
thành viên fanpop từ năm April 2013

  • Female, 26 years old
  • Philippines
  • Favorite TV Show: Care Bears (80's and Unlock the Magic), MLP (G1-4), TTTE (Seasons 1-7 and Seasons 17-24)/STS, America's Funniest trang chủ Videos, etc...
    Favorite Movie: Too many to name.
    Favorite Musician: The Beatles, The Monkees, George Harrison, Michael Jackson, Rick Astley, Duran Duran, Pet cửa hàng Boys, Bee Gees, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Favorite Book or Author: No favorites. I tình yêu reading, though! :)
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Thank bạn for your great, loving friendship. đã đăng cách đây một giờ 1
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I appreciate your loving, uplifting friendship. đã đăng cách đây 13 giờ
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Thank bạn for your great, meaningful compassion. đã đăng cách đây một ngày 1