Winx người hâm mộ Fictions and Roleplays My New Roleplay ^^'

lovebaltor posted on Jul 26, 2011 at 01:56PM
Hey there! ^^
Yeah, it's me again rambling on about making yet another roleplay :P But, this time I want this one to be really successful! (Like my only successful roleplay: The Twinx Girls.) So, hopefully with the right roleplayers, this WILL become a very successful roleplay :)

What do you say? Join? ^^

All I need is this:

Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.):
Home World:
Siblings (If Any):
Level of Magic:

Here's my submission:

Name: Lorinna Locksley
Age: 18
Power(s): Stars and Moons
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.): Outlaw
Home World: Earth

Bio: Her mother was left to care for Lorinna alone so, she went to Robin of Locksley to help her out. He took her daughter and raised her. Eventually, they became outlaws and grew to become known as "Robin Hood" and "Robin Hood's Men". Eventually, there normal routine of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor went against them. The gang went into a slight break up and Lorinna turned to Nottingham castle to give her life something to do. She soon fell for Guy of Gisborne, and the two began seeing each other. (Secretly)

Siblings (If Any): None
Level of Magic: Winx
 xin chào there! ^^ Yeah, it's me again rambling on about making yet another roleplay :P But, this time I w

Winx người hâm mộ Fictions and Roleplays 24 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
ill join later :*
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Hope you like her xDD
hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
xDD i have one Oc from Hogwart rp too but i think ill make a new OC for this role play cause i cant chosse any one of mine!I have over 20 of OCs and still dont know who too pick! xDD so i always make a new one lol
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
LOL I hope you make one soon dear ;)
hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
Name:Jessie Walker


Power(s):goust powers and sirene,singing that makes ppl slep,fell in love,confused ect.Going true walls,mind reading ect

Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.):Royal

Home World:The see

Bio:Not much is know about her just that one day(when she was about 5-6) her and her whole family dround in the see.Her parants,sisters and rother never got up but she did and is sonsidart a goust.Some ppl say that she dravnd them thatg true?who knowes

Siblings (If Any):none,all are dead

Level of Magic:lovix


last edited hơn một năm qua
 Name:Jessie Walker Age:16 Power(s):goust powers and sirene,singing that makes ppl slep,fell in tình yêu
hơn một năm qua Gretsel said…
I wouldn't miss that for anything in the world XD..(and thank you Aurie for letting me know about your new roleplay)

Power(s):Fairy of Weather and she can also read/understand people's auras
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.):Normal
Home World:Solaria
Bio:Her mother had left her and her siblings with her father and had gone far away for her career.She was very close to her mother and the fact that she left them for her career costed a lot.But luckily her father gave her as a birthday present his old drums and from that time and then she loved them.Maybe it seems silly but the drums helped her move on cause every time she felt sadness or anger she played.Her dream is to be in a music group with her friends.
Siblings (If Any):Hope fairy of Music (18)and Matt(21)
Level of Magic:Magic Winx
last edited hơn một năm qua
 I wouldn't miss that for anything in the world XD..(and thank bạn Aurie for letting me know about bạn
hơn một năm qua Gretsel said…
It would be very interesting if the girls made a group sometime...And maybe then we could make our own songs XD
hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
omg shes so cute!:D

and yeah xDD
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
Thanks for joining! :D

@Missdada15: She's so pretty! ^^ Can't wait to roleplay with her!

@Gretsel: You're welcome dear :* She's lovely!
hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
tnx :**
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
Here is my character! =) hehe but let me warn you something, I dont think I will be able to rlp that much cause of school and that stuff...I do will rlp but not as much as I wish...just telling you hehe =)

Name: Samantha (Sam) Grigori
Age: 17
Power(s): Ice and Metamorphosis
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.): Normal
Home World: Shoreline

Bio: Her mother died giving birth to her and so she grew up with just her father and brother to take care of her. While she grew up she was never interested in knowing much about her mother. She knew why and when she died but nothing more. She discovered her ice powers when she was 6 and her metamorphosis powers whens he was 8. With her metamorphosis powers she is able to change her look at will.

Siblings (If Any): Daniel (19)
Level of Magic: Believix
 Here is my character! =) hehe but let me warn bạn something, I dont think I will be able to rlp that
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
She is beautiful! Thank you for joining :D
And don't worry :) As long as you can role-play, I'll be happy ^^
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
big smile
thanks! =)
hơn một năm qua missdada15 said…
so when do we start?:)
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
I cant!!no no no!! I'm going to change izzy!!she aint chater I need here!!
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
big smile
LOL Alright! We can start as soon as Ginta changes her character :)
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
Name: Azula
Age: 17
Power(s):Lighting and Black Art
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.): Princess
Home World: Anologuzus
Bio:Azula is a Princess of Anologuzus becouse her step sister is the Queens dother. she isin't true blood princess but she is the olny royal person their ppl like! they dislike or even hate the anothers becouse they are mean and bad!
Siblings (If Any): Step-sister Lola
Level of Magic: Bilievix

 Name: Azula Age: 17 Power(s):Lighting and Black Art Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.): Princess Ho
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
She's so damn pretty *0* I love her! <3
I'll start the roleplay as soon as possible everyone ;)
hơn một năm qua winxlove2 said…
hơn một năm qua CyD12 said…
thanks Ginta!! yours is pretty cool!!
hơn một năm qua pandawinx said…
Sorry, i couldnt reply earlier aurie--- I've been away for aaaagggggeeeeessssss, so i never got a chance, but great idea!

Name: Spiriana Lee (Or "Spritz")
Age: 16.
Power(s): Pyshic. She can read minds, dreams and use telepathy. She also does telekinesis (the art of moving things witthout touching them).
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.): Was once rich....
Home World: Magix, moved to earth aged 6.
Bio: It's all written here- link
Siblings (If Any): None.
Level of Magic: Winx.
Picture: None has been made yet, sorry!

hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
Yay! :D welcome Spritz and welcome back Phoebe! ^^
I've added some roleplay forums, so don't hesitate to reply ;)
Welcome to the group! <3
hơn một năm qua AgyJude said…
Name:Maryline Meron
Age: 16
Power(s):Fire and Ice
Status (Royal, Poor, Normal etc.):Royal
Home World:Trapazia
Bio:She's the princess of Trapazia.She's got an elder sister who is very beatiful and Maryline feels everyone loves her sister more since she is beatiful. She's very insecure but she's also very smart.
Siblings (If Any):An elder sister. Izabella
Level of Magic:Standars Winx
Is it okay if i post a picture after a few days?
hơn một năm qua lovebaltor said…
big smile
Yay! Welcome Agy! :D Can't wait for you to start roleplaying :)