Arthur và Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 9: link

    Arthur stops his motorcycle outside Gwen’s office and he helps her off the back of it. He takes another một phút to appreciate her in her conservative workplace attire, smiling at her.
    “See bạn later?” he asks.
    “Of course. bạn have my number?” she asks. He nods and pats his pocket with the slip of paper she’s written it on.
    “Come here, you,” he rumbles, pulling her into his arms.
    “Just quickly, people are going to start arriving soon,” she giggles.
    “Embarrassed to be seen with me?” he arches an eyebrow at her.
    “No, of course not,” she kisses him. “But these are my coworkers, they don’t need to see me snogging someone outside the office. Regardless of what kind of hairstyle he has,” she says, reaching up to skim her hand along the hàng đầu, đầu trang of his Mohawk.
    “Stuffy corporate types,” he mutters, grinning as he bends down for one thêm lingering kiss.
    He pulls gently back, eyes closed, savoring the memory of her lips on his for a moment. “There. That should get me through the day,” he says, opening his eyes to see her smiling that smile for him.
    “See bạn later,” she says, placing her hand on his chest before turning away to walk inside. She turns back just outside the door to give him one last wave.
    She disappears inside and he stands there for another minute, staring at the door.
    God help me, I tình yêu her.

    “Good morning, Ron,” Gwen says to the semi-retired older gentleman that runs the mailroom in the mornings.
    “Gwen, you’re here early. Taken up jogging?” he teases.
    “Actually, I got a ride today,” she says, checking that her braid is still in place over her shoulder. The mark is not as prominent, but it is definitely still there.
    “Mmm,” he says noncommittally. “What can I do for bạn this morning, dear?”
    “I was wondering something, actually.”
    “When we get unsolicited manuscripts, do bạn really chuck them in the bin, hoặc do bạn keep any?”
    “My instructions are to throw them away,” he says dutifully.
    “Okay, because it’s you. I do keep some. I’ve even read some. Most are horrible.”
    “Did bạn ever get anything from someone called Merlin?”
    “Is that a first name hoặc a surname?”
    “First name. I don’t know his surname.” Should have asked Arthur.
    “Merlin, Merlin,” he repeats, turning to a file cabinet in the corner.
    “But how many people called Merlin can there be out there, honestly?” she asks, chuckling.
    Ron sticks a key into the cabinet and opens the bottom drawer, easing his old Bones onto a ghế đẩu, phân as he does so. Gwen steps phía trước, chuyển tiếp and watches as he rifles through the drawer.
    There are hundreds of envelopes in there, she notes.
    “It would be easier if we had a name. I’ve got these alphabetical, bạn know,” he mutters, then suddenly, “Ah! Merlin Emrys. Good thing it was early in the alphabet.”
    “May I borrow that?” she asks.
    He holds it to his chest a moment. “Will bạn tell me why? Is he your boyfriend?”
    “Friend, actually. I met him this weekend. Wonderful bloke, really. He doesn’t know I’m doing this, either.”
    “Just a friend, eh?” he says skeptically.
    “Yes.” She sighs and adds, “He’s actually my boyfriend’s best friend, if bạn must be a nosy old lady. Now hand it over, old lady.” She holds out her hand and smirks at him.
    “Oho, I didn’t know bạn even had a boyfriend,” he exclaims, surrendering the manuscript. “I guess I missed my chance, then,” he says, winking at her.
    “Don’t give up hope, Ron,” she laughs, tucking the envelope into the larger shoulder bag she’s brought today, just in case. “And thanks.”
    “Well, tell boyfriend that I’ll be the một giây in line behind your dad to administer poundings if he’s not good to you,” he nods.
    “Duly noted,” she says, smiling and glancing at the clock. “Bugger. Gotta go. Thanks again,” she calls, scooting out the door.
    Shortly after lunch, Gwen pulls out a phone book and looks up the address of Excalibur Tattoos. She makes a note of the address and slips the note into her bag.
    “Gwen,” Mr. Gaius pages her. She jumps, startled. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, why am I all skittish?
    She presses the button on the intercom. “Yes, sir?”
    “I need bạn to take a letter. Can bạn come in, please?”
    “Of course. I’ll grab my pad.”

    “So bạn are alive, then,” Gwaine drawls from the back of the cửa hàng when Arthur comes in, clutching a bag of sweets he’s picked up on the way.
    “My friend, I feel fantastic,” Arthur declares, unwrapping a Mars bar.
    “Who is she?” Phyllis, Gwaine’s sister and another tattoo artist, demands from her workstation.
    “What makes bạn think it’s a woman, Phil?” Gwaine asks, sauntering toward his chair, a cup of trà in his hand.
    “Fair enough. Who is he, then?”
    “She is the most amazing girl I have ever met,” Arthur says, ignoring her remark. “Present company excepted, of course, darling,” he nods at Phil, who makes a rude hand gesture back at him.
    “See? Charming, bạn are,” he says, blowing her a Kiss before going back to get his own tea.
    Merlin comes bounding into the shop, chipper as always. “Morning lads, Phil,” he calls cheerily.
    “Honestly Merlin, your early-morning cheerfulness is both disgusting and unwelcome. This is a place of… surliness,” Gwaine grumbles, his point blasted away bởi Arthur’s cheerful whistling. “Drag! You’re killing the ambience! bạn and Merlin can both go pick daisies and skip through a meadow somewhere if you’re going to be so bloody happy at this ungodly hour!”
    “Gwaine, it’s 9:30,” Merlin laughs and heads back to where Arthur is pouring far too much sugar into his tea.
    “My point exactly.”
    “Why don’t bạn just drink marmalade, Drag?” Merlin asks, looking at Arthur’s trà with disgust.
    “Too thick. And the chunks of peel just don’t go down easy.”
    Merlin chuckles and makes himself a cup and says quietly, “So? How’d it go yesterday?”
    “Merlin, she is incredible. Just incredible. And she sat for me.”
    “I thought bạn were already working on one of her?”
    “I am. But another opportunity presented itself.”
    “She wasn’t naked, was she?”
    Arthur pauses. “Technically she was. But the only thing exposed was her back.”
    “Honest, mate. And she was so good at it. Sitting. Didn’t complain, didn’t move, asked before scratching her nose. Fantastic. Oh, and get this: Iggy loves her. Like, loves.
    “He purred.”
    Arthur nods. “Like a little motorcycle. It was very disturbing,” he says, furrowing his brow.
    Merlin laughs. “That’s good. bạn seeing her tonight?”
    “Planning to do. Oh, and Morgana called yesterday. She’s coming to town.”
    “What? Morgana? She’s coming down?” Gwaine asks, suddenly interested.
    “And if you’re lucky, she’ll also be going down,” Phil remarks dryly, peering into a mirror and applying a dark merlot-colored lipstick that perfectly matches her tousled dyed hair.
    “Okay, first: gross,” he looks towards Phil, then continues. “Second: yes, she’s coming to town, and Guinevere and I are going to have bữa tối, bữa ăn tối with her. Some night. I don’t know which ngày yet.”
    There is a chorus of “Oooo…” from the others at the prospect of Gwen meeting Morgana so soon.
    “Shut it, bạn lot. It’ll be fine. She already likes Gwen ’cause she jammed her knee into Helios’ bollocks, so that’s a step in the right direction.”
    “Well, she would, wouldn’t she? She did ngày our Gavin for a while, poor misled darling,” Gwaine says, feigning sympathy.
    “So bạn really like her, Drag?” Merlin asks quietly, turning back to Arthur.
    He nods, and Merlin sees something in his eyes, in his expression that makes him a little worried.
    “Don’t screw it up, then.”

    Guinevere checks the address on the scrap of paper she is holding. This is the street, she thinks with a sigh, looking down the block. There is trash on the sidewalk, the buildings are run down, many abandoned, and the few people about look quite shabby. Arthur did say that it was a total crap neighborhood.
    Gathering her courage, she heads down the sidewalk, walking briskly, confidently, not giving away her discomfort. As she stares straight ahead, suddenly a large man appears and starts jogging towards her.
    Ox, thank God.
    He catches her up, and gives her a boyish grin, not even breathing heavily from the run. “My lady?” he asks, offering his elbow.
    “Thank you, kind sir,” she grins back at him, winding her hand around his massive arm. My hand looks like that of a child, she notes, chuckling.
    “What’s funny?”
    “How little my hand looks compared to your arm,” she says, nodding towards his elbow.
    He looks down. “Ah. Indeed it does.”
    “Thank bạn for coming down to meet me. To tell bạn the truth, I was a little uncomfortable.”
    “My pleasure. Wasn’t doing anything at the moment anyway,” he smiles. “I do a lot of that: doing nothing.”
    “I thought bạn were the bouncer,” she says.
    “I am. But when people behave, I have very little to do. And during the day, they tend to behave. Not that I enjoy busting heads, mind, but it’s something to do.”
    “Of course.”
    They walk a little ways in silence, and Gwen gets the distinct impression that he wants to ask her something.
    “Gwen, can I ask…?” he starts, then changes boats mid-stream. “No, I couldn’t. We haven’t known each other long enough for me to ask a favor. Never mind.”
    “Ox, what is on your mind?”
    “It’s nothing, really.”
    “Do bạn want me to set bạn up with someone?” she tries, searching for what might be likely. Freya might like him, she thinks. He’s cute and nice and not too punky.
    “No!” he exclaims, then calmer, “No, that’s all right, that wasn’t it. I… um, Drag mentioned that your Dad is a DI…”
    “Yes? You’re not in any sort of trouble, are you?” Now she is concerned.
    “No, not at all. It’s just… I put in an application at Scotland Yard two weeks cách đây and I haven’t heard anything back.”
    “You want me to call my father and see what he can find out, is that it?”
    “Only if it’s not any trouble. I don’t want to inconvenience anyone.”
    “Ox,” she says, stopping and looking up at him. “Sometimes the only way to get what bạn want is to inconvenience some people.” She smiles at him, and he cannot help but smile back. “If it’s worth it, they’ll find that they don’t mind in the end. And I think it’s worth it. You’ll make an excellent policeman.”
    “You think so? It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be since I was a small boy. Well, I was never very small,” he chuckles.
    She laughs and takes his arm again and they resume walking. “I’ll call my father as soon as I get home. His name is Thomas Degrance, bởi the way. In case bạn need it.”
    “Thank bạn so much, Gwen, bạn have no idea how much this means to me!” he says suddenly, picking her up in a great chịu, gấu hug.
    “Ox! I haven’t done anything yet!” she laughs, hugging his thick neck anyway.
    He puts her down, sheepish now, and says, “Well, we’re here. This is The Dragon’s Head, and just there,” he nods to the tiếp theo storefront over, “is Excalibur. Drag’s still in there.”
    “Thanks again,” she says, giving his arm a squeeze.
    “Wait, I have an idea,” he says, stepping in front of her. “Stay behind me.”
    “Um, okay.”
    She follows him into the tattoo cửa hàng and her ears are immediately assaulted bởi the harsh mechanical buzz of the tattoo súng as people are having artwork applied permanently to their skin.
    I didn’t realize it was so loud, she thinks.
    “Oi! Drag!” Percival calls. Gwen’s hands are resting on Ox’s back, hiding behind him. “Got a delivery for you.”
    One of the buzzing appliances stops, and Gwen hears Arthur’s voice.
    “Delivery? I didn’t order anything.”
    Gwen peeks out from behind Ox and waves at him.
    “It’s a Sparrow!” Gwaine declares, grinning that grin of his while Gwen and Ox laugh.
    “Guinevere,” Arthur says, his face lighting up. “Excuse me a moment, Steve,” he says to the man in his chair, a tiger nearly finished on his thick forearm.
    “I’d leave me, too, if I was you,” Steve answers, taking Gwen in as she comes into full view from behind Ox.
    Guinevere looks at Gwaine. “Sparrow?” she repeats.
    “Yeah, I thought it fitting, seeing as how you’re—”
    “A small brown bird, yes, I get it,” she says, laughing as he lifts her hand to his lips to Kiss it.
    Arthur walks up to her and leans down to Kiss her, but does not touch her. He is wearing gloves, the kind a surgeon would wear. Gwen puts her hands on either side of his face as he kisses her. I can touch him even if he can’t touch me right now.
    “Sorry. Gloves. Don’t need to be spreading anything around, bạn know,” he says, smiling warmly down at her.
    “Understood. Can I come watch?”
    “Okay with you, Steve?”
    “Oh, yeah,” he says, appreciating the view as Gwen walks over in a màu hồng, hồng wrap-around dress that highlights her curves and accentuates her narrow waist.
    Arthur sits and looks at his client. “No funny business hoặc I’ll turn this tiger into a fluffy tabby cat, understand? She’s my girl, and I don’t share.”
    “Uh, right,” Steve says, lifting his eyes from where they were resting, which was the general area of Gwen’s bosom.
    “Here, bạn can sit,” Arthur pulls a ghế đẩu, phân over for Gwen.
    “Thanks.” She sits and watches while Arthur finishes the work.
    She watches, fascinated, having never seen this before.
    “I guess I didn’t realize that there would be blood,” she comments, adjusting slightly, feeling Steve’s eyes on her again. She unconsciously pulls at the neckline of her dress.
    “Well, I am jabbing him in the arm with a needle over and over and over again. Of course there’s blood,” Arthur comments.
    She leans in closer.
    “You’re in my light, Sweet.”
    “Sorry,” she says, leaning back.
    “Steve, eyes back in your head.”
    “I wasn’t doin’ nothin’.”
    “That’s right, bạn weren’t.”
    She watches quietly, ignoring Steve. That tiger is really good.
    “It’s like a sewing machine,” Gwen says suddenly.
    “What?” Arthur stops and looks at her.
    “That contraption there. It’s like a sewing machine. With no thread.”
    “Well, having no experience at all with sewing machines, I guess I’ll take your word for it,” he tells her, smiling at her before he returns his attention to his work again.
    “So where did bạn come from, anyway?” Steve suddenly asks her.
    “Um, I live here in London,” she answers, puzzled.
    Arthur shoots him a warning look and Steve decides not to ask any thêm questions.
    “Almost done,” Arthur says impatiently.
    “Does it hurt?” Gwen asks.
    “Nah,” Steve answers, but she sees him gripping the arm of the chair with his other hand.
    “It really depends on where it’s being stuck and what your tolerance for pain is,” Arthur answers. “Some people enjoy it. They say the pain is a rush, like a drug,” he shrugs. “I don’t get that myself. Weirdos.”
    Gwen’s tiny snort doesn’t miss him and he glances at her, daring her to make a comment.
    “There. Done,” Arthur declares, dabbing the area one thêm time before spreading a clear ointment over it. He unrolls a large piece of gauze and wraps the man’s arm, bandaging it expertly and carefully.
    Steve pays for the work, and his wandering eyes have tested Arthur’s patience for the last time.
    “All right, Steve, piss off,” he says, shoving him out the door.
    “Arthur,” Gwen says reproachfully.
    “I didn’t like the way he kept looking at you.”
    “Here we go…” Gwaine comments.
    “He was just looking, it wasn’t like he was going in for a grope.”
    “Don’t even try, Sparrow,” Gwaine says. “Hey, I think your dad came past today,” he says, deciding to change the subject. Arthur stomps back to his station and starts cleaning up.
    “I was outside having a smoke, and a cop drove past and told me to push off. Which was strange because the bobbies don’t patrol ’round here normally. I politely explained that this beautiful establishment was my place of business, and that I was not loitering.”
    Gwen nods, listening. Now I’ll have two things to talk to my father about.
    “Then he asked me my name, and asked if Drag worked here. Called him Arthur, even. It was then I started putting the pieces together, ’cause Drag đã đưa ý kiến that your da was a cop. And this one kind of looked like you, if bạn was a big bloke. Same color, same eyes. Your last name De… De-something?”
    “Yes, that was my dad,” she sighs. “He called last night and I had to give all the information, because he’s got to check, bạn know.”
    Gwaine nods, “Of course he does. Oh, and before she kills me, Gwen, this is my sister Phyllis,” he points out Phil, who has been looking daggers at him.
    “Oh!” Gwen turns, “Hi, I’m Gwen,” she walks over and offers her hand.
    “Phil,” she says, grasping it quickly. “Nice hickey,” she comments.
    Gwen grabs her braid and puts it back where it belongs, blushing. Phil chuckles. “Hey, wear it proudly, girlie. Besides, ain’t no one going to judge bạn here. In fact, they’ll probably think better of you. I know I do.”
    Gwen puzzles at the strange woman. I can’t get a read on this one. She’s so different from Gwaine. “Um, thanks?” she says, wincing inwardly when it comes out as a question. “I tình yêu your hair, bởi the way. I sometimes wish mine was straight.”
    “Always want what we don’t have,” she says, nodding and turning back to finish cleaning up.
    “She’s really okay, just a little hard to get to know,” Gwaine says quietly.
    “I think she’s nice, actually.”
    “Guinevere, should we go tiếp theo door? Have Leon buy us some dinner?” Arthur asks, strolling over. He isn’t wearing his gloves anymore, so the first thing he does when she is within reach is grab her and pull her close, running his hands up her back.
    “I’d tình yêu to see the pub, yes. Is Merlin there?” she asks, kissing him.
    “Yeah. Did bạn find anything?” he asks quietly as they walk out.
    “Goodbye, bạn two,” Gwaine sings after them.
    “I got the manuscript, yes. It’s in my bag,” she tells them and they walk out the door.
    “He is completely in tình yêu with her,” Phil says to Gwaine once they are gone.

    They walk tiếp theo door to the pub. It is dark inside, but clean, Gwen notes, looking around, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. As she blinks a few times, she notes that the dozen hoặc so patrons scattered about the place have all stopped their conversations to stare at her.
    Arthur puts his arm around her possessively, shoots them all an icy glare – hands off, she’s mine – and ushers her to the bar.
    “Gwen!” Merlin smiles as they sit. He sets a pint down in front of Arthur. “What would bạn like?” he asks her.
    “Guinness, if you’ve got it,” she answers, surprising them both. “What?” she asks Arthur. “Did bạn think I was going to have water? Perhaps a nice glass of milk?”
    “Oh. Um, I guess I didn’t even think about it,” Arthur says, smiling as Merlin sets down a perfectly-tapped pint in front of her.
    “I didn’t think bạn lads would do the kinds of drinks with the little brollies perched in them, so I thought I’d keep it simple,” she says, picking up her glass.
    “So, what do bạn think of our little establishment here?” Merlin asks, picking up an empty glass left bởi another patron.
    “It’s… clean,” she says, smiling. She looks around, surveys the people sitting at tables, throwing darts. She notes that her màu hồng, hồng dress is almost the only spot of color in the place. Everyone is wearing black, grey, hoặc white. The lone exception is Ox’s t-shirt (with no sleeves, of course), which is black but bears a large printed Union Jack on the front. “I kind of look out of place, don’t I?” she asks.
    “You look beautiful,” Arthur says, “but yeah. bạn do stand out a bit.”
    “Don’t think I didn’t notice bạn going all Alpha Male when we came in here, Arthur,” she says, leaning in close.
    Merlin hears her anyway, and laughs. “Drag’s a bit protective,” he says, choosing his words carefully.
    “I noticed,” she says, taking another drink.
    They chat for a bit, Gwen keeping her shoulder bag out of sight so Merlin doesn’t see his manuscript tucked inside. Arthur tells them about the hình xăm he did that day, Merlin tells them that Ox actually got to throw someone out at 2:30 in the afternoon, Gwen tells them about a phone call she received from an irate tác giả claiming their editors had “butchered” his vision.
    “From what I understand, our editors did the man a favor,” she says. “Just because a person has written one successful novel doesn’t always mean there’s fuel in the tank for another masterpiece.”
    “Hmm,” Merlin says noncommittally and looks away.
    She takes another drink, feeling a little guilty about inadvertently pointing out Merlin’s lack of success at getting published. “Please tell me bạn have a ladies’ loo,” she says to him, suddenly wanting to escape for a minute.
    “Yeah, it’s over there,” he points. “Let me know if it’s disgusting,” he calls after her, and she waves.
    “She didn’t mean to upset you, Merlin,” Arthur says after she’s gone.
    “I know. It’s just hard, hearing things like that, how some hack that got lucky once gets the chances and I sit here wiping glasses after a bunch of slobs.”
    “Hey, bạn never know, mate. bạn could be a hack, too,” he teases with a grin. Merlin flicks his towel at him, which Arthur dodges easily.
    “Piss off, Cabbage Head.”
    Arthur chuckles and takes a drink of his pint. “Well, hello, stranger,” a voice behind him coos, and he groans inwardly.
    “Portia,” he says coolly.
    “Haven’t seen bạn about in a few days. I hope bạn haven’t been ill,” she says, sitting on Gwen’s stool, choosing to ignore her glass resting there and her bag on the floor, leaning against the bar.
    “Never felt better,” he says, not looking at her, trying to figure his way out of this politely. The girl is unbalanced, he notes, glancing over at her, his stomach turning as her side blue eyes drink him in.
    “Mmm, so I see,” she says, placing her hand on his thigh. He brushes it off.
    “Portia, someone is sitting there,” Merlin tries to help.
    “Yes, I know. Me.”
    “No, I believe bạn are mistaken,” Gwen says, having returned. She saw the little blonde twat put her hand on Arthur’s thigh as she was walking back, and is now standing beside her with her hands on her hips.
    “No, I don’t believe I am, Susie Corporation. Push off.”
    Gwen leans in closer. “Listen bạn cow, Drag is my man, and if bạn touch him like that again I will see to it that bạn can’t properly use your hand for at least two weeks.”
    Portia makes a derisive snort. “You? Aren’t bạn afraid you’d break a nail?”
    “Not at all. I wouldn’t even break a sweat. In fact, the only things broken would be your fingers. Now get your fat arse out of my seat.”
    Portia stands. She is at least four inches taller than Guinevere, but Gwen stares her down nevertheless. “Fine, bitch. I’ll bet he’s got a small pecker anyway,” Portia finally spits, stomping away.
    Gwen calmly sits down and takes a drink, perfectly composed and ladylike. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Ox returning to his post bởi the door. I didn’t even realize he had started to come over.
    “That was so hot,” Arthur says, staring at her. Merlin laughs.
    “Hmm?” Gwen turns and looks at him.
    “You. Um, defending your territory like that, like a little lioness. Hot.”
    “You’re not the only one with a jealous streak,” she says lightly, lifting her hand to caress his cheek. He leans down and kisses her, quick but hungry.
    “Oh!” she gasps after their lips part.
    “She’s been after me for weeks, bạn know,” he says. “Mental, her. I keep turning her down as plainly as I can, but she kept persisting.”
    “I think she’ll leave bạn alone now, mate,” Merlin says. “Would bạn really have broken her fingers?” he asks Gwen.
    “I have no idea,” she says. “I was bluffing.”

Part 11: link
added by EPaws
Source: WWLM
added by EPaws
Source: themerlineyes
added by EPaws
Source: everyonelovesmerlin
added by EPaws
Source: bọc party
added by HumbleQueen
Source: Merlin's Keep
added by EPaws
Source: allegator
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: themerlineyes
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: TBA
added by EPaws
Source: Kilrain
added by HumbleQueen
Source: merlinlocations
posted by kbrand5333
Part 9: link

    Gwen looks up from her laptop at the sound of the door opening and closing. Arthur’s back. She grins but stays put, listening as he locks the door behind him, drops his laptop bag on a phòng bếp, nhà bếp chair, and walks back to the bedroom, the hard soles of his dress shoes clicking on the wooden floor.
    “Hey,” he says softly from the door. “Sorry I’m late.”
    “I heard about the pile-up on the motorway,” she says, smiling up at him as he crosses to her and kisses her. “But thank bạn for calling, too.”
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 8: link

    I have a convention on Thursday. Gwen looks down at the text she’s just gotten from Arthur, and remembers his “plus-one” threat.
    Oh, no.
    Don’t worry, you’re safe. Not a plus-one kind of thing.

    “What’s up?” Merlin leans over and peers over her shoulder.
    “Arthur has a convention to go to Thursday.”
    “Sounds scintillating,” Merlin says, making a face.
    It’s in Dublin. I’ll...
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Here is the issue I am having and have been having for weeks. I don't believe Arthur dies in the conventional sense. I know, weird as that sounds. I simply don't for various reasons I will not go into, most of them are fiscal and having a kind of understanding. Yeah, I will leave it there. So don't bother asking lol. I hate repeating myself, ask HQ lol. One thing that irritates the crap out of me are those not prepared to think for themselves. No time for it.

Enough about me.

As to the actual legend, there is no Albion without Arthur and Guinevere actually. Murphy twists it to suit his Queenly...
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Today on tumblr it would seem Why We tình yêu Merlin erred again, know how, they put up a convenient poster as to why they tình yêu Merlin and left out, wait for it, I know bạn can't guess, the Queen, yeah, the one with a moderately higher melanin count. Sooooo surprising. The excuse, and it is an excuse, used bởi the moderator was, again wait, tis so special....they had 2 hours of sleep and they adore, yes, adore Guinevere sooooooo much, but couldn't find her graphic, just the three they like to promote, including on the GAME recently in beta release. Now, someone else in the fandom managed, as difficult...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 22: link

    There is a decidedly efficient knock at the door.
    George. Great. “Come.”
    The door opens precisely, and George strides in carrying a tray. “Dinner, your majesties,” he declares proudly, as if it was he who was slaving over the ovens all afternoon.
    “Thank you, George, just leave the tray on the bàn and bạn may go,” Arthur says casually, waving his hand in the direction of the table. Gwen appears in the doorway separating the two parts of their chambers, fresh from her bath,...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 19: link

    “So Arthur, I am curious. If you’ll pardon such a personal question, how is it that bạn chose to marry a maidservant?” Prince Allard asks as they eat their breakfast.
    “Not at all,” Arthur says, chuckling. “To be honest, it is nice to have someone câu hỏi my decision based on curiosity rather than contempt.”
    “He is lobbying to be allowed to marry for tình yêu rather than politics as well, my lord,” Annis says with a smirk, looking sideways at her eldest.
    “Aha…” Arthur...
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