Birdclan DawnClan is attacking you, BirdClan, in this forum!

ichigocat posted on Apr 30, 2010 at 09:18PM
I scratch Swanflight's stomach and then jump back.

last edited on Apr 30, 2010 at 09:46PM

Birdclan 23 các câu trả lời

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hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Swanflight lashes back with her unsheathed claws. Soon blood was coming out of Redring's nose and Swanflight's stomach.
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Anyone? Hello???
hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
runs to moonshadow and bites leg and goes to rake ear, moonshadow comes around and bites my tail. i bite her outher leg, blood is comming from her legs and my tail

hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
Whitestar rushes to Spottedstar's den. She will have to pay! Her eyes flicked around side to side in search of the powerful leader. Suddenly a reddish spot flashed in her eyes. Spottedstar! SHe raced across the the leader. However, she turned around and slashed her ear in anger. "Your clan is no more better than mine!" She hissed. "This is not an argument to be had!"
"Then why are you-?" She broke off as her den started to crackle. The den was making sounds of many pawprints up ahead. There must have been a battle on the top. Whitestar looked away and slashed Spottedstar's chest. "Thats what you get!"
hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…

hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
spottedstar crashes onto the ground not moving.
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Whitestar, are you OK?
"Yes, but the Clan isn't, get a move on, Redring!"
I jump on Swanflight, and press my paws on her stomach. She is losing breath. Then I bite her flank and get off before she can attack back.

hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
spottedstar gets up from ground and runs to Redring "get away from swanflight" moves head to swanflight"go to the medican cats den,RUN!"spottedstar turns to redring and rakes claws down her side "dont hurt our clan anymore!"
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Yowll!! Huff, huff. Never, Spottedstar! Whitestar, help!
*Swats Spottedstar's face with claws unsheathed*


hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Spottedstar does not attack back. She seems stunned.
*Moves toward Leaffrost and sneaks up on her. Bites her tail. She yowls and turns. I slash her face just in time. Then Leaffrost fell back, but still moving. Redring jumps on her and scratches her flank. I get up and run to a new warrior.*

last edited hơn một năm qua
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
*Stops in tracks as her side stings in pain where Spottedstar scratched it. I try the best I can to ignore it, and keep moving*

hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
Hello? BirdClan? Spottedstar? Where are you?
hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
*jumpes on to whitestars back and claws at her ear*
"ha ha ha! i will win this battle!"Whitestar rolls on the ground> spottedstar rolls of whitestars back and finds herself on the edg of the sky cliff whitestar smiles"are you ready to quit?"
"NEVER!" i hiss back. whitestar bites my leg and *i loose my grip on the earth and fall off the sky cliff* spottedstar lays at the sandy bottome of the sky cliff, not moving.
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
*I walk up to Spottedtstar, to make sure she is dead. she is not. I slash her flank.*

hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
No........... *cough*

*bites Spottedtsras leg*
hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
Spottedstar, leave this mark to remember! *Begins to claw spottedstar in the fank when i fall on the ground, panting, and coughing up blood*
hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
*looses a life* ( so now i have 8 ) I finish clawing Spottedstar. ( she wrigles on the ground and looses a life too )
hơn một năm qua Whitefeather said…
Spottedstar, *shakily stands up, next to the Birdclan leader* You have fought well, *cough* and we will meet again. *hiss!!!!*

Dawnclan! This battle is over! They got what they deserve! *looks suspiciously at Spottedstar, now laying on the ground, barely breathing*

Fall back! This battle is over!
hơn một năm qua ichigocat said…
big smile
hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
*stands up very shakily* i have losted 2 lives in this battle. i will never forget this. Birdclan! come!*walks to the Birdclan camp.*
hơn một năm qua SoyalaLeisu said…
*follows leader* I have been badly wounded, but I think I'm okay.
hơn một năm qua warriorpeeps said…
you need to go to whitefeathers den even if your ok, i dont want deths in this clan.