Unofficial Tv Couples Which Couples R A Good Idea?

Pick one:
Sam And Peyton- Supernatural/ OTH
Sam And Peyton-Supernatural/OTH
Dean And Peyton- Supernatural/ OTH
Dean And Peyton-Supernatural/OTH
Nate And Brooke- GG/ OTH
Nate And Brooke-GG/OTH
Lucas And Serena- OTH/ GG
Lucas And Serena-OTH/GG
Lucas And Blair- OTH/ GG
Lucas And Blair-OTH/GG
Ryan And Peyton- O. C/ OTH
Ryan And Peyton- O.C/OTH
Lucas And Chloe- OTH/ Smallvile
Lucas And Chloe-OTH/Smallvile
Lucas And Lana- OTH/ Smallvile
Lucas And Lana- OTH/Smallvile
Clark And Brooke- Smallvile/ OTH
Clark And Brooke-Smallvile/OTH
Clark And Peyton- Smallvile/ OTH
Clark And Peyton- Smallvile/OTH
Lucas And Buffy- OTH/ Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Lucas And Buffy-OTH/Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Chuck And Brooke- GG/ OTH
Chuck And Brooke-GG/OTH
Chuck and Peyton- GG/ OTH
Chuck and Peyton- GG/OTH
Ryan And Brooke- O. C/ OTH
Ryan And Brooke-O.C/OTH
Seth And Peyton- O. C/ OTH
Seth And Peyton- O.C/OTH
Nathan And Summer- OTH/ O. C
Nathan And Summer-OTH/O.C
Dean And Haley- Supernatural/ OTH
Dean And Haley-Supernatural/OTH
Nate And Peyton- GG/ OTH
Nate And Peyton-GG/OTH
Sam And Peyton- Spn/ OTH
Sam And Peyton-Spn/OTH
Dean And Chloe- Spn/ Smallvile
Dean And Chloe-Spn/Smallvile
Sam And Chloe- Spn/ OTH
Sam And Chloe-Spn/OTH
Sam And Haley- Spn/ OTH
Sam And Haley-Spn/OTH
Dean And Summer- Spn/ O. C
Dean And Summer-Spn/O.C
Sam And Sumeer- Spn/ O. C
Sam And Sumeer-Spn/O.C
Dean And Marissa- Spn/ O. C
Dean And Marissa-Spn/O.C
Dean And Brooke
Dean And Brooke
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