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Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
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This Seri chạng vạng bức ảnh might contain sitka vân sam, picea sitchensis, sitka spruce, gỗ gụ, cây gỗ gụ, mahogany, gỗ gụ cây, ponderosa, ponderosa thông, phương tây thông vàng, bò thông, ponderosa pinus, thông ponderosa, thông vàng trung quốc, thông điệp, pinus ponderosa, ponderosa pine, tây vàng pine, and bull pine.

added by twilight0girl
 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
After Daniel left I could smell the chó sói, sói pack getting closer. I hoped that Daniel was far away from here so that none could see him. Suddenly out of no where a huge russet chó sói, sói came out ready to attack. It took me a một giây to realize it was Jacob. He was ready to attack me. But why would he want to attack me? Then it hit me that Daniel's smell was here. Aka the smell that was in my room. Jacob must think I'm Daniel because Daniel's smell must be around. And Jacob would attack Daniel if he was here. But I was the one here with Daniel's scent around me.

Jacob was running like a bullet try to...
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posted by lollipopszx3
Disclaimer ;; I got this idea from Stephaniiie's-Number-1-Fan. :D

Me :: Hello everybody!

Marcus :: Why are we here?

Me :: Well... I kidnapped you...

Marcus :: Why?

Me :: Becuase... *falls to ground in pain*

Alec :: Jane... stop torturing the girl.

Jane :: The HUMAN girl. Why do we need an explaination?? I need a snack.

Me :: AHHH!!!

Alec :: *numbing Jane*

Me :: Thank bạn Alec.

Alec :: *nods*

Me :: Now... let's be mates.

Gianna :: *slaps me upside the head*

Me :: Ow... Why did I bring bạn anyways??

Gianna :: Becuase I rock.

Everyone :: *rolls eyes*

Me :: Shut up everyone!

Aro :: Young girl... please...
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 Her eyes prickled like they wanted to tear.
Her eyes prickled like they wanted to tear.
''Thankyou for joining us Miss.Swan.'' Mr.Banner raised an eyebrow,a little smug. ''Sorry.'' she mumbled. Came and sat beside me. I tasted her scent on my tongue. My throat burned the slighest bit. She opened the biology text book. ''Page, one-nineteen.'' I whispered. She looked at me. ''Thanks.'' she mumbled. Mr.Banner stareted to write on the blackboard. I knew all of this. I guessed she did to.She didn't pay any attention at all toward the teacher.She was waiting for me to say something.And so i did. I went through my head trying to find a subject to talk about....
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 7:

Edward, Neisse and I are going to my father’s house for awhile because I missed him and so did Edward and Neisse. The main reason why were going because we want to get Neisse away from all the drama and Scariness at the house from Alice and the rest. Alice has been having reasons non-stop and they are all something about me dyeing but I saved Neisse and another one saying I’m going to die and they have to go after Neisse. Those are the Vision but they changed every time we see a news one and that’s like every 5 mins.Carlise and the boys (Emmett and Jasper)...
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posted by twilighter-1
i hope Vampires really do exist, if they do, then i wish I'm in tình yêu with one who's deeply in tình yêu with me..

one who'd be fascinated to watch me sleeping,

one who doesn't have the courage to stay away from me anymore..

one who would risk everything just to make me an toàn, két an toàn again..

and lastly

One who would save me not because I'm his prey..

but because I'm his life..

( i wish!
i hope bạn like it. :)
im dreaming again.

please leave a comment
what can bạn say about it)
Chapter 20 Jacob's POV
2 day's later...

I am on my way to Bella's house used to be ours but not any thêm cause,
i cant beleave that i inprinted,and on a bloude girl he name is Erin and she's a forin exchanged student and the first time i see her i inprint,she has blue and black strecks in her blounde hair and wears punky clothes and this is going to crush bella so much and my feelings to her have changed and i hate it but when i talked to Erin we hitted it off right away and nows she's at my house with billy waiting for me to get back

I was walking in the house and Bella was smiling and looking...
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov

"Would bạn like to dance this song with me miss?" a musical voice asked

i look around and saw it was the beautiful boy

james was holdong me tighter now it was not only uncomfortable but painful

"I think bạn are hurting her maybe bạn would like to loose up a little " the boy muttered his voice was low but it was full with force

"Im not hurting her" james đã đưa ý kiến but he let me go

the boy look at my eyes
" So do bạn want to dance miss ? for me it would be an honor" he đã đưa ý kiến and smile i laugh and nodded i was too excited to speak

james just walk away rudely and then
the boy was looking at...
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Lainey Gossip has new pics of Justin Chon (Eric), Michael Welch (Mike), Christian Serratos (Angela),and Anna Kendrick (Jessica) all dressed up for their FHS Graduation!

There are also pictures of Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) at the same scene the graduation is being shot. In the novel version of Eclipse Jasper graduated the năm before (with Rosalie and Emmett) to keep up appearance that he and Rosalie were twins. Then again, he could very well just be ‘in town’ to see Alice graduate, right?

Lainey gave a bit of deets on the grad scene, and about Bella’s hair-

On Friday it was Twilight...
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I starting nghề viết văn this story a while cách đây and stopped to write something else but I have started it again. If bạn haven't read Chapter 1-4 here is the link. If bạn like them, I will be posting Chapters on my spot so tham gia if bạn want to continue reading.

Link to an bài viết with Chapters 1-4:

Link to my spot:

[/b]End of Chapter 4[/b]

“What can we do?” Grandma Esme asked. She didn’t want a fight and that was quite clear.
“Why don’t we do what we planned to do before?” Uncle Emmett responded. “Why don’t we just fight them?”...
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Jake's POV

School was so boring,me and Quil where walking to are locker's when kẹo Ling a blounde who was really tall who had blue stripes in her hair,who quil used to go out with but dumped when he became a wolf, came up to us
"waz up candy?"quil asked her i was getting my stubid books
"i was wondering if bạn wanted to go to the last dance f the year...with me?"she asked him,i chuckled and turned around they were both glaring at me
"what and bạn giggling about?"she asked me rudly she was raising her eye brows
"nothing"i đã đưa ý kiến and smiled at Quil
'sorry im not going...i have a party to go too"he...
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Edwards pov when he meets with the voltri...

I could here the sound oof a guffaw, unbelievebly loud yet tinkely and high-pitched. Aro.
"EDWARD!!! What a delight to see you, bạn HAVE decided to tham gia us, bạn know, your gift
will be very useful in our hands. we can try to persue it even futher, ot that is possible,
oh!!, this is just wonderful!!" Aro beamed at me, his beauty was something not even rosalie,
who was one of the most bewitching vampirs in the coven, could perfect. All around, bạn could
see that the Voltri was royalty, the most powerful ma cà rồng in the whole existance of our species.
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Not mine ^_^

hàng đầu, đầu trang Ten Reasons to Be Team Switzerland-

1. Got a need for speed? They are both fast!

2. bạn can hunt wild game with Edward and play wild games with Jake.

3. bạn can go wherever bạn want when bạn ngày both: Forks and Quileute territory.

4. bạn can take Edward trang chủ to meet your parents and have fun with Jacob on the side.

5. bạn can be reckless with Jacob and Edward will make sure that you're safe.

6. Because bạn shouldn't have to choose between a Greek god look~alike and a hot, half naked guy.

7. Jacob can fix your car and Edward can buy a new one if Jacob can't fix it.

8. Because sometimes bạn need an air conditioner, and sometimes bạn need a không gian heater.

9. Who says bạn can't have the best of both worlds? They're both drop dead gorgeous.

10. Because bạn refuse to be affected bởi territorial disputes between mythical creatures.
Later... i took bella trang chủ with vickie's gifts. vickie feel asleep on the way trang chủ bella put vickie in her new giường while i put the stuff in her room and set up the lung lay, swing set!
bella was asleep when i came back in on the đi văng i carried her up to giường charlie was still at work at,something must be up so, i called Carlisle
"hello?"he siad
"has there been anything strange going in around town besides these killing's?"i asked him
"um...edward."he đã đưa ý kiến
"tell me"i demanded
"three ma cà rồng are around and they are not like us."he đã đưa ý kiến
"why didnt bạn tell me?"i demanded
"cuz bạn were...
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 charlie&edward's gift
charlie&edward's gift
Today was vickie's birthday,bella the past few day's has been tired and she fell asleep in class i watched her and when the teacher was coming around the room i woke her up she đã đưa ý kiến vickie keeps her up.
Now we were at her house it was 10:30am and her mom will be here anytime,bella was praticly jumping up and down getting vickie dressed and then she seen the car arrive and her tim, trái tim rate went up even highier
"bella calm down"i đã đưa ý kiến smiling at her"want to to walk down the stairs with vickie so bạn don't fall?"i asked her she can be guit clumy's sometimes
"thank you"she đã đưa ý kiến and she hand's me vickie...
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Chapter 19: Honorary chó sói, sói (Nessie's POV)

    The sun streamed into the open flap of the tent reflecting off of me and Jake’s skin sending prisms of color swirling around us. We had been laying in a contented silence for the past giờ just trying to bọc our heads around the fact that we were able to be here together without a worry. It amazed me how even after all of the drama that had unfolded in our lives over the past couple of weeks we could still fall right back into place as though nothing had happened. I was even thêm grateful than I had been for each moment that...
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Chapter 4: Nature

As I had expected, Bella demanded a meeting with my family shortly after our incident with the dog in the parking lot. Luckily, I had seen this coming (confirmed bởi Alice, of course), and had gotten to my family first. I had convinced them all that Bella’s change could not happen while she was in a state of panic. Giving up your mortality was not a decision to take lightly, and doing it because bạn are afraid is not the right decision. They agreed with me wholeheartedly, and I was grateful.

The meeting itself had gone quickly, each of my family members telling Bella why she...
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posted by Gabstaaa
Ok. So i am only 13 so i know it's not that good :D

‘Yes’, I wanted to say. I couldn’t. I didn’t think I could. I didn’t know where I was hoặc even who I was. The burning had stopped a couple of hours cách đây but I was still in shock. The whole time I had been willing for death, wanting it to end. I screamed and screamed but death didn’t take me. It was torture. How could someone put me through that? What had I ever done? I always did well at school and had superb marks, I helped out the next-door neighbours and I even had a part time job at the old folks home. But when...
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Another long one for bạn guys. I decided to break the story up in chapters so bạn guys can keep track of the story with the actual book! ^_^

When I arrived at Charlie’s, Bella was asking permission to go to La Push. Charlie’s thoughts were ecstatic that she was finally going to be talk to Jake. He didn’t care that it was the middle of the night. Quicker than a human eye could detect, I opened the mui xe of Bella’s truck, and quickly incapacitated it. I hopped in the passenger’s ghế, chỗ ngồi and waited in the dark. It was cloudy tonight. Too cloudy for even the moon to shine through. I was rather...
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