Alpha và Omega Club
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For the tiếp theo four months, Leyla and rắn độc, viper anxiously waited for any news about Humphrey. Then one ngày in early spring, they finally got it. Humphrey was finally getting out of his cast and Leyla left to go and get him. When she got there, she almost didn’t recognize him. Because he had spent so much time completely immobilized, Humphrey was being wheeled around on a large, flat cart. His lông, lông thú also hadn’t gotten much of a chance to grow back while he was in the cast, so Leyla could see his bare skin and most of his body was only covered in a very light áo, áo khoác of fur. His head was the only thing that still had a full áo, áo khoác of lông, lông thú on it.

He was also wearing some kind of special back brace that was made of a stiff piece of mesh that ran the whole length of his back and hung down around the sides of it as well, completely restricting his movement and forcing him to keep his back completely straight and the mesh allowed his lông, lông thú to continue growing back. The brace was secured around all four of his legs in a way that allowed for them to di chuyển freely, but still kept his back in a fixed position.

He was still sleeping as he was rolled out and after Leyla took him, she carefully put him and the xe đẩy, giỏ hàng in the back of the truck and headed back to her house. rắn độc, viper was anxiously waiting for them and when she heard them come through the door, she quickly slithered toward them. She was just as shocked at Humphrey’s state as Leyla had been.

“Oh my goodness,” she said. “Humphrey.”

“He’s sleeping,” Leyla said. “Let him rest. He needs it.”

“What is that thing?” rắn độc, viper asked, looking at the brace on Humphrey’s back.

“It’s a brace for his back,” Leyla replied. “It forces him to keep it straight while it heals.”

“How long does he have to wear it?”

“They told me to keep it on for about three months,” Leyla said. “His back was broken pretty bad, so it’ll take a while to heal, and he has to wear it constantly.”

Humphrey woke up a few hours later. Leyla brought him water and helped him roll over onto his stomach so that he could drink it. Humphrey was still in pain, but that was unavoidable. Eating was difficult but going to the bathroom was worse. Humphrey had no strength in his legs, so Leyla had to lift him up and place a tote underneath him.

He didn’t talk much for the first week hoặc so. The sounds he made were ones of discomfort and pain. The first tháng back with Leyla was the most difficult. Humphrey was almost completely helpless. Everything had to be done for him and his back brace was very restrictive.

bởi the end of the first month, Leyla tried getting Humphrey to stand again. His legs needed to start regaining their strength after not being used for five months. It was a difficult task for Humphrey, but Leyla was patient and he was fully committed to it. The first couple of tries failed but Leyla was there to help hold him up. They started out like this for a few days with Leyla supporting most of Humphrey’s weight and letting him put a small amount of it on his legs.

As the days passed, Leyla began supporting less and less of his weight until Humphrey was eventually able to stand on his own again, though he still needed help getting to his feet and laying back down again. Throughout his entire recovery, Humphrey never Mất tích his fun-loving, playful attitude, even if he couldn’t actually be any of those things yet and while rắn độc, viper couldn’t physically help him like Leyla, she stood bởi him as a friend and supported him the entire time. As time passed, Humphrey’s lông, lông thú slowly but surely began to grow back as well.

A couple of weeks after Humphrey was able to stand again, he and Leyla began to start slowly walking around the house. He didn’t go very far the first couple of times, but he slowly began to get his strength back and was able to take short walks around Leyla’s living room. bởi the end of the month, Humphrey was back to walking around the house and would sometimes venture into the backyard, although he still moved pretty slowly, and he had enough strength to stand up while he ate. The moment of truth came the tiếp theo week. It was finally time for his brace to come off.

Everyone had gathered in Leyla’s living room. Humphrey stood up as Leyla undid the clasps under his legs and slowly slid the brace off his back. For the first time in seven months, Humphrey could feel the cold air on his back. It was sore, but it felt good. It itched like crazy and he wanted so much to roll onto the floor and take care of it, but he knew he couldn’t and resorted to letting Leyla do it for him. He carefully stretched his back, turning it from one way to the other and let out a large sigh of relief. The tiếp theo day, Humphrey went outside and was able to lift his leg to go to the bathroom again.

Life began to return to normal after that. Humphrey’s condition continued to get better and better. Finally, eight months after he was crippled bởi Viggo, Humphrey was thêm hoặc less back to his old self. His lông, lông thú had almost completely grown back, yet he would carry visible scars from the dao, con dao wounds for the rest of his life, along with many internal scars on his Bones from the breaks and fractures. He also walked with a very noticeable limp on the leg that Viggo had snapped in half and while it would get better, it would never fully go away.

But as Humphrey’s recovery came to an end, Viggo’s final words to him echoed in his head. He began to consider the thought of returning trang chủ and making his survival known to the pack. For the tiếp theo two weeks, Humphrey considered his options, wondering if this was the best choice. He knew that once he made a decision, there would be no going back.

In the end, Humphrey decided that it no longer mattered if he stayed away from the pack. Viggo would be going after them either way and it was his job to protect them. rắn độc, viper and Leyla were shocked when they heard the news that Humphrey was leaving.

“You’re going back?” rắn độc, viper asked.

“Yeah,” Humphrey replied. “I gotta go protect my family from Viggo in whatever way I can.”

“I’m coming with you,” rắn độc, viper said.

“No,” Humphrey objected. “It’s too dangerous. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. Please, stay here with Leyla.”

“Alright,” rắn độc, viper replied, sadly.

“I’m going to miss you,” Leyla said, kneeling down and hugging Humphrey around the neck.

“Take care of her,” Humphrey told Leyla.

“I will,” she replied. “And good luck, Humphrey.”

“Bye, guys,” he said.

Humphrey smiled at rắn độc, viper and Leyla as he walked out the door and headed eastward toward his home. After seventeen years away from his family, Humphrey was finally going home. He stopped and turned around, looking back at Leyla’s house. It had served as a sort of peaceful retreat from all the bad that had happened to him since his quest to find his parents. rắn độc, viper and Leyla were such good friends, always having his back, rushing to save him when he needed them. Part of him hated to just leave like this. But he knew he had to. For Kate and his pups, although they weren’t really pups anymore. This was going to be weird. He had been away for seventeen years now and things definitely wouldn’t be like they were when he left.

Humphrey spent the tiếp theo ngày traveling due east toward the back part of the valley. He arrived around midday but stopped when he smelled something troubling. Humans, lots and lots of humans. As he carefully peered through the bushes, he caught his first view of his trang chủ in seventeen years. He could see his old den, high up on the rock, overlooking the valley below. And scattered all around the area where tons of humans. Then he spotted him. He saw Viggo and someone else standing on the rock that jutted out from his den. He was too late. Viggo had already gotten there. There weren’t any Người sói anywhere. Just humans. And then Humphrey saw something that made him proud.

Down in the valley, coming out of the forest, was Stinky, leading the pack in an all-out attack on Viggo and the other humans. Humphrey almost didn’t recognize him at first, he was so grown up. He watched as the battle progressed, impressed and proud of the leader his son had become. It wasn’t long before Viggo and the rest of the humans turned and retreated out of the valley. Humphrey smiled as he watched his son’s victory from afar. He laid around for the rest of the afternoon, simply watching everyone go about returning to normal after the battle.

As evening fell, Humphrey decided to get under way. He got up and circled around the pack, heading down to where the forest met the valley. Everyone he wanted to see first was gathered there. But as he got near the edge of the valley, he suddenly stopped. He could see Stinky, Claudette, and Runt through the trees. They all looked so different, it almost brought Humphrey to tears. They were talking with two other young Người sói he didn’t recognize. They looked a couple years younger than his pups, so he assumed they had been born not long after he left. He saw his siblings-in-law, Garth and Lilly; and his own siblings, Adam and Kenya; and even Steven. Kate was the only one who wasn’t there, but he knew she was out on patrol. He had seen her leave.

He felt nervous looking at them all. They were within yards of him and they didn’t even know it. Suddenly, Stinky’s attention broke from the conversation he was having. He began to intently sniff the air, slowly turning toward the cây line. He was now looking directly at Humphrey, although it was clear he didn’t see him. It was time. Humphrey drew in a deep breath before slowly walking toward his son. He was trang chủ at last.

As Humphrey finished his story, he looked down sadly.

“This is my fault,” he said. “I can’t help but blame myself for everything that’s happened to us.”

“I can’t help but blame bạn either, but I’m totally willing to forgive bạn for it,” Steven joked.

“Humphrey, I’m so sorry this happened to you,” Kate said.

“I’m sorry too, Kate,” Humphrey replied. “But now we need to stop Viggo and make sure that he can’t do this to anyone else.”

“What happened to rắn độc, viper and Leyla?” Kenya asked.

“Did I hear my name?”

Everyone turned to see a brightly colored snake slithering toward them.

“Viper,” Humphrey said, “what are bạn doing here?”

“No matter how much bạn want to keep me safe, I’m not leaving you,” she replied. “I owe bạn my life. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

“How did bạn find us?” he asked.

“Humphrey, I’m a viper,” she replied, smiling. “I used my pits to follow your heat signatures. For real this time. I left the ngày after bạn did and when I saw the explosion, I followed it. Then I saw your prints and I started following those. I didn’t stop until I found you.”

Humphrey smiled warmly.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here.”
Chapter 12: Truce?

A few weeks passed without any encounters with Viggo. rắn độc, viper had been traveling back and forth between the ruins of the Central Pack and the valley to spy on Viggo. She hadn’t been able to stick around for long because like Kenya had said, her vibrant màu sắc caused her to stand out thêm than she would’ve liked and Viggo was dangerously aware of his surroundings. From what little she could find out, she knew that Viggo was planning something big, but she didn’t know exactly what since she couldn’t read maps hoặc writing.

One night, Kenya was out on patrol. She was walking...
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Chapter 9: Cliffside Ambush

Everyone began to get settled and Adam started hiển thị Humphrey and rắn độc, viper through the maze inside the cliff. It was pretty dark inside for a human, but Humphrey and Adam had no problem seeing down the many tunnels and Adam knew his way around.

“We dug this out in case we were ever attacked again so we’d have a an toàn, két an toàn way to retreat without anyone knowing,” Adam explained. “Each den has a tunnel in the back that both connects the dens, and also leads into the maze.”

“So, what’s on the other side of this cliff anyway?” Humphrey asked.

“Not much, really,”...
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Chapter 5: Old Frenemies

The sun rose in the valley the tiếp theo day. bởi then, Viggo and his men had begun to once again make themselves at home. Some of the Crimson Pack had been put on border patrol, others were guarding the western Người sói with some of Viggo’s men in the western area of the territory.

By midday, Robert arrived, along with some thêm men and supplies from the base in the Northern Region. As the men began setting up, Robert approached Viggo.

"Well,” he said, “where are they?”

“Where do bạn think?” Viggo asked casually. “They’re gone.”

“You mean they escaped? Again?”...
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Chapter 3: Into the Walls of Fire

Humphrey called for a pack meeting, not even caring about the fact that he didn’t have the authority to do so, and immediately began briefing everyone on the plan to get Kenya back.

“Okay,” he said, “Viggo is most likely taking her to his main campsite, deep in the Northern Pack. We’ll take a group of around ten Người sói to go rescue her.”

“So,” Claudette said, “who’s going?”

“Kate and myself,” Humphrey replied, “plus Adam and Steven, along with Stinky and Runt and Jax and Jonas. Mick and Oscar are coming too.”

“Now you’re talking,”...
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Chapter 2: Wolfnapped

“So, how do we fight him?” Kenya asked.

“I-I don’t know,” Humphrey replied. “I honestly don’t know how I survived as long as I did against him.”

“Well, there has to be a way,” Adam said.

“Adam’s right,” Steven agreed. “Viggo may be smart, strong, but he’s not invincible. If he can be hurt, then he can be killed.”

“Now you’re speaking my language,” Mick chimed in.

“You have a point,” Humphrey said. “No matter how clever someone is, hoặc how good of a fighter they are, everyone has a weakness. That includes Viggo. We just need to find...
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Chapter 7: The một giây Battle of Jasper Park

Viggo and Robert had made themselves at trang chủ in the Western Pack. His men had long since settled in, with Viggo turning Kate and Humphrey’s old den into his own personal abode.

As Viggo and Robert were heading back up to the den, they passed bởi two men playing a simple game of chess. Robert looked at them with annoyance as he walked by.

“Chess,” he đã đưa ý kiến with a hint of disgust, “childish nonsense.”

“Never any good at it?” Viggo asked, smiling a bit.

“Why kill pieces of marble when bạn can kill Người sói instead?” Robert asked casually.

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(Decided to combine the two to make sure the bài viết was lone enough to post.)

Chapter 1: Viggo Thanatos

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Western Pack

Chapter 3: Rest and Relaxation

Chapter 4: Return of the Crimson Pack

Chapter 5: Dawn of Destruction

Chapter 6: Refugees

Chapter 7: The một giây Battle of Jasper Park

Chapter 8: Return of a Hero

Unofficial Soundtrack (to give a better sense of mood)

1. Viggo's Theme (Chapter 1: Viggo Thanatos)

2. Welcome to the Western Pack (Chapter 2: Welcome to the Western Pack)

3. Jax and Jonas (Chapter 3: Rest and Relaxation)

4. Return of the Crimson Pack (Chapter 4:...
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Note that the songs will not line up with the chapters, so don't try to read and listen because it won't line up. This is mainly to hiển thị the tone of different parts in the story, whether it be an intense battle hoặc some mysterious meeting, a relaxing calm, hoặc a sad death.

1. In the Midst of Battle (Chapter 1: A New Beginning)

2 .A New Beginning (Chapter 1: A New Beginning)

3. Rise of the Crimson Pack (Chapter 3: Rise of the Crimson Pack)

4. Hammond (Chapter 5: Captured)

5. Oscar's Rescue (Chapter 6: Oscar's Rescue)

6. The First Battle of Jasper Park (Chapter 9: The First Battle of Jasper Park)
Chapter 4: Oscar the Red Wolf

The group stopped running about halfway from the Western Pack and began discussing what to do about Oscar, the red wolf.

“What are we gonna do?” Claudette asked. “We can’t leave Oscar there to be killed bởi those wolves.”

“I agree,” Stinky replied. “But now, we can’t get close enough to him. They’ll recognize our scent.”

“Well, whatever we’re gonna do, we better do it soon,” Runt said. “The pack’s going to di chuyển on and then we won’t be able to find them again.”

“Hey,” Steven said. “Do bạn know what’s near here?”

“You got...
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Chapter 19: chó sói, sói Fight

Back at the sandstone cliffs, many, many years later, Adam had become a great leader. One of the greatest in the region, in fact. He was almost a fully grown wolf, just entering his twenties. He had led the pack for eleven years and things had been fairly peaceful since Steven left and the dens were complete.

But all of that changed one ngày when word began to spread of a human who had recently gone on a killing spree throughout Canada. However, he hadn’t been killing other humans. He had been killing wolves, wiping out entire packs. The only name he was known bởi was “The...
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added by Chidori1334
Chapter 3: Omega Hostage

Upon their return to Jasper, the group, now composed of Kyle's pack, hid just behind the tree-line, out of sight of King and his Rouge Wolves. hoặc so they thought.

As they were talking amongst themselves, trying to figure out what to do, a group of Rouge Người sói came out from nowhere and attacked the group. In the chaos, a smaller group came out from behind the bushes and kidnapped Humphrey, taking him hostage.

"Kate!" he shouted as he was being dragged away. Kate turned to see him being carried off. She went to go after him but was stopped bởi the Rouges. Their numbers...
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Chapter 3: At the Edges of the Territory

    It was early morning the tiếp theo day, and everyone was up and getting ready to go on their journey.
    "You don't have to do this, bạn know," Kate đã đưa ý kiến to Humphrey as they were about to leave.
    "Yes, I do, Kate. I have to do this," Humphrey said. "I have to know the truth."
    "Okay," she said. "I'm with bạn either way."
    It was around this time that Garth and Lilly arrived at the den.
    "We're ready," Garth said.
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Alpha and Omega: Missing Parents
by: PurpleDragon02
Special Thanks to:

Chidori1334 for support.

jhilton0907 for the idea that Humphrey was relocated as a pup.

ben15delas for support.

Chapter 1: Humphrey's Flashbacks

It was a calm ngày in Jasper Park. It was Father's ngày and Kate had everyone over to help her with her father's gift. Winston, Eve, and Tony would soon be arriving, and she needed all the help she could get. Her sister, Lilly had come, along with her husband, Garth. Kate's husband, Humphrey, was also helping bởi watching their pups to make sure they stayed out of trouble.

"Humphrey," Kate...
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added by wolfik125
Source: Assemblage
added by wolfik125
Source: Assemblage
added by katewolf22158
added by katewolf22158
Alpha và Omega