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Yu Kanda Câu Hỏi

People, is it just me hoặc did Kanda get even thêm dreamier [if that's even possible] after he came back?

He smiles a lot thêm now and his smile is so dreamy!~!
And he came back, even though he was free...
And he also goes to tìm kiếm for Allen Walker because his guilt won't let him die peacefully.
And he can't regenerate anymore, which means he's taking a huge risk.
CAN I SEE THE bức ảnh O_O
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Yu Kanda Các Câu Trả Lời

kandayuuslover said:
Yes, at least I belive so he became thêm mysterious and he does smile a lot thêm so yes he had indeed gotten dreamier (cant belive I actually kinda đã đưa ý kiến that seriously)
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Hattress said:
Yes! I thought that if he comes back after all that trauma with Alma he would be maybe less 'evil" (xD), but even thêm withdrawn and sad. His sudden change was a really nice surprise.
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