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Well, after some minor errors in the process, the SWERY tháng marathon is back on track. Hopefully. The tiếp theo review will be tomorrow and will hopefully be just as passionate as this one. We did not have a great start to this month, let’s just say, and I really apologize for that. A rather drab game that SWERY had little creative control over, that was a game I had no desire in playing, and was immediately followed bởi lots of personal stuff in life taking over. But thankfully, we can di chuyển on with the schedule and get on to better things from SWERY. Better things, such as the game that truly got his career off the ground and got him his spot in the gaming industry. A game known as Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition is… a lot. An enigma, a cult classic, a debatably bad game, an oddly great game, insanely creative, a rip off, a comedy, a horror, a mystery, it is many, many things. Like a Sinner’s Sandwich, this game is many things. Janky, weird, oddly colored, and yet bạn keep coming back for more. If bạn were to tell me that Deadly Premonition was an original experience and one of the best games out there, I’d tell bạn “That’s understandable”. And if bạn told me that Deadly Premonition was an overhyped buggy piece of shit, I’d tell bạn “That’s understandable”. Deadly Premonition has an odd reputation. People either consider this game a 10/10 masterpiece, while others consider it one of the worst games of the seventh generation. There seems to be no middle ground with this game. bạn either tình yêu it hoặc bạn hate it. And since it’s me we’re talking about, I absolutely tình yêu this game. I’ve been following the development of DP2, I’ve been playing the game on both 360 and Switch. I had the Whistle Theme as my ringtone for the longest time. This game is so special to me. But what is Deadly Premonition? What makes it such a strange game that people love. Well… Let’s get into it.
Deadly Premonition follows the escapades of one Francis York Morgan. But please, just call him York. That’s what everyone does. York is a very special kind of strange, yet an enticing protagonist. York does have creative detective skills and they do always lead him to the right track in a case, yet they are so unorthodox and strange, that it only makes sense for people to call him a fucking weirdo, made thêm so bởi how he can have a casual conversation with a doctor about puzzles in the room where a victims body is under autopsy, hoặc how he will just talk about weird old phim chiếu rạp like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes over and over on the awkward drive to the tiếp theo part of the case, and most importantly, will constantly interrupt conversations to badmouth the person he was just talking to right in front of them to a mysterious person named “Zach”. And yet, he always just comes off as charming. He is strange, and can even be rude with his lack of understanding of common sense, yet he never comes off as insufferable hoặc a prick about it. Maybe it’s because his odd behavior fits well in the odd setting of this game. I’d even go so far as to say his personality is charming, how he gets passionate about a good meal, how he always has these little quirks about him like smoking before a case, always wanting to be called York, his tình yêu for coffee with only milk, no sugar, his obsession with bad movies. It’s these little details to this character that just make him feel thêm like a person. Dare I say, it makes bạn feel like you’re really York (kill me). York is a weird man, but he is a charming man, if that makes sense. Kind of like the game of Deadly Premonition. This game is charming, but still so very weird. And why not have a weird and charming protagonist lead your game. But a good protagonist can only carry the story for so long. How is the story of DP?
Well… It’s Twin Peaks. Yeah, it is very much Twin Peaks. SWERY65 is a man who likes to wear his influences on his sleeve in all of his games. Spy Fiction clearly being a Metal Gear game and even Deadly Premonition 2 being less Twin Peaks and thêm True Detective. This has led to some people flat out calling this game a rip off. And while I can definitely see it, even one of the tracks in the game blatantly sounding like Laura’s Theme from Twin Peaks, I’m a firm believer in the fact that nothing is original. It’s alright to have your influences as long as bạn can add your own little touch to it. If you’re gonna rip something off, bạn may as well go all the way and try to make a “What if I made this” sort of scenario. Besides, I feel like the game is different enough with it’s plot as it goes on to differ from Twin Peaks. But the actual story of the game is a winding path of weirdness and possible curiosity. York comes to the small woodland town of Greenvale, Washington. Here, he hears of the murder of a young girl named Annah Graham, who was murdered in a ritualistic fashion and is connected to other murders around the country bởi Red Seeds. With the help of the local police force including sheriff George Woodman, and police officers Emily Wyatt and Thomas MacLaine. During his investigation as thêm victims are killed bởi the murderer, a mysterious figure known as the Raincoat Killer pursues York through the strange world of red that appears at night, and leads York to the paranormal in this case. The story is bizarre, obviously, leading to all sorts of strange creatures and stranger people. Yet, while one can argue that the story itself is insane, it never gets boring to me. It starts off pretty slow, but it starts to pick up really fast as soon as the first chapter nears the end, and York finds himself being chased bởi the Raincoat Killer while in his investigations and starts exploring the town on his own. And speaking of which, the town of Greenvale.

I don’t know how the insanely bizarre characters of Deadly Premonition 2 were not considered as crazy as these characters in Greenvale. Maybe it’s because in DP2, they were trying too hard to make them all whacky, which they certainly were strange, whereas DP was a bit more… eased into the madness. Having grown up in small towns myself, this game just gives me a really homey feel to it and it’s all thanks to the strange characters bạn meet. bạn got a store owner with her rockabilly husband, a elderly hotel owner with an insanely long bàn for no reason, the rich man of the town who always wears a gas mask and lets his assistant talk for him, ending his responses in “So says Mr. Stewart”, a gas station owner who will only talk to cops if they bribe him, a sergeant at the local junkyard who calls himself a general, an old woman walking around with a pot, a gravekeeper who has a speech impediment, and much, much more. These characters all stand out in ways that are really charming hoặc at least their one gimmick is strange enough to keep bạn interested in doing their sidequests. And like I said, growing up in small towns all my life where everyone knows everyone, this is exactly what a small town in America feels like. You’ll have those strange folk that bạn hear rumors about, but then will be shocked to hear such things, like the old woman with the pot who is always walking around with it was once the prettiest girl in her high school class hoặc how the general may have been a character in SWERY’s trước đó game, Spy Fiction. bạn really get a feeling that there's thêm to this small town than on surface level. And it adds thêm to it when bạn see the characters hurt bởi the deaths of these young girls. They aren’t just shaken bởi it, some of them are absolutely mortified. Anna’s mother has gone mad from grief, her best friend decides to stay locked up in her house out of depression, the town starts to fear for their own safety and mourn her loss. Greenvale has so much personality to it and it’s not just someone dimensional “Look at all these weirdos” kind of thing. They all have their own daily routines, they all have different relationships with other characters. Some are Những người bạn with others, some are married and have kids, some stay reclusive and away from others, and some of them are always going around the town at different points of the day. They never stay in one spot and for a game that was on one hell of a budget, just seeing that is really charming.

Unfortunately I can’t say the same for the gameplay. While I can say that the setting and the characters and even the story have so much charm to it and it makes up for the technical issues in the cutscenes and the graphics, the amount of charm in the gameplay can only help it out so much. The âm nhạc is fine, having this sort of jazzy tune to it, even distorted at points to emphasize the madness that York finds himself in during the other world sections, while also being both pretty enticing while at other times so out of place that it is hilarious. The tonal shifts caused bởi this soundtrack should drive me to an autistic rage, yet I find myself laughing from it due to the games will and determination to be crazy. But, as I stated, it can only do so much for the gameplay. One issue with the open world sections is that everything in this game is really widespread. It is a small country town and, again, very realistic to small country towns. Everything is spread out between roads and farmlands. The downside is that this is a game, not real life, and that just isn’t fun to me. Driving back and forth from grassland to grassland to reach the tiếp theo point in the story can get really tiresome. However, I personally was never bothered bởi it. Maybe it’s the charming conversations that York has with Zach about the case, about movies, about characters in the story, hoặc just about whatever strange thing comes to mind. Maybe it’s the wacky âm nhạc of York’s theme that is just so lovely that it calms my nerves. Maybe it’s the fact that seeing York crash his car at high velocity due to the buggy mechanics that leaves me laughing. Whatever it is, while I can understand the issue with this, I am not too troubled bởi it. But another issue that is hard for me to defend is the gunplay. I’ve heard rumors that SWERY never wanted to add these sections in the game but was told to bởi the publisher because Resident Evil 4 was the hottest chó cái, bitch in town at the time, so he was left with no choice. And yeah… I believe it. It’s not… terrible, but it certainly feels awkward. Like really awkward. Like it feels like how bạn would ngọn lửa, chữa cháy a gun, gamers at home. That said, I won’t deny that taking a shotgun and blowing a Shadows fucking face off in one hit isn’t the most satisfying thing ever. A feature that I did miss in DP2, not gonna lie. I also feel that these sections can go on for a bit too long. But hey, at least the levels in the shadow world change in DP1 unlike DP2 (I’ll get around to reviewing DP2 some time. That game has things that it does better and does worse than 1). The gameplay in and of itself in DP1 is awkward. Charming, and far from being absolutely god awful, but awkward. Like a little kid who is hiển thị his tình yêu for Minecraft bởi dressing up in a really bad Creeper costume. bạn wanna tell him it looks like shit and he’s probably gonna get made fun of bởi absolute degenerates, i.e. 30 năm olds on Reddit who think they’re funny, but bạn can tell he’s having fun with it… what was I talking about again? Right, DP1 gameplay. Yeah, it’s alright. Better than Godhand/10.

There’s so much thêm I wanna talk about in this game, especially involving thêm of the strange âm nhạc that can actually be really well placed at times, the story of the Raincoat Killer, and discuss the insane ending, but that would require spoilers, and while I could just leave a spoiler warning and tell people, “Go and play the game yourself”.... I’m not gonna do that. This game works better when bạn go in as blind to the twist as possible. I am not gonna be the one to tell bạn where this game's story goes, because it’s actually pretty good. hoặc at least, I remember it being good. It’s definitely not at all what I was expecting it to be, but I remember liking it despite that. So I won’t be spoiling it here for you. Instead, I’ll discuss one thing about this game. The horror aspects. Deadly Premonition is considered a horror game, and while I do tình yêu this game with all my heart, is it a horror game?... Maybe? I think. Personally, I never got scared of this game. While it is described as a survival horror, I don’t see it. Sure, the other world does look like a typical Silent đồi núi, hill setting, but those sections are so few and far between that you’ll never get the chance to let the horror set in before your back exploring the town and hearing York talk about his punk phase in high school. The amount of items bạn pick up means that you’ll never run out of ammo. You’ll also pick up thực phẩm and coffee, so you’ll never worry about needing to eat hoặc sleep in this game either. And the enemy thiết kế is just not bizarre enough to warrant any fear. There are creepy moments like the Raincoat Killer moment near the end that I refuse to describe hoặc a creepy hand just subtly hiển thị itself before disappearing, but the game just isn’t all that scary. But it most certainly has its moments. The enemies have this quick, inham movement to them. Think of the nurses' strange movements from Silent đồi núi, hill 2, but cranked up to 11 on how fast they move, almost like they have this bức ảnh speedline to their twitching. And the chó that can chase bạn at night and are just slightly faster than your car had me worrying for my life and wanting to get inside as fast as I could. And I won’t deny, the acts of how Red Trees are grown is one of the most fucking evil things I’ve ever seen in fiction. That is just horrifying. And I will say, the way the characters di chuyển and look adds to the strangeness. Look, I personally believe that the uglier a game looks, the creepier it is. That may sound strange, but think about the polygonal abstractness of the monsters from Silent Hill. If bạn could get a good look at something and if it moved well, your brain would just go, “Oh, yeah, I can make that out”. Humans have a habit of fearing the unknown. We want to know things, put logic into it, so when we see something that our brains can’t process properly, it confuses us, and it disturbs us. That’s what puts Deadly Premonition in the Uncanny Valley, a system of function where bạn see something that looks human, yet… somethings not right. Like how androids di chuyển their facial expression. They may look human, but something’s not right with their body movement, how they look at bạn with a dead gaze. And Deadly Premonition has that in spades with the janky character movements, how they can stand as stiff as a board before breaking out into full Sasquatch walk, with the strange facial expressions that range from looking like an action figure to full scale blow up dolls. It gives this game a sort of dream-like feeling to it, and it really does work in the strangeness of this game, and that’s what Deadly Premonition feels like to me. A dream.
Deadly Premonition is a really special game. bởi the time I finished it, I was already having fond memories of it, feeling nostalgic about it, despite having played it pretty recently. My first time playing Deadly Premonition was when it was released on the Switch as Deadly Premonition Origins to promote DP2. I had never played the game prior to that. My first time playing this game was back in September of 2019, not even a năm ago. And I fell in tình yêu with it immediately. I tình yêu the strange tone, I tình yêu the weird small town, I tình yêu the janky combat, I tình yêu the strange story, I tình yêu York’s weird traditions with coffee and investigating, and I even tình yêu all the ugly parts of this game. Deadly Premonition is the definition of just being a charming game. It’s not a perfect game, and I can understand people saying it’s not a good game. But I still tình yêu it, because it has charm. That’s the word of the day, people, charm. This game has charm. So much damn charm. Clear as a crisp spring morning. If I have somehow sold bạn on this game, bạn can get it right now on Switch from the Origins version, and it is on Steam right now for $25. bạn can also get it on Xbox 360 hoặc the Director’s Cut version for PS3, though được trao DP2’s story, it looks like the events in the Director’s Cut are non-canon.
Are bạn bored? Do bạn have the humor of a 10 năm old boy? Do bạn like âm nhạc that doesn't have a real point? Do bạn like âm nhạc that will make your grandma look at bạn with disappointment in her eyes!? If bạn answered yes to any of these các câu hỏi then here is a danh sách for you. Swigity Swoogity here comes âm nhạc about that booty!

Black Eye'd Peas - My Hump
Big Sean - Dance
Jason Derulo - Wiggle
Dev - Booty Bounce
Bubba Sparxxx - Mrs New Booty
I Can't Wait For The Booty (Disney/Mrs New Booty)
Under The Booty (Disney/Mrs New Booty Mashup)
John tim, trái tim - Who Booty
Ugly God - Booty From A Distance
Ugly God -...
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So, for those who are new hoặc others who may just be curious, my name is TAIKAMODO, in all huy hiệu because I LIKE YELLING, and this is how to be a good Fanpoporian!

STEP 1: Never Be Yourself, A Little Lie Goes A Long Way.

The whole point of the internet is to give bạn free reign to do whatever bạn want with no consequence. Sure, at trang chủ when bạn lied as a child mommy would pop bạn on the lip and send your new friend Kevin trang chủ early, but now both your Mommy and Kevin(R.I.P) are unable to stop you! Say you're a Brazilian model super hero spy agent actor sports ninja cowboy if bạn want, they can't...
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(Let's get this out of the way right now. If you're taking this bài viết even remotely seriously, then bạn probably aren't as smart as bạn think bạn are. Enjoy! XD)

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." -Elder Uchtdorf

The desire to create actual GOOD content though is a completely different story, it'd seem. So get out'cher popcorn, soda, and whatever the hell else humanity gives people nowadays, because I'm about to teach your pathetic lowlifes how to make a good fanpop article! ^_^

(Safety Not Guaranteed o_O)

First off, bạn need to think of a good title. Y'know,...
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I've been meaning to do this for a while. This is a countdown, meaning that number one is the best. Also, this is just my personal opinion so keep your rude các bình luận to yourself. I hope bạn like it and please tell me what bạn think.
 10. Gilda Radner. A talented lady.
10. Gilda Radner. A talented lady.
 9. Maia Morgenstern. Mother of Jesus in Passion of the Christ.
9. Maia Morgenstern. Mother of Jesus in Passion of the Christ.
 8. Robert Shaw. Ole Quint.
8. Robert Shaw. Ole Quint.
 7. Divine. tình yêu him hoặc hate him, you've got to admire his guts.
7. Divine. Love him or hate him, you've got to admire his guts.
 6. Natalie Wood. Soooo pretty! I've got a crush on her.
6. Natalie Wood. Soooo pretty! I've got a crush on her.
 5. Lionel Barrymore. A wonderful actor.
5. Lionel Barrymore. A wonderful actor.
 4. Sharon Tate. What a woman! My ultimate girl crush.
4. Sharon Tate. What a woman! My ultimate girl crush.
 3. Fred Rogers. Big part of my childhood.
3. Fred Rogers. Big part of my childhood.
 2. G.W. Bailey. Aww, tình yêu this guy!
2. G.W. Bailey. Aww, love this guy!
 1. Sal Mineo. Oh my gosh, I tình yêu tình yêu tình yêu this man! The first time I saw him was on ‘Escape from the Planet of the Apes’. I’ve been in tình yêu with him for many years. He's the stuff dreams are made of.
1. Sal Mineo. Oh my gosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this man! The first time I saw him was on ‘Escape from the Planet of the Apes’. I’ve been in love with him for many years. He's the stuff dreams are made of.
Over decades and decades and decades...and thêm decades, literature has produced so many kinds of villains, I thought I'd pick out a few types I commonly see and explain them. Some of these kind of go hand in hand. "Yo zanhar, there's a site called TV Tropes for this!" Shhhh, it's okay Imma type anyways just to defy you. (Am I a villain yet?)

The Pure Evil

As implied these guys are the ones who are evil through and through. No sympathetic background, no redeeming qualities, hell this person hoặc being doesn't even think he/she is doing the right thing. In fact depending on the villain, he/she knows...
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added by tanyya
added by tanyya
added by tanyya
posted by Directioner3300
Once there was a ghost named Specter and he was very lonely.He had no Những người bạn hoặc anymore family members.
He was really upset.So one ngày he floated outside just to have a nice look at the scenery when all of a sudden he saw another ghost.
She was floating close to Specter and Specter was very happy!
The femlae ghost introduced herself (Spirit) and Specter did the same.
They both floated around happily in the air holding hands.
Then Specter invited Spirit to his house.
After that they đã đưa ý kiến goodnight to each other and became fast friends.
The tiếp theo ngày Specter and Spirit went flaoting around at the park.When they were floating around Specter asked Spirit if she'd like to be his girlfriend.
So she yes and Specter was delighted!
So now that Specter has somebody in his life he was no longer upset hoặc lonely.He found someone who loved him.
The End
posted by slenderman777
About five years cách đây I lived downtown in a major city in the US. I've always been a night person, so I would often find myself bored after my roommate, who was decidedly not a night person, went to sleep. To pass the time, I used to go for long walks and spend the time thinking.

I spent four years like that, walking alone at night, and never once had a reason to feel afraid. I always used to joke with my roommate that even the drug dealers in the city were polite. But all of that changed in just a few phút of one evening.

It was a Wednesday, somewhere between one and two in the morning, and...
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So today we're talking about the little girls hiển thị that everyone loves. Even fat guys that eat nachos! Can I be your friend, fat guy?
ANYWAYZ, the fat guys call themselves brownies. I don't know why, cuz brownies are little Sô cô la sqaures that don't even watch little girl shows. But that's what they call themselves.
Well, not all of them are fat guys. Some are really hot guys and some are cute girls.
And anyway, it's about Twilight Fartle and her friends, Appleshit, Pinkie Piss, Flutter-oh-my, cầu vồng chó cái, bitch and Rari-pee. They go on adventures and puke on Princess Barf-estia.
added by 3xZ
posted by -SkySplitter-
Disclaimer: I didn't make any of these. Credit goes to their original creators.

1. Q. What did Người dơi say to Robin before they got in the car?

A. Get in the car

2. A visibly exhausted and distressed man walks into a bar and orders a strong drink.

"Long day?" the bartender asks.

"No, all days are 24 hours long" the man replies, amazed at how uneducated the bartender is.

3. Q. What does an Eagle and a nốt ruồi have in common?

A. They both live underground. Apart from the Eagle.

4. A con vịt, vịt walks into a bar, the bartender says, "What'll it be?" The con vịt, vịt doesn't say anything because its a duck.

5. Q. What...
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Ok, this is my first fan-fiction, no negative commments plz.

"Lock' in teh poool," Rumblfoot sadii.
"I seee it, it;s a profecy, Hollylaf sad.
"FBrumble will concour Fir and Bamble and blud will ran throug thee 4rest," Hollylaf resighted.
"Thee poo haz spoooken." Gayflyht said.
"Tall teh medisin cat! A KNEW HERU WILL BE BURN!" Rumblfuut shittad.
Add a hereo wass burned...

Teh xạ hương, húng tây of Brumble haz cume.
posted by BlondLionEzel
Plot: The plot would be the same as the Madoka Magica anime series.

Director: Micheal vịnh, bay

Scriptwriter: Ehren Kruger

Music: Steve Jablonsky (Featuring "Connect" bởi Linkin Park)

Cinematography: Amir Mokri

Editing: Paul Rubell
Roger Barton
William Goldenberg

Production Companies: Paramount Pictures
Magica Quartet

Distributed By: Paramount Pictures

Release Date: June 25th, 2016

Running Time: 170 phút

Country: United States

Budget: $230 Million


Magical Girls:

Willow Shields as Madoka Kaname
Madison Pettis as Sayaka Miki
Bailee Madison as Homura Akemi
Peyton danh sách as Mami Tomoe...
continue reading...
posted by BlondLionEzel
xin chào it's Nick here with some funny jokes :)

1. Knock Knock
Who's There?
I am the one who Knocks!

2. Why did the chicken vượt qua, cross the road?
To hiển thị that he had guts. And boy did he have guts!

3. How do bạn make Mario cry?
Make him play a Luigi game!

4. What do bạn call a giant, clumsy, atomic cá đuối, ray breathing lizard?

5. Why did the Annoying trái cam, màu da cam become so popular?
Because trái cam, màu da cam is the new Black!

6. Where did they send all of the failed Survivor people?
America's Got Talent!
posted by BlondLionEzel
Hi I'm back! And today I shall be reviewing Maleficent!

Plot: The evil Maleficent returns in this modern re-telling of Sleeping Beauty!

This movie should not have been called a "Re-Telling", it's completely different! Why did they make Maleficent the hero?! And the ending made no sense!

Score: 2/5

Music: Now I'll admit it, I thought the âm nhạc was so-so. I liked "Once Upon a Dream" was pretty good.

Score: 3/5

Characters(Heroes): I thought that Elle Fanning was adorable as Aurora. And Brenton Thwaites was a pretty good Prince Phillip. The 3 Fairy Godparents were annoying.

Score: 3/5

Characters(Villains): I thought it was an odd choice picking Angelina Jolie to play Maleficent. The odd thing was I never felt sorry for her. She curses an infant for Godzilla's sake!

Score: 1/5

Final Thoughts: If bạn are into villains being shown as heroes, this movie is for you. For anyone else, no.

Final Score: 9/20

Would I recommend it? NO
added by Simmeh