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added by Wolf_fan
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added by peterkia000
added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by Rennerocks
posted by craig3606
 The chó sói, sói Pack
The Wolf Pack
In Africa there has been a experiment on Người sói being transitioned to living in the jungle. There has been some Người sói that have been shot with a vaccine from when they were cubs and then released into the Wild as they became older. The vaccine was designed to make the Người sói body temperature withstand Africa’s. Stryder, Winter and Kron was left behind with five cubs after the Hyenas attacked their pack, Bitow, Dex, Gomah, Stray and including Stryder and Winter’s own cub Rosey. Stryder was the Alpha and Winter was the Omaga. If it wasn’t for the Elephants interrupting the fight none of...
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added by cgova4
added by peterkia000
added by peterkia000
added by peterkia000
added by TrueArtist
added by cgova4
added by sunsetstar
added by peterkia000