thành viên fanpop từ năm October 2009

  • Favorite Movie: Cars, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Toy Story 2, The Lion King
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Dedicated Fan in 22 clubs Dedicated (22) Die-Hard Fan in 21 clubs Die-Hard (21) Fanatic in 3 clubs Fanatic (3)

thông tin trên tường của tôi

NoNoobs đã đưa ý kiến …
Lightning Red, Bambi is made a public laughing stock of Disney’s saccharine reputation because of cutesy “BIRD!” and ice skating as a fawn. We get tiếp theo to nothing of the badass adult Bambi. đã đăng hơn một năm qua
DIAMELA đã đưa ý kiến …
Hey! So happy to see bạn here again! I miss your amazing crossovers đã đăng hơn một năm qua
OnceUponASptmbr trao các điểm thưởng cho tôi về my pop quiz questions
Greetings, LightningRed ☺ Thanks so much for your awesome câu hỏi kiểm tra questions!!! I especially enjoyed the ones from the Pixar section 😃 I had to guess a lot on the threat rating assigned to each superhero in "The Incredibles," as I've only seen that film a handful of times -- I was tempted to cheat but I didn't 😇 But, that was a really interesting theme, and bạn def added some easy ones as well 👏 👏 đã đăng hơn một năm qua