cây nguyệt quế, laurel Limb

thành viên fanpop từ năm February 2012

  • Female, 76 years old
  • Rock Springs, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: KIng of Queens
    Favorite Movie: Steel Magnolias
    Favorite Musician: Adele
    Favorite Book or Author: The Help
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LaurelLimb đã đưa ý kiến về Leah Remini
I tình yêu you, Leah....I miss bạn so much on The Talk. I don't why they let bạn go, but is is not right!! That hiển thị will never be as good as when bạn were on. I tình yêu watching bạn on The King of Queen's and any other show!!! đã đăng hơn một năm qua