Donna l Shaw

thành viên fanpop từ năm March 2010

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Waiting for His Return, PA
  • Favorite TV Show: hàng đầu, đầu trang favorite: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Others: Angel, The Vampire Diaries, Smallville, Once Upon A Time, General Hospital, The History Channel.
    Favorite Movie: The Police Academy Series, Halloween Series, God's Not Dead, The Twilight Saga, Spider-Man 1-3, Zorro Series, Armageddon.
    Favorite Musician: #1 - Backstreet Boys. Also: Nickelback, Pink, Linkin Park, Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Matt Redman, Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley.
    Favorite Book or Author: The Holy Bible, Nancy Drew Series, The Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries Trilogy, Harlequin/Love Inspired books.
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big smile
LightSoul99 trao các điểm thưởng cho tôi về my comments
Free props!
For being awesome! =D đã đăng hơn một năm qua
bratski2192 đã đưa ý kiến về Damon & Elena
Do bạn all think that, according to what we know and can speculate, that Damon may offer Elena the cure as a gift like he did with the chuỗi hạt, chuỗi hạt cườm in 3x01, thus causing Elena to regain her memories? Perhaps she will decide to stay a vampire, and Enzo (who could be with Sarah?) hoặc Lily takes it? đã đăng hơn một năm qua
jacky_ đã bình luận…
I don't know what to think , but the new pictures that Nina đã đăng on her Facebook page hiển thị Elena with straight hair similar to when she was human. It will be too obvious for Elena to take the cure but at the same time it's a good plot device for her to gain her memories back. That's just my opinion... I guess we have to wait and see. hơn một năm qua
jacky_ đã bình luận…
Also, do bạn guys think that there is one thêm cure? Because we learned that there are 2 prison worlds created - one for Kai and one for mama Salvatore. hơn một năm qua
delenaluv đã bình luận…
i was thinking about elena taking the cure and then going to the other prison world to get the other cure for damon so they can become human and be able to have children but then i remembered that if damon takes it he will not live long cuz of his age like katherine and i was like fuck that idea!! worse case scenario would be caroline and elena taking it cuz they wouldn't die of old age but then damon and stefan would sacrifice the women they tình yêu and i'm like fuck that idea too! i'm hoping mama salvatore as part of a redemption SL before she goes. hơn một năm qua
NCISLuverjk93 trao các điểm thưởng cho tôi về my pop quiz questions
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