Michaela Greene

thành viên fanpop từ năm March 2011

  • 26 years old
  • Bridgetown, Barbados
  • Favorite TV Show: Sonic Underground
    Favorite Book or Author: The Faraway cây
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thông tin trên tường của tôi

Lonegirl1990 đã đưa ý kiến về SonAmy
Hello Sonamy fans! I'm back after being gone for...about 3 years?! Wow! Was I ever inactive! Anyway, I spent most of my time on DeviantART and Fanfiction.net nghề viết văn thêm Sonamy stories. Plus, tomorrow is my 16th Birthday, so I'm gonna be celebrating it. đã đăng hơn một năm qua
Mykie86me đã đưa ý kiến …
Your storys are great! Im also a sonamy fan! đã đăng hơn một năm qua
Lonegirl1990 đã bình luận…
Thank you! hơn một năm qua
Lonegirl1990 đã đưa ý kiến về SonAmy
Lonegirl1990 here! I bet bạn all thought I was dead since I wasn't here for about a year. Well, that's because I've been working on a few stories. The Sonamy ones are:

A Royal Secret: Which on Fanfiction.net has OVER 100 REVIEW! WHOO-HOO!
Do bạn even Care? and I do Care My Two One Shots: On both DA and FF.net and everyone loves them saying I got a unique nghề viết văn style and...
Sonamy-I care about You...You just don't know It...: A fanfic based on the two above. That's all for now. Peace! đã đăng hơn một năm qua