Allisions P.O.V
"keep runnig keep running"the thoughts repeatly gong off in my head. i was running from the people who were trying to kill me hoặc saving me for i was told. i was runnig in the woods with arrows flying with sleeping goo on the tips. i tripped and went tumbling down. sticks poking everywher. i got up and i was trapped bởi guards with arrows and tazers everywhere. i get up and look at my surroundings. i find a bow and Mũi tên xanh bởi my leg undeneath the guards leg. i crawl when he isnt looking and shoot them high in a tree.
authors note: Good? if bạn want me to keep wrting then please bình luận below:).
"keep runnig keep running"the thoughts repeatly gong off in my head. i was running from the people who were trying to kill me hoặc saving me for i was told. i was runnig in the woods with arrows flying with sleeping goo on the tips. i tripped and went tumbling down. sticks poking everywher. i got up and i was trapped bởi guards with arrows and tazers everywhere. i get up and look at my surroundings. i find a bow and Mũi tên xanh bởi my leg undeneath the guards leg. i crawl when he isnt looking and shoot them high in a tree.
authors note: Good? if bạn want me to keep wrting then please bình luận below:).