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jojumper đã đưa ý kiến về John Lasseter
hello mr lasseter. my name is athen i am 7. i'd like to bình luận on Cars2 i really like the idea of an agency with cars and i thought it was a lot thêm detailed than Cars. and i also like the bit that mater đã đưa ý kiến shoot and the thing đã đưa ý kiến shoot activated then a parachute came out. that was really funny. thanks for the movie i liked it a lot. đã đăng hơn một năm qua
jojumper đã bình luận…
Hi there, Athen is my son and wanted to say thanks for the Cars2 Movie. I think that this one will have to be a Birthday gift this năm :). hơn một năm qua
PortoCorsa đã bình luận…
Me and my son tình yêu to watch the Cars phim chiếu rạp over and over again and the Mater Toons and while watching them I get thêm and thêm Ideas of making new phim chiếu rạp hoặc Toons. Thank bạn for this. hơn một năm qua