Zekrom676!! Zekrom676!! Links
From heaven and earth. (I did not create this myself but its true) Someone, @-Strawberry-hime2
3 fans
(NaruSaku poem) Sakura to Naruto
1 fan
2 fans
Some of these may be Close to being my yêu thích characters like in the Yu-Gi-Oh section which is long/that is long
1 fan
The newest Naruto Shippuden movie trailer. Watch it and see what you've got to say X3
u have to see this guys .....sasuke become a flirting guys and hinata sexy evil girl what else we wil see in this movoie (go in my gallery u will se sasuke flirt with sakura and Naruto its like this :Othis will be in the movie u have see the pic)