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posted by kowalskirocks14
Diseased 3
We remade the entire HQ. it took a little longer without private. I was surprised that anyone was Able to get anything done, me especially.
Everyone's faces, although, were mopey and sad all day.

The hq had been picked up, but there was still a bunch of dust. Amber and Rico headed out to. Check on the rest of the zoo.

It was just me and kowalski.

We were just about to start re-hinging the lab door when the air condition started diễn xuất up. 
It started sputtering out dust and pebbles. It blew them around wildly. Kowalski an I started to choke and gasp for breath. 
Then a bunch of water started leaking through the vent.
It really wasn't a problem, because there was barely anything coming out.

We continued working until we heard a sudden cry from out.
"RICO, WATCH OUT!" followed bởi a slam, a crash, and the sound of something puncturing skin.

Me and kowalski were out there immediately. 
What we saw was both a reliefs but a tragedy:
Amber had pinned Rico to the groin and was on too of him. There were some splinters in her face and a large cut on her left flipper. There was less damage to Rico, but he did have a black eye, ad was clearly out of breath.

Kowalski twitched at the sight.
Amber got up and walked toward them.

"oh my god, that was do close. bạn should've  seen how close I came! That board almost nailed me in The head!" she plucked a small piece of wood from her face, wincing in pain as she did it.

"what happened?" I asked, watching Rico stagger around, somewhat in shock.

"there was a huge gust of wind," amber explained, "the tower tipped over and a bunch of debris plowed hoặc way!" she panted and nodded to the galled chuông, bell tower. "Rico would've been smashed bởi the big bell, if I hadn't pushed him away. And if I hadn't ducked my head down, that wooden board, I swear, it would've killed me!"

Kowalski coughed a little. I noticed he wasn't breathing right. 

I looked around at the remaining men, and amber, on my team. Rico stumbled around, still dazed-looking, amber pried small splinters of wood from her face and left flipper, kowalski sat down, unable to breath. Then I realized something. I heard the sound of something stab skin. Nothing small like splinters of wood, I heard something large and sharp, like, like metal.

"amber, what was that sound?"

"oh, that was just kowalski coughing." she answered, putting a flipper o her face to see if she was bleeding.

"no, no. Was there anyone else with you?" I asked, scanning the place, realizing that everything was covered in debris.

"there was..." she thought a bit, "um... Marlene and shannah."

I nodded, then panicked. I ran ad dug through the debris, and amber dug with me.

"skipper?" I heard ambers weary voice, calling from the other side of a fallen tree. 
"what?" I asked, afraid to look.
"I think you, bạn might wanna... Come see this?" she sounded a bit nautious. 
I walked around the cây and dared to look.
I saw the small head of a young cáo, fox cub.
I helped amber lift the cây off shannah. I didn't wanna look, so j turned around.
"stop wimping out," amber said, bending down. "oh, good god!" she jumped back, pushing me in front of her.
"what?" I asked, A bit shaky.
"shannah... Shes dead, and-"
"and what?"
"her boy was snapped in half bởi the tree." amber sounded so disgusted.
"did the-" I didn't even wanna ask, all the gut and gore I've seen the past few months.
"no, the skin's still intact. But just pick her up, bạn can feel How limp she is."
Just then there was a fit of coughing.
I followed amber, and saw kowalski on the ground. he was thrashing and flailing like a fish, coughing and gasping for air. We could all bugs watch as he tarted sputtering and started coughing up blood. After I few seconds, felt amber hug me. I felt awkward, she being kowalski's girlfriend.
Kowalski started getting slower and quieter. 
I could hear amber's lip ram quiver and I knew she was crying. 
I finaly noticed how kowalski was holding his neck. He had bth flippers around his throat, as I'd someone was strangling him...
Someone, hoặc someTHING.
Hen he finaly became motionless and silent, amber drew away from my shoulder, and ran off crying.
Rico looked at kowalski, then me, then amber, then repeated.
I told Rico to dispose of kowalski, and then I followed amber.

In the park, amber sat under a broken bench, coddling a small bundle of red and black fur. A ball of grey and black lông, lông thú lay trembling at her side, a trail of blood coming from it's chest.
I walked up and took Atari into my arms. His wound appeared large than I had first though. There were three long gashes on his stomach, and his eye was swollen shut. His paw was bleeding also, and it looked closer. 
Atari trembled and shook in my hands.
Amber let run out of her lap, and took Atari out f my arms. I've never noticed how small and fragile and young they are. 
Amber cradled Atari and looked at him with discomfort.
"amber?" I asked, trying to maintain a soft voice.
Se looked up, and I saw the tears in her eyes.
Atari looked like he was falling asleep.
Ron looked up at me with wide and pleading eyes, just wanting me to hold her. I refused.
Amber just blankly stared at me, and I felt the dead and depressing silence, heavy on my heart.
"I... I..." I couldn't bring the words forth. Those light green eyes told me everything. She already knew, yet she was clueless. She didn't want to know, and I didn't want to tell her. So I lied.
"he's not dead," I said, looking sadly to her.
Amber's eyes widened, ad a small grin covered he face. I could swear, If bạn froze time for that one second, bạn would see her eyes glowing, her smile wide, and her tim, trái tim beaming with joy.
She stood up, almost dropping atari. I had to stop her before she discovered my lie.
"amber, stop!" I called, grim and grey, "I... I lied." I felt myself almost cry, but I was determined never to let amber see my cry.
She looked at my like I was wierd. "why?" she asked. Tears welled in her eyes. "why, skipper? How could bạn look me straight in the eyes and tell me he's dead? Atari's over there, dying! And bạn have the gut to tell me the guy I love, dead, is alive! I can't believe you! Your sick." she walked back and picked up Atari, careful not to hurt him, and carried him back into the zoo. Run looked back at me. 
"oh fine!" I said, gently picking up the little red panda. She was so light, and I noticed almost all of one of her ears was gone. Something must have attacked her.

Diseased 4
(dont worry, it mat seem like the end, but there's much thêm to come!)
Back in the zoo, I see Rico and amber rounded up the survivors. There were thêm than I expected.
I was relieved to see Marlene, holding one arm, it must've been broken. Mason and Phil, relatively unharmed, Atari, amber an Rico. Mort and Maurice, no julien. I wonder if someone went canibal on him? There was max, and a few other strays. And randy had made it, also. Burt and Roy were missing, so
I assume they didn't make it. And that's everyone. 

We all pitched in and rebuilt the survivors habitats, one bởi one, to the best of our abilities. I took a head count when we were in our hq. Rico and amber and me, crushed, mentally and physically. I turned the news on, and it was happening everywhere. Freak tornadoes and hurricanes. And an infectious disease going viral. That must be what killed private. All of a sudden, the tv went out, the lights and water, too.
"oh..." amber sighed, "here we go again!" 
I was begging to feel it was an appocyptic setting.
One lighting fixture fell, almost crushing the life out of me.
Amber, Rico, and I ran for the table. We huddle under there.
Amber hugged Rico, and I could tell he felt awkward. I decided to take charge, like I should have a long time ago. 
In the swirling winds of chaos inside hq, I grabbed amber bởi the shoulders. I knew it would be hard for her to hear, the wind howling, and everything breaking and crashing and banging.
"amber, listen to me, kowalski and private may be dead, the world might end soon, we might all be doomed, but at least we're together. Better to die with family and fiends than alone." she stated at me.
"then I guess this is goodbye?" she asked, a single năm running down her cheek.
"yes," I said.
I don't want to admit, but I needed something nice to say about amber, and took out a secret I've always kept from her.
"amber, even though your a girl, and I always put bạn down for it, I've alway thought bạn exceed my expectations. bạn smart, strong, funny and know how to make everyone have a good time. I... I..." I didn't have anymore to say, so I defied kowalski's trust in me. He's dead anyway, so? "I... I guess I tình yêu you..." 
She seemed shocked. I turned to Rico.
"Rico. That gut of your alway gets us out of a jam! I don't so much tình yêu you, as I think of bạn as a brother!" I looked to the ground, and closed my eyes for a silent moment.
"skipper?" amber sounded sad and distressed, "I know I defy bạn a lot, and make rude comments. Sometimes I even try to kill bạn in your sleep-"
"what?" how did I never notice this?
"listen! But, even though I act like I hate you, I dont. I really think of bạn as... As... A dad. One that doesn't hate me. One that actually COUNTS me at all. And even though I don't tình yêu you..." she kinda trailed off.
"aww come one, i lied about loving you!" I complained.
She smiled, and the mood got a little brighter. Then the ground rumbled. It cracked all around us.
"this is it..." amber said. 
The three of us huddle in a group hug, waiting for the end.

The floor started falling, Nd our peice of concrete fell. We were in complete darkness. This was the end...

Diseased 5
(if bạn can't tell, amber is narrating this chapter)
The darkness was cold an damp. The three of us were separated in the darkness. I landed in water, struggling to swim to the surface. "Rico? Skipper?" I called. My voice echoed in the cavernous place. My eyes adjusted to the darknessn, and I saw what I believed I be a light at the end of a long tunnel. Problem was, there were a bunch of rocks In the way, and eventually it dropped straight off. And I didn't have a raft. I looked around for resources, all there was were rocks. And if I sailed on a rock, I'd sink like a.... Well, rock! I'm a penguin, anyway, so I swam. 

I swerved in and out of rocks, flowing with the water. Then I came to the drop. It looked to be at least 150 ft. And the water at the bottom was pitch black, with sharp and jagged rocks poking out. And even worse: the current was pushing me right towards it.

I had very little time to think, joule I trust the seemingly calm waters not to pound me on the stalagmites, hoặc do I swim against the current and risk drowning in the deep parts of this fast current?

I decided to swim with the current. I floated on my back and let the small waves carry me.

When I felt the water and gravity start pulling me downward, I close my eyes tight, preparing for the worst. Instead I started choking on water. And after a couple giây of water, I guess I was so weak I fainted.

Then I woke up and opened my eyes to. Bright light, immidiatly shutting them again.
I heard dr. Blowhole's voice, "amber?" did he jut call me bởi my real name?

I opened my eyes and saw blinding light again.
"amber! What is a pengoo-in doing here? At a time like now?"

I looked around. All bloqhole's machines were broken.

"BLOWHOLE? your the one behind this? Is this how bạn take over the world? Send an apocalypse? bạn know you'll just-"
"it's not me!" he put his arms up as If I was a cop with a gun. 
"then, then?" I stammered.
"I promise you. If is absolutely NOT ME." 
I stood up, and felt all the blood in my body rush from my head, flowing through my arms and legs and torso.
"wha? What- how did bạn find me?" I asked.
"you washed up, passed out, bởi the sewer"he answered. 

I felt my forehead. There was a cloth wrapped around my head. There was a sharp pain in my right flipper. I looked at it. I gasped when I saw that half my arm was missing, replaced bởi a metal structure, shaped like my wing bone.
I started panicking and breathing hard. 
"what? How? Why? When? Where?" 
Blowhole grabbed my shoulders. "calm Down. It's only a prosthetic! And bạn can't start to breath weird, I had to fix your lungs and the metal Is still kinda hard."
I stared, beak open. "what happened to my lungs?" I said, my voice high and shrill.
"when bạn crashed into the water, bạn landed and hit your head on a few rocks. There was a large crack in your skull and your neck was crushed, with a gash exposing a lot of your bone."
I knew I woul be dead bởi now, of it really happened.
"how did bạn fix me?" I hoped I wasn't bothering him with all my questions, and I felt awkward anyway.
"I kinda had to replace your he..." he trailed off, not wanting my to hear the rest.
I grabbed his arm and bent I behind his back.
"listen up, bottlenose! I have a right to know what bạn did to me! Im very gratefull bạn saved me but how? I want to know what bạn had to replace!" and I regretted that statement ever since.
His answer? This: "your not really a person. Your tim, trái tim is a battery, your lungs are a generator and your brain is a computer chip. I lied, bạn were completely ripped apart when I watched bạn crash into those rocks. The rock in there have the blood and organs to prove it. The flat one has your stomach smeared all over it.
I felt like throwing up, but oddly enough, I couldn't even swallow. I must've been damaged bad.
Then I remembered skipper and Rico.
"SKIPPER! RICO! Where are they?" I blurted.
"I can fid them." blowhole smiled willingly. I could see his eyes were bloodshot, and every now and then he sneezed.
"oh no..." I groaned.
"have bạn been... sick lately?"
Blowhole seemed creeped out now. "yeah, why?"
"not again..."
And without another word there was a spark of light, and a small crash. A whiting sound came from my chest, where my lungs would be. I felt a little drowsy. I tried to fight it, but my eyes started closing, and I couldn't feel anything, but a heavy, dark feeling.

(I chose to put all these chapter together because I wrot them all within a four giờ period. It may not be that gory, but in a few chapter to come it will get SERIOUSLY gross. Just a heads up, someone may rip someone else' heads off...)
posted by 67Dodge
The Kid limped weakly and sat down, sweating as his tim, trái tim was still racing, he then whimpered lightly at his leg as he held it up and cringed his eyes and clenched his beak, turning away as he pulled the Bones back into place and hissing in pain, he then grabbed a nearby garment, fortunately, a splint, that he attached securely to his leg: tight enough for the healing process, loose enough for blood flow. 

"I am not a crook~" The Kid sighed, grabbing a bottle of painkillers and swallowing four without water. 

The Kid then chuckled lightly at his trước đó statement. 

"I'm not a crook... But...
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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
 Steve flies on the trapeze in attempt to save Cat
Steve flies on the trapeze in attempt to save Cat
Voltaire takes a bow as audience applauds
Voltaire: Why thank you! Thank bạn all! Y'all are too kind! (To cast) So, wasn't that an amazing song hoặc what?
Steve: Bravo! I'd applaud you, but my hands are tied to the back of my chair!
Voltaire: Ah yes. I tied bạn all in the dark so bạn don't miss a một phút of my show!
Josh: We don't want to see your hiển thị anymore! We want our Những người bạn back now!
Voltaire: Quiet you! Now watch to see if they can escape their acts before I lead them to their doom! (Chuckles)
Mr. Travis: What are bạn gonna do to them?!
Voltaire: I'm glad you've asked! I will shoot boom balloons...
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posted by 67Dodge
"King Dewey just got killed bởi the Kid, as great as it is knowing that a mob boss has fallen, it's now all the thêm crucial that we catch him, if he dispenses all the other mob bosses here, lord knows what he aims to strike next, the Imperial Treasury? The Emperor's seat? I fear the fate of the Empire lies in our care Skipper," đã đưa ý kiến Hannah glumly.

"Indeed, and Kowalski and Private were taken up, the child's too young to be in such a state, and Kowalski's brain, if he were to unlock it, he'd unleash an unscaled amount of devastation across the world..." đã đưa ý kiến Skipper, holding his head as he sighed. ...
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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
 Steve plays Cirqus Voltaire at the arcade
Steve plays Cirqus Voltaire at the arcade
fanpop Plays proudly presents: Voltaire's Revenge

Kendall A. Tailfin as Steve
Spongebob Squarepants as Sherlock Squarepants
Jake Long as Mr. Travis
Ke$ha Rose Sebert as Mrs. Travis
Patrick ngôi sao as Baby Junior
Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine
Gumball Watterson as Josh the arcade manager
Dr Francis Blowhole as Voltaire

Everyone takes their seats in the theater. Lights go out.
Steve comes out
Steve: Oh, hi there! How's everyone doing today? Good? Yeah me too! My name is Steve. It's summer vacation and I am on my way to the arcade! Who here likes pinball? Yeah me too! I am such a pinball geek! My...
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posted by 67Dodge
A sharp ring of a chuông, bell was heard, and in the center of the catacombs was a beam of light, concentrated on the floor. In the light, the goods were seen in clear sight: A ten-pound thùng of Alindrozin Permeas. A tall chim cánh cụt stood on it, holding a microphone firmly and shouting. 

"Start the bidding at ten thousand!" he shouted. 

As the bidding became thêm rapid and tense, Hannah, Kowalski, Skipper, and Rico found their seats in a long table, each with a numbered card, presumably for the bidding. Hannah saw the empty spot tiếp theo to her read "The King". She knew that he'd be here, as a boss never...
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posted by Skiparah
It was a dark and chilly night. The rain and wind was freezing and forced it's way into a man's soul if he wasn't careful. bạn would imagine that only a chim cánh cụt could stand freezing temperatures. Yeah, Skipper thought so too. After five phút outside he was shivering visibly and his beak was chattering. He tried to
pretend it was nothing and walk it off, but every time he moved it felt like walking with a layer of ice encasing you. Finally he stopped behind a brick tường that stood blocking most of the harsh wind and rain and slumped back against it. Something hard and cold hit...
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posted by starslight101
Chapter 4

Madi, Skipper, Private, Rico, and Kowalski ran through the forest surrounding the PC Party location. Madi took out her freeze ray.

"Can bạn make your own weapons?" Private asked.

"Yeah. And I have before. As a matter of fact, I'M the one who came up with the Stun Gun and got the idea of a Super Stunner." Madi sighed, "I'm such an idiot! Now let's go."


"We're not that far from Blowhole's HQ! If we keep going the way we're going, we'll make it." Madi jumped down from branch to branch. Scaling a cây was Kowalski's...
continue reading...
Part 3: The Wanted

Madi continued to ram into the walls of the truck.

"LET US OUT!" She yelled. She kept trying to escape ever since the General had shot her with a new invention that wasn't supposed to be finished until months later. It was called a Super Stunner, a stun gun MUCH thêm powerful than a regular stun gun. It is 10 times stronger than a regular gun. Two shots and it could kill you. One shot and bạn WANT to get shot twice! Madi thought. She took a step back and crashed into the tường again. She cried in pain and fell to the floor. Skipper was against the wall, watching...
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God, I am so sorry everyone! I havent wrote this in a month. bạn probably Mất tích interest already XD Previously on PC: The team decides to run away and run into a peculiar penguin. Who could that chim cánh cụt be? Find out next, only on starslight101 productions!
Chapter 4
"What do bạn think you're doing?" The brunette asked. She lifted up her sunglasses and stared at Skipper.
"Who are you?" Skipper asked.
"I'm not answering your câu hỏi until bạn answer mine." She đã đưa ý kiến defiantly and put her hands on her hips.
"Fine," Skipper replied, "We're going to Antarctica because...
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I knew this was going to happen....I just knew it. *facepalms*

Just so bạn know...I'm gonna put the rating at T hoặc M just to be safe. Cause...Well...You'll see.

Prussia: Kesesesesese~ I'm totally getting my cookies!

Me: No bạn are not!

Prussia: Then can I have the reader's vital regions~?

Me: Nein, but bạn can have mine.

Prussia: Okay that works. Kesesesese~ *slings me over his shoulder*

Me: Wait...If bạn do that then bạn aren't getting any cookies! Wait till I'm done verdammit!

Prussia: Nope~

Me: *says very quickly* Penguins of Madagascar and Hetalia do not belong to me. They belong to their rightful...
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posted by SgtSkipper
After finally managing to free Kaitlyn, everyone regrouped in what looked like the lobby downstairs to discuss further plans on renovating.
“There's a hole in the roof in that room upstairs” Tressa gestured at the roof, “That's why the wood was rotted, with damp”
“We'll just have to stick a bucket under it for now, it's getting too dark to be going outside” Emma sighed. “For now, we'll just have to fix everything indoors”
“It would help if we could see...” Amber replied.
“I'll see if I can find the switch” Lexii stumbled around in the dark.
“Agh!” Kaitlyn screamed abruptly....
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This story takes place shortly after the events of Portal 2 about a tháng hoặc so after Chell escaped. Spoilers ahead but not too many. Enjoy! :D

"LEEEEEEEEXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Skipper cupped his flippers around his beak and yelled her name for the 5th time. Her, Julien, Mort, and Maurice had their boom box turned all the way up and were jumping around on the bouncy.
"LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He tried again. No dice. He growled and marched over to the vong linh, vượn cáo habitat.

The âm nhạc stopped suddenly and the lemurs all stopped...
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posted by Rainbow_Cookie
Hi guys it's me Rhayne Kelson, also known as Berlin hoặc Mya! :D Anyway this fanfiction is based off the được ưa chuộng horror game Ao Oni! And HetaOni too...but anyway this will be a scary fanfiction if bạn don't like people named Steve! hoặc Englands cooking...XD but anyway enough with the Hetalia jokes, I will be nghề viết văn this mostly based off my yêu thích người hâm mộ game, HetaOni. bạn seriously need to play hoặc watch it, whatever bạn people do. Later at about Part 4, OC's will come in but because in the original, only 4 people come first, the penguins come. So Ja...Anything bạn wanna add Berlin?

Berlin: Ja....
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Heather opened the principles door, and was took bởi surprise, as Cassie hugged her tightly.

"Thank for teaching them kids a lesson." She đã đưa ý kiến gratefully. Heather just smiled in response and stared at the clock above them. It was already half way into third lesson, which made Heather wonder how her sisters had managed to stay outside here without being caught. She pointed to the clock, and the penguins' eyes widened.

"Woah, we better get to....urm, which lesson is next?" Lexi asked.

"Geography." Lily answered cheerfully, bounding towards the classroom. Geography was Lily's favourite subject,...
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It was getting darker so Skipper decided that they would start exploring the tiếp theo day.

The tiếp theo ngày came:
They were already walking an giờ in the jungle when they came across a nesting site of a long-necked herbivore
Gallis: Ooh! A Saltasaurus nesting site, I'm glad it's not a carnivore's.
Lucile: Let's check it out!
When they came to the middle they saw that one egg was already hatching.
And then came out a cute baby dinosaur and walked his first steps.
It was so cute to see its darling eyes and hear the noise he makes.
Everyone: Awww!
Then Private fainted.
Gallis: Now the mother should be coming...
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Skipper: Well that wasn't so bad.
Private(waking up): What happened?
Kowalski: We were about to crash but Gallis and Lucile managed to land us safely on the bờ biển, bãi biển of this island. But it is easy, since controling a plane is a piece of fish. Right, Gallis?
Gallis(tired out): Speak for yourself! Keeping a plane from crashing isn't as easy as bạn think! Right Lucile? Lucile?
He found out thay she was asleep on the ground and then found him falling to the ground and also falling asleep.
Private: Okay, so how about some lunch?
Ashley: Great idea, lad.
They dragged the sleepful pair aboard.
But they didn't...
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Skipper: Okay, team, pack your bags, 'cause… we … are … travelling around the world!
Everyone else: Woohoo!
Private: Skippah, do bạn mind if me and Gallis go for a walk around the zoo.
Skipper: Yeah, sure.

Private: I cant wait fo the trip! Where do bạn think we'll stop first?
Gallis: I don't know, but I hope Japan. It's long since I've tasted sushi.

Meanwhile, Julien overheard everything they đã đưa ý kiến as they walked past his habitat.
Julien: Hello, silly penguins!
Gallis: What do bạn want, King pebble-for-a-brain
Julien: It's King Julien and I demand bạn take me with bạn on your trip.
Gallis and Private:...
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Emma rushed back down to the Weapons Level and grabbed as many as possible, stuffing them in her drawstring bag as she did. In a few minutes, she walked into the lab, and looked around. In one corner of the room, was successful inventions, that didn't get used much. She smiled at the Teleportation Machine that they made about 6 years ago, when Emma first arrived at the zoo. She wandered over, and began to tìm kiếm among the inventions. She pulled out a little device that was about half the size of her flipper. The words 'Invisi-no-more' was written across the bottom. Emma grinned, and turned...
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Emma's woke up slowly, thinking about her nightmare last night. She looked around the HQ, her mind in the clouds.

I know they're never are, but I wish my nightmares were wrong sometimes, it's a right pain knowing something bad is coming. She thought, feeling exasperated. She sighed irritably and hopped out of her bunk. Ashley was already up, along with Skipper and Rico. Emma couldn't help but smile. This was probably the least crowded the HQ would be for weeks, and so she had to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Morning sis." Skipper greeted, sipping his trademark cá coffee.

"Morning Skips." Emma...
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A while later, Emma glanced at the clock and her eyes widened.

"Is it seriously 6pm?" She asked, her jaw dropping in surprise. "I've really been here 6 hours?"

"Yeah, I guess time flies when you're having fun." Marlene told her with a smile. Emma smiled back, but a little ball of worry was forming in her stomach.

"I need to go back, so we can try and free Ashley, Maurice and Julien." She realised, waving a goodbye to Marlene and sliding out of the cave. She began to walk to her own habitat, and she shivered. Because it was winter, the nights were much longer, and the sky was already a deep,...
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