pretty sure, Gwen loves Arthur too.
    ‘What am I doing? Arthur ruined your life and bạn should be punishing him, not resign in defeat? This girl, Gwen is your enemy. She is the reason why Arthur left bạn in the first place but instead of making her pay for your agony, bạn are praising her?’ Elena’s mind lashes out bitterly. ‘Have bạn gone soft Elena?’
    “Elena?” Gwen calls out.
    “Huh? Oh, sorry… I didn’t know Arthur holds me dear to his heart,” and that is the truth.
    “He does and he will always. bạn of all people should know how closely he holds his Những người bạn and bạn are one of them. He never ends any conversation without mentioning your name.”
    Elena is tim, trái tim broken. She wants to leave. She wants to seek out Arthur and hear all this from his own mouth. Someone tugs her sleeve. She turns around and Camille is urging her to leave.
    “We need to leave, Elena,” Camille says.
    “Yes, in a minute, Camille.”
    “I đã đưa ý kiến in a minute, Camille!” Elena hisses and with that Camille stops bothering her. Elena turns back at Gwen. “Guinevere?”
    “Call me Gwen… it’s simpler and shorter,” Gwen các câu trả lời with a smile.
    “Gwen… urmmm…” Elena is hesitant over her tiếp theo question. “How much did Arthur actually say about me?”
    “Everything he knows. Like I said, he holds bạn close to his heart.”
    “Then, did he say that… that I… urmm… that I…”
    “Loves him? Yeah, he did,” Gwen gets to the point.
    Elena’s shocked. ‘Arthur told her? Why?’
    Gwen smiles, walks around the counter and nears Elena, placing her hand on Elena’s elbow. “Elena, I know what happened. Arthur didn’t hide anything from me because he doesn’t want me to be in the dark about his life and his past. I appreciate that, but I’m sorry for what happened between bạn and him. I know I don’t have the authority to say hoặc advise bạn of anything because I am partially to be blamed for your misery as Arthur is. But sometimes life is unpredictable. I didn’t expect to meet hoặc fall in tình yêu with Arthur; it happened out of blue. It’s the same with bạn and him. He felt guilty for hurting bạn and couldn’t stop blaming himself for it. He đã đưa ý kiến all these while he loved you, but not as bạn expect, only as a friend and he has lots of respect for you. But he can never bring himself to see bạn in the light bạn want him. He told me he will never make bạn happy because his tim, trái tim belongs to me and he doesn’t want to give bạn false hopes. Elena…” she squeezes Elena’s hand, assuring. “Neither Arthur nor I want to hurt bạn but this is life. God has made his decisions for all of us and perhaps yours doesn’t lie with Arthur. But that doesn’t mean, HE has abandoned you, Elena… maybe he has bigger plans waiting in the wings and only bạn haven’t realized it. I’m not trying to correct my decision but I don’t want bạn to be unhappy. I swear to God, I didn’t know about bạn when I first met Arthur and if only I had known; I would have backed away. I never want to hurt another for my own happiness. So, please forgive me, Elena, and forgive Arthur. Despite all happened, he still respects and holds bạn dear,” Gwen finishes.
    Elena swallows and chokes back the emotion in her heart. She feels tears logging at the back of her eyes but she doesn’t want to cry here, in Gwen’s presence. No! No one should watch her cry. She is Elena, daughter of Lord Godwyn and she has a reputation to uphold. She mustn’t be seen as vulnerable hoặc fragile; though she is one in heart. Her tim, trái tim is throbbing. One part of her is angry with all that has occurred with Arthur and now Gwen, but the other part is slowly absorbing the respect and honesty of this girl, Gwen. Elena wants to like her, she wants to be her friend and know her better, yet she is still angry for the agony left bởi Arthur. What should she do? Her head is throbbing like mad, her tim, trái tim is aching and her emotions are tugging underneath her skin. She wants to get back home, lock herself in her room and cry. She wants to release that pain and ache in the serenity of her own compound. Only then will she be able to make up her mind.
    “Elena?” Gwen calls.
    “I have get back home, Gwen. Nice meeting you, and see bạn later,” Elena says quickly, pulls up the straps of her bag and wheels around only to bump into a strong body. She almost loses her balance and falls back but Lancelot catches her bởi the waist and stops her from falling back. His eyes meet hers and Elena gapes in shock, watching him; still in his clutches. For a một giây hoặc two, no one moves hoặc speaks. Lancelot’s breath is hot on her skin and he is merely an inch away from her. Elena, still dazed with the revelation from Gwen, can’t take her eyes from him. She trails her eyes from his, down to his nose, cheek and lingers at his lips. His grip on her waist tightens and she feels her pulse racing as his fingers arrange neatly against her fabric. Only after Camille’s low shriek did Elena realize the compromising position she was in. Quickly both she and Lancelot resumed back to their position. Elena arranges her dress while Lancelot looks shyly at the smiling Gwen and the cashier.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t see bạn coming,” he apologises.
    “No, I’m sorry, too… I was in a hurry to leave and should have watched where I was heading,” Elena says, pursing her lips.
    “I’m Lancelot,” Lancelot extends his hand and surprisingly, Elena accepts it.
    “I’m Elena, nice to meet you, Lancelot.”
    “Elena, we must leave,” Camille urges again.
    “Sure… goodbye, Lancelot,” Elena says and leaves. Lancelot watches her leave and turns back towards the cashier and Gwen; both can’t stop smiling.
    “What?” he asks.
    “Nothing…” Gwen says, picking up her chuột and keyboard and preparing to leave.
    “It was an accident, yeah.”
    “I didn’t say anything, Lancelot,” Gwen says again, still smirking.
    “Gwen… please don’t tell this to Gaius.”
    “He’ll make fun of me for this for the rest of my life. Please?”
    “Sure… but bạn owe me, yeah.”
    “I know… one ngày I will repay you, I promise.”
    “But that was hilarious, Lancelot,” Gwen reminds him, laughing softly.
    “All right… all right!” Gwen laughs. As they pass the cashier, the girl stops Gwen and thanks her for the help.
    “That was a quick one Guinevere, wherever bạn did bạn get that idea?” the girl asks, smiling at Gwen.
    “Sometimes when bạn have customers like this, it’s best bạn keep ideas at vịnh, bay because bạn may never know when bạn need them. The arrangement never existed, bạn know, that don’t you? But if I don’t tell her that, she’s going to get bạn in hot soup,”
    “I know. Thanks. I owe bạn one as well,” the girl admits.
    “It’s fine, dear,” Gwen winks at the cashier and moves on.
    “What was that all about?” Lancelot asks, walking beside her.
    “That… well, that was something between the girls,” Gwen says with a shrug as they head off to get their task completed.
After the drama of her imprisonment in The Dark Tower last week, plus the untimely death of her impetuous brother Sir Elyan, it is no wonder the Queen appears to be a little out of sorts. It is also the perfect cover for some devilishly evil doings. Of course, we the audience know perfectly well that Gwen is under the influence of Morgana but that remains a secret not shared with the rest of Camelot.

The episode begins with a bang in the form of an assassination attempt leaving our would-be killer Queen on the back foot. As Gwen swiftly implements a plan B, which involves the setting up of an...
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added by EPaws
Source: angelcoulbynet
I thought it brilliant and got her permission to share. Do enjoy. It is actually wonderfully written. And yes, bạn are accurate in your surmise/suspicion about the subject matter. Enjoy!


Title: The Queen’s Blood
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
Warnings: Yup folks - it’s a period fic. Blood and everything.

Summary: Gwen has to explain the basics of female bodily functions to her husband, who is somewhat alarmed to wake up to bloody sheets two days after his marriage.

The một giây night after her wedding, Gwen bled. She had suspected it might happen as such, her usual rhythm being...
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I would like to take this time to congratulate Angel Coulby and Bradley James for their performances in Merlin.

They took me on a journey of so many emotions, I laughed, I smiled, I cried, I was angry, I was sad, I was happy, angsty, I have been in tình yêu with Merlin’s Gwen and Arthur since Season 1.

I have seen the growth of these two amazing actors from the first time they were on screen to now, and this năm has been outstanding for both.

Despite the way some of the episodes have been edited, directed, written and promoted, both have done brilliantly, especially Angel, with the little amount...
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added by MISAforever
Source: found this in my old files, don't know how it belongs to
added by MISAforever
Source: halestilinskiis.tumblr
added by EPaws
Source: define x
added by ellarose88
Source: joneseybobblewhore
added by ellarose88
Source: merlin's keep
added by euphoria1001
Source: me!
added by EPaws
Source: freddikins
added by EPaws
Source: carlospyrrhus
added by EPaws
Source: flowerishboom
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk

Gwen is worried. It’s been hours and still there’s no sign of her father yet. He left to meet his Những người bạn at the tavern in the morning and now it’s almost seven in the evening and he isn’t back home.

    Gwaine has left for his home, promising to visit her again tomorrow along with a gift he bought for her father. It was nice talking to Gwaine after such a long absence. And she managed to confide her troubles to him, which makes it even better. Gwaine is the only person she’ll talk to without any worries in the world because he understands...
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posted by chngeyuratitude
Episode 1
My first mô tả of this episode was EPIC, if this is the standard of what we are going to see throughout the season, then I'm glad I'm on this journey with them, and everyone here.

The moments I loved -The knights banter - although minimal, it showed the friendship they have, Gwaine with the apple, Percival/Gwaine with the thực phẩm oh and I loved the phòng bếp, nhà bếp scene with the servants, Percival/Elyan with the 3 children & Leon/Elyan.
Merlin/Arthur - I loved their friendship in this episode, their banter, as it should be, although going bởi the BTS with Merlin & the Knights in a...
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Part 2: link

Am taking requests now to continue the game. These tiếp theo three are requests from some of my lovelies. Feel free to send me your suggestions, too.

    “Arthur, remember to be quiet. It’s late; Gwen might be sleeping,” Merlin says softly outside the doors to the royal chambers.
    “Merlin, Guinevere always waits up for me, bạn know that,” Arthur replies, but Merlin does notice that he is speaking in hushed tones as well.
    Merlin opens the door carefully and Arthur walks in. The room is mostly dark,...
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Bradley James
Angel coulby