92 lifetime gold
Be true, be bạn
Phoebe Controll
thành viên fanpop từ năm June 2010
- Female, 28 years old
- Greensboro, North Carolina
- My Websites: Jamie38459 Spot/Club, Cool And ngẫu nhiên Moments..., My Fanfiction.net thông tin các nhân
- Favorite TV Show: Mermaid Melody, MLP:FIM, Lucky Star, Acchi Kocchi, and The Aria SeriesFavorite Movie: Bratz movie sagas(Except 4 The Slumber Party Adventures)Favorite Musician: Cascada, Kelly Clarkson, P!nk, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, Bratz, and Taylor nhanh, swiftFavorite Book or Author: The Clique novels
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Thank bạn for the add, dearie. :33
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