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1.) Artificial Enemy
This episode established that Shaft was animating it a bit more than it needed. (They even put the hand there.) Also - as most animes do - it differs from the manga and songs. It puts in Ayano and Shintaro scenes, and changes Shintaro's room from a small room to a gigantic one, complete with a big window. It also changes his computer from a regular size to an enormous screen, gives the terrorists freaky Joker masks, and throws Seto into the terrorist scene just for the fun of it.

2.) Kisaragi Attention
Whaaaat? Apparently the makers of this saw how much the fans loved the opening that they put better BGs in! :D
This puts even MORE Shaft in it! (Ex: sketchy shadows, full body scan while pausing occasionally for fanservice, awkward sh- cutoffs etc.) Also, sorry to those with expectations of Kido, Kano, Seto, and Mary (like myself) because another thing Shaft likes to do is draaaaaaaag things out with visuals that look out of place. (Like replacing people for objects) Almost half the episode was based on Kenjirou (who magically got shorter?) and Momo talking while making some of the weirdest poses. Then Momo runs around town, bumps into Hibiya, runs with Kisaragi Attention for the BGM (Yay!) and has a big flashback/monolog scene that takes up the rest of the episode. By the way, was Momo's mother dying? I don't think she died in the manga or novel.

Did anyone else think of Angel Beats when they saw the ending? Seriously, it's the same thing.

After the Angel Beats ending, it shows more Azami just to confuse the anime-only watchers.

And at the verrrry end, Mekakushi Code is next! Kido! Kano! Seto! Mary! One more week away!

3.) Mekakushi Code
First off, I cracked up over Kido's pose at the beginning. Twice. Also, I think that Kido was so cute in this episode (All the sorries and Kano scenes let me to this.) By the way, KIDO X KANO FOR LIFE. Shaft donated a nice handful of Kido x Kano scenes to this episode out of the kindness of their hearts. ^^ They also showed Seto x Mary, which is adorable. (Mary's pouting face is the cutest thing!)
 The cutest pouty face ever.
The cutest pouty face ever.

Also, why does their hideout get all of this room and technological stuff? (They even have holographic tables! Whatever happened to apartment 107?
Update: Episode 11 happened.

So now that the hideout, characters, powers, and OTPs have been established, let's move on to the plot. For all of those that don't know of the Kagerou Project, this episode is the somewhat-long awaited answer to the question, "What's going on?!" It tells you why the blonde guy and his quiet friend are interested in Shintaro. It tells you why the terrorist started punching the guy behind him. It tells you how it ended. Kind of.

The producers have smiled upon me again, bringing yet another song cover: Mekakushi Code! It made the video awesome by making an action scene of everyone helping and Mary playing around with a "weapon". (So cute!) It also played most of the song, unlike Kisaragi Attention. (Then again, the second half of Kisaragi Attention involves things that happen in this episode)

I've gotten more acquainted to the ending, it has a nice amount of emotional stuff.

Also, the "monster story" has taken a turn, with Azami turning aggressive. (I'm gonna call this the monster story from now on because Azami refers to herself as a monster and it's an inside joke about Shaft. Clever, huh?)

As for the preview, I was quite shocked. They are choosing to skip over the amusement park part and cut to the chase. (which makes sense if there's only gonna be 11-13 episodes. It also avoids confusion with the whole Kuroha incident.) Despite this, I hope they don't forget about Yuukei Yesterday and Headphone Actor. Also, this means by skipping the amusement park/ Kuroha incident, they will be with chapter 19 of the manga. O.o This makes me wonder if they'll keep the story according to the manga, shift to the novel, or skim over the songs for each episode. Either way, it still seems like the plot will end up well. On a final note...KONOHA! ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY UNTIL YOU CAN SHOW YOUR PINK-TATTOOED FACE TO THE ANIME COMMUNITY! *clears throat* Updates will be weekly.

4.) Kagerou Daze
The final main characters got introduced today! We have Hibiya, the boy from the country that actually had his debut in episode 2. Also, there's Hiyori, who has a bad additude toward Hibiya, but fangirls over Konoha. (Who wouldn't? Nice taste, Hiyori.) Finally...KONOHA! I'm gonna try to not give away spoilers, so I'll say his traits. First, he's a fan of triceratops, and for anyone that was paying (Kisaragi?) attention, that's the keychain that Hibiya had. Second, he's always really hungry.
 Sorry, it's all gone.
Sorry, it's all gone.

(The line from episode 3's preview was "Sorry, it's all gone", and I just knew he was refering to food!) Third, he's really sleepy, and this episode shows that from showing that he's been asleep for 14 hours. Finally, he's an idiot. This is because of certain reasons that I'd rather not spoil, but they show this by having him forget Hibiya and Hiyori's names and where the bathroom is. But this is what makes him one of my favorite characters.

Around halfway through the episode, the plot starts to kick in. When Hibiya is strolling down Shaft Street, with signs in all imaginable places, he spots Hiyori. For all of you that have heard Kagerou Daze, you should know where this is going. Then a certain "cat" is with Hiyori. ( *spoiler* It's not a real cat. It's.....Kano!) For those that were uncertain of this, the episode confirms it by showing his cat-eyes and his shadow. Also, for anyone that's seen Kagerou Daze, you were probably like me, blurting out, "Ooh! Truck-san's going to make a debut!" or "Here come the poles!" (No? Just me? Ok.) Another song cover has come, but I think it's by a Nico Nico singer.

This time in the Monster Story, Azami finds some peace and quiet. Just for those who are curious, the boy that finds Azami is Tsukihiko!

Huh? The preview has a unique name, and everyone's in swimsuits. Judging by the picture, it could be a beach episode, but judging by the audio, it may contain Konoha getting recruited to the group, and maybe even a Kido flashback! The next episode awaits!

5.) Showtime Loudspeaker Pole
So, not exactly my expectations, but I still liked it. The Shintaro-in-his-undies part was funny, and I cracked up at the Ene vs Kano stereotypical card battle.
 I challenge you! Go, Master's Secret Folder!
I challenge you! Go, Master's Secret Folder!

It gave us some well-deserved comedy, and let us know that Ene and Shintaro join the group. (That flower part, though. XD)

The middle of the episode bothered me because it dragged on and on. You should've seen me watching it! They kept hinting at Ayano, Kido, Kano, Seto, and Mary, but they just briefly and vaguely explain it with NO flashbacks whatsoever! I kept yelling at the screen, demanding a flashback as if Ene was on my tablet. This was made up for when Konoha uses his awesome superhuman abilities to save Hiyori and Hibiya who are somehow back from the Kagerou world.

Going back to the flashback conversation, Kido, Kano, Seto, Mary, Momo, and Ene visit Ayano's grave when Ene recognizes her. When Ene notices.....the episode ends. My rage could not be described.

In the Monster Story, Azami and Tsukihiko fall in love. That's pretty much it.


6.) Headphone Actor
Now, it was pretty obvious to us fans that with the Yuukei Yesterday, the Headphone Actor title, and all those manga chapters, this episode had a lot to get done. Thankfully, the makers knew this as well, replacing the opening with an awesome Headphone Actor scene that probably confused all of the new fans by cutting to the Yuukei Yesterday content, but pleased those in the know.

The makers also managed to cut out the filler scenes in the manga (such as taking a chapter to finally decide what to do for the festival) and covered the Yuukei Yesterday content without feeling too rushed. (Like using the gameplay to cut to the festival scene.) But to not feel too rushed means you'd have to sacrifice Headphone Actor's whole story. The beginning DID show it, but failed to explain it. (And why wasn't she in her Actor outfit? :\ ) No complaints, though. I'd rather it be well-paced like it was.
 Look at Haruka's butt XD
Look at Haruka's butt XD

Onto my personal opinions, I guess. Mamoru Miyano replaced my iffy opinions with "AWWWW! HE SOUNDS SO CUTE!" opinions instead. (Seriously, wow.) Also, Haruka had his share of cute faces. Kana Asumi suited Takane perfectly, as well. :D

This episode is FULL of subtle hints to at least slightly help explain what's going on to those who are curious. Examples?

-Zooming in to Takane's pigtails similar to how Ene's in the 1st episode
-Kano and Kido (Tsubomi is her first name) seemingly younger, to emphasize that this is a flashback episode
-The mysterious girl at the beginning of episodes 1, 4 and 5 is revealed to be....Ayano Tateyama! For the new viewers of this series that payed attention, that's was Ene says at the end of episode 5 ("Ayano.....chan?")
-The poster of Takane that bears a striking resemblance to Ene
-Haruka's ability to eat everything which should call to mind a certain previously mentioned character
-Chibi Konoha on the screen

And there we have it! XD

Because of time reasons, instead of cutting us off like before, they replace the ending with a Yuukei Yesterday montage (2 songs in 1 episode! :D ) and the monster story gets replaced with a kind of cliffhanger ending, depending on how much you know and how you interpret Haruka's unsteady breathing.

In the preview....Ooh! Konoha's State of World! Nice! I hear Ayano, "No, I couldn't possibly do that" which might be referring to Shintaro. Then an "I'm the absolute worst" from Takane which is probably about something I don't want to spoil. A "Why did you die, Sister?" from either Haruka or Konoha which totally confuses me! Does Haruka have a sister, could it be Konoha referring to Hiyori, or maybe even Kano/Seto referring to something that I'd also rather not spoil. Finally, a "They're already forgetting that they ever saw me" from a character that I absolutely CAN'T match up with their seiyuu. Seriously, who is this, any guesses, anyone?

Also, is it me, or are these reactions getting larger by the episode? *scrolls up to check* Yeah, they are.

See you next week~~~

7.) Konoha's State of World
For those that don't understand the beginning, you had to watch past the last episode's ending
As most of the Kagepro fans probably did, I came into this episode ready for the feels. We knew what was going to happen, but we decided to watch it nonetheless. Unfortunately, I expected this episode to go a bit further with the plot than it did. Why do you think it moved so slow this week? That's right, the TALKING. Takane and Ayano's conversation takes a bit longer that I wanted, but I knew it would be ok because the feels were coming next. Don't get me wrong, it did what it was supposed to, but it wasn't as sad as it could've been. It feels like they shortened the sad part... (which felt more eerie and creepy than sad to me)
 Takane, no! ;(
Takane, no! ;(

and EXTENDED the talking.

Shaft......this is not Bakemonogatari, please stop trying to mash the two. You had your multiple seasons of talking and fanservice, so can you please just give us 11 episodes of plot for Mekakucity Actors? Please? (You even messed up the "Haruka, I love you" part by zooming into Takane's skirt. Really?)

Anyways, I didn't expect it to transition back to Kido, Kano, Mary, Momo, and Ene. And anyone that saw episode 5 could guess what this means. MORE TALKING. It's not that I hate talking, it's just that Shaft + talking = long, unnecessarily drawn out conversations. I was raging again for the lack of Ayano's flashbacks. Then, the plot kicks in when Seto calls (Hey Seto! We almost forgot about you!) saying that Shintaro got injured with a "friend" (which surprises Momo and Ene. "My brother has friends?!" XD) and that they should go to a hospital. So off Kido, Mary, and Momo go, leaving Kano (and Ene) alone.

As if to make up for the talking, we got to see -for the first time in the anime- Kano being sad. Yes, he's the one who says "Why did you die, Sister?" is Kano. Feeeeels.... Then he talks to Ene about what happened to her, saying that Ayano isn't the only person she lost. He actually uses his power to turn into HARUKA when talking to her, and it feels like this part makes up for the lack of emotional grip during the beginning.

Now the question is, HOW did Kano know about Haruka, moreso that he (Haruka) died on the same day as Ayano? I went checking on Tumblr, and someone posted a video, and the thumbnail had Ayano talking to Takane with KANO'S SHADOW. Does this mean that he pretended to be Ayano? Wait, the manga didn't show that. Did the novel? CONFUSION! D:

For the episode's finale, I got what I wanted to see the most this week; Haruka's side of the story! For those of you who don't know much of the series, a short woman appears in front of Haruka, telling him about his new body that he's going to get. She's Azami, from the monster stories at the end of episodes 1-5. But wow, Azami. I expected you to be a bit nicer about this. Just stating that Haruka wished for this, (even though he just wanted to be happy with everyone) and erasing his memories when he tells her what he actually wants. He was crying, saying he wanted to see Takane, come on Azami! (She even did that to Takane, too!)
 Haruka, no! ;(
Haruka, no! ;(

By the way, I'd like to take this opportunity to applaud Mamoru Miyano for his voice acting at this part, It successfully added to the sadness. ;(

The monster story explained about the monster's family, but didn't even show Shion. The next episode might be where the Kagerou world is created. BTW, the monster story is a FLASHBACK, and is not what is currently happening. Also, sorry Azami, but I'm still not forgiving you. Not cool.

The preview shows us that Lost Time Memory is coming next. That's right! You thought this episode was sad?! Just wait till next week! (But why is there a pic of Mary in front of a fan? o3o)

8.) Lost Time Memory
(Sorry it took so long)
(I listened to Daze's full version on loop the WHOLE time I was typing this. Not the slightest bit tired of it.)





Wow, I didn't expect that. But thanks, I wanted that scene to be shown because I was wondering about the details. I got a nice and totally flammable present this week. ^.^

Other than a couple scenes, this episode was mostly a talking episode. Now normally, you'd expect me to blow up over Shaft and their talking-scene-fetish. Actually, I'm much more calm about it this week.


Because of the plot scenes, and because the talking is about things that clear up confusion (even if it's just a little bit) for the viewers that want to add Mekakucity Actors to their pile of anime to watch this season, but haven't heard of the Kagerou Project. Such as how Kido, Kano, Seto, and Momo died, and who died with them. It kind of shows Hibiya (and maybe Shintaro?) getting his powers.

And Kido made the cutest smile!

Also, Hibiya's face looked kinda cool.

No Ene this week
(she's probably recovering from Kano's insults)

No Kano this week (he's recovering from the haters)

No Konoha this week (recovering from Truck-san)

Now for my favorite part...LOST TIME MEMORY. This is my favorite song from Jin (if you don't count Daze) and they absolutely didn't let me down. They actually ANIMATED THE INTRO OF THE SONG, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT. They also animated the scene with Shintaro and Ayano, and instead of Azami, they replaced her with Mary. (This is really confusing me, someone explain please.)

Along with that, they showed scenes from the anime, pictures from the novel and manga, (Chapters 8, 18, and 19, I think) and scenes from the songs (Lost Time Memory, Yuukei Yesterday, Outer Science, Children Record)

They also had animated scenes of Shintaro and Momo's family when they were younger. This includes Shintaro at Ayano's grave (I think) Momo worrying about him,

Momo with her mother, Shintaro with his father, and a creepy Shintaro in his mother's womb that will haunt me in my sleep. o.o

In the Monster Story (I dare you to tell me to stop calling it that, cuz I won't) Azami creates the Kagerou world, and her family agrees to go there with her. Azami's gonna get quite upset next week, though.

As for the preview...

 The feels family. ;(
The feels family. ;(




















9.) Ayano's Happiness Theory
All of us were expecting this. We knew the feels were coming, some were more prepared than others, but we all stayed tuned. As for me, I kind of expected the song to play, and I expected it to have a nice video, and a great amount of feels.

What did we get?


Anyways, it kind of made up for this when the next part came with...
 Cute Kido...
Cute Kido...

 Cute Seto...
Cute Seto...


Then right after the cuteness, the serious mood sinks in. It is revealed that Ayaka has "not been found", but we all know what happened. ;(
That part was probably the only sad moment in that episode. In my opinion at least.


Since the sad scene AND the song have managed to be put into 6 minutes, guess what Shaft had time for?

That joke is too old now, I'm not even gonna answer. ~.~

But before that, Ayano finds a journal titled "Death Spirit Record" (Hahaha! I get it...)
This scene surprised me, because the MANGA didn't even cover this. This scene was in the NEWEST NOVEL, and I had a little side of me that wanted to see that animated.

Also, the last chapter in the novel explains what's happening with the snakes, but is phrased awkwardly, and after multiple re-readings, I still couldn't understand. Thankfully, the talking was about the snakes, although it was between Ene and Kano in present time.

That's right, Kano and Ene get their screen time that they missed out on the last episode.
(Poor Konoha is probably crying in a corner.)
Kano explains about what happened to Kenjirou, and then holds a nice little game show about the snakes and their queen. (Oh hi, Mary!) Although I don't know how Kano knew where to find Takane's body, (That's beyond creepy.) I end up understanding, along with future events being foreshadowed.


On the Monster Story, Azami and Tsukihiko plan to get married, but then Tsukihiko makes a VERY SMART decision to go to the village and arrange it. Azami's considered a monster, the villagers obviously won't be fine with it. They could've just eloped or something.

In the preview....
Wait, SOUZOU FOREST?! Why? Huh?

I just now read a thingy that says that after this is OTSUKIMI RECITAL, and after that is CHILDREN RECORD. The unlikely songs appear, but does this mean....

SECOND SEASON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

*brb dying*

10.) Souzou Forest


You know how I complain about the talking and all?
Shaft sacrificed its guilty pleasures this week to manage putting the content of THREE song in one episode. Shinigami Record, Gunjou Rain, and Souzou Forest! All in one without feeling rushed! With a cute ending!


So the beginning starts from where the last one left off, with Tsukihiko leaving. Azami sounded different from the monster stories, and I think it was because Ayano was narrating them.
In the last episode, the narration says that it was the last time they'd see him. I remembered this and prepared myself for what was to come. ; (

Also, random stupid unessecary question, but did anyone else feel like this part of the episode magically turned into Naruto? The villagers had the masks, and everything about this scene just gave off a Naruto-ish vibe.

Anyways, when villagers attack, Azami turns super awesome, using the powers that have not yet been given to the Dan. Then one of them is SETO?!

Wait, I could be wrong. Maybe it's someone else?




*calms down*

Maybe it's Seto's ancestor, since this is a flashback.

Whatever, I'll find out later, this is too confusing.

Anyways, poor Tsukihiko. He doesn't appear (properly) in the songs, and now he gets little screen time. The terrorist got more time than him and he doesn't even have a name!

 Shion's seiyuu did an amazing job, bởi the way.
Shion's seiyuu did an amazing job, by the way.

So Azami decides to dissappear, and the story shifts to Shion, who doesn't want Mary to go outside, and tries to persuade her that it's more fun to read from their infinite bookshelf. Then she wakes up to see Mary gone, and for anyone that's seen the MV, you can take a guess as is to what happens next.

D: Whyyyyyy

So the villagers who are somehow adults are trying to sell Mary's hair while I was shouting at the screen, cursing those little-

I'm not even gonna start.

Then we take a trip to the Kagerou world, where we are shown that the snakes are the bad guys, not Azami. (Sorry Azami, you're not a jerk to me anymore.) Now for you who were REALLY observant, guess who voiced the sna~kes?

MAMORU MIYANO. Even though Kuroha hasn't been shown in any episodes yet, I have a feeling he's close.

Also, I have a theory. If episode 12 is gonna be Summertime Record, that is. If I understand the routes correctly, Route xx happens, then Mary --omitted for spoilers, you know what I mean, right?-- and then route 1 happens, leading to Summertime Record. Since Route xx happens before that, MAYBE THERE WILL BE A FLASHBACK TO OUTER SCIENCE.

Back to the episode.

Then the story shifts to Mary, who lives in a gigantic fancy house instead of the tiny little cottage we're all used to.
Unexpectedly, we get the song, which is sung by a male. It sounded nice, though. So we get a nice little Souzou forest.

But there was still a bit of time left. So to add a little cherry on top, we go back to present time when Mary was sleeping. (Episode 8) Then she finds Konoha,

 The albino duo.
The albino duo.

and Konoha says the only thing he remembers it that HE WANTED TO HAVE FRIENDS AND TO HAVE FUN WITH THEM!

That is the saddest thing.

So then the albino duo meet up with everybody after hearing Momo on TV. So has the beginning of the next episode (Otsukimi Recital) happened? Interesting.

I heard Kenjirou saying bad stuff in the preview, then someone else said "Madness..." which might've been Ayano or Momo.


11.) Otsukimi Recital
Half of this episode was sad, and the other half was confusing.
Because of this, the sad parts are gonna be in [these brackets]
and confusing parts will be in (parenthesis). I'll try to stay in chronological order.

So first, we see Shintaro using his power (Does that mean he already went to the Kagerou world, or did Mary somehow let him keep it after reseting time?) to talk to Ayano.

Shintaro's phone is broken, (Which means he already did you-know-what to Ene?) and he takes the scissors to his throat even though they already went through Route xx before this.
(Ok, what route is the anime taking? That happens to Ene and Shintaro in Route xx, they ALREADY went through Route xx, but the final episode is Summertime Record, which is Route 1's ending. Are they gonna finish Route xx and reset it all in the next episode, or make a last minute change to the last episode and make it Outer Science?)

So then we transition to Hibiya, Kido, and why is Momo so creepy? Even Hibiya points it out. And here's another question: (What do these generic people want with them? Do they work for Kenjirou, I wonder?) Then, they get thrown into a cool-looking room while the Kido x Momo shippers squealed in joy.
 Kido x Momo?
Kido x Momo?

And here's a flashback to Ayano and Kano talking about the snakes, Kenjirou, and Ayaka. I was reading the novel, and hoped that this scene would be animated, and it did!

Also it showed the scene where Ayano commited suicide, [WHEN KANO WAS THERE, TELLING HER NOT TO! D;]

And apparently, the snake's plan was to create more snakes in this world, so the monster'd be created in this world, and Ayano's plan was to sacrifice herself to create more snakes in the Kagerou world. [THAT WAS SO SAD, SHE WAS SCARED AND EVERYTHING!] (Also, with what Shintaro did at the beginning, that means that there would be more snakes in this world, which means the monster will be created. Route xx is inevitable now, right?)

Also, the snakes that's possessing Kenjirou has GOT SOME NERVE. Seriously, he annoys the ~tatatarata~ out of me!

Then for a bit we see (ANOTHER KANO IN A TEST TUBE?! WHAT? And who's the mental one?)

Then Kido and Kano decide on codenames and to call themselves the Mekakushi Dan. Aww~

So THEN~ we go to another sad scene [where Seto and Kano hug, and Seto says, "We're brothers" , and AWWWW!]

And then we go back to Kido, Momo, and Hibiya. Ok, sorry, but Momo's plan makes no sense. (Use Kido's power so the generic people don't notice them, but use Momo's power to attract everyone's attention?) And then she says that she'll cheer Hibiya up WHILE SHE'S AT IT? Get your priorities straight, Momo, cheering Hibiya up is what the whole song is about.

So here's where stuff gets frustrating/fun. {Frustrating if you pay attention, fun if you just sing along and not care}

Momo starts singing, (and how does her voice reach that far if they're in a closed space?) Also, the voice singing isn't Momo's voice, it's IA's. Is Momo's seiyuu against singing or something?
Then the Dan hears her and runs toward her voice.

We see Kano and Seto after the whole brother thing, who are at Ayano's grave at one second, and are in the hallways the next second (How did they do that? Also, how come the hallway design is the same as the closed space's if they're not the same place?)

Then, surprise! (HOW THE HECK IS TAKANE BACK? I thought she was Ene, and I thought Shintaro did you-know-what to her! Is this the body in the test tube? If so, how did her conscience come back?) And why does Shaft love making people stomp their feet like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum? Just sayin'.
 stomp stomp stomp
stomp stomp stomp

And then we find the albino duo, Konoha and Mary, and of course, Konoha's giving Mary a piggyback because of her stamina. And then Konoha uses his power to leap to the sky, which I thought was fun to watch.

Then everyone comes together (except Shintaro) and says that they're the Mekakushi Dan.

Finally, after the ending, Shintaro talks to Ayano in the Kagerou world, and FINALLY, SOMEONE QUOTES THAT RED IS THE COLOR OF HEROES. FINALLY.

Prediction for the next episode: Route xx, then Mary will reset time again and Route 1 will happen. (Update: close, but no.)

12.) Summertime Record
I'm having trouble getting myself together after that PERFECT CONCLUSION. I thought that it would end on a dull note, but that was too perfect! Let me try to explain.

So it starts with an adorable scene with Azami, Tsukihiko, and Shion where Azami uses her power to tell Shion she loves her. Shion looked so cute!

Then it transitions to the Dan (minus Shintaro and Ayano) running around in Kenjirou's lab. Then they get found by the generic people (I knew they worked for Kenjirou!) and we get to see Konoha, Kido, Kano, Momo, Mary, AND Takane/Ene use their powers. (I think Ene's power lets her switch between herself and Takane because Jin never said that she wasn't able to, and he wanted to surprise us.) I just loved this scene; everyone looked so awesome!
(Konoha just teleports to them, saying "Stop, that's dangerous", and punches the guy in the face. :D)

Then after running around with some comic relief,
 Kiss ALREADY, bạn TWO.

they find Kenjirou, who's under his snake's control. He explains about the loops, and about "Her Majesty" (Mary).

Then, he decides to take control of Konoha's body
 THIS WAS DISTURBING. yet satisfying
THIS WAS DISTURBING. yet satisfying

(which clears up my confusion about Kuroha) (Props to Mamoru Miyano, that was perfect.) and goes full-out insane, taking out Kido, Kano, and Seto (not Momo, Takane, and Hibiya for some reason) and commands Mary to "repeat this nightmare". Everyone tells her not to listen to him, but she starts to gather everyone's snakes. (Props to Kana Hanazawa, the voice acting was spot on.)

Then, Ayano and Shintaro show up! (I literally started to clap)

I'm a little confused on what happened, but if I'm right, because Mary didn't collect Shintaro's snake, he tranfers the memories the snake had to her, making her realize that she shouldn't create another loop.

I think Haruka's wish (or just Haruka himself) made Kuroha disappear. (along with Konoha, I think)
And then we see SHION comforting Mary. (I really like this. The best thing you can do in the last episode is to show all of the characters, even for a little bit.)

Then we get a great ShinAya moment followed by everyone calling them.

AND TO WRAP IT ALL UP... SUMMERTIME RECORD!!! SUNG BY JIN HIMSELF!!!! It shows the backgrounds of all the places in the entire anime, and me being the nerd I am, recognized them all.

Now that I look at it, this summary isn't good enough to convey the emotions felt while watching this. WATCH IT.


And with this, I'm done.
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Maka her friends, and Naruto and his Những người bạn were all together at a restaurant. Black ngôi sao had dragged his Những người bạn and all the girls of Naruto's Những người bạn thought it would be a good idea to get to know them. It had been about a week since they first arrived there in Death City.

Soul stared at Sasuke with an unsure expression. Black ngôi sao was laughing his đít, mông, ass off at something stupid Naruto said. Shikamaru's head was on the bàn and he was groaning about ow troublesome this was. Kid was yelling at Gaara for not being symmetrical and Kiba was laughing hysterically at his rants. Shino just sat there...
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Wantadog’s hàng đầu, đầu trang 50 anime Characters. 50-41

50: Kaoru Kamiya. (Rurouni Kenshin)
Kaoru is not very high for a reason. Her father was a skilled swordsman, yet she has never been of any help against anyone, even the first ever villain, who I think she should not have had any trouble defeating, let along losing to him. All in all, a typical “help me, save me please” type of girl, but something drew me in, and she kept popping into my head, so here she is, my #50.

49: Kagome Higurashi. (InuYasha)

Once again, not a high rating due to her incessant nagging and helplessness. Although, to...
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posted by usuitakumi77

The first volume of Bleach, published in Nhật Bản bởi Shueisha on January 5, 2002
Genre Action, Bangsian fantaisie
Written bởi Tite Kubo
Published bởi Shueisha
English publisher Viz Media
Demographic Shōnen
Magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump
English magazine Shonen Jump (formerly)

Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha (currently)
Original run August 2001 – ongoing
Volumes 55 (List of volumes)
TV anime
Directed bởi Noriyuki Abe
Written bởi Masashi Sogo
Music bởi Shirō Sagisu
Studio Studio Pierrot
Licensed bởi Madman Entertainment
Viz Media
manga Entertainment, Kazé UK

World: Sony Pictures...
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added by meliblack
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